Browsing 'Programming': Posts from Game Design and Programming

[5SD037] Pre GGC

This week I don’t have much to write about, the game needs to be done by Saturday evening and we have some polishing left to do. But except that we have polish the whole game for the past ~2 weeks and a ton of stuff have been updated. Feedback has been added to most actions in the game. Animations and sound has been added. And I am happy to present or official trailer!

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Program: Programming

[5SD037] Pre GGC

This week I don’t have much to write about, the game needs to be done by Saturday evening and we have some polishing left to do. But except that we have polish the whole game for the past ~2 weeks and a ton of stuff have been updated. Feedback has been added to most actions in the game. Animations and sound has been added. And I am happy to present or official trailer!

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Program: Programming

Tillbaka till rosornas och ruinernas stad

Den här bloggen har varit helt bortglömd i flera månader nu. Mycket har skett sen jag senast skrev här. Jag ska dra igenom allting så snabbt jag kan innan jag kommer fram till varför jag bestämde mig för att skriva ett inlägg efter denna tystnad.
Innan jag avslutade min studier på Campus Gotland så hade jag redan fått en timanställning på det fantastiska företaget A Small Game där jag hade rollen som PR Manager i nästan ett år. Där hade […]

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Program: Programming

Tillbaka till rosornas och ruinernas stad

Den här bloggen har varit helt bortglömd i flera månader nu. Mycket har skett sen jag senast skrev här. Jag ska dra igenom allting så snabbt jag kan innan jag kommer fram till varför jag bestämde mig för att skriva ett inlägg efter denna tystnad.
Innan jag avslutade min studier på Campus Gotland så hade jag redan fått en timanställning på det fantastiska företaget A Small Game där jag hade rollen som PR Manager i nästan ett år. Där hade […]

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Program: Programming

sjätte vecka och framåt till veckan innan GGC och slutet för kursen

Det inträffade många olika saker mellan vecka 6 och framåt till nu.
Vi fick göra om flera saker som vi trodde fungera bra, men nätverks delarna i projektet fick en så enkel sak som väg att som är två torn, och vägen mellan tornen var olika segment kom vi upp i en nivå som vi inte kände till att den inte klara av att sköta mer än 999 olika Photonview. i “Photon Netework FrameWork”. efter den var nåd kunde man inte […]

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Program: Programming

sjätte vecka och framåt till veckan innan GGC och slutet för kursen

Det inträffade många olika saker mellan vecka 6 och framåt till nu.
Vi fick göra om flera saker som vi trodde fungera bra, men nätverks delarna i projektet fick en så enkel sak som väg att som är två torn, och vägen mellan tornen var olika segment kom vi upp i en nivå som vi inte kände till att den inte klara av att sköta mer än 999 olika Photonview. i “Photon Netework FrameWork”. efter den var nåd kunde man inte […]

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Program: Programming

The Sling mechanic

In the last blogpost I wrote about cleaning the Demon class and creating a FSM to make it easier to implement new states. Now I have been able to harvest what I sow. Now the Demon player can sling objects against the Human player to inflict damage.  As a start I made a prototype on the sling in one of our offline test scenes beffore the implementation to the real game. This was mostly so that I wouldn’t need to bother with network stuff and other […]

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Program: Programming

The Sling mechanic

In the last blogpost I wrote about cleaning the Demon class and creating a FSM to make it easier to implement new states. Now I have been able to harvest what I sow. Now the Demon player can sling objects against the Human player to inflict damage.  As a start I made a prototype on the sling in one of our offline test scenes beffore the implementation to the real game. This was mostly so that I wouldn’t need to bother with network stuff and other […]

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Program: Programming

So I made a pause menu

Hi again,
We desperately needed a pause menu, so I decided to make a simple one. Its only functionality is to have some settings in it, restart game, and resume game. The settings in the menu are there to switch between inverted and non inverted camera in the vertical and horizontal axis. The simple functionality is the reason the menu was coded rather quick, and not very dynamic.

Screenshot of the pause menu, design is not final
The screen is divided into two […]

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Program: Programming

So I made a pause menu

Hi again,
We desperately needed a pause menu, so I decided to make a simple one. Its only functionality is to have some settings in it, restart game, and resume game. The settings in the menu are there to switch between inverted and non inverted camera in the vertical and horizontal axis. The simple functionality is the reason the menu was coded rather quick, and not very dynamic.

Screenshot of the pause menu, design is not final
The screen is divided into two […]

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Program: Programming

BGP #6

My last blog post and I will summarize what I have done until now.
In the beginning of creating our game I started making the camera for the player, the camera did not go as planned and I ended up making 4-5 different cameras with various functions. So I decided that another point of view would be better so I let someone else look at it and I could move on. The next thing was the HUD, the hud contained health, […]

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Program: Programming

BGP #6

My last blog post and I will summarize what I have done until now.
In the beginning of creating our game I started making the camera for the player, the camera did not go as planned and I ended up making 4-5 different cameras with various functions. So I decided that another point of view would be better so I let someone else look at it and I could move on. The next thing was the HUD, the hud contained health, […]

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Program: Programming

BGP #5

I just started making a pause menu, so when the player press “Start” on the controller, the game will pause and a menu will appear on the screen. The menu will have a resume, main menu, controls, restart and exit. The resume button is resuming the game, the main menu button goes back to start screen which is the main menu, controls will bring up a picture of the controls again so you can learn the controls better. The restart […]

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Program: Programming

BGP #5

I just started making a pause menu, so when the player press “Start” on the controller, the game will pause and a menu will appear on the screen. The menu will have a resume, main menu, controls, restart and exit. The resume button is resuming the game, the main menu button goes back to start screen which is the main menu, controls will bring up a picture of the controls again so you can learn the controls better. The restart […]

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Program: Programming

AI.. or a very simplified version of it

Hiya all!
So we decided that we needed some sort of critters running around in our game looking dumb, and they needed some sort of AI. This meant creating something that runs around randomly but always looks at Olivia. But we also wanted them to stay somewhat together, so some form of flocking is needed to create this.
At first I made two classes, one called Critters which all the critters would inherit from. Then I made the crittermanager, which would initialize […]

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Program: Programming

AI.. or a very simplified version of it

Hiya all!
So we decided that we needed some sort of critters running around in our game looking dumb, and they needed some sort of AI. This meant creating something that runs around randomly but always looks at Olivia. But we also wanted them to stay somewhat together, so some form of flocking is needed to create this.
At first I made two classes, one called Critters which all the critters would inherit from. Then I made the crittermanager, which would initialize […]

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Program: Programming

Somnium – Dream Transition

During our final course of spring 2017 at Uppsala University – Department of Game Design at Campus Gotland we’ve formed teams with about 4-7 members that will make a Game to be displayed at Gotland Game Conference at the end of the course. The restrictions for the game’s subject is a free choice but the content will only be a demo of the completed game, a vertical slice, a proof of concept. Thus, the demo will be fairly short but other […]

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Program: Programming

Somnium – Dream Transition

During our final course of spring 2017 at Uppsala University – Department of Game Design at Campus Gotland we’ve formed teams with about 4-7 members that will make a Game to be displayed at Gotland Game Conference at the end of the course. The restrictions for the game’s subject is a free choice but the content will only be a demo of the completed game, a vertical slice, a proof of concept. Thus, the demo will be fairly short but other […]

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Program: Programming

BGP2017 – Interacting with objects

In the game there are various objects and tools you need to interact with. The current implementation has been to ray cast towards a direction and interacting with anything which it hits. There was also no visual indication of what you could pick up. This made it very unclear as to when and what they could interact with.
To solve this some changes had to be made. Previously checking if there was something to interact with was only done when the […]

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Program: Programming

BGP2017 – Interacting with objects

In the game there are various objects and tools you need to interact with. The current implementation has been to ray cast towards a direction and interacting with anything which it hits. There was also no visual indication of what you could pick up. This made it very unclear as to when and what they could interact with.
To solve this some changes had to be made. Previously checking if there was something to interact with was only done when the […]

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Program: Programming

BGP #4

After the first stage of the Hud and spells their was play tests that had to be done in order to see any mistakes or something that could be done better. Which their was of course. I needed to tweak everything, make it align with the screen and put it at the most fitted locations. One difficult thing I stumble upon was the spells, to get the cool-down of it just right. That the spell goes darker if you activate […]

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Program: Programming

BGP #4

After the first stage of the Hud and spells their was play tests that had to be done in order to see any mistakes or something that could be done better. Which their was of course. I needed to tweak everything, make it align with the screen and put it at the most fitted locations. One difficult thing I stumble upon was the spells, to get the cool-down of it just right. That the spell goes darker if you activate […]

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Program: Programming

BGP #3

The HUD took some time to finish because of all the bars and how they would decrease. The players hud contains an health, stamina and a dimension bar, the health bar decreases if the player gets hit by the boss and can only be increased if the player jumps into the dimension state in order to life steal of the boss. The stamina bar decreases if the player; run, sprint, roll, any kind of attack or lands an successful block. […]

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Program: Programming

BGP #3

The HUD took some time to finish because of all the bars and how they would decrease. The players hud contains an health, stamina and a dimension bar, the health bar decreases if the player gets hit by the boss and can only be increased if the player jumps into the dimension state in order to life steal of the boss. The stamina bar decreases if the player; run, sprint, roll, any kind of attack or lands an successful block. […]

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Program: Programming