Browsing 'Programming': Posts from Game Design and Programming

An Introduction and the Design Document

Hello and welcome to my blog. In this blog I will describe the development process of Fast Gear. Fast gear is a story-based racing game with art and sound inspired by the 80s. In Fast Gear the player will race around circuits all over the world against AI opponents that each have personality. But the player will meet these characters off track as well. Off track the player will be able to spend time with their opponents to fom relationships […]

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Program: Programming

An Introduction and the Design Document

Hello and welcome to my blog. In this blog I will describe the development process of Fast Gear. Fast gear is a story-based racing game with art and sound inspired by the 80s. In Fast Gear the player will race around circuits all over the world against AI opponents that each have personality. But the player will meet these characters off track as well. Off track the player will be able to spend time with their opponents to fom relationships […]

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Program: Programming

Leon is split into pieces!!

So we made a really ballsy decision last week, considering it’s very close to GGC. We made the decision to split Olivias plushie, Leon, into different pieces that the player could then find throughout the game. The reason we did this, was that we did not really feel like we gave the player any motivation to continue to move through the game.
Anyway, so Leon now gets ripped in pieces at the beginning of the game, and your quest is to […]

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Program: Programming

Leon is split into pieces!!

So we made a really ballsy decision last week, considering it’s very close to GGC. We made the decision to split Olivias plushie, Leon, into different pieces that the player could then find throughout the game. The reason we did this, was that we did not really feel like we gave the player any motivation to continue to move through the game.
Anyway, so Leon now gets ripped in pieces at the beginning of the game, and your quest is to […]

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Program: Programming

Music and sound effects

Music and sound effects are a big part of Somnium, that is really important to convey our aesthetic goal to the audience. For example, in order to create the specific music and ambient sound, we have had the great opportunity to be in contact with a student from the nearby “Tonsättarskolan” and had him develop the ambient sound and music for us. This way the music is tailored for the game, and the events of occurring in our game.
Since we […]

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Program: Programming

Music and sound effects

Music and sound effects are a big part of Somnium, that is really important to convey our aesthetic goal to the audience. For example, in order to create the specific music and ambient sound, we have had the great opportunity to be in contact with a student from the nearby “Tonsättarskolan” and had him develop the ambient sound and music for us. This way the music is tailored for the game, and the events of occurring in our game.
Since we […]

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Program: Programming

Veckoreflektion V.9 Fast Gear

Under denna vecka har vi arbetat med att implementera de sista mekanikerna, fixat menyer och loading screens. Dessa mekaniker innefattar rubberbanding och positionssytem för finish line.
Rubberbanding innebär att om spelaren är framför AI-bilarna så ökar AI:ns hastighet för att göra loppet intressant och dynamiskt. Det gjordes med hjälp av de checkpointsystem vi implementerade förra veckan. Funktionen som gjordes jämför spelarens checkpoint mot alla olika AI-bilar. Alltså kollar funktionen vilken checkpoint respektive bil är på och utifrån det så ändras hastigheten. Detsamma […]

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Program: Programming

Veckoreflektion V.9 Fast Gear

Under denna vecka har vi arbetat med att implementera de sista mekanikerna, fixat menyer och loading screens. Dessa mekaniker innefattar rubberbanding och positionssytem för finish line.
Rubberbanding innebär att om spelaren är framför AI-bilarna så ökar AI:ns hastighet för att göra loppet intressant och dynamiskt. Det gjordes med hjälp av de checkpointsystem vi implementerade förra veckan. Funktionen som gjordes jämför spelarens checkpoint mot alla olika AI-bilar. Alltså kollar funktionen vilken checkpoint respektive bil är på och utifrån det så ändras hastigheten. Detsamma […]

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Program: Programming

Fast Gear blog 6

Jag har nu i slutstadiet av produktionsperioden skapat en ”ScreenShake” som skakar kameran när bilen kolliderar med de olika relingarna som ligger utmed banan för att förhindra spelaren att åka utan för vägen.
Med hjälp av en asset som en av grafikerna i gruppen hittat så kunde jag relativt enkelt implementera att kameran skulle skaka vid kollision. Det uppstod dock ett problem när jag satte ”screenshaken” att hända vid kollision med andra bilar. Då slutade den plötsligt att hända vid kollision […]

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Program: Programming

Fast Gear blog 6

Jag har nu i slutstadiet av produktionsperioden skapat en ”ScreenShake” som skakar kameran när bilen kolliderar med de olika relingarna som ligger utmed banan för att förhindra spelaren att åka utan för vägen.
Med hjälp av en asset som en av grafikerna i gruppen hittat så kunde jag relativt enkelt implementera att kameran skulle skaka vid kollision. Det uppstod dock ett problem när jag satte ”screenshaken” att hända vid kollision med andra bilar. Då slutade den plötsligt att hända vid kollision […]

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Program: Programming

Fast Gear – Week 9

So this is the final week. I have been working on some different things throughout the week. I have tried to balance the sounds better. Mostly we have worked on getting the positions of the cars in-game. We can now differentiate the cars in the race and see who is first, seconds, third and fourth. This was supposed to be done earlier but we ran into some issues with the code and we have been trying to figure it out […]

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Program: Programming

Fast Gear – Week 9

So this is the final week. I have been working on some different things throughout the week. I have tried to balance the sounds better. Mostly we have worked on getting the positions of the cars in-game. We can now differentiate the cars in the race and see who is first, seconds, third and fourth. This was supposed to be done earlier but we ran into some issues with the code and we have been trying to figure it out […]

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Program: Programming

Sound of Life – More Sequences

Hallo Everyone!
I’m back and our game “Sound of life” has started taking shape! We have been working hard for a couple of weeks now and it feels good that we are getting somewhere. But let’s start talking about what I have been doing.
I have continued my work on sequences by adding more more of them, one for every survivor and I also added a end sequences. The new digging sequences are similar to the actress sequence, Tracks, fade and spawning […]

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Program: Programming

Sound of Life – More Sequences

Hallo Everyone!
I’m back and our game “Sound of life” has started taking shape! We have been working hard for a couple of weeks now and it feels good that we are getting somewhere. But let’s start talking about what I have been doing.
I have continued my work on sequences by adding more more of them, one for every survivor and I also added a end sequences. The new digging sequences are similar to the actress sequence, Tracks, fade and spawning […]

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Program: Programming

BGP: Refracted Fate – The End

Hi everyone!
This will be my last blog post (at least for now) on Refracted Fate!
Tomorrow we will be showcasing our game at Gotland Game Conference(GGC) so we have been fixing a lot of trivial things towards it (and still kind of are!)
I must say the production of the game have been a lot of fun and I have learned everything from creating physics based pickup system to using streaming level to avoid level loading.
I’m not sure what I want to […]

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Program: Programming

BGP: Refracted Fate – The End

Hi everyone!
This will be my last blog post (at least for now) on Refracted Fate!
Tomorrow we will be showcasing our game at Gotland Game Conference(GGC) so we have been fixing a lot of trivial things towards it (and still kind of are!)
I must say the production of the game have been a lot of fun and I have learned everything from creating physics based pickup system to using streaming level to avoid level loading.
I’m not sure what I want to […]

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Program: Programming

Eyes Align – Devlog 1

When making a futuristic game about space, you can’t just have aliens, fancy weapons and spaceships, but you also need cool sound effects to help your high-tech world come to life. And for this devlog I’m going to show how simple it is to design a laser blast from a space gun using a synthesizer.
The laser blast effect I made for our game Eyes Align, I used Native Instruments’ VST plug in FM8 as it handles frequency modulation very […]

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Program: Programming

Eyes Align – Devlog 1

When making a futuristic game about space, you can’t just have aliens, fancy weapons and spaceships, but you also need cool sound effects to help your high-tech world come to life. And for this devlog I’m going to show how simple it is to design a laser blast from a space gun using a synthesizer.
The laser blast effect I made for our game Eyes Align, I used Native Instruments’ VST plug in FM8 as it handles frequency modulation very […]

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Program: Programming

Fast Gear blog 5

Jag har lyckats fixa positioneringen av alla bilar. Vi valde att införskaffa en asset som hjälpte oss med problemet. Vi valde att göra detta eftersom att tiden inför GGC är knapp och vi kände att vi inte kunde lägga ner mer tid på detta problem.Detta underlättade arbetet med positioneringen. Denna asset fungerade på exakt samma sätt som vi gjort tidigare men använder ett annat sätt att räkna ut vilken bil som är närmast nästa checkpoint. Problemet med denna asset var […]

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Program: Programming

Fast Gear blog 5

Jag har lyckats fixa positioneringen av alla bilar. Vi valde att införskaffa en asset som hjälpte oss med problemet. Vi valde att göra detta eftersom att tiden inför GGC är knapp och vi kände att vi inte kunde lägga ner mer tid på detta problem.Detta underlättade arbetet med positioneringen. Denna asset fungerade på exakt samma sätt som vi gjort tidigare men använder ett annat sätt att räkna ut vilken bil som är närmast nästa checkpoint. Problemet med denna asset var […]

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Program: Programming

Fast Gear blog 4.

Det är fortfarande problem med positionering men i syfte av att ha lite mer varierande innehåll så ska jag inte gå inte på exakt samma problem igen denna gång. Jag tänker detta blogginlägg istället nämna problemen vi haft med att spelarbilen automatisk accelererar framåt. Efter ha speltestat under veckan har vi konstaterat att spelarbilen accelererar framåt automatisk utan att reagera på input från spelaren.
Detta påverkade hela spelupplevelsen för spelaren och var ett prioriterat problem krävde omedelbar lösning. Detta påverkade även […]

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Program: Programming

Fast Gear blog 4.

Det är fortfarande problem med positionering men i syfte av att ha lite mer varierande innehåll så ska jag inte gå inte på exakt samma problem igen denna gång. Jag tänker detta blogginlägg istället nämna problemen vi haft med att spelarbilen automatisk accelererar framåt. Efter ha speltestat under veckan har vi konstaterat att spelarbilen accelererar framåt automatisk utan att reagera på input från spelaren.
Detta påverkade hela spelupplevelsen för spelaren och var ett prioriterat problem krävde omedelbar lösning. Detta påverkade även […]

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Program: Programming

Week 7-8 : The final touches

This is polish week and almost all of what we have logged as artifacts is now within the game itself. What this boils down to is that at the moment no new systems are added, but  tweaked, updated or made to shine just a bit more (sometimes literally).
What then could there be to discuss? Quite a bit, as those tweaks tend to be what takes a game from being acceptable to being either great or awful.
For instance this week we […]

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Program: Programming

Week 7-8 : The final touches

This is polish week and almost all of what we have logged as artifacts is now within the game itself. What this boils down to is that at the moment no new systems are added, but  tweaked, updated or made to shine just a bit more (sometimes literally).
What then could there be to discuss? Quite a bit, as those tweaks tend to be what takes a game from being acceptable to being either great or awful.
For instance this week we […]

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Program: Programming