
Hi I’m the producer and lead AI programmer on team Yggdrasil that is currently developing the game Causality.
Working with AI has been really fun and what a challenge it has been.
I will finally write about the sound manager we implemented for our AI.
It’s a simple script that created audio sources on its parent Game object and loads audio clips from the resource folder.
Multiple audio sources was necessary in order to play multiple sounds at the same time, as an example:
The […]

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Program: Game Design


Hi I’m the producer and lead AI programmer on team Yggdrasil that is currently developing the game Causality.
Working with AI has been really fun and what a challenge it has been.
I will finally write about the sound manager we implemented for our AI.
It’s a simple script that created audio sources on its parent Game object and loads audio clips from the resource folder.
Multiple audio sources was necessary in order to play multiple sounds at the same time, as an example:
The […]

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Program: Game Design

Post processing

Hello! In this short post I would like to talk a bit about post-processing and the difference it makes. So to start of I would like to say a few words about what the vision was for how the game would look.
The vision we hade for the looks of the games where a dark and gloomy styilized realism that would play out in these old bunkers. The theme was very representetive of the aesthetic of distrust, and betreyal. o aiming […]

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Program: Graphics

Post processing

Hello! In this short post I would like to talk a bit about post-processing and the difference it makes. So to start of I would like to say a few words about what the vision was for how the game would look.
The vision we hade for the looks of the games where a dark and gloomy styilized realism that would play out in these old bunkers. The theme was very representetive of the aesthetic of distrust, and betreyal. o aiming […]

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Program: Graphics

The difference between a prop and the same prop

Hi! In this post I will talk about making prop prefabs in the engine in order to make the same mesh different. This is to make a single prop look different in the game. To start of what you need is a prop that is more than one mesh, is in seperate pieces. It can be a lot of things as long as the principle is the same, a lamp and its lamp-shade, bed and a matress, or a closet […]

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Program: Graphics

The difference between a prop and the same prop

Hi! In this post I will talk about making prop prefabs in the engine in order to make the same mesh different. This is to make a single prop look different in the game. To start of what you need is a prop that is more than one mesh, is in seperate pieces. It can be a lot of things as long as the principle is the same, a lamp and its lamp-shade, bed and a matress, or a closet […]

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Program: Graphics

Week 6-9 Trailer, UI and Tutorial Design

As this is my last blog entry i wanted to summarize the last weeks of the process of Goblin Doctors.
A trailer video was needed for Gotland Game Conference, as all previous videos and pictures that I made for Goblin Doctors Facebook page had a great deal of work put into them I could not afford an exception. This time I worked together with the teams animation artist Måns Möller. He made the animations and noted camera angles while i created […]

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Program: Graphics

Week 6-9 Trailer, UI and Tutorial Design

As this is my last blog entry i wanted to summarize the last weeks of the process of Goblin Doctors.
A trailer video was needed for Gotland Game Conference, as all previous videos and pictures that I made for Goblin Doctors Facebook page had a great deal of work put into them I could not afford an exception. This time I worked together with the teams animation artist Måns Möller. He made the animations and noted camera angles while i created […]

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Program: Graphics

Eyes Align – Presenting the Game

Over several weeks, I have prepared a five minute presentation to showcase the game.
It is structured in a way to show present the audience first with the premise and story of the game, then proceeding to quickly explain the mechanics. The last part is dedicated to explain the art style with real puppets and the finale is used to tie back to the introduction.
I’ve used music and audio from the game in order to set a mood for the presentation.

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Program: Programming

Eyes Align – Presenting the Game

Over several weeks, I have prepared a five minute presentation to showcase the game.
It is structured in a way to show present the audience first with the premise and story of the game, then proceeding to quickly explain the mechanics. The last part is dedicated to explain the art style with real puppets and the finale is used to tie back to the introduction.
I’ve used music and audio from the game in order to set a mood for the presentation.

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Program: Programming


Hi I’m the producer and lead AI programmer on team Yggdrasil that is currently developing the game Causality.
Attack the world!
Our boss is no fun if the only thing he does is walking around. So in order to remedy this we tried to come up with some fun challenging attacks and patterns.
The animations where recorded in motion capture so all I had to do was write the code to make it work in game.
I used a finite state machine for all […]

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Program: Programming


Hi I’m the producer and lead AI programmer on team Yggdrasil that is currently developing the game Causality.
Attack the world!
Our boss is no fun if the only thing he does is walking around. So in order to remedy this we tried to come up with some fun challenging attacks and patterns.
The animations where recorded in motion capture so all I had to do was write the code to make it work in game.
I used a finite state machine for all […]

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Program: Programming

Win Screen

I spelet skulle vi använda oss av en vinstskärm, när spelaren vinner så ska spelet bytas till en vy där spelarna ser ett antal orcer som sjunger i kör, beroende på hur många orcer spelarna rädda kommer spelarna få olika antal vinstslut.  När denna scen var slut skulle spelaren ges alternativen att fortsätta till nästa level eller gå tillbaka till huvudmenyn. Tanken från början var att när man räddade orcen skulle orcen ställa sig upp och gå in i en […]

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Program: Programming

Win Screen

I spelet skulle vi använda oss av en vinstskärm, när spelaren vinner så ska spelet bytas till en vy där spelarna ser ett antal orcer som sjunger i kör, beroende på hur många orcer spelarna rädda kommer spelarna få olika antal vinstslut.  När denna scen var slut skulle spelaren ges alternativen att fortsätta till nästa level eller gå tillbaka till huvudmenyn. Tanken från början var att när man räddade orcen skulle orcen ställa sig upp och gå in i en […]

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Program: Programming


Efter att spelarna ha huggit av orcens skadade lem behöver spelaren bygga en protes, efter det kommer spelarna behöva sätta på en protes på orcens avhuggna kroppsdel. Innan spelarna kan sätta en protes kommer spelarna behöva skapa protes genom olika material som finns runt omkring spelarna.För denna process behövde vi skapa ett craftingsystem för spelarna. Till en början tänkte vi ha olika kombinationerna av olika material som lågt runt omkring sjuklägret, vilket skulle ge olika typer av proteser som t.ex. […]

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Program: Programming


Efter att spelarna ha huggit av orcens skadade lem behöver spelaren bygga en protes, efter det kommer spelarna behöva sätta på en protes på orcens avhuggna kroppsdel. Innan spelarna kan sätta en protes kommer spelarna behöva skapa protes genom olika material som finns runt omkring spelarna.För denna process behövde vi skapa ett craftingsystem för spelarna. Till en början tänkte vi ha olika kombinationerna av olika material som lågt runt omkring sjuklägret, vilket skulle ge olika typer av proteser som t.ex. […]

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Program: Programming


I spelet ska spelaren använda sig utav en ugn, denna ugn ska användas för att kunna värma upp en protes som läggs in i ugnen. För att kunna värma upp protes måste spelaren först värma upp ugnen och det gör spelaren genom att slänga in trä in i ugnen som sedan bränns upp automatiskt för att ge värme till ugnen. Tanken bakom varför spelaren ska behöva värma upp protesen är att protesens metalliska del ska bli så varm att den […]

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Program: Programming


I spelet ska spelaren använda sig utav en ugn, denna ugn ska användas för att kunna värma upp en protes som läggs in i ugnen. För att kunna värma upp protes måste spelaren först värma upp ugnen och det gör spelaren genom att slänga in trä in i ugnen som sedan bränns upp automatiskt för att ge värme till ugnen. Tanken bakom varför spelaren ska behöva värma upp protesen är att protesens metalliska del ska bli så varm att den […]

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Program: Programming


Spelet kommer använda sig av en isometrisk kamera vy. Eftersom spelet är ett lokalt multiplayer spelet kände vi att det var passade att använda en isometrisk kamera vy som påminner om Magicka och Diablo men med en mer inåt zoomad vy. Detta fungera bra till att både visa spelarna och miljön i spelet. Det var diskussioner angående om vi skulle ha en kamera i stil med lego harry potter, där de använder sig också av en isometrisk kamera med en […]

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Program: Programming


Spelet kommer använda sig av en isometrisk kamera vy. Eftersom spelet är ett lokalt multiplayer spelet kände vi att det var passade att använda en isometrisk kamera vy som påminner om Magicka och Diablo men med en mer inåt zoomad vy. Detta fungera bra till att både visa spelarna och miljön i spelet. Det var diskussioner angående om vi skulle ha en kamera i stil med lego harry potter, där de använder sig också av en isometrisk kamera med en […]

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Program: Programming

Characters and animations – Part 2, MakeHuman and Motionbuilder

Time to continue where we left off! We have the animations, now we just need some characters to put them on.
With the time we had for this project, and the amount of characters we wanted to have in the game it seemed unrealistic to try and make the characters ourselves. Fortunately, there is a great free software we could use to ease this process for us; MakeHuman.
With this software one could design a character to ones liking (including adding some […]

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Program: Graphics

Characters and animations – Part 2, MakeHuman and Motionbuilder

Time to continue where we left off! We have the animations, now we just need some characters to put them on.
With the time we had for this project, and the amount of characters we wanted to have in the game it seemed unrealistic to try and make the characters ourselves. Fortunately, there is a great free software we could use to ease this process for us; MakeHuman.
With this software one could design a character to ones liking (including adding some […]

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Program: Graphics

Characters and animations – Part 1, Motion capture

I have been wanting to write about this subject for a while, but had not gathered my thoughts around it enough until now since there is so many things I can say about it. I finally decided to split it into two parts, starting with motion capture.
In order to make our feel more alive we needed a lot of characters in our game. The characters we needed were split into three categories; Survivors, Rescue Workers and Civilians. The survivors are the […]

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Program: Graphics

Characters and animations – Part 1, Motion capture

I have been wanting to write about this subject for a while, but had not gathered my thoughts around it enough until now since there is so many things I can say about it. I finally decided to split it into two parts, starting with motion capture.
In order to make our feel more alive we needed a lot of characters in our game. The characters we needed were split into three categories; Survivors, Rescue Workers and Civilians. The survivors are the […]

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Program: Graphics