Author Archives: William Höglund Mayer

3D Character Update
I have finally finished the mesh my model of Strauss. It sure took some time, but I am quite happy with the final result. I think his large head and collar might be making the rest of his body look less fat, but I think making the head smaller would make him look human, which would not be very good, so I think the balance I have got now is pretty okay. I am also wondering if maybe should have […]

3D Character Update
I have finally finished the mesh my model of Strauss. It sure took some time, but I am quite happy with the final result. I think his large head and collar might be making the rest of his body look less fat, but I think making the head smaller would make him look human, which would not be very good, so I think the balance I have got now is pretty okay. I am also wondering if maybe should have […]

3D Character Update
I have finally finished the mesh my model of Strauss. It sure took some time, but I am quite happy with the final result. I think his large head and collar might be making the rest of his body look less fat, but I think making the head smaller would make him look human, which would not be very good, so I think the balance I have got now is pretty okay. I am also wondering if maybe should have […]

3D Character Update
I have finally finished the mesh my model of Strauss. It sure took some time, but I am quite happy with the final result. I think his large head and collar might be making the rest of his body look less fat, but I think making the head smaller would make him look human, which would not be very good, so I think the balance I have got now is pretty okay. I am also wondering if maybe should have […]

Character Modeling
The time for modeling characters has arrived. I started modeling my gnome in class, unfortunately, I have treatment sessions for my psoriasis during in the afternoon, and have to leave halfway through class, then catch up later with tutorial videos.
I did get some problems, since the tutorial seemed to be from an earlier year, and there seem to be some differences from what we learned in class. I heard from classmates that one of the things I […]

Character Modeling
The time for modeling characters has arrived. I started modeling my gnome in class, unfortunately, I have treatment sessions for my psoriasis during in the afternoon, and have to leave halfway through class, then catch up later with tutorial videos.
I did get some problems, since the tutorial seemed to be from an earlier year, and there seem to be some differences from what we learned in class. I heard from classmates that one of the things I […]

Character Modeling
The time for modeling characters has arrived. I started modeling my gnome in class, unfortunately, I have treatment sessions for my psoriasis during in the afternoon, and have to leave halfway through class, then catch up later with tutorial videos.
I did get some problems, since the tutorial seemed to be from an earlier year, and there seem to be some differences from what we learned in class. I heard from classmates that one of the things I […]

Character Modeling
The time for modeling characters has arrived. I started modeling my gnome in class, unfortunately, I have treatment sessions for my psoriasis during in the afternoon, and have to leave halfway through class, then catch up later with tutorial videos.
I did get some problems, since the tutorial seemed to be from an earlier year, and there seem to be some differences from what we learned in class. I heard from classmates that one of the things I […]

Anatomy – Analysis of Me
This week we were to bring a few organic sketches and drawings to criticize and give feedback to each others knowledge of anatomy.
I did not receive as much feedback as I had hoped for, however, there were a few things they mentioned that I cold agree, I probably had to work on some more. One thing that was mentioned was that I had a tendency to use straight lines a bit too much. This does not happen all the […]

Anatomy – Analysis of Me
This week we were to bring a few organic sketches and drawings to criticize and give feedback to each others knowledge of anatomy.
I did not receive as much feedback as I had hoped for, however, there were a few things they mentioned that I cold agree, I probably had to work on some more. One thing that was mentioned was that I had a tendency to use straight lines a bit too much. This does not happen all the […]

Anatomy – Analysis of Me
This week we were to bring a few organic sketches and drawings to criticize and give feedback to each others knowledge of anatomy.
I did not receive as much feedback as I had hoped for, however, there were a few things they mentioned that I cold agree, I probably had to work on some more. One thing that was mentioned was that I had a tendency to use straight lines a bit too much. This does not happen all the […]

Anatomy – Analysis of Me
This week we were to bring a few organic sketches and drawings to criticize and give feedback to each others knowledge of anatomy.
I did not receive as much feedback as I had hoped for, however, there were a few things they mentioned that I cold agree, I probably had to work on some more. One thing that was mentioned was that I had a tendency to use straight lines a bit too much. This does not happen all the […]

Character background
This week we were given a bit different, we are to design a character, give her background and game world. We will model these characters further on in the course. This is my character:
Strauss was never given a name through traditional means, but picked the name himself when he started working with alchemy in the great city. He named himself after a great pioneer in alchemical studies.
Strauss is a gnome, thus his Intelligence is far superior to most humans. […]

Character background
This week we were given a bit different, we are to design a character, give her background and game world. We will model these characters further on in the course. This is my character:
Strauss was never given a name through traditional means, but picked the name himself when he started working with alchemy in the great city. He named himself after a great pioneer in alchemical studies.
Strauss is a gnome, thus his Intelligence is far superior to most humans. […]

Character background
This week we were given a bit different, we are to design a character, give her background and game world. We will model these characters further on in the course. This is my character:
Strauss was never given a name through traditional means, but picked the name himself when he started working with alchemy in the great city. He named himself after a great pioneer in alchemical studies.
Strauss is a gnome, thus his Intelligence is far superior to most humans. […]

Character background
This week we were given a bit different, we are to design a character, give her background and game world. We will model these characters further on in the course. This is my character:
Strauss was never given a name through traditional means, but picked the name himself when he started working with alchemy in the great city. He named himself after a great pioneer in alchemical studies.
Strauss is a gnome, thus his Intelligence is far superior to most humans. […]

A Font
I have recently finished the baptismal font I was working on. Since a font is usually filled with water during baptisms, I decided to try and use that in the texture. I added algae to bowl and decorations. I figured that the font might have been kept in use for a very long time, even though the font and church in which it belonged had fallen into ruin. Then the font would have remained wet after ceremonies, water would have […]

A Font
I have recently finished the baptismal font I was working on. Since a font is usually filled with water during baptisms, I decided to try and use that in the texture. I added algae to bowl and decorations. I figured that the font might have been kept in use for a very long time, even though the font and church in which it belonged had fallen into ruin. Then the font would have remained wet after ceremonies, water would have […]

A Font
I have recently finished the baptismal font I was working on. Since a font is usually filled with water during baptisms, I decided to try and use that in the texture. I added algae to bowl and decorations. I figured that the font might have been kept in use for a very long time, even though the font and church in which it belonged had fallen into ruin. Then the font would have remained wet after ceremonies, water would have […]

A Font
I have recently finished the baptismal font I was working on. Since a font is usually filled with water during baptisms, I decided to try and use that in the texture. I added algae to bowl and decorations. I figured that the font might have been kept in use for a very long time, even though the font and church in which it belonged had fallen into ruin. Then the font would have remained wet after ceremonies, water would have […]

3D Assignment Two
I have recently bgun working on our second assignment for the 3D course. I am not going to write to much about this, just a little about how things are going.
I am modeling a sandstone baptismal font from the twelfth century gotland. It is cut from sandstone. From what I understood it used to stand in Öja Kyrka, a local church, still in use.
Originally I had planned to add a lot of […]

3D Assignment Two
I have recently bgun working on our second assignment for the 3D course. I am not going to write to much about this, just a little about how things are going.
I am modeling a sandstone baptismal font from the twelfth century gotland. It is cut from sandstone. From what I understood it used to stand in Öja Kyrka, a local church, still in use.
Originally I had planned to add a lot of […]

3D Assignment Two
I have recently bgun working on our second assignment for the 3D course. I am not going to write to much about this, just a little about how things are going.
I am modeling a sandstone baptismal font from the twelfth century gotland. It is cut from sandstone. From what I understood it used to stand in Öja Kyrka, a local church, still in use.
Originally I had planned to add a lot of […]

3D Assignment Two
I have recently bgun working on our second assignment for the 3D course. I am not going to write to much about this, just a little about how things are going.
I am modeling a sandstone baptismal font from the twelfth century gotland. It is cut from sandstone. From what I understood it used to stand in Öja Kyrka, a local church, still in use.
Originally I had planned to add a lot of […]