Browsing 'Game Design': Posts from either of the Game Design programs

Sprint 7 – Playtesting

So far in the course we have had two ”major” playtestings. The first one behing ahead of the Alpha deadline and the second one being ahead of the Beta deadline.
Playtesting 1:
The first playtesting went quite well I must say. Most playtesters liked what we had so far and we actually had a playable game at that point with many of our assets already implemented. For the Alpha, we didnt focus on music or sound what so ever, so for the […]

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Program: Game Design

Sprint 7 – Playtesting

So far in the course we have had two ”major” playtestings. The first one behing ahead of the Alpha deadline and the second one being ahead of the Beta deadline.
Playtesting 1:
The first playtesting went quite well I must say. Most playtesters liked what we had so far and we actually had a playable game at that point with many of our assets already implemented. For the Alpha, we didnt focus on music or sound what so ever, so for the […]

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Program: Game Design

Design Blog – 5

First Playtest
Our first playtest went I guess kind of well. Something that we noticed was that testers did not use the ‘heavy’ shot. The heavy shot or the laser needs to be loaded up for four seconds before it fires. Testers found it confusing and did not see (nor hear because we did not have any sound effects at the time) when the cannon was charging up the laser. This was the main issue from the playtest. This is something […]

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Program: Game Design

Design Blog – 5

First Playtest
Our first playtest went I guess kind of well. Something that we noticed was that testers did not use the ‘heavy’ shot. The heavy shot or the laser needs to be loaded up for four seconds before it fires. Testers found it confusing and did not see (nor hear because we did not have any sound effects at the time) when the cannon was charging up the laser. This was the main issue from the playtest. This is something […]

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Program: Game Design


В храмах Мекки видны тени.
В храмах Индии – цвета.
В храмах поднебесных музыка слышна.
А в соборах кафедральных есть одна лишь тишина.
боги вечно ищут дом, будь дворец то, или сон.
В поселеньях, в городах.
В реках, горах и лесах.
В танцах, музыке, стихах.
В масках, в гриме и в ролях.
В темноте и в зеркалах.
В смехе, слезах и в прохожего глазах.

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Program: Game Design


В храмах Мекки видны тени.
В храмах Индии – цвета.
В храмах поднебесных музыка слышна.
А в соборах кафедральных есть одна лишь тишина.
боги вечно ищут дом, будь дворец то, или сон.
В поселеньях, в городах.
В реках, горах и лесах.
В танцах, музыке, стихах.
В масках, в гриме и в ролях.
В темноте и в зеркалах.
В смехе, слезах и в прохожего глазах.

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Program: Game Design

Playtesting and development changes

The playtest went fairly well for our group. Despite of that, in the first 40 minutes of the playtest our game broke, and our programmer was sick- but was made functioning again by or game designer, this meant that we lost some playtest time and did not get as many results as we could have. We did get a lot of useful information from them though, that changed a lot of aspects in the game. For example, a lot of […]

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Program: Graphics

Playtesting and development changes

The playtest went fairly well for our group. Despite of that, in the first 40 minutes of the playtest our game broke, and our programmer was sick- but was made functioning again by or game designer, this meant that we lost some playtest time and did not get as many results as we could have. We did get a lot of useful information from them though, that changed a lot of aspects in the game. For example, a lot of […]

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Program: Graphics

Feedback 4

Feedback on:
I really like that you explain that, instead of just scaling up a squid you instead researched similar real life animals to base your enemy on – think that does show up in the final design and gives it a more grounded feeling. Something I was wondering about was on the subject of you choosing to do more squash and stretch in this enemy than the one before, of course the structure of a squid  does […]

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Program: Graphics

Feedback 4

Feedback on:
I really like that you explain that, instead of just scaling up a squid you instead researched similar real life animals to base your enemy on – think that does show up in the final design and gives it a more grounded feeling. Something I was wondering about was on the subject of you choosing to do more squash and stretch in this enemy than the one before, of course the structure of a squid  does […]

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Program: Graphics

Power up- Cormorant

For the power up, we decided to create a bird called a cormorant, with one full animation to it.
As for the cormorant animation, I would argue that I failed. The bird fits the aesthetic of the game graphics-vise, and the animation, although it is a little bit too non-exaggerated (I would have liked to give it two or three more frames of animation for when the wings are in it´s nethermost position to truly make it look like it´s completing […]

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Program: Graphics

Power up- Cormorant

For the power up, we decided to create a bird called a cormorant, with one full animation to it.
As for the cormorant animation, I would argue that I failed. The bird fits the aesthetic of the game graphics-vise, and the animation, although it is a little bit too non-exaggerated (I would have liked to give it two or three more frames of animation for when the wings are in it´s nethermost position to truly make it look like it´s completing […]

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Program: Graphics

Feedback 3

Feedback on:
Nice execution, all design decisions are explained and justified. Would be nice to see the original design to see how much of it has changed. I would have liked to know if different crates have different purposes, and if the different ones that are assigned for power ups, healths etc – and if their purposes where taken into consideration when designing the shapes and silhouettes of the barrels.
Would be nice to see the barrels implemented […]

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Program: Graphics

Feedback 3

Feedback on:
Nice execution, all design decisions are explained and justified. Would be nice to see the original design to see how much of it has changed. I would have liked to know if different crates have different purposes, and if the different ones that are assigned for power ups, healths etc – and if their purposes where taken into consideration when designing the shapes and silhouettes of the barrels.
Would be nice to see the barrels implemented […]

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Program: Graphics

Scrum and how it has affected Umibozu game and my own development

Scrum, simply described is the idea of making a list of what needs to be done (product backlog),, have teammates pick their tasks from this list (sprint planning and sprint backlog) and then perform them during a period of time called a sprint, the time of that sprint can vary, but is usually longer than a week, but a week is what we have been working with (and has been working well, I would say). At the end of this […]

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Program: Graphics

Scrum and how it has affected Umibozu game and my own development

Scrum, simply described is the idea of making a list of what needs to be done (product backlog),, have teammates pick their tasks from this list (sprint planning and sprint backlog) and then perform them during a period of time called a sprint, the time of that sprint can vary, but is usually longer than a week, but a week is what we have been working with (and has been working well, I would say). At the end of this […]

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Program: Graphics

Comments made on different managers blogs #3

Post in question
Hi Michael
I really love your post and I think it’s something all new managers should read at the beginning of the year. This post gives a great insight into management and teams. Specifically, what some necessary components to become a high-functioning team. It is as you write not as simple as to just put together an all-star team, which you showcase both with theories and your own reflections from your experience of this academic year.
The format of […]

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Comments made on different managers blogs #3

Post in question
Hi Michael
I really love your post and I think it’s something all new managers should read at the beginning of the year. This post gives a great insight into management and teams. Specifically, what some necessary components to become a high-functioning team. It is as you write not as simple as to just put together an all-star team, which you showcase both with theories and your own reflections from your experience of this academic year.
The format of […]

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Feedback 2

Feedback on:
Nice boat!
I like that you and you group seem to be dedicated to keep the game and it´s assets anchored in reality, and you focus a lot on not wanting to have anachronism and such in the game. You explain your aesthetic goal of the boat clearly and you execute that aesthetic well in regards to the boat. You explain the aspects of the boat and show them well, such as the more industrialised version and the lamps for […]

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Program: Graphics

Feedback 2

Feedback on:
Nice boat!
I like that you and you group seem to be dedicated to keep the game and it´s assets anchored in reality, and you focus a lot on not wanting to have anachronism and such in the game. You explain your aesthetic goal of the boat clearly and you execute that aesthetic well in regards to the boat. You explain the aspects of the boat and show them well, such as the more industrialised version and the lamps for […]

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Program: Graphics

Comment 4


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Program: Graphics

Comment 4


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Program: Graphics

Comment #4 – Cai Songqiao

Hello Cai!
First off, great post!
You write about both your animation process and the production of your boss, the Umibozu, though at first glance it can be hard for a reader to make out where you finish writing about animations and start writing about the boss. It would increase the readability a lot of you were to add subheadings and paragraphs.
You describe why you have made your design decisions thoroughly and provide me as a reader with a lot of valuable […]

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Comment #4 – Cai Songqiao

Hello Cai!
First off, great post!
You write about both your animation process and the production of your boss, the Umibozu, though at first glance it can be hard for a reader to make out where you finish writing about animations and start writing about the boss. It would increase the readability a lot of you were to add subheadings and paragraphs.
You describe why you have made your design decisions thoroughly and provide me as a reader with a lot of valuable […]

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