Author Archives: Tobias Vestlund

Camera Movement
This week I’ve been working on our game’s camera. It’s heavily inspired on the camera behaviors of games like Zelda or Metroidvania. It basically follows the player until it hits the boundary of a room where it then stops. If the player enters another room from there, the camera will transition over to the new room and then follow that room’s boundaries.
I created this because once more we in our group have decided to re-design a few things. As we […]

Camera Movement
This week I’ve been working on our game’s camera. It’s heavily inspired on the camera behaviors of games like Zelda or Metroidvania. It basically follows the player until it hits the boundary of a room where it then stops. If the player enters another room from there, the camera will transition over to the new room and then follow that room’s boundaries.
I created this because once more we in our group have decided to re-design a few things. As we […]

Mean Worm Enemy
This week I’ve worked on implementing a new enemy type to our game. The original idea was that it would look like a worm, but it ended up looking like a mean snake of some sort with very sharp teeth.
It was already planned early on that we would have more types of enemies in order to bring more variation to the gameplay while exploring. And this one, in particular, was to add a bit of a surprise element to our game.
The design […]

Mean Worm Enemy
This week I’ve worked on implementing a new enemy type to our game. The original idea was that it would look like a worm, but it ended up looking like a mean snake of some sort with very sharp teeth.
It was already planned early on that we would have more types of enemies in order to bring more variation to the gameplay while exploring. And this one, in particular, was to add a bit of a surprise element to our game.
The design […]

An artifact I’ve worked on this week is a simple powerup that will act as a “key” in the game. The powerup itself is simple, once you pick it up the type of projectile you launch changes. The color of the projectile is the same as the powerup the player picked up.
A purple powerup *placeholder
These projectiles then serve the purpose for the player to unlock new areas of the game that were previously blocked by obstacles. These obstacles have some sort […]

An artifact I’ve worked on this week is a simple powerup that will act as a “key” in the game. The powerup itself is simple, once you pick it up the type of projectile you launch changes. The color of the projectile is the same as the powerup the player picked up.
A purple powerup *placeholder
These projectiles then serve the purpose for the player to unlock new areas of the game that were previously blocked by obstacles. These obstacles have some sort […]