Browsing 'Programming': Posts from Game Design and Programming

Trouble with knight

The beta release of our project is next week and we have been working hard with implementing all our assets into the game. I have been having a lot of trouble with the knight due to not having a clear vision on the code. The knight as a whole consists (or rather, will consist) of a sweeping attack, a shield that blocks damage, and a charge attack, and then of course an AI that ties this all together and executes […]

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Program: Programming

Trouble with knight

The beta release of our project is next week and we have been working hard with implementing all our assets into the game. I have been having a lot of trouble with the knight due to not having a clear vision on the code. The knight as a whole consists (or rather, will consist) of a sweeping attack, a shield that blocks damage, and a charge attack, and then of course an AI that ties this all together and executes […]

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Program: Programming

Implemented a boss

Image: Displaying the boss that has chosen his position of charging to when the load has finished.
Implemented a boss
During the last two weeks I’ve had the role of supporting the game designer in spontaneous fixes, meaning that when something needs to be done immedietely, I’ve been there to aid him. Also while doing this I focused on creating the boss for the game.
The boss was supposed to be the last part of our game, to make it an extra struggle […]

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Program: Programming

Implemented a boss

Image: Displaying the boss that has chosen his position of charging to when the load has finished.
Implemented a boss
During the last two weeks I’ve had the role of supporting the game designer in spontaneous fixes, meaning that when something needs to be done immedietely, I’ve been there to aid him. Also while doing this I focused on creating the boss for the game.
The boss was supposed to be the last part of our game, to make it an extra struggle […]

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Program: Programming

Of sprite sheets and animations

This week, I’m going to write about my work with sprite sheets and animations. Even though this is more in the line of an artist’s job, I decided to do it because in the end, it turned out to be a numbers game. Plus, we wanted to implement multiple animations on the same sprite, so it required coding.
So why was it a ‘numbers game’. And why the multiple animations. We had three animated objects in the game. The player itself, […]

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Program: Programming

Of sprite sheets and animations

This week, I’m going to write about my work with sprite sheets and animations. Even though this is more in the line of an artist’s job, I decided to do it because in the end, it turned out to be a numbers game. Plus, we wanted to implement multiple animations on the same sprite, so it required coding.
So why was it a ‘numbers game’. And why the multiple animations. We had three animated objects in the game. The player itself, […]

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Program: Programming

Cleaning up the wave spawning.

Hello! I Am Christofer Mattsson the lead coder in team Leviathan. We are now under ten weeks working on a game called Draxl’s journey.
We are now on the sexto week of production and our game is almost in beta.
This week.
This week I have mostly only continue working on the wave spawning script. I wrote about the wave spawning in my last blog post, so in this one I will talk about another problem I have had.
So let get started […]

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Program: Programming

Cleaning up the wave spawning.

Hello! I Am Christofer Mattsson the lead coder in team Leviathan. We are now under ten weeks working on a game called Draxl’s journey.
We are now on the sexto week of production and our game is almost in beta.
This week.
This week I have mostly only continue working on the wave spawning script. I wrote about the wave spawning in my last blog post, so in this one I will talk about another problem I have had.
So let get started […]

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Program: Programming

Game Design 2 – Projectiles

Implementing variation of projectiles.

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Program: Programming

Game Design 2 – Projectiles

Implementing variation of projectiles.

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Program: Programming


The third week approached and I was tasked to create the score system for our game, along with some other aspects that come with it. For this I needed to create or utilize:

A script that would keep track of the players score, and add to the score as long as they are not dead.
A HUD (Heads-Up Display) that would communicate the players score.
A pickup that would be generated from killing enemies, which would give score when picked up.
A crosshair that […]

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Program: Programming


The third week approached and I was tasked to create the score system for our game, along with some other aspects that come with it. For this I needed to create or utilize:

A script that would keep track of the players score, and add to the score as long as they are not dead.
A HUD (Heads-Up Display) that would communicate the players score.
A pickup that would be generated from killing enemies, which would give score when picked up.
A crosshair that […]

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Program: Programming

You spin my head

The project for this week was to implement a second power-up. As the first power-up gave the player a giant meteor to incinerate the enemies, the new power-up will be more defensive. When talking about defense a lot of people will probably think of shields, and that is just what i made. A fire shield. When the player activates the power-up a fire shield will spawn around the player and follow them around for a few seconds. Any enemies that […]

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Program: Programming

You spin my head

The project for this week was to implement a second power-up. As the first power-up gave the player a giant meteor to incinerate the enemies, the new power-up will be more defensive. When talking about defense a lot of people will probably think of shields, and that is just what i made. A fire shield. When the player activates the power-up a fire shield will spawn around the player and follow them around for a few seconds. Any enemies that […]

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Program: Programming

Spinning Enemy

This week I worked on adding more enemies to the game, as we previously only had a single one. I made 4 new enemies but the one I want to focus on for this blog post is an enemy that in the concept document was called ”Squirt.” Squirt is an enemy that circles around while spinning around shooting bubbles to the left and right. Here’s what he was depicted as in the concept document:

Spinning and shooting quickly creates waves of […]

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Program: Programming

Spinning Enemy

This week I worked on adding more enemies to the game, as we previously only had a single one. I made 4 new enemies but the one I want to focus on for this blog post is an enemy that in the concept document was called ”Squirt.” Squirt is an enemy that circles around while spinning around shooting bubbles to the left and right. Here’s what he was depicted as in the concept document:

Spinning and shooting quickly creates waves of […]

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Program: Programming

Getting a child’s attention

We have basic behavior for the children in our game, as you can see in my blog post “Making a child behave”, but I want to reach further into the depths of a child’s mind and implement attention. The children can currently be idle, lost or follow you blindly, but what if there is a pretty shining light nearby? Shouldn’t that distract them? What if there is an enemy chasing them? Should their focus not be on getting away?
I am […]

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Program: Programming

Getting a child’s attention

We have basic behavior for the children in our game, as you can see in my blog post “Making a child behave”, but I want to reach further into the depths of a child’s mind and implement attention. The children can currently be idle, lost or follow you blindly, but what if there is a pretty shining light nearby? Shouldn’t that distract them? What if there is an enemy chasing them? Should their focus not be on getting away?
I am […]

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Program: Programming

Becoming the “gitHub master”

Right then. Third post, let’s do it. This week I’m doing to be talking about gitHub, and all the headaches and sleepless nights it has caused me.
GitHub is a form of “version control”. Version control is basically the management of different collections of information. It’s very common and incredibly useful in programming in particular, but it can also be used for documents for example. It’s pretty much essential for projects that have multiple people working on them. The idea is […]

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Program: Programming

Becoming the “gitHub master”

Right then. Third post, let’s do it. This week I’m doing to be talking about gitHub, and all the headaches and sleepless nights it has caused me.
GitHub is a form of “version control”. Version control is basically the management of different collections of information. It’s very common and incredibly useful in programming in particular, but it can also be used for documents for example. It’s pretty much essential for projects that have multiple people working on them. The idea is […]

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Program: Programming

Blog 3 – Week 8

The Old Spawner
The reason why this blog post is called old spawner is because, since my original design of the spawner, it has been modified and changed to better suit our game and be simpler for the game designer to use. This script was a completely new topic that I have never worked on or attempted before so working on it was pretty difficult.With a bullet hell it is usually good to have waves spawn as to control the flow […]

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Program: Programming

Blog 3 – Week 8

The Old Spawner
The reason why this blog post is called old spawner is because, since my original design of the spawner, it has been modified and changed to better suit our game and be simpler for the game designer to use. This script was a completely new topic that I have never worked on or attempted before so working on it was pretty difficult.With a bullet hell it is usually good to have waves spawn as to control the flow […]

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Program: Programming

Blog Post #3

Hello again,
For this week I’m going to write about the presentation I held Thursday last week for the Alpha version of our game Echo.
For this presentation we were supposed to talk about how we interpreted the game concepts we chose earlier on in the course and discuss the current status of our game. We were supposed to come up with some good and bad choices we made for our game during the project and analyse what we could have done to prevent the […]

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Program: Programming

Blog Post #3

Hello again,
For this week I’m going to write about the presentation I held Thursday last week for the Alpha version of our game Echo.
For this presentation we were supposed to talk about how we interpreted the game concepts we chose earlier on in the course and discuss the current status of our game. We were supposed to come up with some good and bad choices we made for our game during the project and analyse what we could have done to prevent the […]

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Program: Programming