Browsing 'Programming': Posts from Game Design and Programming

Show who’s the alpha!

During this week we have been working on providing content for the alpha and bug-checking. However, when the time came for alpha I noticed many things that needed fixing that I was blind to when I worked on the code. Characters appeared where they weren’t supposed to, music just kept playing when it was supposed to stop, not enough larger events, etc.
From then on all focus was on bug fixing the things we had and to provide content to show […]

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Program: Programming

Show who’s the alpha!

During this week we have been working on providing content for the alpha and bug-checking. However, when the time came for alpha I noticed many things that needed fixing that I was blind to when I worked on the code. Characters appeared where they weren’t supposed to, music just kept playing when it was supposed to stop, not enough larger events, etc.
From then on all focus was on bug fixing the things we had and to provide content to show […]

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Program: Programming

MVVM- XAML – WPF – What?

It’s been a busy time for me. Mostly because I’m trying to learn new stuff, but also because I want to learn the new stuff in a right manner. In my previous post I started using WPF – Windows Presentation Foundation on a new interface. I used the designer and just created the GUI, and did not write a single line of code. I created the GUI based upon how I would do it in a Windows forms application.
Later on I […]

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Program: Programming

MVVM- XAML – WPF – What?

It’s been a busy time for me. Mostly because I’m trying to learn new stuff, but also because I want to learn the new stuff in a right manner. In my previous post I started using WPF – Windows Presentation Foundation on a new interface. I used the designer and just created the GUI, and did not write a single line of code. I created the GUI based upon how I would do it in a Windows forms application.
Later on I […]

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Program: Programming

BGP Week 2 – Venus Slimetrap

During the second week, I started on the game’s main challenges, the special platforms that the player has to work with or around to move ahead in the game. The first one I ended up finishing up was the Venus Slimetrap, a platform inspired by the infamous Venus flytrap plant.
The Venus shroom is a simple construction, working by detecting if the player collides with it, and if so triggering a bool that starts a count taking in deltaTime. Once it reaches […]

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Program: Programming

BGP Week 2 – Venus Slimetrap

During the second week, I started on the game’s main challenges, the special platforms that the player has to work with or around to move ahead in the game. The first one I ended up finishing up was the Venus Slimetrap, a platform inspired by the infamous Venus flytrap plant.
The Venus shroom is a simple construction, working by detecting if the player collides with it, and if so triggering a bool that starts a count taking in deltaTime. Once it reaches […]

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Program: Programming

Relatively longer this time.

So a few days ago i set out to implement controls on Terra that allows it to walk upp vertical walls by pressing upp on the joystick and respectably down by pressing downwards on the joystick. And This ledd to some reworks in the controls of Terra and how it logically works.
Most of the work is in Figuring out logically how it will work together with the other code parts. This will Take some time but hopefully it will be […]

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Program: Programming

Relatively longer this time.

So a few days ago i set out to implement controls on Terra that allows it to walk upp vertical walls by pressing upp on the joystick and respectably down by pressing downwards on the joystick. And This ledd to some reworks in the controls of Terra and how it logically works.
Most of the work is in Figuring out logically how it will work together with the other code parts. This will Take some time but hopefully it will be […]

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Program: Programming

Big Game Project – Managing ambient sounds

Our game world consist of two areas different in mood. One is an island floating above the clouds and the other a dangerous jungle on the planet below. The island has a windy ambience and the jungle has recordings of a real jungle. Day and night is also important for gameplay, so I wanted different ambiences for those. It was difficult to find two wind recordings that were distinctively different enough, so I chose to always have the same for […]

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Program: Programming

Big Game Project – Managing ambient sounds

Our game world consist of two areas different in mood. One is an island floating above the clouds and the other a dangerous jungle on the planet below. The island has a windy ambience and the jungle has recordings of a real jungle. Day and night is also important for gameplay, so I wanted different ambiences for those. It was difficult to find two wind recordings that were distinctively different enough, so I chose to always have the same for […]

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Program: Programming

Another Short One

So this week we added support for Terra to move Up wall when pressing upp on the joystick while being stuck to it.

This will hopefully help players that think the old controls were confusing or hard to use. And also make the game more intuitive to play. Some animation changes were also made to Terra to make it flow more between animations.
Thank you for reading.

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Program: Programming

Another Short One

So this week we added support for Terra to move Up wall when pressing upp on the joystick while being stuck to it.

This will hopefully help players that think the old controls were confusing or hard to use. And also make the game more intuitive to play. Some animation changes were also made to Terra to make it flow more between animations.
Thank you for reading.

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Program: Programming

#5 Big Game Project |

This week has been all over the place. I’ve been working on alot of small things such as new HP bars for all entities. Only displaying the HP bars when necessary i.e settlers hp bar down in the jungle should not be displayed when the camera is above. I also added a simple lever so that the player can order the elevator to go up and down. There is one lever placed down in the jungle and one on top […]

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Program: Programming

#5 Big Game Project |

This week has been all over the place. I’ve been working on alot of small things such as new HP bars for all entities. Only displaying the HP bars when necessary i.e settlers hp bar down in the jungle should not be displayed when the camera is above. I also added a simple lever so that the player can order the elevator to go up and down. There is one lever placed down in the jungle and one on top […]

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Program: Programming

Day& Night Cycle

It’s been almost three weeks since i wrote something on this blog. Time flies by fast. So we’ve gone through some iterations of the concept of the game during this time. Design wise we shifted focus from the jungle to the island about two weeks ago. In the current version of the game the player gathers supplies form the jungle at day, and at night she needs to defend the island form insects that come to steal the settlers’ food. […]

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Program: Programming

Day& Night Cycle

It’s been almost three weeks since i wrote something on this blog. Time flies by fast. So we’ve gone through some iterations of the concept of the game during this time. Design wise we shifted focus from the jungle to the island about two weeks ago. In the current version of the game the player gathers supplies form the jungle at day, and at night she needs to defend the island form insects that come to steal the settlers’ food. […]

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Program: Programming

Making Play with Playmaker

During the preproduction of the Runes of Kalevala, a team member stumbled upon a plugin for Unity called Playmaker by Hutong Games LLC. Playmaker allows for a easier time when creating state machines since it does not require the user to script out the entire state machine. Instead the user can create state machines by simply dragging out lines between the states and the states themselves have actions that are executed when the state is reached.
The actions are […]

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Program: Programming

Making Play with Playmaker

During the preproduction of the Runes of Kalevala, a team member stumbled upon a plugin for Unity called Playmaker by Hutong Games LLC. Playmaker allows for a easier time when creating state machines since it does not require the user to script out the entire state machine. Instead the user can create state machines by simply dragging out lines between the states and the states themselves have actions that are executed when the state is reached.
The actions are […]

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Program: Programming

Prototype level for alpha

for the alpha I created a prototype level that we used to test how the game worked and how the level worked.
we got some good feedback and durring the playtest the testers brought up some new good points. This week the goal will be to rebuild the level and make it better and more relevant with the gameplay, to make the game feel like more then just a generic platformer. To do this I will implement new puzzels and makes the […]

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Program: Programming

Prototype level for alpha

for the alpha I created a prototype level that we used to test how the game worked and how the level worked.
we got some good feedback and durring the playtest the testers brought up some new good points. This week the goal will be to rebuild the level and make it better and more relevant with the gameplay, to make the game feel like more then just a generic platformer. To do this I will implement new puzzels and makes the […]

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Program: Programming

Week 5 BGP

Måndag 25/4 Idag har jag arbetat med raycast. Tidigare har jag använt en sfär runt mina karaktärer som använder AI men det kommer inte funka i längden. Så jag har använt mig av raycast som är en kollisioncheck som kollar i ett streck rakt fram. Strecket växer och krymper beroende på om den krockar med något. Alltså, ifall strecket går in i väggen så slutar den vid väggen och kollar därför inte vad som är på andra sidan av väggen. […]

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Program: Programming

Week 5 BGP

Måndag 25/4 Idag har jag arbetat med raycast. Tidigare har jag använt en sfär runt mina karaktärer som använder AI men det kommer inte funka i längden. Så jag har använt mig av raycast som är en kollisioncheck som kollar i ett streck rakt fram. Strecket växer och krymper beroende på om den krockar med något. Alltså, ifall strecket går in i väggen så slutar den vid väggen och kollar därför inte vad som är på andra sidan av väggen. […]

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Program: Programming

Big Game Project: Week 4

The fourth week (Apr 25 – Apr 29) development of our game “Kei” continues. This week I was working on an experimental feature in the game, the auto-locking system.
All considerations here are about melee attack (the player will also have ranged attack but it hasn’t been implemented yet). When you attack an enemy, the collider placed around your sword has to collide with the enemy’s collider in order for the hit to be registered. Since the sword object is relatively small compared […]

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Program: Programming

Big Game Project: Week 4

The fourth week (Apr 25 – Apr 29) development of our game “Kei” continues. This week I was working on an experimental feature in the game, the auto-locking system.
All considerations here are about melee attack (the player will also have ranged attack but it hasn’t been implemented yet). When you attack an enemy, the collider placed around your sword has to collide with the enemy’s collider in order for the hit to be registered. Since the sword object is relatively small compared […]

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Program: Programming