Browsing 'Programming': Posts from Game Design and Programming


This week I have been working with making a player class. The player class is so that an object of the player type can be made. It should include a vector2 of its position, a sprite to draw the player on screen and a rectangle to check collision with other objects. The class should include functions that return these variables. There should also be an update function that updates the players position.  In the update funtion I will take keyboard […]

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Program: Programming


This week I have been working with making a player class. The player class is so that an object of the player type can be made. It should include a vector2 of its position, a sprite to draw the player on screen and a rectangle to check collision with other objects. The class should include functions that return these variables. There should also be an update function that updates the players position.  In the update funtion I will take keyboard […]

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Program: Programming

Meny! v.4

Hallå hallå! Några hårstrån fattigare och en huvudmeny avklarad är vad senaste veckan har givit spelet vårat. I projektet har vi haft en meny som egentligen bara varit en bild, som visas till man trycker på mellanslag (space). Detta vill vi såklart göra någonting åt och det är äntligen fixat.  Jag har jobbat med att få denna menyn fungerande ett tag nu.
Det jag från initialt ville få fram var en meny där du använder musen för att för att klicka dig fram. […]

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Program: Programming

Meny! v.4

Hallå hallå! Några hårstrån fattigare och en huvudmeny avklarad är vad senaste veckan har givit spelet vårat. I projektet har vi haft en meny som egentligen bara varit en bild, som visas till man trycker på mellanslag (space). Detta vill vi såklart göra någonting åt och det är äntligen fixat.  Jag har jobbat med att få denna menyn fungerande ett tag nu.
Det jag från initialt ville få fram var en meny där du använder musen för att för att klicka dig fram. […]

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Program: Programming

Blog Week 2 – A Race To Meet Alpha

Week two ended in a cliffhanger sort of way for me. Due to an old project that i was to hand in two days before alpha presentation I wasn’t participating in the ”wrap up” of the prototypes we had been working on for the presentation until as i said, one day before presentation date. This made it sort of a race of time for me and my coworker in programming the ”shippable” alpha version of our game.
So lets start at […]

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Program: Programming

Blog Week 2 – A Race To Meet Alpha

Week two ended in a cliffhanger sort of way for me. Due to an old project that i was to hand in two days before alpha presentation I wasn’t participating in the ”wrap up” of the prototypes we had been working on for the presentation until as i said, one day before presentation date. This made it sort of a race of time for me and my coworker in programming the ”shippable” alpha version of our game.
So lets start at […]

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Program: Programming

Flight of the Giraffa – Update 2

This week I’ve created Button class for our GUI. The button class works just like a collision box with a state. The state is either “pressed” or “not pressed” and is determent whether a mouse button is pressed and also if the mouse’s position is inside its bounds. This is what happens inside the function “SetPressed”.
The statement can later be retrieved from a “IsPressed” function. The Second half of button, is the Reset function. It will reset the state from […]

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Program: Programming

Flight of the Giraffa – Update 2

This week I’ve created Button class for our GUI. The button class works just like a collision box with a state. The state is either “pressed” or “not pressed” and is determent whether a mouse button is pressed and also if the mouse’s position is inside its bounds. This is what happens inside the function “SetPressed”.
The statement can later be retrieved from a “IsPressed” function. The Second half of button, is the Reset function. It will reset the state from […]

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Program: Programming

HealthBar, meltbar, meltdown -.-‘

Denna vecka har jag inte hunnit arbeta speciellt mycket pga att jag varit tvungen att komplettera en tidigare kurs där inlämningen var igår(onsdag). Därför har all fokus idag legat på att göra spelet godkänt för Alphan som ska visas upp. Det innebär för min del skapandet av ett GUI, eller för att vara mer exakt, endast en health bar för tillfället.
Vår tanke är att huvudkaraktären i spelet inte ska ha något direkt liv, utan det ska baseras på hur mycket […]

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Program: Programming

HealthBar, meltbar, meltdown -.-‘

Denna vecka har jag inte hunnit arbeta speciellt mycket pga att jag varit tvungen att komplettera en tidigare kurs där inlämningen var igår(onsdag). Därför har all fokus idag legat på att göra spelet godkänt för Alphan som ska visas upp. Det innebär för min del skapandet av ett GUI, eller för att vara mer exakt, endast en health bar för tillfället.
Vår tanke är att huvudkaraktären i spelet inte ska ha något direkt liv, utan det ska baseras på hur mycket […]

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Program: Programming

Collision with and without AABB #2 Group 12

Hello readers!, today I’ll be speaking about Axis-Aligned Bounding Box, Circular Collision aswell as the Seperate Axis Theorem, so lets get right at it!, the reason I’ve worked on collision is because my group has been preparing for the official date of our alpha, which is 19/02/16 and due to this I’ve finally included a collision system into the game.
So you might ask yourself, “why do you need to go through three different collision systems when you only need one?” […]

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Program: Programming

Collision with and without AABB #2 Group 12

Hello readers!, today I’ll be speaking about Axis-Aligned Bounding Box, Circular Collision aswell as the Seperate Axis Theorem, so lets get right at it!, the reason I’ve worked on collision is because my group has been preparing for the official date of our alpha, which is 19/02/16 and due to this I’ve finally included a collision system into the game.
So you might ask yourself, “why do you need to go through three different collision systems when you only need one?” […]

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Program: Programming

Aimbotting for turrets

It’s pretty hard to defend a planet if you’re alone. I mean, you’re just this tiny guy on this huge planet and aliens are attacking from all over the place. You simply won’t be able to defend the entire planet at once. The solution? Turrets!
These wasn’t that hard to implement since we’re placing the turret at the players position that we’ve already calculated and reuse the aiming and shooting code that we have for the player!

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Program: Programming

Aimbotting for turrets

It’s pretty hard to defend a planet if you’re alone. I mean, you’re just this tiny guy on this huge planet and aliens are attacking from all over the place. You simply won’t be able to defend the entire planet at once. The solution? Turrets!
These wasn’t that hard to implement since we’re placing the turret at the players position that we’ve already calculated and reuse the aiming and shooting code that we have for the player!

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Program: Programming

Aimbotting for turrets

It’s pretty hard to defend a planet if you’re alone. I mean, you’re just this tiny guy on this huge planet and aliens are attacking from all over the place. You simply won’t be able to defend the entire planet at once. The solution? Turrets!
These wasn’t that hard to implement since we’re placing the turret at the players position that we’ve already calculated and reuse the aiming and shooting code that we have for the player!

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Program: Programming

Aimbotting for turrets

It’s pretty hard to defend a planet if you’re alone. I mean, you’re just this tiny guy on this huge planet and aliens are attacking from all over the place. You simply won’t be able to defend the entire planet at once. The solution? Turrets!
These wasn’t that hard to implement since we’re placing the turret at the players position that we’ve already calculated and reuse the aiming and shooting code that we have for the player!

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Program: Programming

Week 4 (Movement, AI & Sprite Origins)

This week’s focus has solely been on the completion of the alpha stage of the game. The team split up the remaining things that needed to be done and hastely started to crunch some code.
The elements I had to fix/create was a movement fix due to the group getting a lot of comments about it feeling a bit of odd and difficult to manoveur, a sort of AI for our first enemy named the Prowler and fixing so that all sprite […]

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Program: Programming

Week 4 (Movement, AI & Sprite Origins)

This week’s focus has solely been on the completion of the alpha stage of the game. The team split up the remaining things that needed to be done and hastely started to crunch some code.
The elements I had to fix/create was a movement fix due to the group getting a lot of comments about it feeling a bit of odd and difficult to manoveur, a sort of AI for our first enemy named the Prowler and fixing so that all sprite […]

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Program: Programming

Programming our Heads up display

I began our fifth week by fixing a few problems I had with my missile movement by taking the values from inside the window so now they work properly.
I had an exciting task ahead of me this week I had to program our Heads up display and what my group wanted was something different from what you would normally see in a game. Where in games you have numbers and health bars everywhere but not to different and it ended […]

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Program: Programming

Programming our Heads up display

I began our fifth week by fixing a few problems I had with my missile movement by taking the values from inside the window so now they work properly.
I had an exciting task ahead of me this week I had to program our Heads up display and what my group wanted was something different from what you would normally see in a game. Where in games you have numbers and health bars everywhere but not to different and it ended […]

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Program: Programming

Blog Week 2: Avatar fire-animation

This week, one of the things that I have worked on is the fire-animation for our avatar from Flight of the Giraffa. I’m not very comfortable with animation so taking on this task was interesting. Animating is new unexplored ground for me, I’ve done some small sprite animations but haven’t really got the hang of it.
Animating in photoshop using high-resolution pictures isn’t very easy either. Much more complicated than using programs like adobe flash. You have to use separate layers […]

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Program: Programming

Blog Week 2: Avatar fire-animation

This week, one of the things that I have worked on is the fire-animation for our avatar from Flight of the Giraffa. I’m not very comfortable with animation so taking on this task was interesting. Animating is new unexplored ground for me, I’ve done some small sprite animations but haven’t really got the hang of it.
Animating in photoshop using high-resolution pictures isn’t very easy either. Much more complicated than using programs like adobe flash. You have to use separate layers […]

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Program: Programming

Blog 2 18/2

Inför Alpha presentationen
Tim Rojo, Grupp 5
Denna vecka har jag jobbat med det det mesta efter som vi hade mycket som behövde programmeras  inför  alpha presentationen på fredag. Men den mesta tiden har jag själv spenderat på att göra kollisioner mellan våra olika gameobjects i spelet. Jag fick ett tips från en av kommentarerna på min förra bloggpost om en guide på youtube för programmering i SFML som jag fann väldig hjälpsam när jag arbetade med kollisionerna i spelet. Den visade […]

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Program: Programming

Blog 2 18/2

Inför Alpha presentationen
Tim Rojo, Grupp 5
Denna vecka har jag jobbat med det det mesta efter som vi hade mycket som behövde programmeras  inför  alpha presentationen på fredag. Men den mesta tiden har jag själv spenderat på att göra kollisioner mellan våra olika gameobjects i spelet. Jag fick ett tips från en av kommentarerna på min förra bloggpost om en guide på youtube för programmering i SFML som jag fann väldig hjälpsam när jag arbetade med kollisionerna i spelet. Den visade […]

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Program: Programming