Browsing 'Programming': Posts from Game Design and Programming

The virgin alpha playtest vs. the chad beta playtest

Ignore for a moment, if you will, the title that will probably be outdated by the time you read this, and listen to my small ditty about the playtests, the steps taken in both of them and the differences between the two.
For our alpha playtest, our build was rather minimal, we had 1 type of enemy, one type of power-up (which was later scrapped entirely) and randomly generated levels. It was also before we introduced the mechanics of the fog […]

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Program: Programming

The virgin alpha playtest vs. the chad beta playtest

Ignore for a moment, if you will, the title that will probably be outdated by the time you read this, and listen to my small ditty about the playtests, the steps taken in both of them and the differences between the two.
For our alpha playtest, our build was rather minimal, we had 1 type of enemy, one type of power-up (which was later scrapped entirely) and randomly generated levels. It was also before we introduced the mechanics of the fog […]

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Program: Programming

5SD064 – Blog Post 5 : Playtesting

This blog will be about playtesting and its impact on development. My perspective is that of the sole programmer for team “Troll”, working on “Depth”.
Playtesting is two-dimensional : there is an internal dimension and an external one.
Internally, group Troll playtest the game whenever I implement a considerable amount of stuff in, or at the end of each sprint. In fact, playtesting plays into our definition of “done” for artifacts. Indeed, our definition of done is that it has been playtested […]

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Program: Programming

5SD064 – Blog Post 5 : Playtesting

This blog will be about playtesting and its impact on development. My perspective is that of the sole programmer for team “Troll”, working on “Depth”.
Playtesting is two-dimensional : there is an internal dimension and an external one.
Internally, group Troll playtest the game whenever I implement a considerable amount of stuff in, or at the end of each sprint. In fact, playtesting plays into our definition of “done” for artifacts. Indeed, our definition of done is that it has been playtested […]

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Program: Programming

The impact of Playtesting

Hello everyone. Today I am writing about playtesting more specifically how playtesting has affected our development. We had two playtests one for the alpha and one for the beta. Playtesting is important because we get outside eyes to help us to see problems, bugs or game breaking tactics in the game. As the tester played our game, some members took notes of everything they noticed, i.e., how the player moves, or how they react to different encounters. After they have […]

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Program: Programming

The impact of Playtesting

Hello everyone. Today I am writing about playtesting more specifically how playtesting has affected our development. We had two playtests one for the alpha and one for the beta. Playtesting is important because we get outside eyes to help us to see problems, bugs or game breaking tactics in the game. As the tester played our game, some members took notes of everything they noticed, i.e., how the player moves, or how they react to different encounters. After they have […]

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Program: Programming

MVP, Play-Testing and Mechanix

Playtesting has impacted our development process in different ways and has stressed the importance of building towards a MVP.
For the playtesting sessions, we had set up a computer with our game, Umibozu, and after playing the game a survey followed. Naturally, we already had some idea of what the players were going to point out but many things can still be learned from it. For instance, a lot can also be learned from the player does while playing the game, […]

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Program: Programming

MVP, Play-Testing and Mechanix

Playtesting has impacted our development process in different ways and has stressed the importance of building towards a MVP.
For the playtesting sessions, we had set up a computer with our game, Umibozu, and after playing the game a survey followed. Naturally, we already had some idea of what the players were going to point out but many things can still be learned from it. For instance, a lot can also be learned from the player does while playing the game, […]

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Program: Programming

2018.03.08 – Playtesting Aesthetics V.S. Narrative Design and 3rd-party I.P.

Game concept overview
Our team had chosen a concept titled “You May Kiss the Bride” where the character got cold feet the day before the wedding. The player would then take over the commitment-phobic character and be thrown into a a nightmare. There s/he is trying to escape the commitment they were about to undertake with their significant other by running away from it just before they did their vows and making their way to the church’s exit while fighting their […]

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Program: Programming

2018.03.08 – Playtesting Aesthetics V.S. Narrative Design and 3rd-party I.P.

Game concept overview
Our team had chosen a concept titled “You May Kiss the Bride” where the character got cold feet the day before the wedding. The player would then take over the commitment-phobic character and be thrown into a a nightmare. There s/he is trying to escape the commitment they were about to undertake with their significant other by running away from it just before they did their vows and making their way to the church’s exit while fighting their […]

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Program: Programming


Welcome back readers to a new week and of course a new post!
This week is supposed to be about playtesting and feedback but since I talked about that last week I’ll just skim it over quickly and then talk about something else.
If I would look back to all the feedback I’ve gotten during playtesting there are two main reasons to why I think it’s something very important during game-making. Firstly, you will never ever find all the bugs yourself! No […]

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Program: Programming


Welcome back readers to a new week and of course a new post!
This week is supposed to be about playtesting and feedback but since I talked about that last week I’ll just skim it over quickly and then talk about something else.
If I would look back to all the feedback I’ve gotten during playtesting there are two main reasons to why I think it’s something very important during game-making. Firstly, you will never ever find all the bugs yourself! No […]

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Program: Programming

What improvments brought from playtesting

So far, we have done two times playtesting. Our team prepared different questions for both playtesting.
The first playtesting was primarily for us to find out what we might not have thought of. I can’t list all the questions here, so I chose two that I think are the most helpful for our game:
· What was your least favorite moment or interaction?
· Was there anything you wanted to do that the game didn’t allow you to do?
We got a lot of feedback […]

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Program: Programming

What improvments brought from playtesting

So far, we have done two times playtesting. Our team prepared different questions for both playtesting.
The first playtesting was primarily for us to find out what we might not have thought of. I can’t list all the questions here, so I chose two that I think are the most helpful for our game:
· What was your least favorite moment or interaction?
· Was there anything you wanted to do that the game didn’t allow you to do?
We got a lot of feedback […]

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Program: Programming

Commenting on “Simple AI” by Natasha Megan

Link to the original post:
The blog post is about the AI of the game “Friendship down” and describes the original design of the AI and how her group made it work for them. She gives great reasoning on why they had to abandon the original design of the AI and then goes into detail on how she implemented the simplified AI. Even though the AI was “simplified” to fit the scope of the project it is still […]

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Program: Programming

Commenting on “Simple AI” by Natasha Megan

Link to the original post:
The blog post is about the AI of the game “Friendship down” and describes the original design of the AI and how her group made it work for them. She gives great reasoning on why they had to abandon the original design of the AI and then goes into detail on how she implemented the simplified AI. Even though the AI was “simplified” to fit the scope of the project it is still […]

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Program: Programming

Play Testing

We got the chance to have our game play tested twice by our colleagues, once during the alpha phase of production and again during the beta phase, and during these play tests we had a survey for our testers to fill out where we asked them about the different aspects in our game like the different mechanics and controls, as well as the overall feel of the game.
Alpha play test:
During the alpha play test, we had our testers try out […]

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Program: Programming

Play Testing

We got the chance to have our game play tested twice by our colleagues, once during the alpha phase of production and again during the beta phase, and during these play tests we had a survey for our testers to fill out where we asked them about the different aspects in our game like the different mechanics and controls, as well as the overall feel of the game.
Alpha play test:
During the alpha play test, we had our testers try out […]

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Program: Programming

How has Playtesting effected my game’s development?

Hi, today I will be discussing why playtesting is an important aspect of game development and how playtesting has affected my game. Playtesting is the stage where a game developer tests a game for bugs and any design mishaps before releasing it to the public. Playtests can be run “open”, “closed”, “beta”, or otherwise. Open… Continue reading How has Playtesting effected my game’s development?

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Program: Programming

How has Playtesting effected my game’s development?

Hi, today I will be discussing why playtesting is an important aspect of game development and how playtesting has affected my game. Playtesting is the stage where a game developer tests a game for bugs and any design mishaps before releasing it to the public. Playtests can be run “open”, “closed”, “beta”, or otherwise. Open… Continue reading How has Playtesting effected my game’s development?

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Program: Programming

Week #5 PlayTesting

On three different occasions we have had our game play tested by the masses of Game Design 1 as well as the amount of play testing I have done myself for our game.
Having people play test the game you’re creating is a rewarding experience in general, if you look at it positively it is a win-win situation. Either they play the game and like the work you are doing, hate it and give lots of feedback, or are somewhere between […]

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Program: Programming

Week #5 PlayTesting

On three different occasions we have had our game play tested by the masses of Game Design 1 as well as the amount of play testing I have done myself for our game.
Having people play test the game you’re creating is a rewarding experience in general, if you look at it positively it is a win-win situation. Either they play the game and like the work you are doing, hate it and give lots of feedback, or are somewhere between […]

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Program: Programming

The importance of playtesting

Saying that playtesting is important for game development might seem like quite the obvious remark. And yeah, it kinda is. But the reasons it’s important isn’t always apparent to everyone. So I thought I’d talk a bit about what I’ve noticed while doing playtesting for my team’s current game.
Now this is only an assumption. But I’m pretty sure that when most people with a limited knowledge of playtesting hear the word playtesting they think of it as something developers do […]

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Program: Programming

The importance of playtesting

Saying that playtesting is important for game development might seem like quite the obvious remark. And yeah, it kinda is. But the reasons it’s important isn’t always apparent to everyone. So I thought I’d talk a bit about what I’ve noticed while doing playtesting for my team’s current game.
Now this is only an assumption. But I’m pretty sure that when most people with a limited knowledge of playtesting hear the word playtesting they think of it as something developers do […]

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Program: Programming