Browsing 'Programming': Posts from Game Design and Programming

Sista blogginlägget

Denna vecka har varit rätt seg för mig för har legat hemma med feber ett par dagar och bara mått riktigt kasst. Som tur är är det inte så mycket programmering kvar innan final nästa vecka! Så jag har helt enkelt fokuserat på kompletteringen av design dokumentet samt att jobba på de två rapporter som jag ska lämna in nästa vecka.

Jag har skrivit lite om design dokumentet tidigare här, det var tre saker som behövdes kompletteras och det var:

GUI. […]

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Program: Programming

Sista blogginlägget

Denna vecka har varit rätt seg för mig för har legat hemma med feber ett par dagar och bara mått riktigt kasst. Som tur är är det inte så mycket programmering kvar innan final nästa vecka! Så jag har helt enkelt fokuserat på kompletteringen av design dokumentet samt att jobba på de två rapporter som jag ska lämna in nästa vecka.

Jag har skrivit lite om design dokumentet tidigare här, det var tre saker som behövdes kompletteras och det var:

GUI. […]

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Program: Programming

The Last Signal. Post #6: AI for enemy type 2

This is the last post which is required in the course 5SD033Introduction to Game Development.
Over the period of about 2 months, our game, “The Last Signal”, has evolved from nothing to almost a playable game – with colourful backgrounds, vivid animations for the player and the enemies, power-ups  and a room transition system. The game employs data-driven object creation (rooms, animations and sound effects are created during run-time from data in external text files), some interesting AI and player movement control with the mouse.
There […]

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Program: Programming

The Last Signal. Post #6: AI for enemy type 2

This is the last post which is required in the course 5SD033Introduction to Game Development.
Over the period of about 2 months, our game, “The Last Signal”, has evolved from nothing to almost a playable game – with colourful backgrounds, vivid animations for the player and the enemies, power-ups  and a room transition system. The game employs data-driven object creation (rooms, animations and sound effects are created during run-time from data in external text files), some interesting AI and player movement control with the mouse.
There […]

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Program: Programming

More AI and Fixing of Logical Flaws

This weeks blog post will be about fixing logical flaws which existed in the code. The flaws in this case was to calculate distances and directions.   The main problem is the AI for the enemies, the AI has been a occurring problem through out most of my blog posts.
Right now the problem is priority and overall behavior of the enemies. Each enemy currently checks the distance from each tower and the player. Though if a enemy is close to […]

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Program: Programming

More AI and Fixing of Logical Flaws

This weeks blog post will be about fixing logical flaws which existed in the code. The flaws in this case was to calculate distances and directions.   The main problem is the AI for the enemies, the AI has been a occurring problem through out most of my blog posts.
Right now the problem is priority and overall behavior of the enemies. Each enemy currently checks the distance from each tower and the player. Though if a enemy is close to […]

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Program: Programming

AssetManager and a collision fix

So this week I have worked with making the bad collision boxes work better. For you who don’t know what the problem is, let me take you through it a little quick.
When the player walks into the hit boxes on the sides they only collided with the right side of the hit boxes. After looking several times I got help from a good friend that helped me with the LevelManager to take a look over the class with me and […]

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Program: Programming

AssetManager and a collision fix

So this week I have worked with making the bad collision boxes work better. For you who don’t know what the problem is, let me take you through it a little quick.
When the player walks into the hit boxes on the sides they only collided with the right side of the hit boxes. After looking several times I got help from a good friend that helped me with the LevelManager to take a look over the class with me and […]

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Program: Programming

Root implementation

Time once again for a blog post, this week I’ve been working mostly on my project report, but I’ve also been looking on some tweaks for the game. I have been working with trying to implement roots while underground which would give the player hints on where the vegetables on the top level is. However, this wasn’t too complicated.
The way it was done was basically to add a texture and a sprite to the constructor of the vegetable class, this […]

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Program: Programming

Root implementation

Time once again for a blog post, this week I’ve been working mostly on my project report, but I’ve also been looking on some tweaks for the game. I have been working with trying to implement roots while underground which would give the player hints on where the vegetables on the top level is. However, this wasn’t too complicated.
The way it was done was basically to add a texture and a sprite to the constructor of the vegetable class, this […]

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Program: Programming

Last Signal – Asset Implementation

This week I have been working on implementing the assets that are not taken care of in the Room System, such as music, sounds, menus and animations.
The music and sounds are handled through a soundmanager that was used during a previous project and is simply being reused with some tweaking. Since we are using the SFML library for this project we have to rewrite some of the earlier code since in the previous project it was made to be used […]

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Program: Programming

Last Signal – Asset Implementation

This week I have been working on implementing the assets that are not taken care of in the Room System, such as music, sounds, menus and animations.
The music and sounds are handled through a soundmanager that was used during a previous project and is simply being reused with some tweaking. Since we are using the SFML library for this project we have to rewrite some of the earlier code since in the previous project it was made to be used […]

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Program: Programming

Sonic Blast

The end is near and now it seems like the only thing I do is to try and fix, clean up or rework the different crazy and broken programing solutions in our game. It’s early pre-alpha code, dressed up for alpha, repainted for beta and now we are having the great task of deciding how much to fix with just duct tape and a paint job and how much we need to fix “for real”.
One of the many things that […]

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Program: Programming

Sonic Blast

The end is near and now it seems like the only thing I do is to try and fix, clean up or rework the different crazy and broken programing solutions in our game. It’s early pre-alpha code, dressed up for alpha, repainted for beta and now we are having the great task of deciding how much to fix with just duct tape and a paint job and how much we need to fix “for real”.
One of the many things that […]

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Program: Programming

Last blogpost for Mole Munch – Fixing syntax in code

Hello! We’ve now reached the final blogpost for our Mole Munch project. Our beta presentation went well, but as a group, we didn’t feel like we wanted to add a lot more things to our game. Some adjustments were decided to be made, especially on the coding side, but most art will remain intact. The reasoning for this decision was that we all wanted to focus on our project reports. But we also felt a bit fed up with Mole […]

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Program: Programming

Last blogpost for Mole Munch – Fixing syntax in code

Hello! We’ve now reached the final blogpost for our Mole Munch project. Our beta presentation went well, but as a group, we didn’t feel like we wanted to add a lot more things to our game. Some adjustments were decided to be made, especially on the coding side, but most art will remain intact. The reasoning for this decision was that we all wanted to focus on our project reports. But we also felt a bit fed up with Mole […]

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Program: Programming

Fancy Mansion – Adding more AI with pickups

This week I have been working with implementing more of the functionality with the different pickups and how they work with the AI. We have a number of items you can pick up and when you carry a specific item the AI of Mr. Fancy will work in different ways. For example, Mr. Fancy will not shoot you if you carry the armor and he have not seen you move. As stated in a previous post the player picks things up by […]

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Program: Programming

Fancy Mansion – Adding more AI with pickups

This week I have been working with implementing more of the functionality with the different pickups and how they work with the AI. We have a number of items you can pick up and when you carry a specific item the AI of Mr. Fancy will work in different ways. For example, Mr. Fancy will not shoot you if you carry the armor and he have not seen you move. As stated in a previous post the player picks things up by […]

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Program: Programming

Speldesign #6

Denna gång tänker jag skriva om vad jobbat med nyligen. Jag har arbetat mycket på att få en snyggare HUD (Heads-Up-Display) och även med en mycket svårare del som har krävt mycket tid. AI (artificiell intelligens). Men först, lite HUD.
Som jag nämnde i tidigare blogg så har jag arbetat en hel del med HUD på senaste. I början så var det bara två olika bars som representerade spelarens liv och energi. Men efter att ha haft testare som spelat så […]

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Program: Programming

Speldesign #6

Denna gång tänker jag skriva om vad jobbat med nyligen. Jag har arbetat mycket på att få en snyggare HUD (Heads-Up-Display) och även med en mycket svårare del som har krävt mycket tid. AI (artificiell intelligens). Men först, lite HUD.
Som jag nämnde i tidigare blogg så har jag arbetat en hel del med HUD på senaste. I början så var det bara två olika bars som representerade spelarens liv och energi. Men efter att ha haft testare som spelat så […]

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Program: Programming

Let there be light stuff

So another blog post for the collection. This week a focus was fixing the atmosphere of our game. And Atmosphere is usually made whit light and sounds. And the light part was something I worked whit this week. Earlier in the project we wanted something more than a visible circle surrounded by darkness. So we wanted dynamic light that could cast moving shadows surrounding the player and environment. But as time moved on so did the idea of this. Because […]

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Program: Programming

Let there be light stuff

So another blog post for the collection. This week a focus was fixing the atmosphere of our game. And Atmosphere is usually made whit light and sounds. And the light part was something I worked whit this week. Earlier in the project we wanted something more than a visible circle surrounded by darkness. So we wanted dynamic light that could cast moving shadows surrounding the player and environment. But as time moved on so did the idea of this. Because […]

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Program: Programming

Last Signal – Asset Implementation

This week I have been working on implementing the assets that are not taken care of in the Room System, such as music, sounds, menus and animations.
The music and sounds are handled through a soundmanager that was used during a previous project and is simply being reused with some tweaking. Since we are using the SFML library for this project we have to rewrite some of the earlier code since in the previous project it was made to be used […]

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Program: Programming

Last Signal – Asset Implementation

This week I have been working on implementing the assets that are not taken care of in the Room System, such as music, sounds, menus and animations.
The music and sounds are handled through a soundmanager that was used during a previous project and is simply being reused with some tweaking. Since we are using the SFML library for this project we have to rewrite some of the earlier code since in the previous project it was made to be used […]

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Program: Programming