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Comment : blog post assignment 5

Hey, good post!
I found everything clear, although some of your post was a bit swenglish-y, but that’s alright! I quite agree with your conclusion that playtesting is an extremely useful tool. A simple tweak in variables can bring about a huge improvement in game feel and therefore a better experience for the player. Knowing where to tweak, though, is hard to just guess, so playtesting is crucial. I liked your explanation of how you prepared for playtesting. We did much […]

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Program: Programming

Comment : blog post assignment 5

Hey, good post!
I found everything clear, although some of your post was a bit swenglish-y, but that’s alright! I quite agree with your conclusion that playtesting is an extremely useful tool. A simple tweak in variables can bring about a huge improvement in game feel and therefore a better experience for the player. Knowing where to tweak, though, is hard to just guess, so playtesting is crucial. I liked your explanation of how you prepared for playtesting. We did much […]

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Program: Programming

Postmortem – The Journey Ends

Hi, today i will be discussing my final thoughts of my game’s development and what i have learned on this Journey together with my group. This week was the final week for working on our games, the final day being today. I think this journey was a long one and interesting because this was the… Continue reading Postmortem – The Journey Ends

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Program: Programming

Postmortem – The Journey Ends

Hi, today i will be discussing my final thoughts of my game’s development and what i have learned on this Journey together with my group. This week was the final week for working on our games, the final day being today. I think this journey was a long one and interesting because this was the… Continue reading Postmortem – The Journey Ends

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Program: Programming

Comment for 5th blogpost

Hi Sophie,
I think your blogpost is nicely introduced when you explain what playtesting-sessions are and that you did two playtests. The second paragraph is also good in the way that it explains how everything was set-up and what your group did during the playtesting. In addition to what happened, why is also nicely explained, i.e. when you explain that you get to hear feedback from others and why this is important. It is also interesting that you mention playtesting other […]

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Program: Programming

Comment for 5th blogpost

Hi Sophie,
I think your blogpost is nicely introduced when you explain what playtesting-sessions are and that you did two playtests. The second paragraph is also good in the way that it explains how everything was set-up and what your group did during the playtesting. In addition to what happened, why is also nicely explained, i.e. when you explain that you get to hear feedback from others and why this is important. It is also interesting that you mention playtesting other […]

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Program: Programming

Comment on Oscar Vines
Hello, Adam Olsson here, another programmer. Your post is informative and exciting and explains what you have been doing in conjunction with your opinion and insight to playtesting. I find it relatable with what you say about not being able to find all the bugs yourself, as I have my self-been in that situation many times. The ever tiering argument about fresh eyes are very used but also accurate as you state in your text.
I like your solution […]

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Program: Programming

Comment on Oscar Vines
Hello, Adam Olsson here, another programmer. Your post is informative and exciting and explains what you have been doing in conjunction with your opinion and insight to playtesting. I find it relatable with what you say about not being able to find all the bugs yourself, as I have my self-been in that situation many times. The ever tiering argument about fresh eyes are very used but also accurate as you state in your text.
I like your solution […]

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Program: Programming

Comment Week 5 (Oscar Vines)
”Hello Oscar, Fredrik here.
Your post was very interesting, and I can relate to not wanting to reiterate the importance of playtesting as I also talked about it in a previous week. I can also agree that having fresh eyes can really help the improvement of the game. As you mentioned, even if there’s a part of the game that you as the developer think is really cool, in the end It doesn’t mean anything unless the player feels […]

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Program: Programming

Comment Week 5 (Oscar Vines)
”Hello Oscar, Fredrik here.
Your post was very interesting, and I can relate to not wanting to reiterate the importance of playtesting as I also talked about it in a previous week. I can also agree that having fresh eyes can really help the improvement of the game. As you mentioned, even if there’s a part of the game that you as the developer think is really cool, in the end It doesn’t mean anything unless the player feels […]

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Program: Programming


Feedback on the blog post ”The virgin alpha playtest vs. the chad beta playtest” by Guy Dimor.
Hello Guy, Oscar here from team Rakshasa! Really like the combination of describing yourself and actually showing wit pictures how your project evolved from alpha to beta. You also have an interesting writing style which helps your post feel more personal.
My main critique would be that you don’t really comment at all on what feedback you got. Even though you had a very primitive alpha […]

/ Comments Off on 13-03-2018
Program: Programming


Feedback on the blog post ”The virgin alpha playtest vs. the chad beta playtest” by Guy Dimor.
Hello Guy, Oscar here from team Rakshasa! Really like the combination of describing yourself and actually showing wit pictures how your project evolved from alpha to beta. You also have an interesting writing style which helps your post feel more personal.
My main critique would be that you don’t really comment at all on what feedback you got. Even though you had a very primitive alpha […]

/ Comments Off on 13-03-2018
Program: Programming

Blog post 5 comment

My comment on another student’s blog post.
Their post:
Hello Sophie
I enjoyed your post on the benefits of playtesting. You give a good overview of what playtesting is and what your own experience of playtesting was like.
I would have liked to see some more specific information about testing your own game. The point of this blog post was to explain how playtesting has affected your development process, and it seems like you didn’t explain this.
You do go into detail […]

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Program: Programming

Blog post 5 comment

My comment on another student’s blog post.
Their post:
Hello Sophie
I enjoyed your post on the benefits of playtesting. You give a good overview of what playtesting is and what your own experience of playtesting was like.
I would have liked to see some more specific information about testing your own game. The point of this blog post was to explain how playtesting has affected your development process, and it seems like you didn’t explain this.
You do go into detail […]

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Program: Programming

Comment #5: Erik

Link to the Comment
Hej Erik!
I think you provided a very structured and informative blog post, that describes how you conducted playtesting in your own group, not only during the playtesting workshops, but also within your group and online on a constant basis. (By the way, how the heck did you get the Unity web player working? I completely failed when attempting that.)I additionally like the introduction and the conclusion you give to your post, as it creates a […]

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Program: Programming

Comment #5: Erik

Link to the Comment
Hej Erik!
I think you provided a very structured and informative blog post, that describes how you conducted playtesting in your own group, not only during the playtesting workshops, but also within your group and online on a constant basis. (By the way, how the heck did you get the Unity web player working? I completely failed when attempting that.)I additionally like the introduction and the conclusion you give to your post, as it creates a […]

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Program: Programming

Comment on blog post 5

URL to the comment on Emile Shoper blog post  about Playtesting and the commnet itself from Oskar karlsson:
Your blog post gives the reader a good view of what you have been working on for the playtesting sessions. It could have been good to write more about why these play testing sessions were used and what was dune during this play testing sessions. Also, you could have told the reader what game you are working on and why you are […]

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Program: Programming

Comment on blog post 5

URL to the comment on Emile Shoper blog post  about Playtesting and the commnet itself from Oskar karlsson:
Your blog post gives the reader a good view of what you have been working on for the playtesting sessions. It could have been good to write more about why these play testing sessions were used and what was dune during this play testing sessions. Also, you could have told the reader what game you are working on and why you are […]

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Program: Programming

Comment #5

Hey Maya, this is Guy Dimor, lead code for team Wendigo, you may or may not have heard about me, I don’t believe we’ve spoken before. Kidding, of course.
You did a great job explaining the reasoning behind your various design decisions as well as detailing the thought process behind every wave of enemies in your game. I liked that your primary goal was to make sure the player used the full set of abilities given to them and that you […]

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Program: Programming

Comment #5

Hey Maya, this is Guy Dimor, lead code for team Wendigo, you may or may not have heard about me, I don’t believe we’ve spoken before. Kidding, of course.
You did a great job explaining the reasoning behind your various design decisions as well as detailing the thought process behind every wave of enemies in your game. I liked that your primary goal was to make sure the player used the full set of abilities given to them and that you […]

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Program: Programming

Blog Comment 5

Link to designated blog:
My comment:
The blog was very well written which made it fun to read. I liked that you explained what playtesting is and some of the different ways developers do playtesting, although you did not mention “alpha” playtesting which was something we went through and many different studios run for their games.
You explained why playtesting was important to developers and the development process in general really well, and in a way that main of us relate […]

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Program: Programming

Blog Comment 5

Link to designated blog:
My comment:
The blog was very well written which made it fun to read. I liked that you explained what playtesting is and some of the different ways developers do playtesting, although you did not mention “alpha” playtesting which was something we went through and many different studios run for their games.
You explained why playtesting was important to developers and the development process in general really well, and in a way that main of us relate […]

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Program: Programming

Blog comment #4 Timothée Engel
The blog is written in a clear order, you first explained the importance of the diverse sound feedback in game and the common solution for people is to change the pitch of the same sound asset. However, it’s still costly if create different pitches manually. Therefore, you introduced the usage of the AudioSource component and how to access it via script. It’s pretty smart to adjust the pitch combining the Random function and it’s the perfect solution to […]

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Program: Programming

Blog comment #4 Timothée Engel
The blog is written in a clear order, you first explained the importance of the diverse sound feedback in game and the common solution for people is to change the pitch of the same sound asset. However, it’s still costly if create different pitches manually. Therefore, you introduced the usage of the AudioSource component and how to access it via script. It’s pretty smart to adjust the pitch combining the Random function and it’s the perfect solution to […]

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Program: Programming