Browsing '2012': Students starting in 2012

Memory pools and Artificial Intelligence
As I sit here on this fine friday evening with some chilinuts and a cold one I realize that I haven’t done an update for a while, mostly since I haven’t got that much going on. So in this post I will talk mostly about our previous project (Portal in 2D) and the touch briefly on what I think I’m going to do next or sometime in the future.
The past!
So It’s been about a month since the last course ended […]

Memory pools and Artificial Intelligence
As I sit here on this fine friday evening with some chilinuts and a cold one I realize that I haven’t done an update for a while, mostly since I haven’t got that much going on. So in this post I will talk mostly about our previous project (Portal in 2D) and the touch briefly on what I think I’m going to do next or sometime in the future.
The past!
So It’s been about a month since the last course ended […]

Data / Memory management
This is a post I’ve been meaning to write for a long time. I’ve had a couple of revelations when it comes to programming and thought that I should share those revelations. One of those revelations are connected to the memory management of c++ and the other is about data. Non specific data that is, but data nonetheless.
Memory management
One of the hardest things that I learned in c++ programming was the use of pointers. Now I understood early on that […]

Data / Memory management
This is a post I’ve been meaning to write for a long time. I’ve had a couple of revelations when it comes to programming and thought that I should share those revelations. One of those revelations are connected to the memory management of c++ and the other is about data. Non specific data that is, but data nonetheless.
Memory management
One of the hardest things that I learned in c++ programming was the use of pointers. Now I understood early on that […]

Analyzing: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive’s Competetive mode.
Earlier this week, we had our first real lecture in our Level Design course. In the lecture, our teacher (Ernest Adams) mentioned a couple of principles that you need to take into consideration when you are designing a game and design the levels inside the game. During the lecture, I started to thinking that I should do an analysis of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive’s competitive mode after those principles.
But before I start talking about that, you will need to understand how […]

Analyzing: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive’s Competetive mode.
Earlier this week, we had our first real lecture in our Level Design course. In the lecture, our teacher (Ernest Adams) mentioned a couple of principles that you need to take into consideration when you are designing a game and design the levels inside the game. During the lecture, I started to thinking that I should do an analysis of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive’s competitive mode after those principles.
But before I start talking about that, you will need to understand how […]
I’ve been meaning to blog something for quite some time now, but I haven’t really had the time and when I had the time I was going through some personal stuff. Basically my wife left me right before Christmas, it hasn’t been easy since then, but now I’m going to try and pick up the slack. Now that’s not what this blog is going to be about however, I want to write about a pattern that we are using in […]
I’ve been meaning to blog something for quite some time now, but I haven’t really had the time and when I had the time I was going through some personal stuff. Basically my wife left me right before Christmas, it hasn’t been easy since then, but now I’m going to try and pick up the slack. Now that’s not what this blog is going to be about however, I want to write about a pattern that we are using in […]
If it’s worth doing, it’s worth overdoing.
Hello again.I know it has been quite for some time now, but in the middle of studies, studies, canceled ferries, more studies, Christmas, working with studies during the Christmas break and even more studies, I haven’t had much chance to write here.
Anyway, lets write a blog post about programming and one of the assignments we have in that course.
Assignment 2 – Develop a game
One assignment was to develop a simple video game and write a report about it. I choose […]
If it’s worth doing, it’s worth overdoing.
Hello again.I know it has been quite for some time now, but in the middle of studies, studies, canceled ferries, more studies, Christmas, working with studies during the Christmas break and even more studies, I haven’t had much chance to write here.
Anyway, lets write a blog post about programming and one of the assignments we have in that course.
Assignment 2 – Develop a game
One assignment was to develop a simple video game and write a report about it. I choose […]
Idag är första dagen på hela kursen som jag ÄNTLIGEN sitter med en modell och animerar.Modellen är ett samarbete mellan mig och två andra tjejer, vi modellerade var sitt stycke av modellens kropp och efter sammansättningen har tjejerna skinnat och riggat …
Arbetsdag 091353
Lyckades hålla en kort presentation under dagens seminuarium. Jag lyckades hålla mig lugn och sansad fastän det jag hade att pressentera om gruppens nuvarande situation inte är den bästa. En veckas crunsh med 3D, here I come!Så jag började med nya år med …
Arbetsdag 091353
Lyckades hålla en kort presentation under dagens seminuarium. Jag lyckades hålla mig lugn och sansad fastän det jag hade att pressentera om gruppens nuvarande situation inte är den bästa. En veckas crunsh med 3D, here I come!Så jag började med nya år med …
Event System in C++
As a part of getting input into the game I’m working on for the programming course we’re taking right now, I wanted to implement some kind of event system. I come from a background in web development, working a lot with javascript and actionscript and I tend to draw inspiration from there. I always liked the flexibility and ease of use of the event handling in javascript and actionscript, and I wanted to try and do something similar with my […]
Event System in C++
As a part of getting input into the game I’m working on for the programming course we’re taking right now, I wanted to implement some kind of event system. I come from a background in web development, working a lot with javascript and actionscript and I tend to draw inspiration from there. I always liked the flexibility and ease of use of the event handling in javascript and actionscript, and I wanted to try and do something similar with my […]
Event System in C++
As a part of getting input into the game I’m working on for the programming course we’re taking right now, I wanted to implement some kind of event system. I come from a background in web development, working a lot with javascript and actionscript and I tend to draw inspiration from there. I always liked the flexibility and ease of use of the event handling in javascript and actionscript, and I wanted to try and do something similar with my […]
Event System in C++
As a part of getting input into the game I’m working on for the programming course we’re taking right now, I wanted to implement some kind of event system. I come from a background in web development, working a lot with javascript and actionscript and I tend to draw inspiration from there. I always liked the flexibility and ease of use of the event handling in javascript and actionscript, and I wanted to try and do something similar with my […]

Is the cake a lie?
Well it’s been a while! One month and three weeks to be exact, so much for regular updates…The last two weeks I’ve been working on the graduation project for the Advanced C++ cource with my classmate and friend Petter Vernersson. The assignment was to create a game that had som requierments, it has to contain some programming design patterns such as: Flyweight, MVC, Observer with a Mediator.
So two weeks […]

Is the cake a lie?
Well it’s been a while! One month and three weeks to be exact, so much for regular updates…The last two weeks I’ve been working on the graduation project for the Advanced C++ cource with my classmate and friend Petter Vernersson. The assignment was to create a game that had som requierments, it has to contain some programming design patterns such as: Flyweight, MVC, Observer with a Mediator.
So two weeks […]
Teapots and pretty lights!
I’ve recently been experimenting a lot with OpenGL as a part of an assignment in the programming course I’m taking right now. Playing around with lighting has really captivated me. I love creating visuals through code, the instant feedback that you get when the smallest code change entirely transforms the feel of a scene is simply intoxicating!
Teapots and pretty lights!
I’ve recently been experimenting a lot with OpenGL as a part of an assignment in the programming course I’m taking right now. Playing around with lighting has really captivated me. I love creating visuals through code, the instant feedback that you get when the smallest code change entirely transforms the feel of a scene is simply intoxicating!

Graphical design for web
These past weeks have been a mess. I’m studying 150% which includes the courses 3D2 – character modeling and animation, Concept sketch for 2D graphical production and graphical design for web. On top of that I got one rest assignment from the previous course ‘’Advanced game design’’, two months after I submitted my work on board game analysis and only time until 22dec to hand it in again.
So this week has been really hectic, but finally I have re-analyzed the […]

Graphical design for web
These past weeks have been a mess. I’m studying 150% which includes the courses 3D2 – character modeling and animation, Concept sketch for 2D graphical production and graphical design for web. On top of that I got one rest assignment from the previous course ‘’Advanced game design’’, two months after I submitted my work on board game analysis and only time until 22dec to hand it in again.
So this week has been really hectic, but finally I have re-analyzed the […]