Author Archives: William Nordin

Making a Game Part 2 – AI

This week I chose one of the more difficult artifacts on the sprint planning: making the enemies chase and then kill the player.
My first thoughts about this was to just make the player “lose the game” if he collided with any of the patrolling guards. Now, instead of doing a collision-check I made a function that returns the distance between the player a guard (cycling through all the guards in their Update()-method):
Which basically just does a pythagorean calculation […]

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Program: Programming

Making a Game Part 2 – AI

This week I chose one of the more difficult artifacts on the sprint planning: making the enemies chase and then kill the player.
My first thoughts about this was to just make the player “lose the game” if he collided with any of the patrolling guards. Now, instead of doing a collision-check I made a function that returns the distance between the player a guard (cycling through all the guards in their Update()-method):
Which basically just does a pythagorean calculation […]

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Program: Programming

Programming Project 2 – Part 1

Hello again!
I have now started the next couple of courses, game programming II and An introduction to game development, those two courses work in tandem with us having been split into teams and tasked with creating a game.

The game we are making was designed by another group of students in an earlier course, in the beginning of our current course every team chose between thirteen different concepts and now we will try to create that game.
My role in […]

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Program: Programming

Programming Project 2 – Part 1

Hello again!
I have now started the next couple of courses, game programming II and An introduction to game development, those two courses work in tandem with us having been split into teams and tasked with creating a game.

The game we are making was designed by another group of students in an earlier course, in the beginning of our current course every team chose between thirteen different concepts and now we will try to create that game.
My role in […]

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Program: Programming

Programming Project Part 10 – Final Part

The Collisions-room is complete and accessible through a key-command in the main menu, with working box vs box, circle vs circle and box vs circle collision. The only one i didn’t have the time to implement is the pixel perfect one that I also have no possible way of testing with the current sprites. I am now working with a simple animation for the cities when they die, and possibly to move the loading of the city-objects to a textfile […]

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Program: Programming

Programming Project Part 10 – Final Part

The Collisions-room is complete and accessible through a key-command in the main menu, with working box vs box, circle vs circle and box vs circle collision. The only one i didn’t have the time to implement is the pixel perfect one that I also have no possible way of testing with the current sprites. I am now working with a simple animation for the cities when they die, and possibly to move the loading of the city-objects to a textfile […]

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Program: Programming

Programming Project Part 9

This is the second to last day before deadline so today and tomorrow will be dedicated to fishing for as many points as possible, with a simple animation and a dev-room for collision-testing.
Today I added a timer to get an actual win-condition and not just a score to improve and I also adjusted some things to make the game a hell of a lot harder (faster missiles, smaller explosion and a limit to two explosions out at the same time) […]

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Program: Programming

Programming Project Part 9

This is the second to last day before deadline so today and tomorrow will be dedicated to fishing for as many points as possible, with a simple animation and a dev-room for collision-testing.
Today I added a timer to get an actual win-condition and not just a score to improve and I also adjusted some things to make the game a hell of a lot harder (faster missiles, smaller explosion and a limit to two explosions out at the same time) […]

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Program: Programming

Programming Project Part 8

Today I changed the collisionmanager to add some more types of collision while refining the already existing ones, even though the types of collision I added are not used in the actual gameplay there will be a dev-room that has random stuff flying around and colliding just so i get the points for adding functional box vs box and circle vs circle-collision. I also added Score and HighScore that so far only checks if you’ve beaten the previous ones and […]

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Program: Programming

Programming Project Part 8

Today I changed the collisionmanager to add some more types of collision while refining the already existing ones, even though the types of collision I added are not used in the actual gameplay there will be a dev-room that has random stuff flying around and colliding just so i get the points for adding functional box vs box and circle vs circle-collision. I also added Score and HighScore that so far only checks if you’ve beaten the previous ones and […]

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Program: Programming

Programming Project Part 7

Today saw the addition of a lose-condition and a quit-screen that added the TTF-library for adding text to the window. There was also a remake of the gameobjectmanager that made it much more efficient.
I also added some soundeffects again as they had juts been sitting unused in my old codestructure, so we now have a titlescreen-theme and soundeffects for explosions.
Some changes were made to the collisionmanager as well, i now send i nthe entire gameobjectmanager to more easily check collisions […]

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Program: Programming

Programming Project Part 7

Today saw the addition of a lose-condition and a quit-screen that added the TTF-library for adding text to the window. There was also a remake of the gameobjectmanager that made it much more efficient.
I also added some soundeffects again as they had juts been sitting unused in my old codestructure, so we now have a titlescreen-theme and soundeffects for explosions.
Some changes were made to the collisionmanager as well, i now send i nthe entire gameobjectmanager to more easily check collisions […]

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Program: Programming

Programming Project part 6

The game now spawns a random missile and draws it out all the way down, instead of just having one small object moving down. The problem now is that the vector that contains the old positions gets completely crushed by the amount of positions saved; after the second missile restarts and tries to clear the vector there are more than 500 objects inside the vector, the deletionloop only removes a bit more than half of them for some reason and […]

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Program: Programming

Programming Project part 6

The game now spawns a random missile and draws it out all the way down, instead of just having one small object moving down. The problem now is that the vector that contains the old positions gets completely crushed by the amount of positions saved; after the second missile restarts and tries to clear the vector there are more than 500 objects inside the vector, the deletionloop only removes a bit more than half of them for some reason and […]

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Program: Programming

Programming Project Part 5

Today there we’re some massive rehauling of the project, the state-problem was solved with the states being virtual machine-states that don’t have a physical class attached to them.
There was also the creating of the actual GameState, and subsequently me moving all the code into its proper place with functioning transitions between the states and classes.
I expect to have a functioning game either later today or tomorrow.
Edit: I now have a crosshair following the mouse and an “explosion” occuring when you […]

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Program: Programming

Programming Project Part 5

Today there we’re some massive rehauling of the project, the state-problem was solved with the states being virtual machine-states that don’t have a physical class attached to them.
There was also the creating of the actual GameState, and subsequently me moving all the code into its proper place with functioning transitions between the states and classes.
I expect to have a functioning game either later today or tomorrow.
Edit: I now have a crosshair following the mouse and an “explosion” occuring when you […]

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Program: Programming

Programming Project Part 4

After adding a couple of sound effects triggered by left-clicking, I realised that I will have to remake the entire structure of the project, so as to include the various states.
This leads to another problem; using states without having to make it redundant. Right now my first state called INIT only reads from a file and returns the configuration to my Engine, while it’s supposed to be the initializer that starts up everything that is needed and then change the […]

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Program: Programming

Programming Project Part 4

After adding a couple of sound effects triggered by left-clicking, I realised that I will have to remake the entire structure of the project, so as to include the various states.
This leads to another problem; using states without having to make it redundant. Right now my first state called INIT only reads from a file and returns the configuration to my Engine, while it’s supposed to be the initializer that starts up everything that is needed and then change the […]

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Program: Programming

Programming Project part 3

Today i made the statemanager do what it should and also started trying to implement images/sprites into the game. Progress had slowed during the christmas break but should now hopefully return to a daily update.
Edit: After lunch the class and methods for streaming configuration-files was created, with a dynamic map making it easier for further upgrading. Poking around in the draw- and spritemanagers to try and get a sprite to follow the mouse.

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Program: Programming

Programming Project part 3

Today i made the statemanager do what it should and also started trying to implement images/sprites into the game. Progress had slowed during the christmas break but should now hopefully return to a daily update.
Edit: After lunch the class and methods for streaming configuration-files was created, with a dynamic map making it easier for further upgrading. Poking around in the draw- and spritemanagers to try and get a sprite to follow the mouse.

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Program: Programming

Programming Project Part 2

After fiddling around a bit the program now registers input and tracks mouse-motions, it also prints a square wherever you click on the screen, which is a huge success considering the entire gameplay will revolve around clicking various points on the screen.
Up next is dynamically changing the size of the square when you click (so it looks more like an explosion) and possibly trying to make some form of missile to defend against.
I also have to drastically change the backend […]

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Program: Programming

Programming Project Part 2

After fiddling around a bit the program now registers input and tracks mouse-motions, it also prints a square wherever you click on the screen, which is a huge success considering the entire gameplay will revolve around clicking various points on the screen.
Up next is dynamically changing the size of the square when you click (so it looks more like an explosion) and possibly trying to make some form of missile to defend against.
I also have to drastically change the backend […]

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Program: Programming