Browsing 'Programming': Posts from Game Design and Programming

GITting gud: The setup

Welcome to the second, and probably final, installment of my GITing Gud series. It’s a series where I try to give some insights on how to get up and running with Git for game development. A lot of this knowledge can be used for other things as well of course, but I will mainly focus on getting you up and running with Git and Unity.
As some of you might know I’m currently working on a game by the name of […]

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Program: Programming

GITting gud: The setup

Welcome to the second, and probably final, installment of my GITing Gud series. It’s a series where I try to give some insights on how to get up and running with Git for game development. A lot of this knowledge can be used for other things as well of course, but I will mainly focus on getting you up and running with Git and Unity.
As some of you might know I’m currently working on a game by the name of […]

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Program: Programming

Comment on The importance of playtesting

The writer explains well for what reason his team thought the playtest would yield little to no useful results and also how that presumption lead to his team being sloppy when planning the playtest, at least when it comes to building the game in Unity. He then was positively surprised by the feedback he got, in the way that the feedback was actually very useful. The author describes the issues that his team didn’t think about in […]

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Program: Programming

Comment on The importance of playtesting

The writer explains well for what reason his team thought the playtest would yield little to no useful results and also how that presumption lead to his team being sloppy when planning the playtest, at least when it comes to building the game in Unity. He then was positively surprised by the feedback he got, in the way that the feedback was actually very useful. The author describes the issues that his team didn’t think about in […]

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Program: Programming

Comment : Blog post assignment 2

“Hey, good read yet again!
I especially enjoyed the part about finding things that went wrong, as I could relate! Our group ended up choosing things which were unrelated to the team, like the camera in the game and so on.
I would’ve loved to be reminded of the presentation and its contents through the actual slides ; your explanation was a bit brief, and seeing the slides would’ve helped me understand what you’re talking about better.
Your goal with the presentation was […]

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Program: Programming

Comment : Blog post assignment 2

“Hey, good read yet again!
I especially enjoyed the part about finding things that went wrong, as I could relate! Our group ended up choosing things which were unrelated to the team, like the camera in the game and so on.
I would’ve loved to be reminded of the presentation and its contents through the actual slides ; your explanation was a bit brief, and seeing the slides would’ve helped me understand what you’re talking about better.
Your goal with the presentation was […]

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Program: Programming

Blog post 2 comment

This is a comment left on another student’s blog, posted here to be graded.
Their blog:
Hello Hangning!
I enjoyed reading your blog post about how you solved the problem of spawning enemies in your game. Overall, I think it explained well what you had created and how you went about creating it. There are some things about the post that I think could be improved.
You talk a bit about the reason that you set up the level generation in […]

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Program: Programming

Blog post 2 comment

This is a comment left on another student’s blog, posted here to be graded.
Their blog:
Hello Hangning!
I enjoyed reading your blog post about how you solved the problem of spawning enemies in your game. Overall, I think it explained well what you had created and how you went about creating it. There are some things about the post that I think could be improved.
You talk a bit about the reason that you set up the level generation in […]

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Program: Programming

Blog post 3 comment

This is a comment left on another student’s blog, posted here to be graded.
Their blog:
Hello Wiktor!
I liked your blog post, everything was clearly explained and easy to follow. Your explanation of what Scrum is and why it is useful seems spot on.
As for how Scrum has affected your own groups development, I felt like it could have been a bit more detailed. You say that you’ve used Scrums fast development cycle, but you don’t mention the […]

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Program: Programming

Blog post 3 comment

This is a comment left on another student’s blog, posted here to be graded.
Their blog:
Hello Wiktor!
I liked your blog post, everything was clearly explained and easy to follow. Your explanation of what Scrum is and why it is useful seems spot on.
As for how Scrum has affected your own groups development, I felt like it could have been a bit more detailed. You say that you’ve used Scrums fast development cycle, but you don’t mention the […]

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Program: Programming

Blog 2 Comment

Blog Link:
My comment:
You clearly explain why you decided to work on the bee movement relating it to the feedback you got during the play testing and that the movement you had was just a placeholder. What and how the movement was changed was also explained pretty well, but I would have liked a more technical description of the movement system you made and a more detailed explanation of how it worked. Also I would have liked to know […]

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Program: Programming

Blog 2 Comment

Blog Link:
My comment:
You clearly explain why you decided to work on the bee movement relating it to the feedback you got during the play testing and that the movement you had was just a placeholder. What and how the movement was changed was also explained pretty well, but I would have liked a more technical description of the movement system you made and a more detailed explanation of how it worked. Also I would have liked to know […]

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Program: Programming

My experience with Scrum

In this blog post I will talk about a working method called Scrum and my experience with it.
What is Scrum?
Scrum is an agile framework for managing projects. It is best suited for teams with the size of three to nine members. All members of the team are divided into one of the three roles which are the scrum master, the product owner and the team developer. The scrum master works as a coach for the team and makes sure everyone […]

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Program: Programming

My experience with Scrum

In this blog post I will talk about a working method called Scrum and my experience with it.
What is Scrum?
Scrum is an agile framework for managing projects. It is best suited for teams with the size of three to nine members. All members of the team are divided into one of the three roles which are the scrum master, the product owner and the team developer. The scrum master works as a coach for the team and makes sure everyone […]

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Program: Programming

Scrum: Meetings, overwhelming

The concept document for Umibozu seduced a lot of group, most likely because of its art style, and possibly because of the minimum perceived difficulty in making a game out of it. And while yes, none of the explicitly mentioned mechanics were hard to implement  in a basic form, their sum did not create a remotely satisfying game.
We have some liberty to adapt the concept to our vision, unfortunately, no coherent vision emerged at the onset of development and we […]

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Program: Programming

Scrum: Meetings, overwhelming

The concept document for Umibozu seduced a lot of group, most likely because of its art style, and possibly because of the minimum perceived difficulty in making a game out of it. And while yes, none of the explicitly mentioned mechanics were hard to implement  in a basic form, their sum did not create a remotely satisfying game.
We have some liberty to adapt the concept to our vision, unfortunately, no coherent vision emerged at the onset of development and we […]

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Program: Programming

Mastering big projects with Scrum

Whenever you’re working on a big project with a group, you need some kind of plan to follow along. Wether you are working on an extensive homework, a garden project or as in our case a game, starting off without any plan will lead to nothing.

This is where Scrum comes into place. Scrum is an agile way of managing work and is widely used in software development and the games industry. The idea behind Scrum is that everybody knows what […]

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Program: Programming

Mastering big projects with Scrum

Whenever you’re working on a big project with a group, you need some kind of plan to follow along. Wether you are working on an extensive homework, a garden project or as in our case a game, starting off without any plan will lead to nothing.

This is where Scrum comes into place. Scrum is an agile way of managing work and is widely used in software development and the games industry. The idea behind Scrum is that everybody knows what […]

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Program: Programming


It’s that time of the week again, loyal followers!
This week everyone is expected to write about their experience with Scrum and yours truly is no exception. Now, where to start?
I guess it’s appropriate to start with my initial reaction to Scrum, which was… sceptical, to say the least. I’ve always expected these ”workflow enhancers” and whatnot to be a huge waste of time.I know it may sound narrow-minded but from personal experience they never live up to the hype, nobody […]

/ Comments Off on 22-02-2018
Program: Programming


It’s that time of the week again, loyal followers!
This week everyone is expected to write about their experience with Scrum and yours truly is no exception. Now, where to start?
I guess it’s appropriate to start with my initial reaction to Scrum, which was… sceptical, to say the least. I’ve always expected these ”workflow enhancers” and whatnot to be a huge waste of time.I know it may sound narrow-minded but from personal experience they never live up to the hype, nobody […]

/ Comments Off on 22-02-2018
Program: Programming

Agile Programming

Welcome back honored blog-reader,
Fredrik here again, and today I will discuss Scrum and how it has affected my personal workflow throughout this project. First off I would like to talk about the bad parts. For instance, the fact that there are now multiple additional obstacles in the way of me sitting down and actually coding. Which as a fairly lazy person is definitely a huge problem. Not only do I have to make a new task within HacknPlan (the Kanban […]

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Program: Programming

Agile Programming

Welcome back honored blog-reader,
Fredrik here again, and today I will discuss Scrum and how it has affected my personal workflow throughout this project. First off I would like to talk about the bad parts. For instance, the fact that there are now multiple additional obstacles in the way of me sitting down and actually coding. Which as a fairly lazy person is definitely a huge problem. Not only do I have to make a new task within HacknPlan (the Kanban […]

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Program: Programming

Third Post: Scrum

This week I am going to talk a little bit about the work method my team is required to use and how it affected our development process.
My team and I work with a method called scrum. Basically how each work week looks like is that we pick a number of items from a list of things that need to be done, and work with them throughout the week. At the end of the week we review how far we have […]

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Program: Programming

Third Post: Scrum

This week I am going to talk a little bit about the work method my team is required to use and how it affected our development process.
My team and I work with a method called scrum. Basically how each work week looks like is that we pick a number of items from a list of things that need to be done, and work with them throughout the week. At the end of the week we review how far we have […]

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Program: Programming