Browsing 'Graphics': Posts from Game Design and Graphics
Comment Week #5
Comment on „Test, Test and Then Test Some More, The Great Regret“, a blog entry published by Daniel Reinsson
Hi Daniel!
Thank you for this interesting insight on how you and your team approached playtesting in the scope of this project. Your blog entry is well-structured, coherent and precise. You elaborate on and showcase very well what problems you have encountered, what the reason for the issues were and what potential solutions could have been. I can appreciate that you not […]
Comment Week #5
Comment on „Test, Test and Then Test Some More, The Great Regret“, a blog entry published by Daniel Reinsson
Hi Daniel!
Thank you for this interesting insight on how you and your team approached playtesting in the scope of this project. Your blog entry is well-structured, coherent and precise. You elaborate on and showcase very well what problems you have encountered, what the reason for the issues were and what potential solutions could have been. I can appreciate that you not […]

Thus, I Give Up the Spear: A Postmortem on Archon’s Aetherial
Archon’s Aetherial has been completed. It’s a strange feeling to be working on something for an extended period of time and then no longer. It’s like there’s a part of your brain that still hasn’t fully registered that fact. If I could sum up the overall experience of the development process in a word, it would be ‘disappointed.’ Disappointed at the end product, disappointed at myself, and so much more. Even so, there is a silver lining to this cloud.
What […]

Thus, I Give Up the Spear: A Postmortem on Archon’s Aetherial
Archon’s Aetherial has been completed. It’s a strange feeling to be working on something for an extended period of time and then no longer. It’s like there’s a part of your brain that still hasn’t fully registered that fact. If I could sum up the overall experience of the development process in a word, it would be ‘disappointed.’ Disappointed at the end product, disappointed at myself, and so much more. Even so, there is a silver lining to this cloud.
What […]

Moving on (Post-Mortem)
For those unfamiliar with our project, every team was required to develop a game from a concept document made by our classmates, meaning other groups. Most groups chose the same 3 concepts, which were very popular either aesthetically or gameplay-wise, with a seemingly achievable scope. Most games were very different between each other, though.
Team Siren also chose one of those 3 games, Behemoth. Because of that same reason, we knew it was important to stand out, so we changed the […]

Moving on (Post-Mortem)
For those unfamiliar with our project, every team was required to develop a game from a concept document made by our classmates, meaning other groups. Most groups chose the same 3 concepts, which were very popular either aesthetically or gameplay-wise, with a seemingly achievable scope. Most games were very different between each other, though.
Team Siren also chose one of those 3 games, Behemoth. Because of that same reason, we knew it was important to stand out, so we changed the […]
Postmortem: Umibōzu
Ten weeks of production and development have come to an end and after a few days of digesting the last workload-heavy week, it is now time to look back and reflect upon this great experience. This entry will also close out this blog series about the making off Umibōzu, a game based on a concept designed by Team Gnoll.
Umi.. what?
The spirit of the Umibōzu originates from Japanese folklore. It is said to be accompanied by strange ocean phenomenon. It has […]
Postmortem: Umibōzu
Ten weeks of production and development have come to an end and after a few days of digesting the last workload-heavy week, it is now time to look back and reflect upon this great experience. This entry will also close out this blog series about the making off Umibōzu, a game based on a concept designed by Team Gnoll.
Umi.. what?
The spirit of the Umibōzu originates from Japanese folklore. It is said to be accompanied by strange ocean phenomenon. It has […]
6. Feedback
To: Cai Songqiao
Your sentences had a great flow and it was easy to follow what you have done and learn throughout these weeks. I’m glad that you were happy with the end result even though you did not have enough time to implement everything.
You got everything in there that you were suppose to cover. It was interesting to hear how you solved things as a group and that you learn that being clear to each other and do things time […]
6. Feedback
To: Cai Songqiao
Your sentences had a great flow and it was easy to follow what you have done and learn throughout these weeks. I’m glad that you were happy with the end result even though you did not have enough time to implement everything.
You got everything in there that you were suppose to cover. It was interesting to hear how you solved things as a group and that you learn that being clear to each other and do things time […]

Post Mortem
After nine weeks of continuous frustration, hard work and dedication, the Aetherial video game was finally realized. It took a lot of determination from every team member, but in the end the results paid off. Our group managed to finish the development of the shoot ‘em up project in time and the upcoming gradings will show if we succeeded or not in fulfilling the requirements.
During the process of development, I managed to encounter many unexpected difficulties that could have resulted […]

Post Mortem
After nine weeks of continuous frustration, hard work and dedication, the Aetherial video game was finally realized. It took a lot of determination from every team member, but in the end the results paid off. Our group managed to finish the development of the shoot ‘em up project in time and the upcoming gradings will show if we succeeded or not in fulfilling the requirements.
During the process of development, I managed to encounter many unexpected difficulties that could have resulted […]
5. Feedback
To: Hampus Bergström
Hi Hampus!
Your post was written in a professional way and you got all the information you wanted out there i seems like. It was easy to follow the text and I got a good understanding of what happen and helped you out during both of the test.
As mentioned in the comment above I also think that writing about the alpha and beta test separately would have made it a little more clear. But it’s did not really matter […]
5. Feedback
To: Hampus Bergström
Hi Hampus!
Your post was written in a professional way and you got all the information you wanted out there i seems like. It was easy to follow the text and I got a good understanding of what happen and helped you out during both of the test.
As mentioned in the comment above I also think that writing about the alpha and beta test separately would have made it a little more clear. But it’s did not really matter […]
4. Feedback
To: Gunnlaugur Arnarson
Hi Gunnlaugur!
Even though the post looked like a wall of text in the beginning you manage to get my attention very early in you text. You started of with explaining why you needed this animation for the game then explained in detail all of you thoughts and problems you had while working with it and did it in a way that was easy to follow and understand. You then explained how you solved the mist problem with pictures […]
4. Feedback
To: Gunnlaugur Arnarson
Hi Gunnlaugur!
Even though the post looked like a wall of text in the beginning you manage to get my attention very early in you text. You started of with explaining why you needed this animation for the game then explained in detail all of you thoughts and problems you had while working with it and did it in a way that was easy to follow and understand. You then explained how you solved the mist problem with pictures […]
1. Feedback
To: Amanda Cohen
You explain everything in much detail which is a very good thing for the one who reads. Since it is so detailed it makes it very clear how the work you have done this week have been done (It was also very interesting and funny to hear about the sounds and how you made them). It was good that you mentioned the difficulties you had too since that is a part of doing something that you have never […]
1. Feedback
To: Amanda Cohen
You explain everything in much detail which is a very good thing for the one who reads. Since it is so detailed it makes it very clear how the work you have done this week have been done (It was also very interesting and funny to hear about the sounds and how you made them). It was good that you mentioned the difficulties you had too since that is a part of doing something that you have never […]

“They’re not dead, they just lay down and rest… forever”
The game is finally finished! Our first game. I am very happy and proud to present Beeloning. If you want to try the game press the link below:
One of the things I think we did well is the graphics, specifically that the art looks coherent and it looks like it is all made by the same person. Me and my fellow artist Moa, achieved that by showing each other our sketches when working on a new […]

“They’re not dead, they just lay down and rest… forever”
The game is finally finished! Our first game. I am very happy and proud to present Beeloning. If you want to try the game press the link below:
One of the things I think we did well is the graphics, specifically that the art looks coherent and it looks like it is all made by the same person. Me and my fellow artist Moa, achieved that by showing each other our sketches when working on a new […]

Game Design journal 6
Mikael Ferroukhi
Date 20/03/18
Throughout this entire course there has been quite a lot of work and emotions that I have been through with my team, and this come both from the excitement and the fear of producing our first game: will it be good enough? will it look like what we want it to? will it be fun???
All of these questions that can’t really be answered until the final moment when the game is released which make the pressure add up […]

Game Design journal 6
Mikael Ferroukhi
Date 20/03/18
Throughout this entire course there has been quite a lot of work and emotions that I have been through with my team, and this come both from the excitement and the fear of producing our first game: will it be good enough? will it look like what we want it to? will it be fun???
All of these questions that can’t really be answered until the final moment when the game is released which make the pressure add up […]

Blog 6
Well this is it, the final blog.
During this course I have learned a lot of new things. When I started this course, I didn’t have any experience in actually making a game or any experience in working with unity at all. The later would come to greatly impact the way we would be working on the project. But that will come in a short while. For now I just want to say that while I did come in here with […]

Blog 6
Well this is it, the final blog.
During this course I have learned a lot of new things. When I started this course, I didn’t have any experience in actually making a game or any experience in working with unity at all. The later would come to greatly impact the way we would be working on the project. But that will come in a short while. For now I just want to say that while I did come in here with […]