Browsing 'Programming': Posts from Game Design and Programming


God afton läsare.
Fredag igen och några hårstrån fattigare. I veckan har jag jobbat med att bygga en ”container” för våra power-ups, den ska illustreras som en komet som flyger in i skärm. Denna kometen kommer att fungera på två olika sätt, den kommer för det första vara ett hinder för spelaren, krockar kometen med spelaren så kommer spelaren ta skada. Spelarens val här är att akta sig för den och låta den sväva ur skärm, eller försöka sig på att […]

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Program: Programming


God afton läsare.
Fredag igen och några hårstrån fattigare. I veckan har jag jobbat med att bygga en ”container” för våra power-ups, den ska illustreras som en komet som flyger in i skärm. Denna kometen kommer att fungera på två olika sätt, den kommer för det första vara ett hinder för spelaren, krockar kometen med spelaren så kommer spelaren ta skada. Spelarens val här är att akta sig för den och låta den sväva ur skärm, eller försöka sig på att […]

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Program: Programming

Enemy Manager and Ambiguity.

For this week, my primary focus was on rehauling how we manage our enemy objects in the game.
Previously, we have in our gamestate stored all our managers in an vector, and performing all the actions that should be done manually. This includes checking collisions against all colliding objects (the player, owlets that are following the player, projectiles, and other hazards like thunderclouds), as well as putting them away in an separate pool when too far away from the player, and […]

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Program: Programming

Enemy Manager and Ambiguity.

For this week, my primary focus was on rehauling how we manage our enemy objects in the game.
Previously, we have in our gamestate stored all our managers in an vector, and performing all the actions that should be done manually. This includes checking collisions against all colliding objects (the player, owlets that are following the player, projectiles, and other hazards like thunderclouds), as well as putting them away in an separate pool when too far away from the player, and […]

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Program: Programming

Geneva Lost Weekly Reflection – Week 8, 2016

Artifact: Collision
Collision is an important part of every game, but can be very challenging. Some games require only simple collision detection: Tile based games makes due with axis aligned box to box collision detection while many space-shooter type games will only require simple circle collision detection.
Given that our game has free form movement we would need a more advanced type of collision to make sure that the game feels right. This we could either achieve with pixel-perfect collision detection or […]

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Program: Programming

Geneva Lost Weekly Reflection – Week 8, 2016

Artifact: Collision
Collision is an important part of every game, but can be very challenging. Some games require only simple collision detection: Tile based games makes due with axis aligned box to box collision detection while many space-shooter type games will only require simple circle collision detection.
Given that our game has free form movement we would need a more advanced type of collision to make sure that the game feels right. This we could either achieve with pixel-perfect collision detection or […]

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Program: Programming


Hello dear readers! Robert here again and this week i have been working on leveldesign with my group.
So in our group we have a bunch of different enemies with different attack patterns and different enviromental obstacles that occur when you are flying above this train.
For the enemies we have the Falcon which have the movement pattern diagonal approach towards the player, so the Falcon will come in from the top go straight ahead until the player is in a diagonal […]

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Program: Programming


Hello dear readers! Robert here again and this week i have been working on leveldesign with my group.
So in our group we have a bunch of different enemies with different attack patterns and different enviromental obstacles that occur when you are flying above this train.
For the enemies we have the Falcon which have the movement pattern diagonal approach towards the player, so the Falcon will come in from the top go straight ahead until the player is in a diagonal […]

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Program: Programming

Vecka 3

Nu har vi haft alphan och vi hann färdigt med alla kriterier tills dess som tur var så det gick bra. Nu är det dags för betan och det finns en hel del som behöver göras, fler fiender, fler power-ups. Turrets:ens skjutsystem behöver en liten remake, fler sektorer och en jäkla massa animationer till allt i princip, med mera, med mera…
Det jag tänkte skriva om denna veckan var animationen för vår EMP som jag inte riktigt fått att funka än. […]

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Program: Programming

Vecka 3

Nu har vi haft alphan och vi hann färdigt med alla kriterier tills dess som tur var så det gick bra. Nu är det dags för betan och det finns en hel del som behöver göras, fler fiender, fler power-ups. Turrets:ens skjutsystem behöver en liten remake, fler sektorer och en jäkla massa animationer till allt i princip, med mera, med mera…
Det jag tänkte skriva om denna veckan var animationen för vår EMP som jag inte riktigt fått att funka än. […]

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Program: Programming

Veckoreflektion – Blog 3 25/2

Hej! Denna vecka har jag haft som uppgift att göra parallax/background scrolling, samt har jag ”finslipat” på musiken till vårat spel och lagt till ytterligare två ljudeffekter.
Likt förra veckan underskattade jag svårighetsgraden med att göra denna uppgift. Att göra parallax visade sig vara extremt svårt för en relativt oerfaren programmerare som mig.
Helt utan framgång har det faktiskt inte varit,  jag har lyckats med att få marken att röra sig längst ner på skärmen. Detta gjordes med hjälp av att jag […]

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Program: Programming

Veckoreflektion – Blog 3 25/2

Hej! Denna vecka har jag haft som uppgift att göra parallax/background scrolling, samt har jag ”finslipat” på musiken till vårat spel och lagt till ytterligare två ljudeffekter.
Likt förra veckan underskattade jag svårighetsgraden med att göra denna uppgift. Att göra parallax visade sig vara extremt svårt för en relativt oerfaren programmerare som mig.
Helt utan framgång har det faktiskt inte varit,  jag har lyckats med att få marken att röra sig längst ner på skärmen. Detta gjordes med hjälp av att jag […]

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Program: Programming

Sounds of the deep, group 12 #3

Hello readers!, another week passes on with our work on Colossus Core steaming on at it’s normal pace, this week I’ve delved into many tutorials on various matters that was in need of taking care of however, this weeks main focus for me has been one thing and that has been sound!.
So what I’ve worked on is a basic sound manager featuring our sounds for the game (which doesn’t exist yet.) which made my situation interesting, making the basic code […]

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Program: Programming

Sounds of the deep, group 12 #3

Hello readers!, another week passes on with our work on Colossus Core steaming on at it’s normal pace, this week I’ve delved into many tutorials on various matters that was in need of taking care of however, this weeks main focus for me has been one thing and that has been sound!.
So what I’ve worked on is a basic sound manager featuring our sounds for the game (which doesn’t exist yet.) which made my situation interesting, making the basic code […]

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Program: Programming

Buildings och BuildingManager

Jag har gjort en byggnadsklass och en manager för den klassen. Byggnadsmanagern hanterar skapandet, uppdateringen, lagringen och ritandet utav byggnaderna. Ett problem som jag hade när det gällde skapandet utav byggnaderna var rotationen på de. Eftersom allting i spelet ritas ut i relation till planeten, som är en cirkel, och alla byggnaderna skapas i samma for-loop och får deras position runt cirkeln baserad på värdet utav integer variabeln ”i” i denna for-loop i form av radianer. Jag hade allmänna svårigheter […]

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Program: Programming

Buildings och BuildingManager

Jag har gjort en byggnadsklass och en manager för den klassen. Byggnadsmanagern hanterar skapandet, uppdateringen, lagringen och ritandet utav byggnaderna. Ett problem som jag hade när det gällde skapandet utav byggnaderna var rotationen på de. Eftersom allting i spelet ritas ut i relation till planeten, som är en cirkel, och alla byggnaderna skapas i samma for-loop och får deras position runt cirkeln baserad på värdet utav integer variabeln ”i” i denna for-loop i form av radianer. Jag hade allmänna svårigheter […]

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Program: Programming

Owlets Follow the Player

This week I’ve worked on a lot of things, not to say that I haven’t worked on a lot of things the other weeks but whatever…
Since I’ve talked about the owlets before and since I’ve been the one in our group working on their functionality I decided to continue talking about them and how I made them follow the player around after you’ve picked them up.
So according to the concept document the owlets were suppose to follow the player like […]

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Program: Programming

Owlets Follow the Player

This week I’ve worked on a lot of things, not to say that I haven’t worked on a lot of things the other weeks but whatever…
Since I’ve talked about the owlets before and since I’ve been the one in our group working on their functionality I decided to continue talking about them and how I made them follow the player around after you’ve picked them up.
So according to the concept document the owlets were suppose to follow the player like […]

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Program: Programming

Blog Week 3: Fiendedesigner

För att spelet man skapar ska bli roligt att spela krävs det bra fiendedesigner. Man vill gärna att fienderna ska ha ett någorlunda genomgående tema när de är färdiga. Det tänkte jag mycket på när jag designade de två olika fiendedesignerna tillsammans med bossen I vårt spel. I spelet har fienderna trianglar som ett genomgående tema. Trianglar är mycket kantiga och skapar känns därför inte lika välkommande som till exempel runda och lena former.
Vi har två olika designer: Varanidaes […]

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Program: Programming

Blog Week 3: Fiendedesigner

För att spelet man skapar ska bli roligt att spela krävs det bra fiendedesigner. Man vill gärna att fienderna ska ha ett någorlunda genomgående tema när de är färdiga. Det tänkte jag mycket på när jag designade de två olika fiendedesignerna tillsammans med bossen I vårt spel. I spelet har fienderna trianglar som ett genomgående tema. Trianglar är mycket kantiga och skapar känns därför inte lika välkommande som till exempel runda och lena former.
Vi har två olika designer: Varanidaes […]

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Program: Programming

Week 5 – Enemy hitboxes and death

New week, new assignments and my focus this time was on successfully managing to get the enemy hitbox to work with the players bullets as well as getting the enemy to “die” after getting hit by the projectiles.
This was supposed to be done last week, be due to the amount of work we had left to do we had to cut some things out. However we had to prioritize those cut assets this week since they were a must for […]

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Program: Programming

Week 5 – Enemy hitboxes and death

New week, new assignments and my focus this time was on successfully managing to get the enemy hitbox to work with the players bullets as well as getting the enemy to “die” after getting hit by the projectiles.
This was supposed to be done last week, be due to the amount of work we had left to do we had to cut some things out. However we had to prioritize those cut assets this week since they were a must for […]

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Program: Programming

Trowl – Rage (Power-Up)

This week I have been working on one of the power-ups in our game, Rage. This power-up allows the player to move around a lot faster, the player does not take damage, all enemies that comes in contact with the player while in this state are eliminated and in addition to this the player yeild twice as much points from killing enemies with this power-up. The Rage power-up has a duration of 10 seconds and after that the player goes […]

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Program: Programming

Trowl – Rage (Power-Up)

This week I have been working on one of the power-ups in our game, Rage. This power-up allows the player to move around a lot faster, the player does not take damage, all enemies that comes in contact with the player while in this state are eliminated and in addition to this the player yeild twice as much points from killing enemies with this power-up. The Rage power-up has a duration of 10 seconds and after that the player goes […]

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Program: Programming