Browsing 'The Department': Posts from the Department of Game Design, campus Gotland


In Prosopon, the player takes control of an actor in ancient greece that has forgotten their lines. The player must determine the mood of the scene by watching the other actors, the decorations on the stage and the audience and then act out the right mood to satisfy the audience. At their disposal, the player has a Kinect camera and three physical masks which acts as input.
Determine the mood, pick a mask representing that mood and strike a pose […]

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In Prosopon, the player takes control of an actor in ancient greece that has forgotten their lines. The player must determine the mood of the scene by watching the other actors, the decorations on the stage and the audience and then act out the right mood to satisfy the audience. At their disposal, the player has a Kinect camera and three physical masks which acts as input.
Determine the mood, pick a mask representing that mood and strike a pose […]

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Warpers is a 2D casual real-time top-down shooter – created for players who have always dreamed about commanding their own spaceship.

You play as the crew of a small ship of your own creation. With the entire galaxy before you, what to do and how to do it are questions only you can answer. Will you go down in the history books as a paragon of heroism, or will your legacy be that of a notorious pirate? Only time will tell.
The […]

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Warpers is a 2D casual real-time top-down shooter – created for players who have always dreamed about commanding their own spaceship.

You play as the crew of a small ship of your own creation. With the entire galaxy before you, what to do and how to do it are questions only you can answer. Will you go down in the history books as a paragon of heroism, or will your legacy be that of a notorious pirate? Only time will tell.
The […]

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Scrap Pirates

Scrap Pirates is a metroidvania-style exploration platformer with a focus on 2-player co-op gameplay.
A crew of space pirates travel through the Old Reach, looting and salvaging scrap and valuable metals to keep afloat. There they stumble upon an abandoned terraforming vessel that disappeared without a trace long ago, a most fortuitous event!

They start exploring the interior of the vessel, using magnetic abilities to advance and help each other along the way. Something’s not quite right however, […]

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Scrap Pirates

Scrap Pirates is a metroidvania-style exploration platformer with a focus on 2-player co-op gameplay.
A crew of space pirates travel through the Old Reach, looting and salvaging scrap and valuable metals to keep afloat. There they stumble upon an abandoned terraforming vessel that disappeared without a trace long ago, a most fortuitous event!

They start exploring the interior of the vessel, using magnetic abilities to advance and help each other along the way. Something’s not quite right however, […]

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Gotland Game Conference 2015

Once a year, in Nevada, the Burning Man festival takes place. There’s a phrase that goes with it. When asked “How was the Burn?” the answer comes, “It was better next year.”
I bring this up because, every year, we have a similar ritual. At the party, we turn to each other and say: “This was a good year.” To which the comeback is, “How the hell are we going to top this?”. Sometimes there’s a shudder that goes […]

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Gotland Game Conference 2015

Once a year, in Nevada, the Burning Man festival takes place. There’s a phrase that goes with it. When asked “How was the Burn?” the answer comes, “It was better next year.”
I bring this up because, every year, we have a similar ritual. At the party, we turn to each other and say: “This was a good year.” To which the comeback is, “How the hell are we going to top this?”. Sometimes there’s a shudder that goes […]

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PC Gamer 2015 full page ad

This year we went another route with our advert. After we participated in co-founding the Higher Education Video Game Alliance in New York last autumn, and have continued to work on our new (international!) bachelor and future master degree, we felt it was time to start specifically positioning ourselves as the international choice. Here’s the ad, what do you think? Does it get the idea across?

posted in Marketing by Ulf Benjaminsson

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PC Gamer 2015 full page ad

This year we went another route with our advert. After we participated in co-founding the Higher Education Video Game Alliance in New York last autumn, and have continued to work on our new (international!) bachelor and future master degree, we felt it was time to start specifically positioning ourselves as the international choice. Here’s the ad, what do you think? Does it get the idea across?

posted in Marketing by Ulf Benjaminsson

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Alumni Days 2014

Brjann Sigurgeirsson driver spelstudion Image & Form och berättar om sin mångåriga erfarenhet som indieutvecklare. Föreläsningen ges på göteborgska.

Jens Berglind and Peter Stråhle talks about the development of Shelter 2:

Nicodemus Mattisson berättar om sina erfarenheter av att jobba som frilans och erfarenheter att ta hjälp av en agent för att söka jobb.

Alumnipanelen: en panel full med prominenta alumner som diskuterar sina erfarenheter och svarar på frågor från studenter. I år höll vi till i Studentbaren Rindi.

November 29, 2014 / Comments Off on Alumni Days 2014

Alumni Days 2014

Brjann Sigurgeirsson driver spelstudion Image & Form och berättar om sin mångåriga erfarenhet som indieutvecklare. Föreläsningen ges på göteborgska.

Jens Berglind and Peter Stråhle talks about the development of Shelter 2:

Nicodemus Mattisson berättar om sina erfarenheter av att jobba som frilans och erfarenheter att ta hjälp av en agent för att söka jobb.

Alumnipanelen: en panel full med prominenta alumner som diskuterar sina erfarenheter och svarar på frågor från studenter. I år höll vi till i Studentbaren Rindi.

November 29, 2014 / Comments Off on Alumni Days 2014

Babel registration automated!

A weekend well spent: I’ve written a plugin that eats CSV (= data directly from the sign-up page) and shits subscriptions- and author registration.
Ergo: from now on Babel registrations are largely automated. I still need to initiate the process manually (so: notify me when new students have signed up) but apart from the copy-paste from google docs everything else is handled by the plugin and – importantly – it handles them in bulk. 1 student or a 100 takes the […]

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Babel registration automated!

A weekend well spent: I’ve written a plugin that eats CSV (= data directly from the sign-up page) and shits subscriptions- and author registration.
Ergo: from now on Babel registrations are largely automated. I still need to initiate the process manually (so: notify me when new students have signed up) but apart from the copy-paste from google docs everything else is handled by the plugin and – importantly – it handles them in bulk. 1 student or a 100 takes the […]

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Spelsuccén är på väg till USA

Speldesign på Uppsala universitet Campus Gotland skördar nya framgångar.
– Det är mycket engagemang och kärlek i det här, säger David Forssell, en av spelutvecklarna.
På torsdag tävlar spelet Defunct på en stor spelmässa i USA. Bakom spelet står sju studenter på spelprogrammet på Uppsala universitet Campus Gotland.
– Så här långt har vi aldrig kommit tidigare, säger prefekten Hans Svensson och berömmer sina studenter.
Spelprogrammet har funnits på Gotland sedan 2001 men har aldrig hållit en så hög kvalitativ nivå bland studenterna, enligt den […]

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Spelsuccén är på väg till USA

Speldesign på Uppsala universitet Campus Gotland skördar nya framgångar.
– Det är mycket engagemang och kärlek i det här, säger David Forssell, en av spelutvecklarna.
På torsdag tävlar spelet Defunct på en stor spelmässa i USA. Bakom spelet står sju studenter på spelprogrammet på Uppsala universitet Campus Gotland.
– Så här långt har vi aldrig kommit tidigare, säger prefekten Hans Svensson och berömmer sina studenter.
Spelprogrammet har funnits på Gotland sedan 2001 men har aldrig hållit en så hög kvalitativ nivå bland studenterna, enligt den […]

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Sveriges Radio: Spelutvecklare i medvind på Campus Gotland

Speldesignelever från Campus Gotland har just återvänt från en stor spelmässa i Köln. Eleverna har också uppmärksammats vid stora spelmässan i Stockholm nyligen. Ett av spelen är också nominerat till utmärkelse i USA.
Jerry Jonsson som gått färdigt spelprogrammet och numera bor med familj på gotland berömmer utbildningen som en av de bredast i landet. Han är just hemkommen från Köln där han träffat 20 olika speltillverkare vid möten under två dagar för att sälja sitt och sambons spel. Och kursledningen […]

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Sveriges Radio: Spelutvecklare i medvind på Campus Gotland

Speldesignelever från Campus Gotland har just återvänt från en stor spelmässa i Köln. Eleverna har också uppmärksammats vid stora spelmässan i Stockholm nyligen. Ett av spelen är också nominerat till utmärkelse i USA.
Jerry Jonsson som gått färdigt spelprogrammet och numera bor med familj på gotland berömmer utbildningen som en av de bredast i landet. Han är just hemkommen från Köln där han träffat 20 olika speltillverkare vid möten under två dagar för att sälja sitt och sambons spel. Och kursledningen […]

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Computer Sweden: Svensktätt på GamesCOM

Europas största spelmässa Gamescom har just avslutats, den här gången med Norden som partnerregion. Det var gott om svenskar på plats och IT24 gick på fotojakt efter dem

[Svensktätt på Gamescom]
posted in Publicity by Ulf Benjaminsson

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Computer Sweden: Svensktätt på GamesCOM

Europas största spelmässa Gamescom har just avslutats, den här gången med Norden som partnerregion. Det var gott om svenskar på plats och IT24 gick på fotojakt efter dem

[Svensktätt på Gamescom]
posted in Publicity by Ulf Benjaminsson

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Swedish Game Awards 2014

The winners of the Swedish Game Awards 2014 has been announced; Defunct and Flash & Crash joins the proud lineup of awarded student projects from Campus Gotland GAME!

1st year project Flash & Crash won the audience hearts and received the Gamer’s Choice award, with the motivation:

The counting of the votes yesterday revealed a close race between two of the contestants. The winning game was instantly pleasing, fun to watch and inspired people to battle it out. […]

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Swedish Game Awards 2014

The winners of the Swedish Game Awards 2014 has been announced; Defunct and Flash & Crash joins the proud lineup of awarded student projects from Campus Gotland GAME!

1st year project Flash & Crash won the audience hearts and received the Gamer’s Choice award, with the motivation:

The counting of the votes yesterday revealed a close race between two of the contestants. The winning game was instantly pleasing, fun to watch and inspired people to battle it out. […]

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Hela Gotland: De prisades för dataspel

Två utmärkelser i Swedish Game Awards, som avgjordes på Nalen i Stockholm sent på onsdagskvällen, gick till studenter på Campus Gotland.
Spelet Defunct vann den förnämsta klassen Game of the year och Flash & Crash förärades utmärkelsen Gamers choice.
– Det kunde inte ha gått bättre, konstaterar Marcus Ingvarsson, lärare på Campus Gotlands speldesign- och grafikprogram.

[De prisades för dataspel]
posted in Publicity by Ulf Benjaminsson

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Hela Gotland: De prisades för dataspel

Två utmärkelser i Swedish Game Awards, som avgjordes på Nalen i Stockholm sent på onsdagskvällen, gick till studenter på Campus Gotland.
Spelet Defunct vann den förnämsta klassen Game of the year och Flash & Crash förärades utmärkelsen Gamers choice.
– Det kunde inte ha gått bättre, konstaterar Marcus Ingvarsson, lärare på Campus Gotlands speldesign- och grafikprogram.

[De prisades för dataspel]
posted in Publicity by Ulf Benjaminsson

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