Browsing '2012': Students starting in 2012
New Course!
Hi again!I’ve done it again! I’ve singed up for another course! This time, I’m working with a mate of mine, same mate with whom I wrote the thesis with!So this weeks to do list is a bit messy, I have lots of course work I need to get done as well as … – Läs hela inlägget här
New Course!
Hi again!I’ve done it again! I’ve singed up for another course! This time, I’m working with a mate of mine, same mate with whom I wrote the thesis with!So this weeks to do list is a bit messy, I have lots of course work I need to get done as well as … – Läs hela inlägget här
Pen in flames
So the blog has been revived! Woop woop! Stared to look at the Cinderela carriage and played a bit with redesigning it and so far i am having lots of fun! – Läs hela inlägget här
Pen in flames
So the blog has been revived! Woop woop! Stared to look at the Cinderela carriage and played a bit with redesigning it and so far i am having lots of fun! – Läs hela inlägget här

UE4 shuffle array by RandomStream (C++)
I was doing a blueprint room script that would randomly spawn objects in the room. One thing led to another and I needed a way to shuffle an array of spawn points for room objects randomly (preferably in blueprints), but with a specified random seed, so that I could easily find a random order that I wanted to use and stick with it. Unreal Engine 4 has a built-in array shuffle function exposed to blueprints and randomness by seed with […]

UE4 shuffle array by RandomStream (C++)
I was doing a blueprint room script that would randomly spawn objects in the room. One thing led to another and I needed a way to shuffle an array of spawn points for room objects randomly (preferably in blueprints), but with a specified random seed, so that I could easily find a random order that I wanted to use and stick with it. Unreal Engine 4 has a built-in array shuffle function exposed to blueprints and randomness by seed with […]
Thoughts on AI programming
One course that I had during this spring semester was called Game Programming V, where the main focus was on AI theory and programming.
There was a lot of new theory during this course, but it was useful nonetheless. It covered both simpler for of AI like path-finding (using A* and similar techniques) and decision trees as well as more complex forms of AI like neural networks. This is a lot to talk about in just one blog post, but if […]
Thoughts on AI programming
One course that I had during this spring semester was called Game Programming V, where the main focus was on AI theory and programming.
There was a lot of new theory during this course, but it was useful nonetheless. It covered both simpler for of AI like path-finding (using A* and similar techniques) and decision trees as well as more complex forms of AI like neural networks. This is a lot to talk about in just one blog post, but if […]
Final version of my thesis work
The final version of my thesis work (That I talked about earlier) has now been formally passed by my examiner. The feedback that I got from my examiner was mostly to clarify some things in the thesis and fix spelling and grammatical errors. One thing changed since the last post was the value of the gas resource. Previously it was valued at 1.4 minerals but in the final version it was valued at 1.6 minerals instead, with the justification being […]
Final version of my thesis work
The final version of my thesis work (That I talked about earlier) has now been formally passed by my examiner. The feedback that I got from my examiner was mostly to clarify some things in the thesis and fix spelling and grammatical errors. One thing changed since the last post was the value of the gas resource. Previously it was valued at 1.4 minerals but in the final version it was valued at 1.6 minerals instead, with the justification being […]
Overview of my thesis work
It was a while since I last wrote something here, but now I’ll write about what I did for my bachelor thesis work. My thesis was about the internal economy in RTS games; more precisely StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm. My thesis was about if you could look at cost per DPS as a way to approach game balance on.
So how did I approach this matter? As the first step of the process, I decided to break down the […]
Overview of my thesis work
It was a while since I last wrote something here, but now I’ll write about what I did for my bachelor thesis work. My thesis was about the internal economy in RTS games; more precisely StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm. My thesis was about if you could look at cost per DPS as a way to approach game balance on.
So how did I approach this matter? As the first step of the process, I decided to break down the […]
Converted to wordpress!
So the site has been converted to WordPress! What does this mean? It looks pretty much the same right? Well, apart from the blog finally being integrated with the main site, yes, however the backend is completely fresh.
At first I was reluctant to convert to WordPress. I’m quite familiar with WordPress and its functionality but in committing to this architecture you generally have to sacrifice some flexibility due to the nature of the themes. After some searching and fiddling however […]
Converted to wordpress!
So the site has been converted to WordPress! What does this mean? It looks pretty much the same right? Well, apart from the blog finally being integrated with the main site, yes, however the backend is completely fresh.
At first I was reluctant to convert to WordPress. I’m quite familiar with WordPress and its functionality but in committing to this architecture you generally have to sacrifice some flexibility due to the nature of the themes. After some searching and fiddling however […]
Project Nordic Prime – Targeting System update
Hi again! Just posting a short update on the targeting system for Project Nordic Prime. I’ve added some much needed new functionality and improved its codebase. The biggest issue right now however is the fact that movement around a targeted object does not follow the targeted circumference; still working on that. But I got basic free-aim going as well as being able to choose on a per-object basis if occlusion (objects gets hidden behind another object) should break the targetting, […]
Project Nordic Prime – Targeting System update
Hi again! Just posting a short update on the targeting system for Project Nordic Prime. I’ve added some much needed new functionality and improved its codebase. The biggest issue right now however is the fact that movement around a targeted object does not follow the targeted circumference; still working on that. But I got basic free-aim going as well as being able to choose on a per-object basis if occlusion (objects gets hidden behind another object) should break the targetting, […]
Project Nordic Prime – introduction and first Targeting System iteration
I’m beginning a new side-project codenamed Project Nordic Prime. The idea is essentially to borrow major mechanics and game systems from the Metroid Prime series and put into a fresh title. I do not expect this project to take off but rather want it as a personal learning experience. It will be used to familiarize myself with Unreal Engine 4 on an more advanced level which will be useful for future endeavours.
Instead of the more traditional sci-fi theme, Project Nordic […]
Project Nordic Prime – introduction and first Targeting System iteration
I’m beginning a new side-project codenamed Project Nordic Prime. The idea is essentially to borrow major mechanics and game systems from the Metroid Prime series and put into a fresh title. I do not expect this project to take off but rather want it as a personal learning experience. It will be used to familiarize myself with Unreal Engine 4 on an more advanced level which will be useful for future endeavours.
Instead of the more traditional sci-fi theme, Project Nordic […]
So little time so much to do
The first term has passed and I’m slowly approaching my final thesis. It has been fun and interesting to read more about animation, animate in motion builder with mo-cap data and analyze games, I also went a course in rapid prototyping which gave me new perspective in early development of games.
Less talk, More rock:
Right now I need to focus on the 3D course I’m going where we are introduced to Maxscripting, physically-based rendering, special effects and Unreal Engine4. […]
So little time so much to do
The first term has passed and I’m slowly approaching my final thesis. It has been fun and interesting to read more about animation, animate in motion builder with mo-cap data and analyze games, I also went a course in rapid prototyping which gave me new perspective in early development of games.
Less talk, More rock:
Right now I need to focus on the 3D course I’m going where we are introduced to Maxscripting, physically-based rendering, special effects and Unreal Engine4. […]
Nytt år -ny start!
Jevlar i mig vad de senaste tre månaderna har varit jobbiga!Allt från knas med familj till knas med skolan! Upptagen är bara förnamnet! Nuär det nytt år ny startKursstart idag med Ubika Spel.Titeln säger mig ingenting så vi får la se vad komma skall …
Nytt år -ny start!
Jevlar i mig vad de senaste tre månaderna har varit jobbiga!Allt från knas med familj till knas med skolan! Upptagen är bara förnamnet! Nuär det nytt år ny startKursstart idag med Ubika Spel.Titeln säger mig ingenting så vi får la se vad komma skall …