Browsing 'Programming': Posts from Game Design and Programming

BGP Week 1 – Camera Angles

It seems proper to start with an introduction. This blog post, and the ones that will follow it are on the subject of the Big Game Project course at Uppsala University Campus Gotland where I, as part of a group of six people, will be working on developing a game. The game I will be working on has started out with the project name Spacegoo Adventures, and is a 3D puzzle platformer.
The first week I started out working on getting […]

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Program: Programming

BGP Week 1 – Camera Angles

It seems proper to start with an introduction. This blog post, and the ones that will follow it are on the subject of the Big Game Project course at Uppsala University Campus Gotland where I, as part of a group of six people, will be working on developing a game. The game I will be working on has started out with the project name Spacegoo Adventures, and is a 3D puzzle platformer.
The first week I started out working on getting […]

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Program: Programming

Neiva programming blog 3

I’ve been programming the main player character. That includes movement, jumping, groundchecking, health, sticking to platforms and physics… At the beginning I create one whole Unity script that handled all that, till reacently when we had to change from Unity’s 2D physics to 3D physics. I split up the script to mulitple scripts/components that handled specific tasks.

The picture above is before separated components. The picture under is after, with separated components.

This approach has led to more reusable code because you […]

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Program: Programming

Neiva programming blog 3

I’ve been programming the main player character. That includes movement, jumping, groundchecking, health, sticking to platforms and physics… At the beginning I create one whole Unity script that handled all that, till reacently when we had to change from Unity’s 2D physics to 3D physics. I split up the script to mulitple scripts/components that handled specific tasks.

The picture above is before separated components. The picture under is after, with separated components.

This approach has led to more reusable code because you […]

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Program: Programming

Short One this week

So this week we had our first play test. and it went rather well and we got a lot of feedback. So next week we will focus on fixing buggs for the beta that week. There will be a lott of work but we knew that wen we started this project.
Otherwise i have been working on a moss giant Ai that will make it walk and follow campfires and in the end help the player. Att first i did not really […]

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Program: Programming

Short One this week

So this week we had our first play test. and it went rather well and we got a lot of feedback. So next week we will focus on fixing buggs for the beta that week. There will be a lott of work but we knew that wen we started this project.
Otherwise i have been working on a moss giant Ai that will make it walk and follow campfires and in the end help the player. Att first i did not really […]

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Program: Programming

Week 4 BGP

Måndag 18/4 – Fixade klart fången. Jag fixade klart det sista med fången så att rätt vakt eskorterar rätt fånge. Tidigare fick jag problem med att när jag hade flera fångar och vakter så kunde det bli fel när en vakt skulle eskortera en fånge. Jag lyckades lösa det genom att fången sparar en variabel med vad för objekt den kolliderar med och om objektet då är en vakt och fången inte eskorteras av en annan vakt, så kommer fången följa […]

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Program: Programming

Week 4 BGP

Måndag 18/4 – Fixade klart fången. Jag fixade klart det sista med fången så att rätt vakt eskorterar rätt fånge. Tidigare fick jag problem med att när jag hade flera fångar och vakter så kunde det bli fel när en vakt skulle eskortera en fånge. Jag lyckades lösa det genom att fången sparar en variabel med vad för objekt den kolliderar med och om objektet då är en vakt och fången inte eskorteras av en annan vakt, så kommer fången följa […]

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Program: Programming

Week 4 – Creating a Context Menu

My project for this week has been to create a drop down menu (or as some call it, context menu) for when the player interacts with objects which controls the actions for each objects.
It’s a project I have been working on which has proven to be rather challenging, as I would need to access and save the object that has been pressed in order to manipulate it. Described in simple words the object selected would have to be saved into a […]

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Program: Programming

Week 4 – Creating a Context Menu

My project for this week has been to create a drop down menu (or as some call it, context menu) for when the player interacts with objects which controls the actions for each objects.
It’s a project I have been working on which has proven to be rather challenging, as I would need to access and save the object that has been pressed in order to manipulate it. Described in simple words the object selected would have to be saved into a […]

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Program: Programming


I created an asset where the player has to trigger a button to open a heavy stone door. To give it the player the feeling that the door is really old and heavy I decided to add screenshakes to increase the effect.
Knowing that this probably won’t be the only situation in the game where screenshakes are useful I wanted the script to be versatile and easily modified for many different instances.

Basic function
The script is added to the camera and modifies its position each […]

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Program: Programming


I created an asset where the player has to trigger a button to open a heavy stone door. To give it the player the feeling that the door is really old and heavy I decided to add screenshakes to increase the effect.
Knowing that this probably won’t be the only situation in the game where screenshakes are useful I wanted the script to be versatile and easily modified for many different instances.

Basic function
The script is added to the camera and modifies its position each […]

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Program: Programming

Week 3 – Playtesting

Welcome back everyone!
This week all the first and second year students had the opportunity to have a bunch of people to test their game. The playtesting was on Friday so we spent the whole week trying to prepare so we could test as many aspects as possible. The feedback we got from everyone was amazing and we also got to test some of the other games, least to say we were impressed.
To prepare for the playtesting I spent most of […]

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Program: Programming

Week 3 – Playtesting

Welcome back everyone!
This week all the first and second year students had the opportunity to have a bunch of people to test their game. The playtesting was on Friday so we spent the whole week trying to prepare so we could test as many aspects as possible. The feedback we got from everyone was amazing and we also got to test some of the other games, least to say we were impressed.
To prepare for the playtesting I spent most of […]

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Program: Programming

BigGameProject – blog 3

Den här veckan har jag fokuserat majoriteten av min tid på objekt som spelaren kan trycka på.
För att vara mer exakt så har jag jobbat på hur vi bestämmer vad varje objekt ska göra. Jag har gjort två separata scripts för att få resultatet på bilden. Det första håller i alla värden och funktioner som alla objekt kan utföra. Till exempel värden som bestämmer vad objektet ska visa för effekter och hur länge objektet gör det den ska göra. Det […]

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Program: Programming

BigGameProject – blog 3

Den här veckan har jag fokuserat majoriteten av min tid på objekt som spelaren kan trycka på.
För att vara mer exakt så har jag jobbat på hur vi bestämmer vad varje objekt ska göra. Jag har gjort två separata scripts för att få resultatet på bilden. Det första håller i alla värden och funktioner som alla objekt kan utföra. Till exempel värden som bestämmer vad objektet ska visa för effekter och hur länge objektet gör det den ska göra. Det […]

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Program: Programming

#4 Big Game Project | Refine System, Skill tree and building GUI

Hello again!
This week I’ve worked on alot of different stuff such as:

Canvas healthbars
Refining system
Implemented new building models
A turnip farm
A skill tree + GUI for it
Building GUI

Among theese the more complex ones were the refine system and skill tree.
Refine System
The refine system converts a raw resources into a refined one.
Log -> Planks
Iron ore -> Iron Ingots
Stone -> Bricks
The settlers in our game can refine the raw resources in different buildings such as sawmill, masonry and smeltery. These buildings all work with the same mechanic. […]

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Program: Programming

#4 Big Game Project | Refine System, Skill tree and building GUI

Hello again!
This week I’ve worked on alot of different stuff such as:

Canvas healthbars
Refining system
Implemented new building models
A turnip farm
A skill tree + GUI for it
Building GUI

Among theese the more complex ones were the refine system and skill tree.
Refine System
The refine system converts a raw resources into a refined one.
Log -> Planks
Iron ore -> Iron Ingots
Stone -> Bricks
The settlers in our game can refine the raw resources in different buildings such as sawmill, masonry and smeltery. These buildings all work with the same mechanic. […]

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Program: Programming

Building Tools

Building some simple tools to help the project along.
Perhaps not so simple.
Continuing with the enemies, bigger, stronger, better!!! Nah, just improved a bit.
Well more of everything  is needed to make this project ready for alpha testing, so work work. At the beginning of the week we had a meeting with some of our mentors to discuss how we are going develop the game, in general terms and some details. This in turn brought us to have several meetings of our […]

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Program: Programming

Building Tools

Building some simple tools to help the project along.
Perhaps not so simple.
Continuing with the enemies, bigger, stronger, better!!! Nah, just improved a bit.
Well more of everything  is needed to make this project ready for alpha testing, so work work. At the beginning of the week we had a meeting with some of our mentors to discuss how we are going develop the game, in general terms and some details. This in turn brought us to have several meetings of our […]

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Program: Programming

Vecka 3

Jag jobbade bara måndag till onsdag förra veckan då jag åkte iväg till Stockholm i slutet av veckan på grund av ett jobberbjudande så den här veckans inlägg blir väldigt kort tyvärr! Kommer arbeta på mera den här veckan nu när vi har kommit halvvägs in i produktionen.

Medborgarplatsen ritad av Emma Mörk.


Sigrid Svederoth

Idag hade vi våra första möten. Varje måndag ska grafikerna, programmerarna och producenten möta sina respektive lärare för att få feedback och […]

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Program: Programming

Vecka 3

Jag jobbade bara måndag till onsdag förra veckan då jag åkte iväg till Stockholm i slutet av veckan på grund av ett jobberbjudande så den här veckans inlägg blir väldigt kort tyvärr! Kommer arbeta på mera den här veckan nu när vi har kommit halvvägs in i produktionen.

Medborgarplatsen ritad av Emma Mörk.


Sigrid Svederoth

Idag hade vi våra första möten. Varje måndag ska grafikerna, programmerarna och producenten möta sina respektive lärare för att få feedback och […]

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Program: Programming

Overlay – setbacks and progress

I didn’t know that it has been this long since I last blogged anything, but I’ve been busy with the program I’m working on. There’s been some progress, but also some setbacks. Mostly the setbacks have been caused by unexpected behaviors and poor planning. Yes, poor planning, but in all honesty most of this program started with just a test and then evolved into a test. Then I showed that test to someone and I got inspired to continue working […]

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Program: Programming

Overlay – setbacks and progress

I didn’t know that it has been this long since I last blogged anything, but I’ve been busy with the program I’m working on. There’s been some progress, but also some setbacks. Mostly the setbacks have been caused by unexpected behaviors and poor planning. Yes, poor planning, but in all honesty most of this program started with just a test and then evolved into a test. Then I showed that test to someone and I got inspired to continue working […]

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Program: Programming