Browsing 'Programming': Posts from Game Design and Programming

Amenti – 1

The first week of the project mostly contained a lot of planning and documentation which can be tedious but deep down we know that it is a essential part to make the project go much smoother.
Besides planning and documentation I have worked on the prototype of the tutorial room where the player is introduced to the core mechanics of the game. The majority of the mechanics are based on interacting with objects and picking up stuff, like fire, life or […]

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Program: Programming

Amenti – 1

The first week of the project mostly contained a lot of planning and documentation which can be tedious but deep down we know that it is a essential part to make the project go much smoother.
Besides planning and documentation I have worked on the prototype of the tutorial room where the player is introduced to the core mechanics of the game. The majority of the mechanics are based on interacting with objects and picking up stuff, like fire, life or […]

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Program: Programming

Goblin Dr.

Då har det kommit fram till BGP och jag tänkte presentera lite om det koncept som jag har hängivit mig till, det koncept heter Goblin Dr. Goblin Dr. är ett fantasy, lokal co-op spel med isometrisk vy som spelas med två spelare, spelets design har ett fokus på kommunikationen mellan spelarna.  Spelarna styr var sin goblin som har i uppgift att läka så många skadade orcser som möjligt.  Spelet utspelar sig under ett krig mellan människor och orcser en bit […]

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Program: Programming

Goblin Dr.

Då har det kommit fram till BGP och jag tänkte presentera lite om det koncept som jag har hängivit mig till, det koncept heter Goblin Dr. Goblin Dr. är ett fantasy, lokal co-op spel med isometrisk vy som spelas med två spelare, spelets design har ett fokus på kommunikationen mellan spelarna.  Spelarna styr var sin goblin som har i uppgift att läka så många skadade orcser som möjligt.  Spelet utspelar sig under ett krig mellan människor och orcser en bit […]

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Program: Programming

BGP: Refracted Fate – Keypads, cameras and dimension shifting!

Hello everyone, back with another one of thus blog posts.  Recently I have been focusing on finishing the dimension shifting power, but also working on the camera system that watch different corridors and track the player. I have also been working on a new redesigned keypad system that works a bit different.
New Keypad system
Let’s starts with the new keypad system, continuing the latest blog post. The keypad has been redesigned so instead of the user pointing to a key and […]

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Program: Programming

BGP: Refracted Fate – Keypads, cameras and dimension shifting!

Hello everyone, back with another one of thus blog posts.  Recently I have been focusing on finishing the dimension shifting power, but also working on the camera system that watch different corridors and track the player. I have also been working on a new redesigned keypad system that works a bit different.
New Keypad system
Let’s starts with the new keypad system, continuing the latest blog post. The keypad has been redesigned so instead of the user pointing to a key and […]

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Program: Programming

Alien Station – Development Week 3

As lead designer, producer, script writer, and possibly even but less likely so, programmer, on the project Alien Station (working title), I will primarily work on creating the game’s narrative and designing the game’s mechanics to work in unison with it, all the while documenting and making sure production is coherent.
Week 3 of the course and project has been quite eclectic as far as my personal work goes: I have worked on three key areas for this week: Manuscript; the […]

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Program: Programming

Alien Station – Development Week 3

As lead designer, producer, script writer, and possibly even but less likely so, programmer, on the project Alien Station (working title), I will primarily work on creating the game’s narrative and designing the game’s mechanics to work in unison with it, all the while documenting and making sure production is coherent.
Week 3 of the course and project has been quite eclectic as far as my personal work goes: I have worked on three key areas for this week: Manuscript; the […]

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Program: Programming

Neon Skies – Week 3

Week 3 focused on creating a fast 3D sketch of the drop pod that the players will come down in. However, due to me having to travel away, we decided that it was better to start work on something that would take a longer time that I could work on independently for extended periods, as such we started work on the mining drones.

In the beginning we were going for a very robust style on the drones with 4 […]

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Program: Programming

Neon Skies – Week 3

Week 3 focused on creating a fast 3D sketch of the drop pod that the players will come down in. However, due to me having to travel away, we decided that it was better to start work on something that would take a longer time that I could work on independently for extended periods, as such we started work on the mining drones.

In the beginning we were going for a very robust style on the drones with 4 […]

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Program: Programming

First production week, first post

Hi ya’ll!
First blog post of the Big Game Project course, and the first production week!
During this course I will try to make 3 posts focused on artifacts from more of a game design perspective,
and 3 posts focused more on how the artifacts has been programmed or created.
It has been a while since this blog was used, however new year and new game requires for some posts here.
So what has been done since the “Big Game Project” course started? Well, the […]

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Program: Programming

First production week, first post

Hi ya’ll!
First blog post of the Big Game Project course, and the first production week!
During this course I will try to make 3 posts focused on artifacts from more of a game design perspective,
and 3 posts focused more on how the artifacts has been programmed or created.
It has been a while since this blog was used, however new year and new game requires for some posts here.
So what has been done since the “Big Game Project” course started? Well, the […]

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Program: Programming

First Week Of Production

CritterFlux is an idea me and my teammates had during a late night pokemonGO walk during the road to GGC. We were discussing our previous game which also was an android based but much bigger in scope. After a while of conversation we decided to pitch our new game concept and test the water and see how many would be interested. This was a hit and almost a couple of days after the pitch we had potential recruters and teammembers […]

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Program: Programming

First Week Of Production

CritterFlux is an idea me and my teammates had during a late night pokemonGO walk during the road to GGC. We were discussing our previous game which also was an android based but much bigger in scope. After a while of conversation we decided to pitch our new game concept and test the water and see how many would be interested. This was a hit and almost a couple of days after the pitch we had potential recruters and teammembers […]

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Program: Programming

vecka 1, karta och GPS

Första veckan med att jobba på spelet började med att vi satt och diskuterade på vad alla skulle jobba med under projektets första fas. Jag fick uppgift att fixa karta, vilket skulle vara Google maps, i liknande stil med Pokemon Go. Jag skulle även behöva få in GPS koordinaterna från Android enheten som spelet spelade på.
Det första som jag gjorde då var att söka efter hur man skulle kunna programmera detta själv och om det fanns några tips på hur […]

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Program: Programming

vecka 1, karta och GPS

Första veckan med att jobba på spelet började med att vi satt och diskuterade på vad alla skulle jobba med under projektets första fas. Jag fick uppgift att fixa karta, vilket skulle vara Google maps, i liknande stil med Pokemon Go. Jag skulle även behöva få in GPS koordinaterna från Android enheten som spelet spelade på.
Det första som jag gjorde då var att söka efter hur man skulle kunna programmera detta själv och om det fanns några tips på hur […]

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Program: Programming


This week I was primarily tasked with continuing to create sounds for the game, while also refining some of the sounds we already had. The tasks I was given were:

Create a sound for when the character is damaged in the game.
Create a sound for each enemy when they are damaged by the player.
Create a sound for when you are firing the laser gun.
Create a sound for when you are firing the nerf gun.
Create UI sounds, such as when traversing the […]

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Program: Programming


This week I was primarily tasked with continuing to create sounds for the game, while also refining some of the sounds we already had. The tasks I was given were:

Create a sound for when the character is damaged in the game.
Create a sound for each enemy when they are damaged by the player.
Create a sound for when you are firing the laser gun.
Create a sound for when you are firing the nerf gun.
Create UI sounds, such as when traversing the […]

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Program: Programming

Hello and welcome

Welcome to my blog about game design and programming. This blog is an assignment in my course, Big Game Project. The goal is to have a finished game in approximately 2 months. During this process I will write in this blog and talk about my design decisions and programming.
We are seven people who will be working on Fast Gear. My role in this is lead programmer, which means I will oversee the work of the other programmers, coordinate our efforts […]

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Program: Programming

Hello and welcome

Welcome to my blog about game design and programming. This blog is an assignment in my course, Big Game Project. The goal is to have a finished game in approximately 2 months. During this process I will write in this blog and talk about my design decisions and programming.
We are seven people who will be working on Fast Gear. My role in this is lead programmer, which means I will oversee the work of the other programmers, coordinate our efforts […]

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Program: Programming

Week 1 and 2 of Big Game Project: Production and Design

These two weeks saw the start of a project that is to span 8 weeks of development, where I will be taking the role of Producer along with part-time Designer and Programmer. The game being made is an isometric 3D-game, tactical and turn-based. Secret agendas are a main mechanic, where-in players will be given secret objectives to complete that include betraying other players and killing them before reaching the end game. In short, the Mechanics involve Moving and Attacking enemies and allies, […]

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Program: Programming

Week 1 and 2 of Big Game Project: Production and Design

These two weeks saw the start of a project that is to span 8 weeks of development, where I will be taking the role of Producer along with part-time Designer and Programmer. The game being made is an isometric 3D-game, tactical and turn-based. Secret agendas are a main mechanic, where-in players will be given secret objectives to complete that include betraying other players and killing them before reaching the end game. In short, the Mechanics involve Moving and Attacking enemies and allies, […]

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Program: Programming

De två första produktionsveckorna av Fast Gear

Nu har Big Game Project startat och så även produktionen av vårat spel ”Fast Gear”.   Fast Gear är ett story-based racingspel, där spelaren både före och efter ett race har en dialog med andra karaktärer i spelet samt med pressen. Beroende på hur spelaren agerar före, under och efter racet har det en påverkan på hur storyn utspelar sig.
Jag blev utnämnd till producer för detta projekt så dessa två veckor har jag organiserat en projektplan med backlog och allt […]

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Program: Programming

De två första produktionsveckorna av Fast Gear

Nu har Big Game Project startat och så även produktionen av vårat spel ”Fast Gear”.   Fast Gear är ett story-based racingspel, där spelaren både före och efter ett race har en dialog med andra karaktärer i spelet samt med pressen. Beroende på hur spelaren agerar före, under och efter racet har det en påverkan på hur storyn utspelar sig.
Jag blev utnämnd till producer för detta projekt så dessa två veckor har jag organiserat en projektplan med backlog och allt […]

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Program: Programming