Browsing 'Programming': Posts from Game Design and Programming

“5sd06” successes and setbacks #1

My first blog post.

I haven’t made any blog posts for the last three weeks of the course since I haven’t been aware of the fact that all group members had to do it. (For Reasons, don’t judge) I’ll try to summarize what I did during that time on this post as well as what I done this week(Week 3).
The first week was messy, mostly because of the fact that I wasn’t just the only programmer of our group, but I […]

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Program: Programming

“5sd06” successes and setbacks #1

My first blog post.

I haven’t made any blog posts for the last three weeks of the course since I haven’t been aware of the fact that all group members had to do it. (For Reasons, don’t judge) I’ll try to summarize what I did during that time on this post as well as what I done this week(Week 3).
The first week was messy, mostly because of the fact that I wasn’t just the only programmer of our group, but I […]

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Program: Programming


Is this thing on?
zsjnx åfozrhdd hvfjhg
Hehe, that’s a sound joke for you…
If you are reading this, you are probably my fellow student.
Which means you probably don’t want to be here.
Well, too bad, because our teacher is forcing you!
Good news, though. Even though I’m a programmer, I’m not gonna force you to stare at 1337 lines of code and listen to lame logic explanations.
Instead, I have some music for you.
I’m the Lead Sound for my dev group, and I got to spend last […]

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Program: Programming


Is this thing on?
zsjnx åfozrhdd hvfjhg
Hehe, that’s a sound joke for you…
If you are reading this, you are probably my fellow student.
Which means you probably don’t want to be here.
Well, too bad, because our teacher is forcing you!
Good news, though. Even though I’m a programmer, I’m not gonna force you to stare at 1337 lines of code and listen to lame logic explanations.
Instead, I have some music for you.
I’m the Lead Sound for my dev group, and I got to spend last […]

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Program: Programming

Revenge of Teddy – Group Troll – HP Light Test

Today I worked on a system which should use light in the level to show the player’s HP. For now I’m using a point light in unity which changes in intensity and range as the player’s health changes. This first image shows what the screen looks like when the player has full HP:

(The white box is a placeholder for a teddy bear that the player controls in addition to the main character. Th grey box is a placeholder for a […]

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Program: Programming

Revenge of Teddy – Group Troll – HP Light Test

Today I worked on a system which should use light in the level to show the player’s HP. For now I’m using a point light in unity which changes in intensity and range as the player’s health changes. This first image shows what the screen looks like when the player has full HP:

(The white box is a placeholder for a teddy bear that the player controls in addition to the main character. Th grey box is a placeholder for a […]

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Program: Programming

Week 1: First Post – Player Character

This is the first version of the player character for our shoot’em up game SelFish.
Here I will write about how I put it together in Unity and about the code implemented for it.
After getting a concept images for the character and weapon I changed them to sprites in Unity where I then added the weapon sprite as a child to the character one.
The sprite needed both a collider and a rigidbody2D which was easy to put on in Unity, the […]

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Program: Programming

Week 1: First Post – Player Character

This is the first version of the player character for our shoot’em up game SelFish.
Here I will write about how I put it together in Unity and about the code implemented for it.
After getting a concept images for the character and weapon I changed them to sprites in Unity where I then added the weapon sprite as a child to the character one.
The sprite needed both a collider and a rigidbody2D which was easy to put on in Unity, the […]

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Program: Programming

Parallax scrolling background

My first task in the first sprint plan consisted in the creation of the parallax effect for the background of our game. The parallax effect could be easily noticed for example when moving with a car and see that the farthest environment moves slower than the nearest. The technique to realize the parallax effect is creating different layers and make them scrolling with different speed to give at the player a felling of deepness in the screen. The farthest layer should, […]

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Program: Programming

Parallax scrolling background

My first task in the first sprint plan consisted in the creation of the parallax effect for the background of our game. The parallax effect could be easily noticed for example when moving with a car and see that the farthest environment moves slower than the nearest. The technique to realize the parallax effect is creating different layers and make them scrolling with different speed to give at the player a felling of deepness in the screen. The farthest layer should, […]

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Program: Programming

The healthbar

This is my first entry for the blog assignment we got. I chose the healthbar for the first week, since I’ve recently implemented its functionality.
The healthbar is a central mechanic in very many games. It’s purpose is to represent the players health, in other words how many hits he can take before the game is over. Healthbars have taken many different forms in many different games. The Call of Duty series for instance uses the screen itself to indicate how […]

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Program: Programming

The healthbar

This is my first entry for the blog assignment we got. I chose the healthbar for the first week, since I’ve recently implemented its functionality.
The healthbar is a central mechanic in very many games. It’s purpose is to represent the players health, in other words how many hits he can take before the game is over. Healthbars have taken many different forms in many different games. The Call of Duty series for instance uses the screen itself to indicate how […]

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Program: Programming

Game Design 2 – Bounce Mechanic

My experience while working on a bounce mechanic for our game made with Unity.

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Program: Programming

Game Design 2 – Bounce Mechanic

My experience while working on a bounce mechanic for our game made with Unity.

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Program: Programming

Figuring out Bullet Patterns

During the past week I was assigned with making a couple of “bullet patterns”. By bullet pattern I mean the way the bullet acts when fired by an entity within the game world. So Essentially it is the act of how the entity shoots and how the bullet moves when shot. The purpose for this was to have as little code as possible, and making it easy for our designer to give each enemy a unique shooting pattern.
I quickly came […]

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Program: Programming

Figuring out Bullet Patterns

During the past week I was assigned with making a couple of “bullet patterns”. By bullet pattern I mean the way the bullet acts when fired by an entity within the game world. So Essentially it is the act of how the entity shoots and how the bullet moves when shot. The purpose for this was to have as little code as possible, and making it easy for our designer to give each enemy a unique shooting pattern.
I quickly came […]

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Program: Programming

5SD064 Implemented a spawn manager

ImageText: Showing some “temporary” enemies, spawned with the spawnmanager within certain boundaries.
The previous week, my sprint partly consisted of developing an enemy as well as an enemy manager which would have the ability to spawn a certain type of enemy depending on certain factors. 
The spawn manager was supposed to give the designer an ability to spawn whatever object that he wanted, depending on time as well as randomness at different positions, such as within two positions on the x axis […]

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Program: Programming

5SD064 Implemented a spawn manager

ImageText: Showing some “temporary” enemies, spawned with the spawnmanager within certain boundaries.
The previous week, my sprint partly consisted of developing an enemy as well as an enemy manager which would have the ability to spawn a certain type of enemy depending on certain factors. 
The spawn manager was supposed to give the designer an ability to spawn whatever object that he wanted, depending on time as well as randomness at different positions, such as within two positions on the x axis […]

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Program: Programming

Tower Defence – Path Finding

Learning about A* search algorithm.

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Program: Programming

Tower Defence – Path Finding

Learning about A* search algorithm.

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Program: Programming

Tower Defence – The Plan

Basic development plan for my Tower Defence game. Part of an assignment in 2D game creation.

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Program: Programming

Tower Defence – The Plan

Basic development plan for my Tower Defence game. Part of an assignment in 2D game creation.

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Program: Programming

“Underwater World”-themed game

Click here to download the .gmx file for the game.
This game was made as an assignment. It had to be made in under 10 hours, and using GameMaker : Studio.

I had the choice between three themes, from which I chose “Underwater World”.
While writing the code, I tried to be as rigorous as possible with semi-colons and indentation, as I realized that my runner game lacked such rigour.
All of the assets in the game, though modest, are original creations.
The goal […]

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Program: Programming

“Underwater World”-themed game

Click here to download the .gmx file for the game.
This game was made as an assignment. It had to be made in under 10 hours, and using GameMaker : Studio.

I had the choice between three themes, from which I chose “Underwater World”.
While writing the code, I tried to be as rigorous as possible with semi-colons and indentation, as I realized that my runner game lacked such rigour.
All of the assets in the game, though modest, are original creations.
The goal […]

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Program: Programming