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Blog comments

Comment #1
Hey Michael,
I found your blog post to be very helpful and informative. I appreciate the way that you went and explained each program and application that you used when making the sound effects. This information will be helpful should I ever be part of a team that has no experience with sound design. However, I also feel that you went and repeated yourself a bit with some of the information in the first couple of paragraphs. I liked how […]

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Blog comments

Comment #1
Hey Michael,
I found your blog post to be very helpful and informative. I appreciate the way that you went and explained each program and application that you used when making the sound effects. This information will be helpful should I ever be part of a team that has no experience with sound design. However, I also feel that you went and repeated yourself a bit with some of the information in the first couple of paragraphs. I liked how […]

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Technically blog #4

Since I was sick during this week and forgot to write this back then I’m going to write the post now. This post will focus on group dynamics and how they affected our game development process.
Over the course of this project, our group has had some problems when it came to our group dynamics. Our group had some communication problems from the start, whether it came to scheduling meetings to having problems with members. At some point, our communication problem began […]

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Technically blog #4

Since I was sick during this week and forgot to write this back then I’m going to write the post now. This post will focus on group dynamics and how they affected our game development process.
Over the course of this project, our group has had some problems when it came to our group dynamics. Our group had some communication problems from the start, whether it came to scheduling meetings to having problems with members. At some point, our communication problem began […]

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Comment Week #6

Comment on „Postmortem“, a blog entry published by Merve Metinkol

Hi Merve!
So sorry for the late comment, seems like my previous comment got kinda lost. Nonetheless, thank you very much for your unique insight and this well-rounded blog entry. You talk about your experience from the perspective from an artist, but also mention and elaborate about scrum, playtesting and issues that occurred by losing a team member. In that sense, it is a great summary of what has happened during […]

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Program: Graphics

Comment Week #6

Comment on „Postmortem“, a blog entry published by Merve Metinkol

Hi Merve!
So sorry for the late comment, seems like my previous comment got kinda lost. Nonetheless, thank you very much for your unique insight and this well-rounded blog entry. You talk about your experience from the perspective from an artist, but also mention and elaborate about scrum, playtesting and issues that occurred by losing a team member. In that sense, it is a great summary of what has happened during […]

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Program: Graphics

Blog comment #1

Link to original post:
It is very clear what you have done and how it is done. I like that you have taken in what we have learned during the project management course and trying to implement it, by using MoSCoW. It is also very good that you are being agile and changing and adapting from the original scrum document we were provided with, to be able to do a better job.
Things to improve is to tell the reader the changes […]

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Blog comment #1

Link to original post:
It is very clear what you have done and how it is done. I like that you have taken in what we have learned during the project management course and trying to implement it, by using MoSCoW. It is also very good that you are being agile and changing and adapting from the original scrum document we were provided with, to be able to do a better job.
Things to improve is to tell the reader the changes […]

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Blog #4 comment

Hi Anton!
I understand your concerns with leaving the island during such and important moment, it’s not exactly a dream come true for someone responsible for the team, nonetheless I can tell you have prepared well. Letting your team know about your departure a month before it happened was very wise, preventing any bad surprises. In my opinion allocating some of the responsibilities among the lead roles was a great idea, since it not only took some of the weight off […]

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Blog #4 comment

Hi Anton!
I understand your concerns with leaving the island during such and important moment, it’s not exactly a dream come true for someone responsible for the team, nonetheless I can tell you have prepared well. Letting your team know about your departure a month before it happened was very wise, preventing any bad surprises. In my opinion allocating some of the responsibilities among the lead roles was a great idea, since it not only took some of the weight off […]

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Comment #6
Hi Erik!
This was a great read! This blog post was very informative without being suffocating.
First of all, congratulations on the finished game! I see your group is missing a design minor which is sad but it seems you’ve still managed well without it.
I feel this blog post was well written and had all the information I could want. It was organized in a good way so I could understand the history of the team and the development of […]

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Program: Game Design

Comment #6
Hi Erik!
This was a great read! This blog post was very informative without being suffocating.
First of all, congratulations on the finished game! I see your group is missing a design minor which is sad but it seems you’ve still managed well without it.
I feel this blog post was well written and had all the information I could want. It was organized in a good way so I could understand the history of the team and the development of […]

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Program: Game Design

Comment #5
Hi Sofia!
This was an interesting and informative read on the topic of Playtesting! Besides a few words here and there I felt it was well written and I understood the information that was given.
Playtesting is a great way to understand your own game from a different perspective and to grow and learn. I feel you described this process in this post. You described what problems arose as well as what you and your group did to solve problems […]

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Program: Game Design

Comment #5
Hi Sofia!
This was an interesting and informative read on the topic of Playtesting! Besides a few words here and there I felt it was well written and I understood the information that was given.
Playtesting is a great way to understand your own game from a different perspective and to grow and learn. I feel you described this process in this post. You described what problems arose as well as what you and your group did to solve problems […]

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Program: Game Design

Comment #4
Hello Axel!
In short, I think this was a good blog post!
To begin with I feel you described your journey of thought when creating this enemy, as well as communicating it to the rest of team, very well. I easily understood your english grammar and found no significant problems. It’s nice to see the pictures of the creature described as well. The User Stories were good too.
I have to say that game and enemy balancing is a very interesting […]

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Program: Game Design

Comment #4
Hello Axel!
In short, I think this was a good blog post!
To begin with I feel you described your journey of thought when creating this enemy, as well as communicating it to the rest of team, very well. I easily understood your english grammar and found no significant problems. It’s nice to see the pictures of the creature described as well. The User Stories were good too.
I have to say that game and enemy balancing is a very interesting […]

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Program: Game Design

Comment #3
Hi Anders!
This was quite the entertaining read. You weave together information and charisma pretty well in this post
To start of I would like to say that I felt I understood your English grammar very well. Beyond that I understood your role within the team and your feelings towards the lovely framework of Scrum. Me, not being Project Manager but a Designer, (sadly couldn’t find the blog of your groups designer) could still get a grasp of what you […]

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Program: Game Design

Comment #3
Hi Anders!
This was quite the entertaining read. You weave together information and charisma pretty well in this post
To start of I would like to say that I felt I understood your English grammar very well. Beyond that I understood your role within the team and your feelings towards the lovely framework of Scrum. Me, not being Project Manager but a Designer, (sadly couldn’t find the blog of your groups designer) could still get a grasp of what you […]

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Program: Game Design

Comment #2 – 5SD064
Hello Teo!
This was an excellent blog post and a very interesting read. It was very informative and described your creative journey from research and inspiration to creation. It was easy to read and written in good and understandable english. The videos you posted worked very well together with your text and gave me a deeper understanding of what you were describing.
I can’t say I have any general complaints about this blog post as I felt it did everything […]

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Program: Game Design

Comment #2 – 5SD064
Hello Teo!
This was an excellent blog post and a very interesting read. It was very informative and described your creative journey from research and inspiration to creation. It was easy to read and written in good and understandable english. The videos you posted worked very well together with your text and gave me a deeper understanding of what you were describing.
I can’t say I have any general complaints about this blog post as I felt it did everything […]

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Program: Game Design

Comment #1 – 5SD064
Hi Maximilian Kassander!
If I would summarise this first blog post in short and in general, I would say that this was a good and informative read!
I felt that I understood what you were discussing about this specific item. It was written in easily understandable and readable English. You describe the purpose of the item as well as the problem that arose and how you solved it as a designer, as well as how you solved it together it […]

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Program: Game Design

Comment #1 – 5SD064
Hi Maximilian Kassander!
If I would summarise this first blog post in short and in general, I would say that this was a good and informative read!
I felt that I understood what you were discussing about this specific item. It was written in easily understandable and readable English. You describe the purpose of the item as well as the problem that arose and how you solved it as a designer, as well as how you solved it together it […]

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Program: Game Design

Blog comment 6

Group H, Daniel Reinsson
Hey Daniel!
while reading this post i realized that I related to almost everything you said. As a designer aswell it took me a while step up and talk to my team about things i disliked or that we did not go in the right direction. I don´t take up much room when it comes to discussing things, I´m more of a “go with the flow” type.
But we need to take up more space, and it´s great that […]

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Program: Game Design

Blog comment 6

Group H, Daniel Reinsson
Hey Daniel!
while reading this post i realized that I related to almost everything you said. As a designer aswell it took me a while step up and talk to my team about things i disliked or that we did not go in the right direction. I don´t take up much room when it comes to discussing things, I´m more of a “go with the flow” type.
But we need to take up more space, and it´s great that […]

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Program: Game Design