Browsing 'Programming': Posts from Game Design and Programming
BGP 2017 – The pliers
The pliers are used to move the prosthetic from the furnace and to attach the prosthetic to the orc.
To use the pliers the goblins have to pick up one handle each. Each part of the pliers then follows the player. To pick something up with the pliers, the players must clamp it between the ends of the pliers.
The players must then move very carefully to not let up the pressure of the pliers, or it will let go of the […]
BGP 2017 – The pliers
The pliers are used to move the prosthetic from the furnace and to attach the prosthetic to the orc.
To use the pliers the goblins have to pick up one handle each. Each part of the pliers then follows the player. To pick something up with the pliers, the players must clamp it between the ends of the pliers.
The players must then move very carefully to not let up the pressure of the pliers, or it will let go of the […]
BGP2017 – Amputation
For the vertical slice of the game the way you ”heal” the orcs is by amputating the hurt limbs of the orc using the axe and then attaching a prosthetic.
To implement this the mesh is split up into 14 separate objects which are all rigged to one rig. For each limb which can be amputated there is a child object in the rig hierarchy at the same level as the limb which can be amputated. This object has a limb […]
BGP2017 – Amputation
For the vertical slice of the game the way you ”heal” the orcs is by amputating the hurt limbs of the orc using the axe and then attaching a prosthetic.
To implement this the mesh is split up into 14 separate objects which are all rigged to one rig. For each limb which can be amputated there is a child object in the rig hierarchy at the same level as the limb which can be amputated. This object has a limb […]
Veckoreflektion V.5-7 Fast Gear
Under dessa veckor har jag arbetat med olika delar av spelet. Dessa innefattar spelarstyrning, AI och dess beteende.
Det jag har arbetat med i spelarstyrning är att få den att kännas ”bra”, att ge styrningen en näst in till realistisk känsla med andra ord. Detta är högst individuellt vilket gör det svårt att få en generaliserad ”realistisk” känsla. Dock har vi i gruppen försökt att med jämna mellanrum speltestat för att se hur spelarstyrningen känns. Det som har ändrats på är hur bilen […]
Veckoreflektion V.5-7 Fast Gear
Under dessa veckor har jag arbetat med olika delar av spelet. Dessa innefattar spelarstyrning, AI och dess beteende.
Det jag har arbetat med i spelarstyrning är att få den att kännas ”bra”, att ge styrningen en näst in till realistisk känsla med andra ord. Detta är högst individuellt vilket gör det svårt att få en generaliserad ”realistisk” känsla. Dock har vi i gruppen försökt att med jämna mellanrum speltestat för att se hur spelarstyrningen känns. Det som har ändrats på är hur bilen […]
Denna vecka som programmerare har jag fokuserat att utveckla ett slags positioning system där spelet känner av vilken bil som ligger först och vilken bil som ligger tvåa o.s.v. Vi har gemensamt i gruppen diskuterat vad som är den bästa lösningen för att göra ett sådant system och kommit fram till att vi måste sätta ut checkpoints runtom på banan och med hjälp av dom bestämma vem som leder. Det fungerar så att scriptet på dessa checkpoints skall känna av […]
Denna vecka som programmerare har jag fokuserat att utveckla ett slags positioning system där spelet känner av vilken bil som ligger först och vilken bil som ligger tvåa o.s.v. Vi har gemensamt i gruppen diskuterat vad som är den bästa lösningen för att göra ett sådant system och kommit fram till att vi måste sätta ut checkpoints runtom på banan och med hjälp av dom bestämma vem som leder. Det fungerar så att scriptet på dessa checkpoints skall känna av […]
Week 5 First Animation (ever)
This week saw me taking my first steps into animation programming, resolving how to code to move a character according to input and the speed it was traveling.
Unity’s animation solution is a new type of challenge, but not entirely. It is mainly built up from State Machines , something which a programmer might be more familiar with than an artist. What these boil down to are devices or programs that produce a certain type of output depending […]
Week 5 First Animation (ever)
This week saw me taking my first steps into animation programming, resolving how to code to move a character according to input and the speed it was traveling.
Unity’s animation solution is a new type of challenge, but not entirely. It is mainly built up from State Machines , something which a programmer might be more familiar with than an artist. What these boil down to are devices or programs that produce a certain type of output depending […]
Camera design and programming
Hello everyone!
The last few weeks have been a lot about the camera design of our game, and programming it, so this post will explain why the camera is the way it is, and how it was programmed.
Camera design
At first we wanted to have a different camera angle for every event, and also that the camera should be static in its position, and straight up just use a look at function to follow the player. We quickly realized after a playtest that […]
Camera design and programming
Hello everyone!
The last few weeks have been a lot about the camera design of our game, and programming it, so this post will explain why the camera is the way it is, and how it was programmed.
Camera design
At first we wanted to have a different camera angle for every event, and also that the camera should be static in its position, and straight up just use a look at function to follow the player. We quickly realized after a playtest that […]
Amenti week 5 BGP
Half the course is now almost done and the project is taking form. Art is starting to find its way into the game and the mechanics are pretty much done. This week was the alpha deadline and we were all working hard to make the game playable with an easy progression through the game.
New Blueprint
But first I fixed a blueprint so that we could use it more dynamically. The blueprint used to only be able to move a Pillar_BP reference […]
Amenti week 5 BGP
Half the course is now almost done and the project is taking form. Art is starting to find its way into the game and the mechanics are pretty much done. This week was the alpha deadline and we were all working hard to make the game playable with an easy progression through the game.
New Blueprint
But first I fixed a blueprint so that we could use it more dynamically. The blueprint used to only be able to move a Pillar_BP reference […]
Amenti – 4
I have done a lot of design work on the Horusroom and at this point I am pretty satisfied with how it is. I also worked some on feedback to make the player understand that he/she is doing something right and is on the right track.
Here is an image when the player first enters the Horus room. The first thing the player sees is a round kinda wierd looking thing on the wall with arms sticking out of it, and […]
Amenti – 4
I have done a lot of design work on the Horusroom and at this point I am pretty satisfied with how it is. I also worked some on feedback to make the player understand that he/she is doing something right and is on the right track.
Here is an image when the player first enters the Horus room. The first thing the player sees is a round kinda wierd looking thing on the wall with arms sticking out of it, and […]
First post: Motion Capture
Perhaps a day or two late (try four weeks Linda, get your shit together), but better late than never!
This first ever blog post about our game Rune Mages will cover very beginning of my work on the animations. Being the Lead Animator I felt like that would be a suitable subject.
I decided to use Motion Capture for our game since we will have four characters, all with unique and individual animations. Doing them by hand would have been way […]
First post: Motion Capture
Perhaps a day or two late (try four weeks Linda, get your shit together), but better late than never!
This first ever blog post about our game Rune Mages will cover very beginning of my work on the animations. Being the Lead Animator I felt like that would be a suitable subject.
I decided to use Motion Capture for our game since we will have four characters, all with unique and individual animations. Doing them by hand would have been way […]
Week 4: Actual UI implementation, Alpha Presentation
The Alpha has come and gone , its presentation over. Feedback mainly centered around difficulty in determining which player is where and doing what, indicating our placeholder art needs to be replaced ASAP. But that would not make a very good blogpost, so here instead the project UI and where it derives its statistics are obtained. Remember that all art here is placeholder at the moment, meant only to represent what each player should see, not what they WILL see.
The […]
Week 4: Actual UI implementation, Alpha Presentation
The Alpha has come and gone , its presentation over. Feedback mainly centered around difficulty in determining which player is where and doing what, indicating our placeholder art needs to be replaced ASAP. But that would not make a very good blogpost, so here instead the project UI and where it derives its statistics are obtained. Remember that all art here is placeholder at the moment, meant only to represent what each player should see, not what they WILL see.
The […]
Touching the game world
I’ve been working on a system to detect the touch of a finger, this of course is because we are building the game for an android device. For this we need to have a series of inputs that sense the difference between when a finger is touching the screen, letting go of the screen, and movement of the finger across the screen. Since the game also uses 3D perspective and 3D assets, it is crucial that the fingers positioning on […]
Touching the game world
I’ve been working on a system to detect the touch of a finger, this of course is because we are building the game for an android device. For this we need to have a series of inputs that sense the difference between when a finger is touching the screen, letting go of the screen, and movement of the finger across the screen. Since the game also uses 3D perspective and 3D assets, it is crucial that the fingers positioning on […]
Eyes Align – Development Week 4
During this week, my work has gone almost entirely towards finalizing the Twine protoype, with the potential for importing this prototype into unreal 4.
There was more coding to be done than I had previously assumed of Twine, but nonetheless, there were results to be had from importing images and sound: We could quickly get a feeling for how the pace of the game would potentially be like and how the atmosphere would feel.
A scene from twine. Point and click interactions
However, […]
Eyes Align – Development Week 4
During this week, my work has gone almost entirely towards finalizing the Twine protoype, with the potential for importing this prototype into unreal 4.
There was more coding to be done than I had previously assumed of Twine, but nonetheless, there were results to be had from importing images and sound: We could quickly get a feeling for how the pace of the game would potentially be like and how the atmosphere would feel.
A scene from twine. Point and click interactions
However, […]