Browsing 'Game Design': Posts from either of the Game Design programs

What is the “ecxeption to the rules”?

Okey, here is how I SEE this, just a random thought :
On the topic of “exception to the rule” or commonly referred to as “black/bad sheep” – which I assume most people only have a vague idea, because they never actually ask.
There is the saying “you need to see the BIGGER PICTURE” and a saying “the DEVIL is in the DETAILS”.
so… the first one says that there is importance in both the big picture and one has to pay attention […]

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Program: Game Design

What is the “ecxeption to the rules”?

Okey, here is how I SEE this, just a random thought :
On the topic of “exception to the rule” or commonly referred to as “black/bad sheep” – which I assume most people only have a vague idea, because they never actually ask.
There is the saying “you need to see the BIGGER PICTURE” and a saying “the DEVIL is in the DETAILS”.
so… the first one says that there is importance in both the big picture and one has to pay attention […]

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Program: Game Design

GITting gud: The setup

Welcome to the second, and probably final, installment of my GITing Gud series. It’s a series where I try to give some insights on how to get up and running with Git for game development. A lot of this knowledge can be used for other things as well of course, but I will mainly focus on getting you up and running with Git and Unity.
As some of you might know I’m currently working on a game by the name of […]

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Program: Programming

GITting gud: The setup

Welcome to the second, and probably final, installment of my GITing Gud series. It’s a series where I try to give some insights on how to get up and running with Git for game development. A lot of this knowledge can be used for other things as well of course, but I will mainly focus on getting you up and running with Git and Unity.
As some of you might know I’m currently working on a game by the name of […]

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Program: Programming

Feedback 2: Marie
Right off the bat – It’s very clear what’s been done here. A simple, but effective explanation of what you’ve been doing this sprint. The explanation of the function of the harbor is also really good. It catches me (the reader) up to speed without much excessivnes.
Your description of how you achieved this is also simple, it once again explains what you did and how you achieved that state, but nothing about the process itself. I think that […]

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Program: Graphics

Feedback 2: Marie
Right off the bat – It’s very clear what’s been done here. A simple, but effective explanation of what you’ve been doing this sprint. The explanation of the function of the harbor is also really good. It catches me (the reader) up to speed without much excessivnes.
Your description of how you achieved this is also simple, it once again explains what you did and how you achieved that state, but nothing about the process itself. I think that […]

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Program: Graphics

Comment on The importance of playtesting

The writer explains well for what reason his team thought the playtest would yield little to no useful results and also how that presumption lead to his team being sloppy when planning the playtest, at least when it comes to building the game in Unity. He then was positively surprised by the feedback he got, in the way that the feedback was actually very useful. The author describes the issues that his team didn’t think about in […]

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Program: Programming

Comment on The importance of playtesting

The writer explains well for what reason his team thought the playtest would yield little to no useful results and also how that presumption lead to his team being sloppy when planning the playtest, at least when it comes to building the game in Unity. He then was positively surprised by the feedback he got, in the way that the feedback was actually very useful. The author describes the issues that his team didn’t think about in […]

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Program: Programming

Feedback week 2: Yinsong
Hello Yinsong. The blogpost was very easy to digest which is nice.
The step-by-step walkthrough of your design decisions and workflow makes everything super clear and it’s actually pretty inspiring to read about. Showing the pictures also really helps me to visualise what you’ve been designing.
Something I would have liked to see more of would have to be reference picture so where you have taken your inspiration from and kind of what you’re aiming for. I also noticed that […]

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Program: Graphics

Feedback week 2: Yinsong
Hello Yinsong. The blogpost was very easy to digest which is nice.
The step-by-step walkthrough of your design decisions and workflow makes everything super clear and it’s actually pretty inspiring to read about. Showing the pictures also really helps me to visualise what you’ve been designing.
Something I would have liked to see more of would have to be reference picture so where you have taken your inspiration from and kind of what you’re aiming for. I also noticed that […]

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Program: Graphics

Comment : Blog post assignment 2

“Hey, good read yet again!
I especially enjoyed the part about finding things that went wrong, as I could relate! Our group ended up choosing things which were unrelated to the team, like the camera in the game and so on.
I would’ve loved to be reminded of the presentation and its contents through the actual slides ; your explanation was a bit brief, and seeing the slides would’ve helped me understand what you’re talking about better.
Your goal with the presentation was […]

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Program: Programming

Comment : Blog post assignment 2

“Hey, good read yet again!
I especially enjoyed the part about finding things that went wrong, as I could relate! Our group ended up choosing things which were unrelated to the team, like the camera in the game and so on.
I would’ve loved to be reminded of the presentation and its contents through the actual slides ; your explanation was a bit brief, and seeing the slides would’ve helped me understand what you’re talking about better.
Your goal with the presentation was […]

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Program: Programming


We are supposed to use a method called Scrum during this project. Apparently, it is a method that is used by many game development teams. Mostly it consists of a lot of meetings and a lot of communication.
I personally think it works very well for our group. In the Sprint Planning Meetings, we plan what needs to be done during the coming sprint. These meetings make it very clear what we are supposed to do the following week, and it […]

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Program: Graphics


We are supposed to use a method called Scrum during this project. Apparently, it is a method that is used by many game development teams. Mostly it consists of a lot of meetings and a lot of communication.
I personally think it works very well for our group. In the Sprint Planning Meetings, we plan what needs to be done during the coming sprint. These meetings make it very clear what we are supposed to do the following week, and it […]

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Program: Graphics

Blog post 2 comment

This is a comment left on another student’s blog, posted here to be graded.
Their blog:
Hello Hangning!
I enjoyed reading your blog post about how you solved the problem of spawning enemies in your game. Overall, I think it explained well what you had created and how you went about creating it. There are some things about the post that I think could be improved.
You talk a bit about the reason that you set up the level generation in […]

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Program: Programming

Blog post 2 comment

This is a comment left on another student’s blog, posted here to be graded.
Their blog:
Hello Hangning!
I enjoyed reading your blog post about how you solved the problem of spawning enemies in your game. Overall, I think it explained well what you had created and how you went about creating it. There are some things about the post that I think could be improved.
You talk a bit about the reason that you set up the level generation in […]

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Program: Programming

Blog post 3 comment

This is a comment left on another student’s blog, posted here to be graded.
Their blog:
Hello Wiktor!
I liked your blog post, everything was clearly explained and easy to follow. Your explanation of what Scrum is and why it is useful seems spot on.
As for how Scrum has affected your own groups development, I felt like it could have been a bit more detailed. You say that you’ve used Scrums fast development cycle, but you don’t mention the […]

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Program: Programming

Blog post 3 comment

This is a comment left on another student’s blog, posted here to be graded.
Their blog:
Hello Wiktor!
I liked your blog post, everything was clearly explained and easy to follow. Your explanation of what Scrum is and why it is useful seems spot on.
As for how Scrum has affected your own groups development, I felt like it could have been a bit more detailed. You say that you’ve used Scrums fast development cycle, but you don’t mention the […]

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Program: Programming

2.1 Comment on another post

The design for this power up is very thought out and it’s really interesting to see the reasoning and research that went behind for all the concepts. You manage to explain the game your group chose in a very short but effective way, making it easier for the reader to understand what concept you’re working on. It’s clearly shown in the text that you’ve done your ”homework”, instead of just making a couple of power-ups that you thought would be […]

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Program: Game Design

2.1 Comment on another post

The design for this power up is very thought out and it’s really interesting to see the reasoning and research that went behind for all the concepts. You manage to explain the game your group chose in a very short but effective way, making it easier for the reader to understand what concept you’re working on. It’s clearly shown in the text that you’ve done your ”homework”, instead of just making a couple of power-ups that you thought would be […]

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Program: Game Design

Blog comment 5

Hi Shifatul!
First of all, I’m sorry to hear that your alpha playtest didn’t work out as you wanted. It’s really annoying when that happens, but I also know that more teams had some technical problems with their games on the alpha playtest. I think you solved the problem good by just leave the playtesting and sit together and fix the problem. It’s also good that you did a lot of playtests in the team although, it’s better to let people […]

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Program: Graphics

Blog comment 5

Hi Shifatul!
First of all, I’m sorry to hear that your alpha playtest didn’t work out as you wanted. It’s really annoying when that happens, but I also know that more teams had some technical problems with their games on the alpha playtest. I think you solved the problem good by just leave the playtesting and sit together and fix the problem. It’s also good that you did a lot of playtests in the team although, it’s better to let people […]

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Program: Graphics

Blog 2 Comment

Blog Link:
My comment:
You clearly explain why you decided to work on the bee movement relating it to the feedback you got during the play testing and that the movement you had was just a placeholder. What and how the movement was changed was also explained pretty well, but I would have liked a more technical description of the movement system you made and a more detailed explanation of how it worked. Also I would have liked to know […]

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Program: Programming

Blog 2 Comment

Blog Link:
My comment:
You clearly explain why you decided to work on the bee movement relating it to the feedback you got during the play testing and that the movement you had was just a placeholder. What and how the movement was changed was also explained pretty well, but I would have liked a more technical description of the movement system you made and a more detailed explanation of how it worked. Also I would have liked to know […]

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Program: Programming