Browsing 'Programming': Posts from Game Design and Programming

GameDev Xmas Challenge – Hour 6-8: Git and procedural texture generation in C++

Back from the dead to continue on my #OneHourGameDev contribution. Been busy working on another title and fatigued from working on said title, but now I’m ready and I plan to catch up with the lost hours over the course of the next couple of days.
So what have I been up to then? First I configured and pushed my entire project to Github so that I have “checkpoints” along the way in case something goes horribly wrong. I plan to […]

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Program: Programming

GameDev Xmas Challenge – Hour 6-8: Git and procedural texture generation in C++

Back from the dead to continue on my #OneHourGameDev contribution. Been busy working on another title and fatigued from working on said title, but now I’m ready and I plan to catch up with the lost hours over the course of the next couple of days.
So what have I been up to then? First I configured and pushed my entire project to Github so that I have “checkpoints” along the way in case something goes horribly wrong. I plan to […]

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Program: Programming

Spelprog v.5

Denna vecka har vi jobbat med nätverk.
Nätverk eller nät är ett begrepp som används i många olika sammanhang. Ett nätverk är en struktur med enheter som är kopplade till varandra genom relationer och noder som tillsammans bildar ett nät. Det är vanligt att åskådliggöra nätverk i någon form av nätdiagram. I matematisk mening är nätverk i allmänhet grafer.          #Wikipedia
Saker man behöver ha i minne när man gör nätverk är: WinSock, IPAdress, Socket som är:
WinSock: I datorer är Windows Sockets API (WSA), […]

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Program: Programming

Spelprog v.5

Denna vecka har vi jobbat med nätverk.
Nätverk eller nät är ett begrepp som används i många olika sammanhang. Ett nätverk är en struktur med enheter som är kopplade till varandra genom relationer och noder som tillsammans bildar ett nät. Det är vanligt att åskådliggöra nätverk i någon form av nätdiagram. I matematisk mening är nätverk i allmänhet grafer.          #Wikipedia
Saker man behöver ha i minne när man gör nätverk är: WinSock, IPAdress, Socket som är:
WinSock: I datorer är Windows Sockets API (WSA), […]

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Program: Programming

Achievement #2

Last week I started looking at the flow of the system how it was then and how I wanted it to be. Plans are one thing, implementing the plan is another.
The initial dataflow:

What I wanted to accomplish:

The problem with redesign is that there are always some parts of the system that is overlooked in the planning phase. For instance we are using a pattern called MVC, Model – View – Controller. Which means that the model is the data model. […]

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Program: Programming

Achievement #2

Last week I started looking at the flow of the system how it was then and how I wanted it to be. Plans are one thing, implementing the plan is another.
The initial dataflow:

What I wanted to accomplish:

The problem with redesign is that there are always some parts of the system that is overlooked in the planning phase. For instance we are using a pattern called MVC, Model – View – Controller. Which means that the model is the data model. […]

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Program: Programming

GameDev Xmas Challenge – Day 5: Minor graphical updates

Five days of #OneHourGameDev done, though today I was a tad bit busy and therefore I’m late on this post
Today I started out with creating a very basic start menu. I fiddled a bit with UMG button styling but soon realized that I had to rethink how to design the buttons. I ended up with just a plain but clean solid-colored button and decided to move on to the more pressing matter of the detection of a tied game, which is […]

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Program: Programming

GameDev Xmas Challenge – Day 5: Minor graphical updates

Five days of #OneHourGameDev done, though today I was a tad bit busy and therefore I’m late on this post
Today I started out with creating a very basic start menu. I fiddled a bit with UMG button styling but soon realized that I had to rethink how to design the buttons. I ended up with just a plain but clean solid-colored button and decided to move on to the more pressing matter of the detection of a tied game, which is […]

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Program: Programming

GameDev Xmas Challenge – Day 4: Kinda winnable!

The game is winnable now! And this time I also have some screenshots.
Today I fixed the bugs and connected the last dots to make the game winnable! You can now win by taking over sections accordingly, and a placeholder message displays when a player has won. The core gameplay is now sort of complete; I still have to work on conditions for draw, both for a section and the board as a whole. There is also no way to restart […]

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Program: Programming

GameDev Xmas Challenge – Day 4: Kinda winnable!

The game is winnable now! And this time I also have some screenshots.
Today I fixed the bugs and connected the last dots to make the game winnable! You can now win by taking over sections accordingly, and a placeholder message displays when a player has won. The core gameplay is now sort of complete; I still have to work on conditions for draw, both for a section and the board as a whole. There is also no way to restart […]

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Program: Programming

GameDev Xmas Challenge – Day 3: “Almost winnable”

Hour 3 has unfolded and some more progress has been made. Again, mostly code stuff and not so much visuals however the core game is almost winnable! There is now full logic for winning a section, which means that in addition to just rows from yesterday’s progress you can now also win by columns and diagonals.
However due to an unforeseen bug (are they ever foreseeable?) I broke how sections are marked invalid which caused you to be unable to win […]

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Program: Programming

GameDev Xmas Challenge – Day 3: “Almost winnable”

Hour 3 has unfolded and some more progress has been made. Again, mostly code stuff and not so much visuals however the core game is almost winnable! There is now full logic for winning a section, which means that in addition to just rows from yesterday’s progress you can now also win by columns and diagonals.
However due to an unforeseen bug (are they ever foreseeable?) I broke how sections are marked invalid which caused you to be unable to win […]

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Program: Programming

Time for polish

A lot of stuff have happened since last blog post and at the same time, not much.
After last post last week i didn’t do much work on Naar but instead began working on a report for another course. Sadly i contacted a cold right about after last post and didn’t have any energy to do much of anything for most of the weekend, at least i got some sources. I wrote most of my report on the Monday in panic, […]

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Program: Programming

Time for polish

A lot of stuff have happened since last blog post and at the same time, not much.
After last post last week i didn’t do much work on Naar but instead began working on a report for another course. Sadly i contacted a cold right about after last post and didn’t have any energy to do much of anything for most of the weekend, at least i got some sources. I wrote most of my report on the Monday in panic, […]

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Program: Programming

Christmas Challenge – Day 1 & 2, HUD

Hello everyone, I read about a game development challenge on the Unreal Development facebook group that I found interesting and wanted to try out.
Basically it is that you set aside one hour everyday to develop a game inside Unreal Engine (this is of course optional, it could be any other engine out there including your own). For me this was a prime opportunity to yet again try to dive into the monstrous being that is Unreal Engine but this time […]

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Program: Programming

Christmas Challenge – Day 1 & 2, HUD

Hello everyone, I read about a game development challenge on the Unreal Development facebook group that I found interesting and wanted to try out.
Basically it is that you set aside one hour everyday to develop a game inside Unreal Engine (this is of course optional, it could be any other engine out there including your own). For me this was a prime opportunity to yet again try to dive into the monstrous being that is Unreal Engine but this time […]

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Program: Programming

GameDev Xmas Challenge – Day 2: System code

Another day and another hour done! Working on a fresh new project often means that you’ll spend the first half of the project coding the underlying system, so sorry in advance for the lack of cool images in this post Hopefully the time-lapse is cool enough!
Today I worked mostly on the turn-based nature of the gameplay. When a player now clicks on their chosen tile the camera moves back to viewing all sections and the next player can make […]

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Program: Programming

GameDev Xmas Challenge – Day 2: System code

Another day and another hour done! Working on a fresh new project often means that you’ll spend the first half of the project coding the underlying system, so sorry in advance for the lack of cool images in this post Hopefully the time-lapse is cool enough!
Today I worked mostly on the turn-based nature of the gameplay. When a player now clicks on their chosen tile the camera moves back to viewing all sections and the next player can make […]

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Program: Programming

GameDev Xmas Challenge – Day 1: Setup and prototyping!

A friend of mine made me aware of a post on the Unreal Engine 4 Developer Community Facebook group about a personal challenge blogged on which I saw a great opportunity and motivation to get some side-projects done! Basically the challenge is this: Develop a game for 1 hour a day until the 24th. Simple as that. The challenge isn’t something hardcore and heavily organized with prizes and stuff but it is a great little motivation […]

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Program: Programming

GameDev Xmas Challenge – Day 1: Setup and prototyping!

A friend of mine made me aware of a post on the Unreal Engine 4 Developer Community Facebook group about a personal challenge blogged on which I saw a great opportunity and motivation to get some side-projects done! Basically the challenge is this: Develop a game for 1 hour a day until the 24th. Simple as that. The challenge isn’t something hardcore and heavily organized with prizes and stuff but it is a great little motivation […]

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Program: Programming

Achievement unlocked!

The last couple of months I’ve been working on an achievement system. The goal is to sell the asset on the Unity store. There are already a few of them out there, but what we offer, we consider unique. But no development goes without a hitch and right now I’m in the middle of the biggest one. Ok, that’s a lie, it’s a big structural change in the code, that’s all, but biggest hitch sounds better 😛 .
The system itself […]

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Program: Programming

Achievement unlocked!

The last couple of months I’ve been working on an achievement system. The goal is to sell the asset on the Unity store. There are already a few of them out there, but what we offer, we consider unique. But no development goes without a hitch and right now I’m in the middle of the biggest one. Ok, that’s a lie, it’s a big structural change in the code, that’s all, but biggest hitch sounds better 😛 .
The system itself […]

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Program: Programming

Spelprog v.3-4

Vi har jobbat en hel del med kamera och textureringar.
Först om kameran. Det man kan göra med kameran nu är att gå fram och bak och åt sidorna. När man gör det så blir blocket som man ritar ut större och mindre beroende på hur nära man är.
Saker att tänka på när man håller på med kamera:

Man vill inte rita ut saker man inte ser. Scenen ska ta referens till kamera, så man tar bort saker man INTE ser. Ekvationen […]

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Program: Programming

Spelprog v.3-4

Vi har jobbat en hel del med kamera och textureringar.
Först om kameran. Det man kan göra med kameran nu är att gå fram och bak och åt sidorna. När man gör det så blir blocket som man ritar ut större och mindre beroende på hur nära man är.
Saker att tänka på när man håller på med kamera:

Man vill inte rita ut saker man inte ser. Scenen ska ta referens till kamera, så man tar bort saker man INTE ser. Ekvationen […]

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Program: Programming