Author Archives: Victor Kristiansson

Week 8-Last Stretch
Hey there! Last week before final release. The pressure is ever present and it feels way more invasive than it ever did before. I have mainly focused on some personal affairs and amending the Game Design Document, so I have just done a few minor graphical artifacts.
The centre piece is the redesigned scrap sprite. The first one had the look of a rusted and oxidized metal panel with some internal support beams (I think they have a more fancy name […]

Week 8-Last Stretch
Hey there! Last week before final release. The pressure is ever present and it feels way more invasive than it ever did before. I have mainly focused on some personal affairs and amending the Game Design Document, so I have just done a few minor graphical artifacts.
The centre piece is the redesigned scrap sprite. The first one had the look of a rusted and oxidized metal panel with some internal support beams (I think they have a more fancy name […]

GUI-Week 7
It seems like it might be high time to actually put a proper GUI into the game. Up until now we have used placeholder menus for the game, but no more! Originally this was not my task, but I took it under my care becasue the person responsible would be unable to do it. For this, I am actually glad! Making the menus might have been the most fun assets I have made on this project. Enough babbling, let’s get […]

GUI-Week 7
It seems like it might be high time to actually put a proper GUI into the game. Up until now we have used placeholder menus for the game, but no more! Originally this was not my task, but I took it under my care becasue the person responsible would be unable to do it. For this, I am actually glad! Making the menus might have been the most fun assets I have made on this project. Enough babbling, let’s get […]

Revised Death Animation-Week 6
Last week (or wat it the week before, I can’t really recall) we decided to redo our player avatar, the Hovercraft. In so doing I remade most animations for it, except the death animation, so that is what I chiefly focused on this week.
I could I have used the old one and just put it ontop of our new Hovercraft, but since I do not seem to have the gift of foresight I had not put the old Hovercraft on […]

Revised Death Animation-Week 6
Last week (or wat it the week before, I can’t really recall) we decided to redo our player avatar, the Hovercraft. In so doing I remade most animations for it, except the death animation, so that is what I chiefly focused on this week.
I could I have used the old one and just put it ontop of our new Hovercraft, but since I do not seem to have the gift of foresight I had not put the old Hovercraft on […]

Ammunition Counter-Week 5
Because of various circumstances this week I have been unable to work on the project at my usual pace, only really completing one artifact and messing around with others on a technical level. The artifact I worked on were graphics for our in game ammo-counter. The counter itself already exists, but not any numbers that will be used in it.
After confering with the Lead Art on the project we decided to go with digitalised numbers similar to the ones you […]

Ammunition Counter-Week 5
Because of various circumstances this week I have been unable to work on the project at my usual pace, only really completing one artifact and messing around with others on a technical level. The artifact I worked on were graphics for our in game ammo-counter. The counter itself already exists, but not any numbers that will be used in it.
After confering with the Lead Art on the project we decided to go with digitalised numbers similar to the ones you […]

Flamethrower – Week 4
We are progressing nicely on Desolate Echo, so nicely in fact that the art team are running out of assets to make. So this week was sort of a wrap up for me, dealing with the art that was left and following the playtesting I was also made responsible to retrofit all of our avatar animations on a redesigned version. I will focus this post on the most challenging asset for me to make and that was the flamethrower subweapon.
The challenge […]

Flamethrower – Week 4
We are progressing nicely on Desolate Echo, so nicely in fact that the art team are running out of assets to make. So this week was sort of a wrap up for me, dealing with the art that was left and following the playtesting I was also made responsible to retrofit all of our avatar animations on a redesigned version. I will focus this post on the most challenging asset for me to make and that was the flamethrower subweapon.
The challenge […]

Death Animation – Week 3
My name is Victor Kristiansson and I am working with team 6 on Colossus Core, or as we have decided to name it, Desolate Echo. My biggest task this week was to provide the team with an animation for the death of our avatar. I have some experience with animations previously, and since our game is using pixel art the animation process is very basic and simple.
The first thing I had to know was what to animate. The avatar is a (relatively […]

Death Animation – Week 3
My name is Victor Kristiansson and I am working with team 6 on Colossus Core, or as we have decided to name it, Desolate Echo. My biggest task this week was to provide the team with an animation for the death of our avatar. I have some experience with animations previously, and since our game is using pixel art the animation process is very basic and simple.
The first thing I had to know was what to animate. The avatar is a (relatively […]
First Entry
This is the first entry on this blog and is meant to be a test as to make sure it works with Babel.
First Entry
This is the first entry on this blog and is meant to be a test as to make sure it works with Babel.