Browsing 'Game Design': Posts from either of the Game Design programs

Comment #1: Mikael Ferroukhi
Bonsoir, monsieur!
I have really enjoyed reading this blog entry. The writing style is very concise, explanatory, and easy to understand, which I think makes your post accessible to a larger group of people, not necessarily just your group members or other Game Design students. You present a clear explanation of the process behind coming up with this idea, even though I would have liked to read more about the decision of using contrasting designs to express different […]

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Program: Graphics

Comment #1: Mikael Ferroukhi
Bonsoir, monsieur!
I have really enjoyed reading this blog entry. The writing style is very concise, explanatory, and easy to understand, which I think makes your post accessible to a larger group of people, not necessarily just your group members or other Game Design students. You present a clear explanation of the process behind coming up with this idea, even though I would have liked to read more about the decision of using contrasting designs to express different […]

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Program: Graphics

Just another scrum week

Today I am going to write about a week between Alpha presentation and last playtesting prior to Beta presentation. Or, shortly – the 5th sprint.
Long Monday
A week before, we just end up with first testing and Alpha presentation, which gave us a lot of feedback from the test players. That Friday was a bit busy, so we skipped a sprint 4 review on that day and decided to move it to upcoming Monday. And there it came – the longest […]

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Just another scrum week

Today I am going to write about a week between Alpha presentation and last playtesting prior to Beta presentation. Or, shortly – the 5th sprint.
Long Monday
A week before, we just end up with first testing and Alpha presentation, which gave us a lot of feedback from the test players. That Friday was a bit busy, so we skipped a sprint 4 review on that day and decided to move it to upcoming Monday. And there it came – the longest […]

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Reflection on “Cut my life into…”, by Juste Eriksson

February 25, 2018 at 5:08 pm

Hi Juste!
I had a pleasure to read this blog. It was really clear and interesting description of spring subject as well as daily stand-up meetings. I agree that sprints are a bit too short, but that is how it is. Maybe, the only solution is to reduce features for each sprint to a minimum. I agree that it means also, freezing features from the product backlog.
About daily stand-ups, I could […]

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Reflection on “Cut my life into…”, by Juste Eriksson

February 25, 2018 at 5:08 pm

Hi Juste!
I had a pleasure to read this blog. It was really clear and interesting description of spring subject as well as daily stand-up meetings. I agree that sprints are a bit too short, but that is how it is. Maybe, the only solution is to reduce features for each sprint to a minimum. I agree that it means also, freezing features from the product backlog.
About daily stand-ups, I could […]

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Reflection on “Sprint 4 – Alpha” blog, by Niklas Ericsson

sasadzigurski skriver:
16 februari, 2018 kl. 16:57

Hey Niklas,
I have read your blog and I can say it was an interesting one. You have thoroughly described what improvements did you do with your game mechanics and aesthetics. First one, of different colours, was an easy and effective solution. I hope that change will result in a better response from the future players/ testers ( although it is a little bit harder to distinguish the spaceships and their projectiles […]

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Reflection on “Sprint 4 – Alpha” blog, by Niklas Ericsson

sasadzigurski skriver:
16 februari, 2018 kl. 16:57

Hey Niklas,
I have read your blog and I can say it was an interesting one. You have thoroughly described what improvements did you do with your game mechanics and aesthetics. First one, of different colours, was an easy and effective solution. I hope that change will result in a better response from the future players/ testers ( although it is a little bit harder to distinguish the spaceships and their projectiles […]

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Reflection on Ithaqua group blog, by Alexander Ebbesson

February 11, 2018 at 3:42 pm

Hey Alex,
you have picked an interesting topic to write about. A group contract. Something that not all groups did in this course. You have written some basics about it and that is pretty clear. However, had you put some definition of a group contract and add some of those ground rules that you have mentioned (give some concrete examples) it would be more close to the readers. The readers which […]

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Reflection on Ithaqua group blog, by Alexander Ebbesson

February 11, 2018 at 3:42 pm

Hey Alex,
you have picked an interesting topic to write about. A group contract. Something that not all groups did in this course. You have written some basics about it and that is pretty clear. However, had you put some definition of a group contract and add some of those ground rules that you have mentioned (give some concrete examples) it would be more close to the readers. The readers which […]

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Entry #4: Creating the Spawner

Animation has turned out to be one of my favorite things to do. I am animating in pixel art which is, in some ways easier and in some ways harder than other formats of animation. With a limited ability to make exaggerated, accentuated movement, I must use the pixels I have with great care. On the other hand, the limited workspace also limits time consumption; there are only so many pixels to use, so a clear simplicity is preferred to subtle, […]

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Program: Graphics

Entry #4: Creating the Spawner

Animation has turned out to be one of my favorite things to do. I am animating in pixel art which is, in some ways easier and in some ways harder than other formats of animation. With a limited ability to make exaggerated, accentuated movement, I must use the pixels I have with great care. On the other hand, the limited workspace also limits time consumption; there are only so many pixels to use, so a clear simplicity is preferred to subtle, […]

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Program: Graphics

Comment #1

I really like the idea of the enemies having the same colour. It works well as an indicator. It’s not really explained why the colortone is what it is except for the “things that pop into my mind”, but I don’t think it matters as long as you find a color scheme you stick to. I also like how it’s clearly stated in the text that the game design choices affected the character design with the wing flapping.
You could be […]

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Program: Graphics

Comment #1

I really like the idea of the enemies having the same colour. It works well as an indicator. It’s not really explained why the colortone is what it is except for the “things that pop into my mind”, but I don’t think it matters as long as you find a color scheme you stick to. I also like how it’s clearly stated in the text that the game design choices affected the character design with the wing flapping.
You could be […]

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Program: Graphics

Comment #2

Wow! This was a blast reading! I find it really interesting how you use an actual street as reference – although I’m unsure how you ended up with a random street in Denmark. I also think that using a lot of layers in the parallax is a good way to make sure it feels like a background rather than something the player could interact with.
The only thing I feel like I’m missing would be something that shows what how big […]

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Program: Graphics

Comment #2

Wow! This was a blast reading! I find it really interesting how you use an actual street as reference – although I’m unsure how you ended up with a random street in Denmark. I also think that using a lot of layers in the parallax is a good way to make sure it feels like a background rather than something the player could interact with.
The only thing I feel like I’m missing would be something that shows what how big […]

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Program: Graphics

Comment #3

Good thing to hear it seems like you’re moving towards a better workflow. I think a lot of motivation and self discipline is needed to work hard without anyone being there watching over you. I really like how you said you’re able to consult the team members if something is up, I think that’s a big part of doing work on a daily basis.
Although, as I think is mentioned in the comment above as well, I would love to know […]

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Program: Graphics

Comment #3

Good thing to hear it seems like you’re moving towards a better workflow. I think a lot of motivation and self discipline is needed to work hard without anyone being there watching over you. I really like how you said you’re able to consult the team members if something is up, I think that’s a big part of doing work on a daily basis.
Although, as I think is mentioned in the comment above as well, I would love to know […]

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Program: Graphics

Sprint 6 : Game over screen and victory screen

This week I have been working on both the game over screen that will appear when the player loses and the victory screen that will appear when the player completes the game.
When it comes to the game over screen, it was quite simple for me to decide what should be on it because our concept document revolves around a mystical creature called -Umibozu. I decided that I would draw the sunken shipwreck being taken away by the creature.
The process for […]

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Program: Graphics

Sprint 6 : Game over screen and victory screen

This week I have been working on both the game over screen that will appear when the player loses and the victory screen that will appear when the player completes the game.
When it comes to the game over screen, it was quite simple for me to decide what should be on it because our concept document revolves around a mystical creature called -Umibozu. I decided that I would draw the sunken shipwreck being taken away by the creature.
The process for […]

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Program: Graphics


Scrum – Working Method
Working in a team -especially one that is creating something from nothing- is not an easy task and it’s very important to have a set frame for the working process to make sure that all goes as smoothly as possible. We are currently working in the agile method Scrum. A process where every step of the way is surveyed, tested and prioritized.
The basic idea goes like this; the overall goal is set early on and broken down […]

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Program: Game Design


Scrum – Working Method
Working in a team -especially one that is creating something from nothing- is not an easy task and it’s very important to have a set frame for the working process to make sure that all goes as smoothly as possible. We are currently working in the agile method Scrum. A process where every step of the way is surveyed, tested and prioritized.
The basic idea goes like this; the overall goal is set early on and broken down […]

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Program: Game Design

Blog #4 Sound introduction

I’m the lead sound in our group, but I’ve never worked with sound before. Therefore, this week has introduced me to a couple of software programs for working with sound. It’s mainly been Audacity, Soundly and Sony Vegas. Although Sony Vegas is for both video and audio editing, that is the one I ended up using the most – as I’ve dealt with it before to some degree. I find it really good for easily dragging around and cutting sound […]

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Program: Graphics

Blog #4 Sound introduction

I’m the lead sound in our group, but I’ve never worked with sound before. Therefore, this week has introduced me to a couple of software programs for working with sound. It’s mainly been Audacity, Soundly and Sony Vegas. Although Sony Vegas is for both video and audio editing, that is the one I ended up using the most – as I’ve dealt with it before to some degree. I find it really good for easily dragging around and cutting sound […]

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Program: Graphics