Browsing 'Programming': Posts from Game Design and Programming

Blog 3 25/2

Ny Fiende och Projektiler
Tim Rojo,  Grupp 5.
Denna vecka har jag fokuserat på att arbeta med att implementera en ny fiende i vårt projekt. Denna fiende jämfört med den tidigare fienden skulle istället ha förmågan att skjuta mot spelaren. Till en början gick arbetet bra och jag skapade en vector iterator och en array för  dessa nya fiender. Jag gjorde även en counter för min nya fiender och satte värdet till -1. Sedan skrev jag en for loop där jag använde iteratorn och […]

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Program: Programming

Blog 3 25/2

Ny Fiende och Projektiler
Tim Rojo,  Grupp 5.
Denna vecka har jag fokuserat på att arbeta med att implementera en ny fiende i vårt projekt. Denna fiende jämfört med den tidigare fienden skulle istället ha förmågan att skjuta mot spelaren. Till en början gick arbetet bra och jag skapade en vector iterator och en array för  dessa nya fiender. Jag gjorde även en counter för min nya fiender och satte värdet till -1. Sedan skrev jag en for loop där jag använde iteratorn och […]

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Program: Programming


The concept we chose for our project, Planet Suburbia, does a pretty interesting thing when it comes to in-game resources: money and health is the same thing. The explaination behind it is that you have the job of defending the planet. You can spend your companys money to up your defences, but it also gets drained when the invading aliens manages to land on the planet. If you go over budget, you get an angry phone call from your boss […]

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Program: Programming


The concept we chose for our project, Planet Suburbia, does a pretty interesting thing when it comes to in-game resources: money and health is the same thing. The explaination behind it is that you have the job of defending the planet. You can spend your companys money to up your defences, but it also gets drained when the invading aliens manages to land on the planet. If you go over budget, you get an angry phone call from your boss […]

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Program: Programming


The concept we chose for our project, Planet Suburbia, does a pretty interesting thing when it comes to in-game resources: money and health is the same thing. The explaination behind it is that you have the job of defending the planet. You can spend your companys money to up your defences, but it also gets drained when the invading aliens manages to land on the planet. If you go over budget, you get an angry phone call from your boss […]

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Program: Programming


The concept we chose for our project, Planet Suburbia, does a pretty interesting thing when it comes to in-game resources: money and health is the same thing. The explaination behind it is that you have the job of defending the planet. You can spend your companys money to up your defences, but it also gets drained when the invading aliens manages to land on the planet. If you go over budget, you get an angry phone call from your boss […]

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Program: Programming

Space Giraffa – Update 3

This week I’ve been working on our beta project and implemented some features to make more visuals appear on the screen. We basically scrapped our alpha project and started from scratch with the beta. We had to do this because our alpha project was using pure OpenGL render calls and our programming teacher was not happy with that. This puts us programmers way behind schedule and the deadline for the beta is creeping up on us. So I have been […]

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Program: Programming

Space Giraffa – Update 3

This week I’ve been working on our beta project and implemented some features to make more visuals appear on the screen. We basically scrapped our alpha project and started from scratch with the beta. We had to do this because our alpha project was using pure OpenGL render calls and our programming teacher was not happy with that. This puts us programmers way behind schedule and the deadline for the beta is creeping up on us. So I have been […]

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Program: Programming

Vecka 5 – Meny och Ljud

Denna veckan har jag fortsatt med det som jag gjorde förra veckan, det vill säga första menyn. Det var dags att implementera så att man kunde använda musen i menyn istället för att behöva sitta och trycka på piltangenterna. Genom att byta till musen så slapp jag också “sleep” funktionen som inte är den bästa och kan ställa till med problem. Det som behövde göras var:

Musen skall kunna flyttas över texten och texten skall då byta färg för att indikera att […]

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Program: Programming

Vecka 5 – Meny och Ljud

Denna veckan har jag fortsatt med det som jag gjorde förra veckan, det vill säga första menyn. Det var dags att implementera så att man kunde använda musen i menyn istället för att behöva sitta och trycka på piltangenterna. Genom att byta till musen så slapp jag också “sleep” funktionen som inte är den bästa och kan ställa till med problem. Det som behövde göras var:

Musen skall kunna flyttas över texten och texten skall då byta färg för att indikera att […]

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Program: Programming


Bloggvecka 3 here we go!
Råkade lyssna på mig själv från förra inlägget då jag skrev att vårat Shuttleship till spelet skulle bli min nästa huvudbry, så sagt och gjort!
Började med att googla på ”Spaceships” för att få lite inspiration, eftersom jag använde upp all fantasi jag hade till att göra de olika skeppet i förra inlägget. Sparade ner några av dem och lade ihop dem i collage, skissade sedan av de detaljer jag tyckte var snyggast (kom ihåg att spara bilder […]

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Program: Programming


Bloggvecka 3 here we go!
Råkade lyssna på mig själv från förra inlägget då jag skrev att vårat Shuttleship till spelet skulle bli min nästa huvudbry, så sagt och gjort!
Började med att googla på ”Spaceships” för att få lite inspiration, eftersom jag använde upp all fantasi jag hade till att göra de olika skeppet i förra inlägget. Sparade ner några av dem och lade ihop dem i collage, skissade sedan av de detaljer jag tyckte var snyggast (kom ihåg att spara bilder […]

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Program: Programming

Potato Pirates of The Prohibition – Mission Selector

Hello dear readers, this week I have been mostly working on getting some of the “behind the scene” code to work. That includes making so options gets saved and applied when the game is loaded and adding new functionality to the GUI class we currently are using.  However of all the different artifacts I have been working on this week I have chosen to go into more detail how the new game function works and will work when it’s done, […]

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Program: Programming

Potato Pirates of The Prohibition – Mission Selector

Hello dear readers, this week I have been mostly working on getting some of the “behind the scene” code to work. That includes making so options gets saved and applied when the game is loaded and adding new functionality to the GUI class we currently are using.  However of all the different artifacts I have been working on this week I have chosen to go into more detail how the new game function works and will work when it’s done, […]

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Program: Programming


The concept we chose for our project, Planet Suburbia, does a pretty interesting thing when it comes to in-game resources: money and health is the same thing. The explaination behind it is that you have the job of defending the planet. You can spend your companys money to up your defences, but it also gets drained when the invading aliens manages to land on the planet. If you go over budget, you get an angry phone call from your boss […]

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Program: Programming


The concept we chose for our project, Planet Suburbia, does a pretty interesting thing when it comes to in-game resources: money and health is the same thing. The explaination behind it is that you have the job of defending the planet. You can spend your companys money to up your defences, but it also gets drained when the invading aliens manages to land on the planet. If you go over budget, you get an angry phone call from your boss […]

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Program: Programming

[5SD033]Blog 3 – Tiled For Everybody!

By: Martin Carlsson
Group: 10

This is the second and last part of the Tile System implementation.
Last week I went through some of the general ideas of the implementation when it came to reading the file. This week I finalized the implementation of the tile system. The project now opens a .tmx file and reads all the values it needs from it,  makes the data into a layer, which is made into an image which then gets drawn to the screen.
So let’s go […]

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Program: Programming

[5SD033]Blog 3 – Tiled For Everybody!

By: Martin Carlsson
Group: 10

This is the second and last part of the Tile System implementation.
Last week I went through some of the general ideas of the implementation when it came to reading the file. This week I finalized the implementation of the tile system. The project now opens a .tmx file and reads all the values it needs from it,  makes the data into a layer, which is made into an image which then gets drawn to the screen.
So let’s go […]

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Program: Programming

Enemy Plane and related Instancing

This week I have been focusing on compressing all enemy-related code, like collision, shooting and so on, into class specific functions, to allow more enemies to be generated, and to more easily adjust things like how and at what rate enemies fire bullets…
…and they do fire a lot of bullets; you could say its a shooting gallery out there and not be wrong.
I  started out by taking into account what functions each Enemy needed to have run, and how it […]

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Program: Programming

Enemy Plane and related Instancing

This week I have been focusing on compressing all enemy-related code, like collision, shooting and so on, into class specific functions, to allow more enemies to be generated, and to more easily adjust things like how and at what rate enemies fire bullets…
…and they do fire a lot of bullets; you could say its a shooting gallery out there and not be wrong.
I  started out by taking into account what functions each Enemy needed to have run, and how it […]

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Program: Programming

Creating a NPC in programming Part 2

Hi ,
today i want to talk about how i had implemented our second character , the president, in our game ,planet suburbia.First off i am going to give you some information about him without spoiling our story for you.
Ronald Bronson Gump Jr.
President of Earth
The president will appear in the end of the game, to
give the player his/her final scoring.
That is our main function for our President right now.
Just i like i had to do it last week , i have to do […]

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Program: Programming

Creating a NPC in programming Part 2

Hi ,
today i want to talk about how i had implemented our second character , the president, in our game ,planet suburbia.First off i am going to give you some information about him without spoiling our story for you.
Ronald Bronson Gump Jr.
President of Earth
The president will appear in the end of the game, to
give the player his/her final scoring.
That is our main function for our President right now.
Just i like i had to do it last week , i have to do […]

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Program: Programming

Enum states

Hejsan! I dagens blogginlägg tänkte jag att jag skulle skriva om mitt arbete i gruppen under vecka tre. Min uppgift var att skapa en meny för spelet. Vad vi behövde för menyn var en ”play-knapp”, ”option-knapp” och en ”quit-knapp”. Men problemet här var att vi inte hade några ”states” som spelet kunde vandra mellan.”states” kan man säga är ett typ av stadium i ett spel t.ex. ”menustate” där spelets meny håller till eller ”gamestate” där spelet ”spelas” ut i. Så […]

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Program: Programming

Enum states

Hejsan! I dagens blogginlägg tänkte jag att jag skulle skriva om mitt arbete i gruppen under vecka tre. Min uppgift var att skapa en meny för spelet. Vad vi behövde för menyn var en ”play-knapp”, ”option-knapp” och en ”quit-knapp”. Men problemet här var att vi inte hade några ”states” som spelet kunde vandra mellan.”states” kan man säga är ett typ av stadium i ett spel t.ex. ”menustate” där spelets meny håller till eller ”gamestate” där spelet ”spelas” ut i. Så […]

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Program: Programming