Browsing 'Game Design': Posts from either of the Game Design programs

Comment #1

Comments On Others Blogs
Original post here:
Comment time! Alright, first off, great introduction. I understood what you were going to talk about and the reason behind it immediately.
Very well put on the visuals of the different kinds of enemies, however you never really explained what the enemies actually do in the game. Do they attack the player? How? Do they all behave the exact same way? Are they all introduced at the same time? I guess I just want a little […]

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Program: Game Design

Comment #1

Comments On Others Blogs
Original post here:
Comment time! Alright, first off, great introduction. I understood what you were going to talk about and the reason behind it immediately.
Very well put on the visuals of the different kinds of enemies, however you never really explained what the enemies actually do in the game. Do they attack the player? How? Do they all behave the exact same way? Are they all introduced at the same time? I guess I just want a little […]

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Program: Game Design

Topology of imaginary cities: China

You can find the original picture here

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Program: Game Design

Topology of imaginary cities: China

You can find the original picture here

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Program: Game Design

4.1 Comment on another post: Team Z, Jesper Bergman

Hello there Jesper!
My name is Carl and I’m the Lead Designer and Sound for Group T. You’ve done a good job explaining your reasoning behind your work and the importance it has on the project. You thoroughly explain your ”philosophy” behind your level design and why you had/wanted to design the level in that particular way, and I got to say that I understand and agree with you when you say level design is something people underestimate. It plays a […]

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Program: Game Design

4.1 Comment on another post: Team Z, Jesper Bergman

Hello there Jesper!
My name is Carl and I’m the Lead Designer and Sound for Group T. You’ve done a good job explaining your reasoning behind your work and the importance it has on the project. You thoroughly explain your ”philosophy” behind your level design and why you had/wanted to design the level in that particular way, and I got to say that I understand and agree with you when you say level design is something people underestimate. It plays a […]

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Program: Game Design

Generating sounds using…noise!

What I’ve been doing
This week I’ve spent most of my time experimenting with noise in preparation for making the Umibōzu sounds. My idea for the Umibōzu sounds right now is to make them very windy and make the synth form vocals so it actually sounds like someone is speaking even though it’s just a synth. Synth vocals can create a pretty unsettling sound in my opinion which is why I think it fits perfect for Umibōzu.
The synthesizer I’ve decided to […]

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Program: Programming

Generating sounds using…noise!

What I’ve been doing
This week I’ve spent most of my time experimenting with noise in preparation for making the Umibōzu sounds. My idea for the Umibōzu sounds right now is to make them very windy and make the synth form vocals so it actually sounds like someone is speaking even though it’s just a synth. Synth vocals can create a pretty unsettling sound in my opinion which is why I think it fits perfect for Umibōzu.
The synthesizer I’ve decided to […]

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Program: Programming

Comment : blog post assignment 4

Hey Adam, good post!
Movement was also a big part of Depth, my game. I had to revamp it a lot as well, since it always felt a bit “off”. I think there’s a balance to be had between gameplay and realism : the more realistic the better as long as it doesn’t destroy gameplay, since we want the player to be immersed while also having fun. Umibozu’s movement is a big challenge, since, as you’ve said it’s a huge part […]

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Program: Programming

Comment : blog post assignment 4

Hey Adam, good post!
Movement was also a big part of Depth, my game. I had to revamp it a lot as well, since it always felt a bit “off”. I think there’s a balance to be had between gameplay and realism : the more realistic the better as long as it doesn’t destroy gameplay, since we want the player to be immersed while also having fun. Umibozu’s movement is a big challenge, since, as you’ve said it’s a huge part […]

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Program: Programming

Sprint 6 – Beta

So this week have been quite a calm week for me as I did not have all to much to work with. Basically, my main focus this week have been on the Beta presentation, and what to present. Since we have come really far with our game and got really good feedback fro, the last playtesting, and since we are basically done with our game, there is some highlights that I want to present and explain during the Beta presentation, […]

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Program: Game Design

Sprint 6 – Beta

So this week have been quite a calm week for me as I did not have all to much to work with. Basically, my main focus this week have been on the Beta presentation, and what to present. Since we have come really far with our game and got really good feedback fro, the last playtesting, and since we are basically done with our game, there is some highlights that I want to present and explain during the Beta presentation, […]

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Program: Game Design

Boss design

This week I will be writing about the design of the boss in our game and how we can make a large boss that moves in an interesting way while still being easy to draw.
We wanted the boss to be huge, to stay true to the game concept. But trying to make the boss as one big sprite would make it tedious for the artists to draw and animate. That’s when i got some inspiration from one of the bosses of […]

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Program: Programming

Boss design

This week I will be writing about the design of the boss in our game and how we can make a large boss that moves in an interesting way while still being easy to draw.
We wanted the boss to be huge, to stay true to the game concept. But trying to make the boss as one big sprite would make it tedious for the artists to draw and animate. That’s when i got some inspiration from one of the bosses of […]

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Program: Programming

Blog 4: Making a boss fight with a feeling

Now that we are nearing the last weeks of the project means that we are on the final parts of our games and in our case the only thing left, except for balancing and testing that is, is our boss fight. In our game we chose to have the boss being sort of attack-able, a change we thought would be a bit better since in the original concept the player can only run and dodge. At first we had planned […]

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Program: Game Design

Blog 4: Making a boss fight with a feeling

Now that we are nearing the last weeks of the project means that we are on the final parts of our games and in our case the only thing left, except for balancing and testing that is, is our boss fight. In our game we chose to have the boss being sort of attack-able, a change we thought would be a bit better since in the original concept the player can only run and dodge. At first we had planned […]

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Program: Game Design

Week #4 – Cross-border Management

This week I have had the misfortune of having to leave Gotland and head to London on personal business for a number of days. The timing could have been better, to put it mildly. We are currently in the final sprint before the Beta milestone, an important week for the entire group. Leading up to my departure I have been worried that losing the Producer in this stage of the project is quite risky for the team’s communication, and thus […]

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Week #4 – Cross-border Management

This week I have had the misfortune of having to leave Gotland and head to London on personal business for a number of days. The timing could have been better, to put it mildly. We are currently in the final sprint before the Beta milestone, an important week for the entire group. Leading up to my departure I have been worried that losing the Producer in this stage of the project is quite risky for the team’s communication, and thus […]

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Level Design

Recently I have been working on level design. The idea we have behind building a level with everything in a predetermined place, is to make sure we can engineer the experience the player will receive from our game. We want the player to find the game mysterious, feel like they are looking for something unnatural and scary. The way we can do that is to scale down the challenge in terms of enemies. If we have enemies there, we can […]

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Level Design

Recently I have been working on level design. The idea we have behind building a level with everything in a predetermined place, is to make sure we can engineer the experience the player will receive from our game. We want the player to find the game mysterious, feel like they are looking for something unnatural and scary. The way we can do that is to scale down the challenge in terms of enemies. If we have enemies there, we can […]

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Design Feedback – 4

You are describing well your thought-process behind the music for the game. It amazes me how accurate and detailed your decisions were behind all of this. In a very clear manner you describe the background to your game and how other cultural influences your music for your boss level. I’ve listened to the track multiple times and I can really get the feel for the Umibozu aesthetic. It is very spooky and it adds something extra when playing a mysterious […]

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Program: Game Design

Design Feedback – 4

You are describing well your thought-process behind the music for the game. It amazes me how accurate and detailed your decisions were behind all of this. In a very clear manner you describe the background to your game and how other cultural influences your music for your boss level. I’ve listened to the track multiple times and I can really get the feel for the Umibozu aesthetic. It is very spooky and it adds something extra when playing a mysterious […]

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Program: Game Design

Animations, Sprites and my consequent thoughts thereon

So, for the last couple of weeks I have been making sprites – mostly. I am not particularly good at – and I do not particularly enjoy, making animations. Nonetheless, it’s a task that needs to be done, and I am one of two people who is doing it. Well, I was – until our second artist suddenly quit the course last week, leaving me with some more sprites to finished than I bargained for. It’s fine though, I’m lucky […]

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Program: Graphics

Animations, Sprites and my consequent thoughts thereon

So, for the last couple of weeks I have been making sprites – mostly. I am not particularly good at – and I do not particularly enjoy, making animations. Nonetheless, it’s a task that needs to be done, and I am one of two people who is doing it. Well, I was – until our second artist suddenly quit the course last week, leaving me with some more sprites to finished than I bargained for. It’s fine though, I’m lucky […]

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Program: Graphics