Being prepared

As this is my second blog post on the topic of play testing, I will rather focus on preparing for playtesting, than the value of playtesting itself. If you want to read about that instead, check out this post. When working on a game it is very important to be prepared for things as Alpha and Beta presentations, but also for events like playtesting sessions.
This was unfortunately not the case when we had our […]

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Program: Programming

Being prepared

As this is my second blog post on the topic of play testing, I will rather focus on preparing for playtesting, than the value of playtesting itself. If you want to read about that instead, check out this post. When working on a game it is very important to be prepared for things as Alpha and Beta presentations, but also for events like playtesting sessions.
This was unfortunately not the case when we had our […]

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Program: Programming


Hello reader 
This week I am writing about how the playtesting has affected our development of the game. 
Up to this point we have had two playtesting sessions that both have gone well. We had a good number of testers both times with a few more during the first session. Most of the feedback that we have received have been useful and some of it was a bit unclear. 
During the first playtesting we wanted to see what people generally thought of the game and what they thought of the things we had implemented at that time in the […]

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Program: Programming


Hello reader 
This week I am writing about how the playtesting has affected our development of the game. 
Up to this point we have had two playtesting sessions that both have gone well. We had a good number of testers both times with a few more during the first session. Most of the feedback that we have received have been useful and some of it was a bit unclear. 
During the first playtesting we wanted to see what people generally thought of the game and what they thought of the things we had implemented at that time in the […]

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Program: Programming

5SD064 – Game Design Blog 08/03

The effects of Playtesting
Hello yet again! This week I will be writing about the effects that the sessions of playtesting had on our game, Beelonging.
During the course we had the opportunity to let other developers from the other teams, as well as the professors at the university, play and try out our game. There were two sessions, Alpha playtesting and Beta playtesting.
The point of playtesting is to let players who have no previous experience of the game play it and […]

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Program: Game Design

5SD064 – Game Design Blog 08/03

The effects of Playtesting
Hello yet again! This week I will be writing about the effects that the sessions of playtesting had on our game, Beelonging.
During the course we had the opportunity to let other developers from the other teams, as well as the professors at the university, play and try out our game. There were two sessions, Alpha playtesting and Beta playtesting.
The point of playtesting is to let players who have no previous experience of the game play it and […]

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Program: Game Design

The Benefits of Playtesting

This week, I got the opportunity to play games made by other groups, and give my own feedback on the gaming experience. My fellow classmates also got the chance of playing the video game made by my group and give their feedback as well. This was an experience known as playtesting, and in these last two months, our class have had two playtesting classes: One for the first draft of our video game (Alpha) and one for the second draft […]

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Program: Programming

The Benefits of Playtesting

This week, I got the opportunity to play games made by other groups, and give my own feedback on the gaming experience. My fellow classmates also got the chance of playing the video game made by my group and give their feedback as well. This was an experience known as playtesting, and in these last two months, our class have had two playtesting classes: One for the first draft of our video game (Alpha) and one for the second draft […]

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Program: Programming


Playtesting is a very important part of the development step. It makes it possible to design flexible products by using the feedback gained during the development phase, in order to meet the players’ expectations. Playtesting can provide feedback for game on multiple levels; such as the game being mechanically balanced being fun or mechanics being compatible to theme. It is also good for having an outer perspective on the assets and can point to the problems that are unnoticed by the […]

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Program: Graphics


Playtesting is a very important part of the development step. It makes it possible to design flexible products by using the feedback gained during the development phase, in order to meet the players’ expectations. Playtesting can provide feedback for game on multiple levels; such as the game being mechanically balanced being fun or mechanics being compatible to theme. It is also good for having an outer perspective on the assets and can point to the problems that are unnoticed by the […]

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Program: Graphics

How has playtesting affected the development of Umibōzu?

Playtesting is definitely one of the most important components when developing a game. Not only does playtesting provide confirmation whether or not standards or goals are being met, it also exposes the developers to different insights and perspectives that would end up unheard otherwise. In the following blog entry,  I will talk about how playtesting has affected the development of our game, Umibōzu.

How did we approach the playtests?
Whenever you conduct a playtest, you have to previously think […]

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Program: Graphics

How has playtesting affected the development of Umibōzu?

Playtesting is definitely one of the most important components when developing a game. Not only does playtesting provide confirmation whether or not standards or goals are being met, it also exposes the developers to different insights and perspectives that would end up unheard otherwise. In the following blog entry,  I will talk about how playtesting has affected the development of our game, Umibōzu.

How did we approach the playtests?
Whenever you conduct a playtest, you have to previously think […]

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Program: Graphics

Comment #2

This is Guy from team Wendigo
Your post seems to cover all the bases for implementing a health bar in a game and probably would prove useful to anyone looking to do the same thing in their own game, your use of masks was fairly creative and I liked the level of detail despite the fact that you didn’t show any code.
I feel as if I must comment on the grammar and spelling. I’d hate to come off as mean, but […]

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Program: Programming

Comment #2

This is Guy from team Wendigo
Your post seems to cover all the bases for implementing a health bar in a game and probably would prove useful to anyone looking to do the same thing in their own game, your use of masks was fairly creative and I liked the level of detail despite the fact that you didn’t show any code.
I feel as if I must comment on the grammar and spelling. I’d hate to come off as mean, but […]

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Program: Programming

Post #5 – Playtesting

Since the very beginning of the ongoing course we have conducted three types of playtesting:
(a) Playtesting conducted by the members of team Siren (i.e. the developers of the game)
(b) Online playtesting (previously mentioned in this post) via this website.
(c) Course-related playtesting workshops
(a) As well as (b) has been ongoing continuously, on a daily basis and communicated to the team either (a) by the team itself or (b) via e-mails/google forms.
(c) has happened on two occasions so far, on Monday (12/2-2018) which I wrote about […]

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Post #5 – Playtesting

Since the very beginning of the ongoing course we have conducted three types of playtesting:
(a) Playtesting conducted by the members of team Siren (i.e. the developers of the game)
(b) Online playtesting (previously mentioned in this post) via this website.
(c) Course-related playtesting workshops
(a) As well as (b) has been ongoing continuously, on a daily basis and communicated to the team either (a) by the team itself or (b) via e-mails/google forms.
(c) has happened on two occasions so far, on Monday (12/2-2018) which I wrote about […]

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Using data to improve Gameplay

There have been two official playtests conducted at Uppsala University Campus Gotland for this course of Game Design 2. We have used these playtesting opportunities to great effect, and the tools that have aided us most is the fundamentals that we were taught early in the course. Using the MDA we have throughout the project tried to keep our eyes focused on our Aesthetic goals. These goals define the feelings and the experiences we want the player to have while […]

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Program: Graphics

Using data to improve Gameplay

There have been two official playtests conducted at Uppsala University Campus Gotland for this course of Game Design 2. We have used these playtesting opportunities to great effect, and the tools that have aided us most is the fundamentals that we were taught early in the course. Using the MDA we have throughout the project tried to keep our eyes focused on our Aesthetic goals. These goals define the feelings and the experiences we want the player to have while […]

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Program: Graphics


During project that we’re in, we’ve had two playtesting sessions where all the teams get together and try each other’s games. We had a survey that the participants were encouraged to fill out after they tested our game. We used the same question for both occasions in hope to see what the difference would be. On top of the survey we documented reactions and in game behaviour while they were playing.
The first session was unfortunately affected by an error that […]

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Program: Game Design


During project that we’re in, we’ve had two playtesting sessions where all the teams get together and try each other’s games. We had a survey that the participants were encouraged to fill out after they tested our game. We used the same question for both occasions in hope to see what the difference would be. On top of the survey we documented reactions and in game behaviour while they were playing.
The first session was unfortunately affected by an error that […]

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Program: Game Design

Lycanthrope: Playtesting reflection

Hello! My name is Mattias Borgqvist and I am currently working on a shoot em up game based on the concept document “A game of beelonging” by group Ouroboros.
This week I will discuss my view on how playtesting has affected our development and how we went through with the testing itself, also if I think the result from the playtesting was useful or not
So how does the playtesting affect our development? Well it gives us a good benchmark to test […]

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Program: Graphics

Lycanthrope: Playtesting reflection

Hello! My name is Mattias Borgqvist and I am currently working on a shoot em up game based on the concept document “A game of beelonging” by group Ouroboros.
This week I will discuss my view on how playtesting has affected our development and how we went through with the testing itself, also if I think the result from the playtesting was useful or not
So how does the playtesting affect our development? Well it gives us a good benchmark to test […]

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Program: Graphics


Play testing is an essential part of game design. Game design, like any other design follows a cycle of design, build, test and learn.
The never ending cycle of design
Play testing and the analysis of the observations made during it represent the last two steps in this cycle. To be able to evaluate the design decisions in the game it is important to let “outsiders” (people that are not in the development team) test the game. The reason that this is […]

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Play testing is an essential part of game design. Game design, like any other design follows a cycle of design, build, test and learn.
The never ending cycle of design
Play testing and the analysis of the observations made during it represent the last two steps in this cycle. To be able to evaluate the design decisions in the game it is important to let “outsiders” (people that are not in the development team) test the game. The reason that this is […]

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