Browsing 'Game Design': Posts from either of the Game Design programs
Unity Collaborate problems
So this week we’ve had quite some problems using Unity Collaborate. Samuel, our other programmer in our team has done a lot of work during last week, and when I’m trying to get the changes a lot of issues arises.
Unity Collaborate is a tool used by teams to sync and maintain a project within the group. When working correctly that means that several team members can work on the same project and then upload their changes so that everyone in […]
Unity Collaborate problems
So this week we’ve had quite some problems using Unity Collaborate. Samuel, our other programmer in our team has done a lot of work during last week, and when I’m trying to get the changes a lot of issues arises.
Unity Collaborate is a tool used by teams to sync and maintain a project within the group. When working correctly that means that several team members can work on the same project and then upload their changes so that everyone in […]
GITting gud: The basics
Sigmund Freud once said “Dogs love their friends and bite their enemies, quite unlike people, who are incapable of pure love and always have to mix love and hate.”
Now, I’m no expert in psychiatry. Nor do I claim to be. But when it comes to my relationship with version control I would definitely say that this is true. However, after having worked with it quite a bit I would say that the benefits outweigh the risks.
GITting gud: The basics
Sigmund Freud once said “Dogs love their friends and bite their enemies, quite unlike people, who are incapable of pure love and always have to mix love and hate.”
Now, I’m no expert in psychiatry. Nor do I claim to be. But when it comes to my relationship with version control I would definitely say that this is true. However, after having worked with it quite a bit I would say that the benefits outweigh the risks.
How do we name the things We See?
the things We Feel?
the things We Hear?
Who are the people that We Meet?
In foreign lands…
On empty streets…
Is Silence there or is there noise?
Is it just Me or some One else?
Are we On water?
or In land?
Is Winter Now?
Or Summer Still?
So help Us See
help Feel
ps. and a cup of tea.
How do we name the things We See?
the things We Feel?
the things We Hear?
Who are the people that We Meet?
In foreign lands…
On empty streets…
Is Silence there or is there noise?
Is it just Me or some One else?
Are we On water?
or In land?
Is Winter Now?
Or Summer Still?
So help Us See
help Feel
ps. and a cup of tea.
Feedback 1
Hey Rasa,
Nice work on the article 😀 This seems like a great way to add some spice to the movement pattern of your enemies. I did have some questions though. First off, you mentioned that the enemies take the player’s position into account when following the pattern. How does this work with player movement? Do they recalculate the path continuously or is it set on spawn? And if they do recalculate, I’d love an insight into what happens if the […]
Feedback 1
Hey Rasa,
Nice work on the article 😀 This seems like a great way to add some spice to the movement pattern of your enemies. I did have some questions though. First off, you mentioned that the enemies take the player’s position into account when following the pattern. How does this work with player movement? Do they recalculate the path continuously or is it set on spawn? And if they do recalculate, I’d love an insight into what happens if the […]
The End of The Start Button
This post will take us through the incredible journey of drawing a cancelled asset.
So when last week we decided on some parts that we need to include into our game, since the play testing and the gruesome alpha version deadline is coming, the seemingly „small” part i got, was drawing the buttons. Yes, the little things you click in the menu or after losing to get into the game or quit it. I was really one of those people who […]
The End of The Start Button
This post will take us through the incredible journey of drawing a cancelled asset.
So when last week we decided on some parts that we need to include into our game, since the play testing and the gruesome alpha version deadline is coming, the seemingly „small” part i got, was drawing the buttons. Yes, the little things you click in the menu or after losing to get into the game or quit it. I was really one of those people who […]
Det är för oss solen går upp
Jag sov riktigt dåligt i natt och låg vaken och stirrade upp i taket i timmar samtidigt som Max sov djupt bredvid mig. Tur att jag har honom, hans lugna andetag och hjärtslag är så lugnande och fina att lyssna på. Jag kan inte fatta att vi har varit tillsammans i nästan åtta månader nu. Min älskade Max, om du läser det här så är jag så tacksam över att jag har dig.
Det är för oss solen går upp
Jag sov riktigt dåligt i natt och låg vaken och stirrade upp i taket i timmar samtidigt som Max sov djupt bredvid mig. Tur att jag har honom, hans lugna andetag och hjärtslag är så lugnande och fina att lyssna på. Jag kan inte fatta att vi har varit tillsammans i nästan åtta månader nu. Min älskade Max, om du läser det här så är jag så tacksam över att jag har dig.
Jag vill ha en valp när jag fyller år
Hela mitt liv har min familj har haft hund, alltid en magisk, varm och fantastisk berner sennen. Jag har inte ens koll om Ica är vår sjunde eller åttonde i samma ras eller om det är mera nu. Så man kan säga att jag är uppväxt med hundar och jag älskar de, det finns inget som gör mig gladare än en hund. När jag tänker på framtiden så är en hund mer självklar än något annat, partner eller barn vet […]
Jag vill ha en valp när jag fyller år
Hela mitt liv har min familj har haft hund, alltid en magisk, varm och fantastisk berner sennen. Jag har inte ens koll om Ica är vår sjunde eller åttonde i samma ras eller om det är mera nu. Så man kan säga att jag är uppväxt med hundar och jag älskar de, det finns inget som gör mig gladare än en hund. När jag tänker på framtiden så är en hund mer självklar än något annat, partner eller barn vet […]
The player avatar’s design
Our team’s graphical artist had designed a concept art for our player avatar. From a graphical point of view, there was nothing wrong with it. However, I felt that it didn’t portay the aesthetic view of our game.
We wanted the player to feel like they were quite small and vulnerable when facing against the last boss. And the design didn’t quite portray that.
This was the first concept our artist came up with. I felt like it was too bulky and […]
The player avatar’s design
Our team’s graphical artist had designed a concept art for our player avatar. From a graphical point of view, there was nothing wrong with it. However, I felt that it didn’t portay the aesthetic view of our game.
We wanted the player to feel like they were quite small and vulnerable when facing against the last boss. And the design didn’t quite portray that.
This was the first concept our artist came up with. I felt like it was too bulky and […]
Aetherial: The Killing Machine
Let’s dive right in.
My first idea was to make a clear distinction between the player avatar and the enemies, I’m thinking Machine vs Nature. I want the player to feel like they’re in the wrong, like they’re destroying something beautiful. Hundreds of flying whales cannon balled from the sky, because of you. Why are you killing them? Maybe you’re sent out by a multinational corporation to harvest their precious Aether souls, or maybe you’re an overconfident rouge hunter with a […]
Aetherial: The Killing Machine
Let’s dive right in.
My first idea was to make a clear distinction between the player avatar and the enemies, I’m thinking Machine vs Nature. I want the player to feel like they’re in the wrong, like they’re destroying something beautiful. Hundreds of flying whales cannon balled from the sky, because of you. Why are you killing them? Maybe you’re sent out by a multinational corporation to harvest their precious Aether souls, or maybe you’re an overconfident rouge hunter with a […]
Surviral – Global Game Jam 2018
You can find the game here. The theme of GGJ2018 was “Transmission”. We chose to represent transmission through a virus transmitting itself from one cell to the other.
Surviral – Global Game Jam 2018
You can find the game here. The theme of GGJ2018 was “Transmission”. We chose to represent transmission through a virus transmitting itself from one cell to the other.
Note about concept document
As soon as development team is requested to choose the concept document for their first video game, but which is not their own concept, it raises disputable questions about level of acceptance and obedience to the concept. What does the concept document require for developers and artists? How much does the concept limit creativity? How to apply MDA framework to the concept document? Why to follow the concept document? In brief, the concept document is an […]
Note about concept document
As soon as development team is requested to choose the concept document for their first video game, but which is not their own concept, it raises disputable questions about level of acceptance and obedience to the concept. What does the concept document require for developers and artists? How much does the concept limit creativity? How to apply MDA framework to the concept document? Why to follow the concept document? In brief, the concept document is an […]
Ithaqua group blogg
In our group we are working on a game called Aetherial. This game is basically moby dick in the sky with floating/flying enemies. You play as a ship that has to travel from the beginning to the end through a side scrolling environment that doesn’t stop until you get to the boss. I am managing an interesting group of people, who compared to some other groups actually works together very well. To start this blogg off i would like to […]
Ithaqua group blogg
In our group we are working on a game called Aetherial. This game is basically moby dick in the sky with floating/flying enemies. You play as a ship that has to travel from the beginning to the end through a side scrolling environment that doesn’t stop until you get to the boss. I am managing an interesting group of people, who compared to some other groups actually works together very well. To start this blogg off i would like to […]