Browsing 'Game Design': Posts from either of the Game Design programs

Entry #6: Wisdom, Knowledge and Teamwork

With the FINAL Presentation coming up this Thursday, it´s time for a retrospective view of what I have learned throughout this course. This is not just for the assignment itself, but I also believe it to be useful as a preparation for the upcoming Arcade Project, where we will essentially have to apply every single principle we have learned so far in order to succeed. Since we have already talked about Agile Scrum I will not go over it again. Let´s […]

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Program: Graphics

Entry #6: Wisdom, Knowledge and Teamwork

With the FINAL Presentation coming up this Thursday, it´s time for a retrospective view of what I have learned throughout this course. This is not just for the assignment itself, but I also believe it to be useful as a preparation for the upcoming Arcade Project, where we will essentially have to apply every single principle we have learned so far in order to succeed. Since we have already talked about Agile Scrum I will not go over it again. Let´s […]

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Program: Graphics

Comment #5

Hi Kristina!
Very concise post. I feel as if many of the Umibozu games share a similar challenge in getting the controls just right. This is an issue that just comes with the fact that the avatar is a boat. Animations are a very important part of making controls feel better. While it is technically just an illusion, it gives us something to visually justify why our avatar is moving in such a way. Animation placeholders may have helped you in […]

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Program: Graphics

Comment #5

Hi Kristina!
Very concise post. I feel as if many of the Umibozu games share a similar challenge in getting the controls just right. This is an issue that just comes with the fact that the avatar is a boat. Animations are a very important part of making controls feel better. While it is technically just an illusion, it gives us something to visually justify why our avatar is moving in such a way. Animation placeholders may have helped you in […]

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Program: Graphics

Post Mortem

Overall, Friendship Down turned out surprisingly as planned; the final product shipped with all intended features implemented. The final game is a 2.5D side scrolling shooter where the player is able to move, fire projectiles, and to activate a shield to block enemy shots. Additionally, the powerups of the game come in the form of allied NPCs (referred to as ”Friends”) that aid the player in defeating the incoming waves of enemies. The difficulty of the game was designed in […]

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Program: Graphics

Post Mortem

Overall, Friendship Down turned out surprisingly as planned; the final product shipped with all intended features implemented. The final game is a 2.5D side scrolling shooter where the player is able to move, fire projectiles, and to activate a shield to block enemy shots. Additionally, the powerups of the game come in the form of allied NPCs (referred to as ”Friends”) that aid the player in defeating the incoming waves of enemies. The difficulty of the game was designed in […]

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Program: Graphics

Sprint 8 – postmortem

Now this end has finally come to an end, and our game is finished. It has been an interesting project where we have learned a lot, but I think most people are feeling a relief that this course is coming to its end and a hype for the next coming course, Arcade games.
We, in group Jabberwock has been making the game Behemoth, which is a game where you as a player is controlling a huge spaceship that you are to […]

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Program: Game Design

Sprint 8 – postmortem

Now this end has finally come to an end, and our game is finished. It has been an interesting project where we have learned a lot, but I think most people are feeling a relief that this course is coming to its end and a hype for the next coming course, Arcade games.
We, in group Jabberwock has been making the game Behemoth, which is a game where you as a player is controlling a huge spaceship that you are to […]

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Program: Game Design

Dead On Arrival

Friendship Down, a game about trials and tribulations that can only be overcome through teamwork. Maybe I could try to make some parallels between the game and the process of making the came, but I don’t feel like it. The latter doesn’t have robots, anyway.
Overall, the game is more than satisfactory for the level we are at, even though sometimes I feel fairly strong feelings of the opposite and wanted to make major changes. Being both the scrum master and […]

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Dead On Arrival

Friendship Down, a game about trials and tribulations that can only be overcome through teamwork. Maybe I could try to make some parallels between the game and the process of making the came, but I don’t feel like it. The latter doesn’t have robots, anyway.
Overall, the game is more than satisfactory for the level we are at, even though sometimes I feel fairly strong feelings of the opposite and wanted to make major changes. Being both the scrum master and […]

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Postmortem – The Journey Ends

Hi, today i will be discussing my final thoughts of my game’s development and what i have learned on this Journey together with my group. This week was the final week for working on our games, the final day being today. I think this journey was a long one and interesting because this was the… Continue reading Postmortem – The Journey Ends

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Program: Programming

Postmortem – The Journey Ends

Hi, today i will be discussing my final thoughts of my game’s development and what i have learned on this Journey together with my group. This week was the final week for working on our games, the final day being today. I think this journey was a long one and interesting because this was the… Continue reading Postmortem – The Journey Ends

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Program: Programming

Comments on blogs – August Demirsson

Blog comment #1:
Hello Teddy!
I think you did a really good job designing the level of your game, and how you are slowly introducing the mechanics to the player instead of brute forcing him/her into combat right away.
The way you introduce the player with how the light works and how it makes things visible with the pole for example is really creative. Then you carry on by forcing the player to move out of the starting area to immediately fight the […]

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Program: Game Design

Comments on blogs – August Demirsson

Blog comment #1:
Hello Teddy!
I think you did a really good job designing the level of your game, and how you are slowly introducing the mechanics to the player instead of brute forcing him/her into combat right away.
The way you introduce the player with how the light works and how it makes things visible with the pole for example is really creative. Then you carry on by forcing the player to move out of the starting area to immediately fight the […]

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Program: Game Design


We are at the end of the road after several months’ hard work, being happy and satisfied for finishing Aetherial on time.
Making Aetherial has taught me many things both in and outside the art field. From the art perspective, I have learnt how to create assets that are coherent with the theme and the other artist’s work, the importance of picking the right colours, lighting/shadowing and animating. To be honest, animating was not my strongest side at start, and I […]

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Program: Graphics


We are at the end of the road after several months’ hard work, being happy and satisfied for finishing Aetherial on time.
Making Aetherial has taught me many things both in and outside the art field. From the art perspective, I have learnt how to create assets that are coherent with the theme and the other artist’s work, the importance of picking the right colours, lighting/shadowing and animating. To be honest, animating was not my strongest side at start, and I […]

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Program: Graphics


Часы движения в пространстве нас вечно тянут в пустоте.
И тихим тиканьем с запястьЯв нам лгут о нашей же судьбе.
Мы потерялись. Что-то ищем. Не знаем как найти пути.
И, иногда в снегу лежачем мы видим старые следы.
Нам нити путеводные протянут сквозь тысячелетья и века
наставники, ткачи, певцы, поэты, старые враги и новые друзья.
Не верим себе, но верим друг другу.
Увидеть глаза разбитые горем. Почувствовать свободу открытого моря.
Прости, но мы выбрали вечность.
А в сердце моем этот миг будет жить бесконечно.

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Program: Game Design


Часы движения в пространстве нас вечно тянут в пустоте.
И тихим тиканьем с запястьЯв нам лгут о нашей же судьбе.
Мы потерялись. Что-то ищем. Не знаем как найти пути.
И, иногда в снегу лежачем мы видим старые следы.
Нам нити путеводные протянут сквозь тысячелетья и века
наставники, ткачи, певцы, поэты, старые враги и новые друзья.
Не верим себе, но верим друг другу.
Увидеть глаза разбитые горем. Почувствовать свободу открытого моря.
Прости, но мы выбрали вечность.
А в сердце моем этот миг будет жить бесконечно.

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Program: Game Design

Comment for 5th blogpost

Hi Sophie,
I think your blogpost is nicely introduced when you explain what playtesting-sessions are and that you did two playtests. The second paragraph is also good in the way that it explains how everything was set-up and what your group did during the playtesting. In addition to what happened, why is also nicely explained, i.e. when you explain that you get to hear feedback from others and why this is important. It is also interesting that you mention playtesting other […]

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Program: Programming

Comment for 5th blogpost

Hi Sophie,
I think your blogpost is nicely introduced when you explain what playtesting-sessions are and that you did two playtests. The second paragraph is also good in the way that it explains how everything was set-up and what your group did during the playtesting. In addition to what happened, why is also nicely explained, i.e. when you explain that you get to hear feedback from others and why this is important. It is also interesting that you mention playtesting other […]

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Program: Programming

Comment on Oscar Vines
Hello, Adam Olsson here, another programmer. Your post is informative and exciting and explains what you have been doing in conjunction with your opinion and insight to playtesting. I find it relatable with what you say about not being able to find all the bugs yourself, as I have my self-been in that situation many times. The ever tiering argument about fresh eyes are very used but also accurate as you state in your text.
I like your solution […]

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Program: Programming

Comment on Oscar Vines
Hello, Adam Olsson here, another programmer. Your post is informative and exciting and explains what you have been doing in conjunction with your opinion and insight to playtesting. I find it relatable with what you say about not being able to find all the bugs yourself, as I have my self-been in that situation many times. The ever tiering argument about fresh eyes are very used but also accurate as you state in your text.
I like your solution […]

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Program: Programming

Blog Comment 5

It is nice to hear that you were able to be present during at least one playtest session, so you did not go all without good but as of course also bad critique/feedback.
One conclusion I drew myself from the playtesting is that not all feedback is good feedback and I think it is nice that you manage to fight through all the hate and sit down and work with the good feedback instead. Some people have very specific cravings when […]

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Program: Graphics

Blog Comment 5

It is nice to hear that you were able to be present during at least one playtest session, so you did not go all without good but as of course also bad critique/feedback.
One conclusion I drew myself from the playtesting is that not all feedback is good feedback and I think it is nice that you manage to fight through all the hate and sit down and work with the good feedback instead. Some people have very specific cravings when […]

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Program: Graphics