Author Archives: Tova Svensson
Yumbo Snak Cake
This week we were finally given the other teams’ SiSSYFiGHT mods so that we could play and analyze them. The version we got was called Yumbo Snak Cake. It worked more or less like the original SiSSYFiGHT, with some modifications.
Their memo said that they had to include three types of candy called Yumbo Snak Cakes, Neon Sports Drinks and Pleather Fruit Rollems. They did this by letting the player buy candy using their points (self esteem points in the original game). From the […]
Yumbo Snak Cake
This week we were finally given the other teams’ SiSSYFiGHT mods so that we could play and analyze them. The version we got was called Yumbo Snak Cake. It worked more or less like the original SiSSYFiGHT, with some modifications.
Their memo said that they had to include three types of candy called Yumbo Snak Cakes, Neon Sports Drinks and Pleather Fruit Rollems. They did this by letting the player buy candy using their points (self esteem points in the original game). From the […]
Yumbo Snak Cake
This week we were finally given the other teams’ SiSSYFiGHT mods so that we could play and analyze them. The version we got was called Yumbo Snak Cake. It worked more or less like the original SiSSYFiGHT, with some modifications.
Their memo said that they had to include three types of candy called Yumbo Snak Cakes, Neon Sports Drinks and Pleather Fruit Rollems. They did this by letting the player buy candy using their points (self esteem points in the original game). From the […]
Yumbo Snak Cake
This week we were finally given the other teams’ SiSSYFiGHT mods so that we could play and analyze them. The version we got was called Yumbo Snak Cake. It worked more or less like the original SiSSYFiGHT, with some modifications.
Their memo said that they had to include three types of candy called Yumbo Snak Cakes, Neon Sports Drinks and Pleather Fruit Rollems. They did this by letting the player buy candy using their points (self esteem points in the original game). From the […]

Reverse engineering
I was sick while the rest of the class worked with reverse engineering, so I decided to try it out on my own instead! Basically, you need to take a digital game, figure out what you think the core experience is, find the mechanics that enforce that experience and make a board/card game with those mechanics.
So this is the game that I managed to make:
You’ll need:
a board that looks like this (or at least vaguely similar)
(the board consists of light squares […]

Reverse engineering
I was sick while the rest of the class worked with reverse engineering, so I decided to try it out on my own instead! Basically, you need to take a digital game, figure out what you think the core experience is, find the mechanics that enforce that experience and make a board/card game with those mechanics.
So this is the game that I managed to make:
You’ll need:
a board that looks like this (or at least vaguely similar)
(the board consists of light squares […]

Reverse engineering
I was sick while the rest of the class worked with reverse engineering, so I decided to try it out on my own instead! Basically, you need to take a digital game, figure out what you think the core experience is, find the mechanics that enforce that experience and make a board/card game with those mechanics.
So this is the game that I managed to make:
You’ll need:
a board that looks like this (or at least vaguely similar)
(the board consists of light squares […]

Reverse engineering
I was sick while the rest of the class worked with reverse engineering, so I decided to try it out on my own instead! Basically, you need to take a digital game, figure out what you think the core experience is, find the mechanics that enforce that experience and make a board/card game with those mechanics.
So this is the game that I managed to make:
You’ll need:
a board that looks like this (or at least vaguely similar)
(the board consists of light squares […]

Old projects
So, last year I started studying game development at Blekinge Tekniska Högskola (BTH) but I dropped out after a few months because I didn’t particularly like it there. I like it a lot better here. However, we did do some cool stuff.
We had a one week crash course in Gamemaker, and at the end of the week we had about one and a half day to make our own game. The game I made is called Up is down and you […]

Old projects
So, last year I started studying game development at Blekinge Tekniska Högskola (BTH) but I dropped out after a few months because I didn’t particularly like it there. I like it a lot better here. However, we did do some cool stuff.
We had a one week crash course in Gamemaker, and at the end of the week we had about one and a half day to make our own game. The game I made is called Up is down and you […]

Old projects
So, last year I started studying game development at Blekinge Tekniska Högskola (BTH) but I dropped out after a few months because I didn’t particularly like it there. I like it a lot better here. However, we did do some cool stuff.
We had a one week crash course in Gamemaker, and at the end of the week we had about one and a half day to make our own game. The game I made is called Up is down and you […]

Old projects
So, last year I started studying game development at Blekinge Tekniska Högskola (BTH) but I dropped out after a few months because I didn’t particularly like it there. I like it a lot better here. However, we did do some cool stuff.
We had a one week crash course in Gamemaker, and at the end of the week we had about one and a half day to make our own game. The game I made is called Up is down and you […]

I have a sense of impending doom
Our teacher, Adam Mayes, has given us an assignment to come up with a concept for a game based on the theme ”impending doom”. Our constraints are that the player is not allowed to move – they can turn around, use their arms and move their head, but not walk, swim, fly etc. The player will fail at the end of the game – there is no winning condition. However, the player must think that they can win.
I had a few […]

I have a sense of impending doom
Our teacher, Adam Mayes, has given us an assignment to come up with a concept for a game based on the theme ”impending doom”. Our constraints are that the player is not allowed to move – they can turn around, use their arms and move their head, but not walk, swim, fly etc. The player will fail at the end of the game – there is no winning condition. However, the player must think that they can win.
I had a few […]
Game workshop with Ernest Adams
During Thursday afternoon and Friday morning we had a workshop with Ernest Adams, who has written one of the books in our course literature (Fundamentals of Game Design). First, he had a lecture that was very interesting. Ernest said he made the lecture before the MDA concept was even a thing, but you could still hear bits and pieces of it during the lecture, although it might’ve been under other names.
For the workshop we were divided into groups of five and […]
Game workshop with Ernest Adams
During Thursday afternoon and Friday morning we had a workshop with Ernest Adams, who has written one of the books in our course literature (Fundamentals of Game Design). First, he had a lecture that was very interesting. Ernest said he made the lecture before the MDA concept was even a thing, but you could still hear bits and pieces of it during the lecture, although it might’ve been under other names.
For the workshop we were divided into groups of five and […]
Character design idea for a Viking inspired by Gotland.
During this week we’ve been playing and modifying SiSSYFiGHT. In our group we tried to change the aesthetic from school yard girls bullying each other to blood mages having a battle of spells. When we later got a memo saying we had to make the game educational for young children we changed it again to be just regular mages who had to spell their spells in order to cast them. We tried […]
Character design idea for a Viking inspired by Gotland.
During this week we’ve been playing and modifying SiSSYFiGHT. In our group we tried to change the aesthetic from school yard girls bullying each other to blood mages having a battle of spells. When we later got a memo saying we had to make the game educational for young children we changed it again to be just regular mages who had to spell their spells in order to cast them. We tried […]
Yesterday our roleplaying group met at my place and finished our DnD characters. It went a lot better when we took it slow and went through everything from the beginning. Since I’m the DM I’m going to read through the adventure a couple of times before we play it, probably on Wednesday.
Today we started going through mechanics, dynamics and aesthetics (MDA). I studied game development at another school last year, but I dropped out – however, I did read a […]
Yesterday our roleplaying group met at my place and finished our DnD characters. It went a lot better when we took it slow and went through everything from the beginning. Since I’m the DM I’m going to read through the adventure a couple of times before we play it, probably on Wednesday.
Today we started going through mechanics, dynamics and aesthetics (MDA). I studied game development at another school last year, but I dropped out – however, I did read a […]
Hello all, I recently begun studying Game design and graphics at Uppsala University, Campus Gotland. This will be my blog documenting the work I’ll be doing during the next two or three years time, hopefully it will be interesting!
During this week we’ve mostly had introductory lectures. The two courses we’re reading right now are Written and spoken communication and Game design and analysis. In the latter we were tasked to play Space Invaders and to analyse what objects the game […]
Hello all, I recently begun studying Game design and graphics at Uppsala University, Campus Gotland. This will be my blog documenting the work I’ll be doing during the next two or three years time, hopefully it will be interesting!
During this week we’ve mostly had introductory lectures. The two courses we’re reading right now are Written and spoken communication and Game design and analysis. In the latter we were tasked to play Space Invaders and to analyse what objects the game […]