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Comments made on different managers blog’s #2

Comment made on Mija Causey’s blog post
This blog post has a clear purpose and good flow throughout.
I like how you compare how the group work has been improved by scrum by comparing it to last year and the work flow then. It gives a better basis to analyse and see how things have changed since then and in what ways scrum have contributed to this. It would have been nice if you brought up concrete examples to compare between […]

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Comments made on different managers blog’s #2

Comment made on Mija Causey’s blog post
This blog post has a clear purpose and good flow throughout.
I like how you compare how the group work has been improved by scrum by comparing it to last year and the work flow then. It gives a better basis to analyse and see how things have changed since then and in what ways scrum have contributed to this. It would have been nice if you brought up concrete examples to compare between […]

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My second blog comment

Week 2 – William Teurnell
I must applaud you for your blog post. It is nicely written and have an interesting topic. Since you started giving the reader a good description of the narratives (in the introduction), I got a detailed overview of the game and what you wanted to achieve.
As a project manager, I can relate to the decision of prioritising other features more, than putting the cutscenes as one of the biggest priorities. As you said, the cutscenes are […]

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My second blog comment

Week 2 – William Teurnell
I must applaud you for your blog post. It is nicely written and have an interesting topic. Since you started giving the reader a good description of the narratives (in the introduction), I got a detailed overview of the game and what you wanted to achieve.
As a project manager, I can relate to the decision of prioritising other features more, than putting the cutscenes as one of the biggest priorities. As you said, the cutscenes are […]

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My first blog comment

Week 1 – Vidar Grönros
There are some question marks about the text. There are a few contradictions in the blog post, which makes a few things confusing. In the beginning of the text, your group didn’t wanted to give the player a feeling of adventure, where the player would be able to control a ship on the open ocean. However, later in the text, you made some changes to your initial idea; to make an infinite ocean in all directions […]

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My first blog comment

Week 1 – Vidar Grönros
There are some question marks about the text. There are a few contradictions in the blog post, which makes a few things confusing. In the beginning of the text, your group didn’t wanted to give the player a feeling of adventure, where the player would be able to control a ship on the open ocean. However, later in the text, you made some changes to your initial idea; to make an infinite ocean in all directions […]

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The music helps us hear a different world
in contrast to the one that was abandoned
We cover our ears in an attempt to flee
from all the noise and your expressed uninterest
You’ve made it clear that our ears are useless
but we don’t use them less and less
For One to not be heard is similar to Death
We’d rather watch your lips and say we’re deaf

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Program: Game Design


The music helps us hear a different world
in contrast to the one that was abandoned
We cover our ears in an attempt to flee
from all the noise and your expressed uninterest
You’ve made it clear that our ears are useless
but we don’t use them less and less
For One to not be heard is similar to Death
We’d rather watch your lips and say we’re deaf

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Program: Game Design

Comment #3

Hi Teddy,
I really liked your in-depth explanation of what Scrum is. I think a person with no prior knowledge would be able to understand what Scrum is with no problem. I think with the clear description you provided makes it perfectly easy to understand the problems and successes your group has had while using Scrum. I think your post could be improved if you specified what exactly in the production process has been going well due to Scrum.
I’m glad […]

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Program: Graphics

Comment #3

Hi Teddy,
I really liked your in-depth explanation of what Scrum is. I think a person with no prior knowledge would be able to understand what Scrum is with no problem. I think with the clear description you provided makes it perfectly easy to understand the problems and successes your group has had while using Scrum. I think your post could be improved if you specified what exactly in the production process has been going well due to Scrum.
I’m glad […]

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Program: Graphics

Comment 2
You have explained really well what you are doing and why. Animation is hard. I like your animation and I think the tail movement looks very cool. I don’t see that much of a difference in the two animations, but I am not an expert in animation and definitely don’t have an eye for it. You explain thorough how you went by doing it and the struggles in making the perfect backflip. It is hard knowing what is […]

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Program: Graphics

Comment 2
You have explained really well what you are doing and why. Animation is hard. I like your animation and I think the tail movement looks very cool. I don’t see that much of a difference in the two animations, but I am not an expert in animation and definitely don’t have an eye for it. You explain thorough how you went by doing it and the struggles in making the perfect backflip. It is hard knowing what is […]

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Program: Graphics

Comment #2

I started reading this post with no context, so I appreciate the background you gave in the start of the post. It clearly explains what your group is doing, and I think would even be understandable to someone who is not in the game design program. I understand the choice you made of removing the light altogether from Umibozo. I playtested many of the Umibozo games during the alpha playtesting session, and found that several of the game’s light mechanic […]

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Program: Graphics

Comment #2

I started reading this post with no context, so I appreciate the background you gave in the start of the post. It clearly explains what your group is doing, and I think would even be understandable to someone who is not in the game design program. I understand the choice you made of removing the light altogether from Umibozo. I playtested many of the Umibozo games during the alpha playtesting session, and found that several of the game’s light mechanic […]

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Program: Graphics

Comment 3

You explain what you have been doing with scrum and how it has been used during this time. It is a clear description of the before and after getting a hang of it, and you have a thorough walk through of the different states of scrum. It is nice that it’s not an exact statement of what scrum is, but rather you telling what you have been doing with it. Learning how to use scrum in an efficient way seems […]

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Program: Graphics

Comment 3

You explain what you have been doing with scrum and how it has been used during this time. It is a clear description of the before and after getting a hang of it, and you have a thorough walk through of the different states of scrum. It is nice that it’s not an exact statement of what scrum is, but rather you telling what you have been doing with it. Learning how to use scrum in an efficient way seems […]

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Program: Graphics

Comment #3

Hey Linda!
First of all, nice description of what scrum is, it was short but still very clear and descriptive. It’s also good that you kept the description general, and not limited to the very “compact” version we’re using at the moment.
It is interesting to hear how it all affects you as a lead artist as well. It must be hard work to make it all go together, and as a fellow graphics student I know what you mean when you […]

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Program: Graphics

Comment #3

Hey Linda!
First of all, nice description of what scrum is, it was short but still very clear and descriptive. It’s also good that you kept the description general, and not limited to the very “compact” version we’re using at the moment.
It is interesting to hear how it all affects you as a lead artist as well. It must be hard work to make it all go together, and as a fellow graphics student I know what you mean when you […]

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Program: Graphics


Из темноты услышав глас, мне отвечают: “нету вас”.
Мой зов и шепот, крик и стон – в ответ лишь слышно эха звон.
Но, если б знали все они, ЧТО слышим мы в ночьной тиши,
то страх испытывали бы при виде даже мыши.
И прокляв нас молчанием своим, вы обреклись не слышать нас навечно!
И сколько б не твердили мне “ты глуп”,
я знаю, что я знаю, что я глух.

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Program: Game Design


Из темноты услышав глас, мне отвечают: “нету вас”.
Мой зов и шепот, крик и стон – в ответ лишь слышно эха звон.
Но, если б знали все они, ЧТО слышим мы в ночьной тиши,
то страх испытывали бы при виде даже мыши.
И прокляв нас молчанием своим, вы обреклись не слышать нас навечно!
И сколько б не твердили мне “ты глуп”,
я знаю, что я знаю, что я глух.

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Program: Game Design

Comment #2

Hey there!
I like the way you described how you worked from what your concept and that you’ve worked with your group. It’s also nice to see how you listened to their feedback and fixed it based on what your game needed.
Your bear sure looks sly and malicious, while still being cartoony and cute. Nice work describing your goals as well as how you reached them and also nice to see your sketches leading up to what you have at the […]

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Program: Graphics

Comment #2

Hey there!
I like the way you described how you worked from what your concept and that you’ve worked with your group. It’s also nice to see how you listened to their feedback and fixed it based on what your game needed.
Your bear sure looks sly and malicious, while still being cartoony and cute. Nice work describing your goals as well as how you reached them and also nice to see your sketches leading up to what you have at the […]

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Program: Graphics

Comment #1

Hey Mattias!
First of all, really well structured post here. The way you showed and explained the entire decision making process makes it really easy to follow along and understand why you chose to work the way you did.
Your concept was also made very clear, both through your explanations but also through good use of images where needed. Not only did they help show what you were making and that you worked closely with your lead designer, they also showed the […]

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Program: Graphics

Comment #1

Hey Mattias!
First of all, really well structured post here. The way you showed and explained the entire decision making process makes it really easy to follow along and understand why you chose to work the way you did.
Your concept was also made very clear, both through your explanations but also through good use of images where needed. Not only did they help show what you were making and that you worked closely with your lead designer, they also showed the […]

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Program: Graphics