Browsing 'Programming': Posts from Game Design and Programming

A Rat Betwixt

This post is already 2 weeks late – so let’s get going right away.
It’s been over a year since the last series of posts and now I’m back to write about the project I’m curently working on: A Rat Betwixt. It’s a turn-based local (for now – probably online in the future) multiplayer co-op(tional?) strategy RPG, with some deception and hidden agendas mixed in.
The game is played on one large screen – such as a TV or a projector – […]

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Program: Programming

A Rat Betwixt

This post is already 2 weeks late – so let’s get going right away.
It’s been over a year since the last series of posts and now I’m back to write about the project I’m curently working on: A Rat Betwixt. It’s a turn-based local (for now – probably online in the future) multiplayer co-op(tional?) strategy RPG, with some deception and hidden agendas mixed in.
The game is played on one large screen – such as a TV or a projector – […]

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Program: Programming

A Rat Betwixt

This post is already 2 weeks late – so let’s get going right away.
It’s been over a year since the last series of posts and now I’m back to write about the project I’m curently working on: A Rat Betwixt. It’s a turn-based local (for now – probably online in the future) multiplayer co-op(tional?) strategy RPG, with some deception and hidden agendas mixed in.

The game is played on one large screen – such as a TV or a projector – […]

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Program: Programming

A Rat Betwixt

This post is already 2 weeks late – so let’s get going right away.
It’s been over a year since the last series of posts and now I’m back to write about the project I’m curently working on: A Rat Betwixt. It’s a turn-based local (for now – probably online in the future) multiplayer co-op(tional?) strategy RPG, with some deception and hidden agendas mixed in.

The game is played on one large screen – such as a TV or a projector – […]

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Program: Programming

Week 3 of Big Game Project: Early UI and what to show the player.

Beyond more production and design work, migration of systems from the prototype to an early pre-alpha build began.  Since systems were no longer being tested by internal testers, the game required an UI on both the server and client screens displaying statistics like player health, Initiative number and which attacks are selected. The transfer lead to the use of actual equipment to appear on the GGC floor where the UI appeared differently and would require different solutions.

Above is one of […]

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Program: Programming

Week 3 of Big Game Project: Early UI and what to show the player.

Beyond more production and design work, migration of systems from the prototype to an early pre-alpha build began.  Since systems were no longer being tested by internal testers, the game required an UI on both the server and client screens displaying statistics like player health, Initiative number and which attacks are selected. The transfer lead to the use of actual equipment to appear on the GGC floor where the UI appeared differently and would require different solutions.

Above is one of […]

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Program: Programming

BGP #2

But before I gave up on the camera I decided to continue a little bit more with it and ended up trying to make it work for 1-2 days. We wanted a camera to rotate around the player statically and can only be moved by the player. Then it should also have a collision towards walls and other objectives. It seemed like an easy task but it completely twisted my arm. I ended up making a couple of different cameras […]

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Program: Programming

BGP #2

But before I gave up on the camera I decided to continue a little bit more with it and ended up trying to make it work for 1-2 days. We wanted a camera to rotate around the player statically and can only be moved by the player. Then it should also have a collision towards walls and other objectives. It seemed like an easy task but it completely twisted my arm. I ended up making a couple of different cameras […]

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Program: Programming

BGP 2017 – The tools

For the first week I worked a bit on implementing the movement of the tools which the players cooperate to use. The first one which I worked on was the stretcher.
The stretcher
The stretcher is used to transport the orcs around the camp. The stretcher has two parts to its movement:

In the front are steering handles, used to orient the front wheels of the stretcher. Once the orientation has been set, the stretcher will rotate in that direction when moved.
In the […]

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Program: Programming

BGP 2017 – The tools

For the first week I worked a bit on implementing the movement of the tools which the players cooperate to use. The first one which I worked on was the stretcher.
The stretcher
The stretcher is used to transport the orcs around the camp. The stretcher has two parts to its movement:

In the front are steering handles, used to orient the front wheels of the stretcher. Once the orientation has been set, the stretcher will rotate in that direction when moved.
In the […]

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Program: Programming

Fast Gear Blog 1.

Ny kurs och nytt projekt. I kursen ”Big game project” så är planen att vi ska skapa ett ”Story-based racing game” där spelarens val innan racet har en avgörande faktor i hur motståndarna beter sig emot spelaren.  Detta är planen när vi går in i arbete med projektet.
Som programmerare har jag under den första perioden fokuserat på att utveckla motståndarens AI. Detta är med all säkerhet den största och avgörande delen av spelet rent programmeringsmässigt.  Eftersom vi alla programmerare precis avslutat […]

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Program: Programming

Fast Gear Blog 1.

Ny kurs och nytt projekt. I kursen ”Big game project” så är planen att vi ska skapa ett ”Story-based racing game” där spelarens val innan racet har en avgörande faktor i hur motståndarna beter sig emot spelaren.  Detta är planen när vi går in i arbete med projektet.
Som programmerare har jag under den första perioden fokuserat på att utveckla motståndarens AI. Detta är med all säkerhet den största och avgörande delen av spelet rent programmeringsmässigt.  Eftersom vi alla programmerare precis avslutat […]

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Program: Programming

Veckoreflektion V.3-4 Fast Gear

I slutet av förra veckan (V.3 av produktionen) så hade vi ett ”pre-alpha” speltest med de andra eleverna i klassen. Detta gjordes för att få och ge feedback till spelen som har gjorts. Den responsen vi fick var att AI:n var alldeles för svår och att bilkörningen inte kändes ”äkta”. Detta kommer vi att ha i åtanke när vi fortsätter produktionen. Det gavs även respons på att den asymmetriska vyn på kameran hade ett lagg vid övergången till en annan vy.
Under […]

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Program: Programming

Veckoreflektion V.3-4 Fast Gear

I slutet av förra veckan (V.3 av produktionen) så hade vi ett ”pre-alpha” speltest med de andra eleverna i klassen. Detta gjordes för att få och ge feedback till spelen som har gjorts. Den responsen vi fick var att AI:n var alldeles för svår och att bilkörningen inte kändes ”äkta”. Detta kommer vi att ha i åtanke när vi fortsätter produktionen. Det gavs även respons på att den asymmetriska vyn på kameran hade ett lagg vid övergången till en annan vy.
Under […]

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Program: Programming

Prototype and Networking

In the current course we are to make a ‘vertical slice’ of a game. We are 7 people in my group; 4 are graphical artists, and 3 are programmers. 1 of the artists are is the lead designer, and 1 of the programmers is the producer. The producer has so far not made any of the code, so I and the other programmer have made the code we have produced so far.
The Game
 The game is called “A Rat […]

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Program: Programming

Prototype and Networking

In the current course we are to make a ‘vertical slice’ of a game. We are 7 people in my group; 4 are graphical artists, and 3 are programmers. 1 of the artists are is the lead designer, and 1 of the programmers is the producer. The producer has so far not made any of the code, so I and the other programmer have made the code we have produced so far.
The Game
 The game is called “A Rat […]

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Program: Programming

Fast Gear – Week 4

Up until this point and probably for a couple of more weeks my focus have been on doing the AI(Artificial Intelligence) for our game. The AI is not that complicated as of right now. It has a road which it follows using A* which an algorithm for calculating the fastest way to the goal. The area surrounding the road is not made out of the same material so it has a higher value, meaning it costs more to drive on […]

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Program: Programming

Fast Gear – Week 4

Up until this point and probably for a couple of more weeks my focus have been on doing the AI(Artificial Intelligence) for our game. The AI is not that complicated as of right now. It has a road which it follows using A* which an algorithm for calculating the fastest way to the goal. The area surrounding the road is not made out of the same material so it has a higher value, meaning it costs more to drive on […]

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Program: Programming

Tredej veckan av utvecklingen, The Summoning

När implementeringen av en tredje kamera som åskådare ska använda sig av vid uppvisning av spelet på Gotland Game Conferans / GGC.
Behövdes ordningen på kamerorna ändras även om man stängde av åskådare kameran så blev den huvud kameran man kolla ifrån.
Så det blev min första arbetas uppgift att ändar på den så att demonens kamera vissas i skärmen när båda spelarna har joinat matchen för demonen och mänskans kamera för den.
Under visa tidpunkter under veckan fick man åter gå å […]

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Program: Programming

Tredej veckan av utvecklingen, The Summoning

När implementeringen av en tredje kamera som åskådare ska använda sig av vid uppvisning av spelet på Gotland Game Conferans / GGC.
Behövdes ordningen på kamerorna ändras även om man stängde av åskådare kameran så blev den huvud kameran man kolla ifrån.
Så det blev min första arbetas uppgift att ändar på den så att demonens kamera vissas i skärmen när båda spelarna har joinat matchen för demonen och mänskans kamera för den.
Under visa tidpunkter under veckan fick man åter gå å […]

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Program: Programming

BGP: Refracted Fate – Sliding Doors!

Hi, all readers, I will start focusing more on a single thing that I have worked on and instead write about it a more detailed. So, the number of things I showcase will be lower, but hopefully it will be better quality and more interesting. Anyway, let’s get started! This week I will be talking about the slider mechanic that I have been working on in the game!
Sliding, doors and objects!
The way the sliding function has been made is very basic […]

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Program: Programming

BGP: Refracted Fate – Sliding Doors!

Hi, all readers, I will start focusing more on a single thing that I have worked on and instead write about it a more detailed. So, the number of things I showcase will be lower, but hopefully it will be better quality and more interesting. Anyway, let’s get started! This week I will be talking about the slider mechanic that I have been working on in the game!
Sliding, doors and objects!
The way the sliding function has been made is very basic […]

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Program: Programming

The human player class

Our game ”The Summoning” are an asymetric game where two players are battling eachother. One of the players plays as the Demon Lord whom is trying to kill the Human  with an army of minions. The Human player has to stay alive while keep going forward to the Demon Lords’ castle/lair (work is still in progress on this area) and summon the Demon Lord. When summoned the Demon Lord is risking to die by the Humans’ hands.
As mentioned above, the Human player is fighting against the Demon player whom got an army of […]

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Program: Programming

The human player class

Our game ”The Summoning” are an asymetric game where two players are battling eachother. One of the players plays as the Demon Lord whom is trying to kill the Human  with an army of minions. The Human player has to stay alive while keep going forward to the Demon Lords’ castle/lair (work is still in progress on this area) and summon the Demon Lord. When summoned the Demon Lord is risking to die by the Humans’ hands.
As mentioned above, the Human player is fighting against the Demon player whom got an army of […]

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Program: Programming