Browsing 'Programming': Posts from Game Design and Programming

Working Arena Mode

This week have been good. I got plenty of work on the second enemy and it is all but implemented now. I also implemented a system for spawning enemies in a wave form with the order and types of enemies dictated by a pre-determined list of variables. Sadly a somewhat crude way.
The second enemy works similarly to the first which finds a player and runs towards it to attack. If no player can be spotted, it instead finds an instance […]

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Program: Programming

Working Arena Mode

This week have been good. I got plenty of work on the second enemy and it is all but implemented now. I also implemented a system for spawning enemies in a wave form with the order and types of enemies dictated by a pre-determined list of variables. Sadly a somewhat crude way.
The second enemy works similarly to the first which finds a player and runs towards it to attack. If no player can be spotted, it instead finds an instance […]

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Program: Programming

Spelprog v.2

Denna vecka har vi fått lära oss att rita ut 3D objekt! Vi har fått lära oss saker som ”Vertex, shader, buffer”.
Vertex – Vertriser, är punkter i ett objekt som har koordinater. Med vertriserna ritar  vi ut trianglar och med flera trianglar får vi ut olika 3D objekt.
Shader – När det gäller datorgrafik, är en Shader ett datorprogram som används för att göra shading: produktion av lämpliga nivåer av färg i en bild, eller, i modern tid, också att skapa specialeffekter eller […]

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Program: Programming

Spelprog v.2

Denna vecka har vi fått lära oss att rita ut 3D objekt! Vi har fått lära oss saker som ”Vertex, shader, buffer”.
Vertex – Vertriser, är punkter i ett objekt som har koordinater. Med vertriserna ritar  vi ut trianglar och med flera trianglar får vi ut olika 3D objekt.
Shader – När det gäller datorgrafik, är en Shader ett datorprogram som används för att göra shading: produktion av lämpliga nivåer av färg i en bild, eller, i modern tid, också att skapa specialeffekter eller […]

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Program: Programming

Effective day.

Been really efficient today, i got plenty of tasks done. Smaller tasks than the ones on Asana but still got them done.
First i worked on implementing the aiming system i worked on yesterday to all the spells, turns out you need to add the original position to the directional vector(times the travel distance of course) in order to find the end location for the spell. Anyways all spells now uses the object reference found in the player class as their […]

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Program: Programming

Effective day.

Been really efficient today, i got plenty of tasks done. Smaller tasks than the ones on Asana but still got them done.
First i worked on implementing the aiming system i worked on yesterday to all the spells, turns out you need to add the original position to the directional vector(times the travel distance of course) in order to find the end location for the spell. Anyways all spells now uses the object reference found in the player class as their […]

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Program: Programming

Making Enemies Appear

Today i did two things, spent 30 minutes activating the functionality for spells to use the player’s target object as goal and also move in the direction of the camera rather than the direction the player character is facing. Second i started implementing functionality for making classes which spawn enemies onto the level.
From the ground up there is first the Enemy itself which is an instance which looks for and attacks the player, this class is simply the blueprint class […]

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Program: Programming

Making Enemies Appear

Today i did two things, spent 30 minutes activating the functionality for spells to use the player’s target object as goal and also move in the direction of the camera rather than the direction the player character is facing. Second i started implementing functionality for making classes which spawn enemies onto the level.
From the ground up there is first the Enemy itself which is an instance which looks for and attacks the player, this class is simply the blueprint class […]

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Program: Programming

For all this work I should be showing more blog posts

Well, turns out i’m still lazy when it comes to blog posts, six days since the last one, bleh. At least i got work done, most of last week was spent working on the AI working out any quirks such as not returning to it’s intended spawn, attaching a hitbox to hit’s attacking claw, figuring out why it wasn’t dealing damage to the player properly, (it still misses the player twice if it lands 6 hits in a row). On […]

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Program: Programming

For all this work I should be showing more blog posts

Well, turns out i’m still lazy when it comes to blog posts, six days since the last one, bleh. At least i got work done, most of last week was spent working on the AI working out any quirks such as not returning to it’s intended spawn, attaching a hitbox to hit’s attacking claw, figuring out why it wasn’t dealing damage to the player properly, (it still misses the player twice if it lands 6 hits in a row). On […]

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Program: Programming

Spelprog v.1

Vi har fått uppgift att skapa en Linked List och Binärt Sökträd.
Linked List är:
En länkad lista är en dynamisk datastruktur som används inom programmering. Att den är dynamisk innebär att den enkelt kan öka och minska i storlek efter behov, till skillnad från till exempel en array, som har en fix storlek. I en länkad lista kan även element läggas till och tas bort i mitten.
En länkad lista innehåller noll eller flera noder. […]

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Program: Programming

Spelprog v.1

Vi har fått uppgift att skapa en Linked List och Binärt Sökträd.
Linked List är:
En länkad lista är en dynamisk datastruktur som används inom programmering. Att den är dynamisk innebär att den enkelt kan öka och minska i storlek efter behov, till skillnad från till exempel en array, som har en fix storlek. I en länkad lista kan även element läggas till och tas bort i mitten.
En länkad lista innehåller noll eller flera noder. […]

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Program: Programming

Introduction and Input Manager

Hello, my name is Linus Bjernhagen and I’m going my first year of Game Design and Programming at Uppsala University – Campus Gotland. The course I have now, Game Programming I, gives 5 points towards the project we have to do for this course if we make a blog about it with at least 5 posts.
We’re supposed to make a clone of a game from a list of 12 games. The game is to be programmed in C++ and SDL. It has […]

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Program: Programming

Introduction and Input Manager

Hello, my name is Linus Bjernhagen and I’m going my first year of Game Design and Programming at Uppsala University – Campus Gotland. The course I have now, Game Programming I, gives 5 points towards the project we have to do for this course if we make a blog about it with at least 5 posts.
We’re supposed to make a clone of a game from a list of 12 games. The game is to be programmed in C++ and SDL. It has […]

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Program: Programming

The progress of Naar

We have been proceeding with our game Naar and reaching to new places, things are going a bit slow but if we nail the mechanics and have them done before Christmas, then we can start working on making a playable demo and hopefully with an interesting narrative.
I have been writing Devblogs for Naar so I had to prioritize that, you can read more about them at our website:
However, I have been doing a lot of work with my […]

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Program: Programming

The progress of Naar

We have been proceeding with our game Naar and reaching to new places, things are going a bit slow but if we nail the mechanics and have them done before Christmas, then we can start working on making a playable demo and hopefully with an interesting narrative.
I have been writing Devblogs for Naar so I had to prioritize that, you can read more about them at our website:
However, I have been doing a lot of work with my […]

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Program: Programming

Finally, I have work to show again!

Oh it feels good to be back working in Unreal rather than grinding away at the report I’ve been doing for the last couple of  weeks. During the last two days i have been working on very simple AI behavior to use for enemies by this Friday. It’s coming along but it has had its issues.
I started by following the quick start guide from Unreal’s website, (found here: and for the last two days i have made […]

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Program: Programming

Finally, I have work to show again!

Oh it feels good to be back working in Unreal rather than grinding away at the report I’ve been doing for the last couple of  weeks. During the last two days i have been working on very simple AI behavior to use for enemies by this Friday. It’s coming along but it has had its issues.
I started by following the quick start guide from Unreal’s website, (found here: and for the last two days i have made […]

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Program: Programming

Scrap Pirates Pre-Alpha Prototype Release!

You can now download an early version of our game!
Head over to our homepage and get the latest version now!

We love feedback, it is very helpful and essential for future development of the game. If you’ve played our newest prototype, please feel free to leave us some feedback and tell us about any bugs you’ve encountered!
Hopefully some of you will playtest our game and let us stay in touch with you!
Thank you!

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Program: Programming

Scrap Pirates Pre-Alpha Prototype Release!

You can now download an early version of our game!
Head over to our homepage and get the latest version now!

We love feedback, it is very helpful and essential for future development of the game. If you’ve played our newest prototype, please feel free to leave us some feedback and tell us about any bugs you’ve encountered!
Hopefully some of you will playtest our game and let us stay in touch with you!
Thank you!

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Program: Programming

Free to play – Right and wrong

Free to play comes in different flavors and various types of games. A while ago Dungeon Keeper was released, EA got a lot of heat for their greed. An issue that has since been forgotten it seems, except for fans. Because developers seems to be on that greed train.
Before I go on, there are a couple of key terms that I need to go through. Even if these are obvious, just want to go through them so a potential reader […]

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Program: Programming

Free to play – Right and wrong

Free to play comes in different flavors and various types of games. A while ago Dungeon Keeper was released, EA got a lot of heat for their greed. An issue that has since been forgotten it seems, except for fans. Because developers seems to be on that greed train.
Before I go on, there are a couple of key terms that I need to go through. Even if these are obvious, just want to go through them so a potential reader […]

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Program: Programming

Week 2 on prototyping

We want to thank all the testers who left us feedback after trying out the first prototype! We have been looking at ways to improve on the game and are progressively working on the movement mechanic to make it feel as good as possible.
(We are also working on some very exciting changes to the magic system compared to the one in last year’s GGC-version and we’re hoping to have that implemented in a few weeks)  
Sadly for this week we […]

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Program: Programming

Week 2 on prototyping

We want to thank all the testers who left us feedback after trying out the first prototype! We have been looking at ways to improve on the game and are progressively working on the movement mechanic to make it feel as good as possible.
(We are also working on some very exciting changes to the magic system compared to the one in last year’s GGC-version and we’re hoping to have that implemented in a few weeks)  
Sadly for this week we […]

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Program: Programming