Author Archives: Tova Svensson

Green Warden – week one
So this week we begun working on the space shooter project again. Our team chose the concept for a game called Green Warden. This is their one page design:
The first thing we did was to read the concept document and take notes on everything we liked and the things we’d like to change. Some of the changes we’ve discussed is to change the ye olden English forest to more of a jungle, to represent the types of flowers/units the player […]

Green Warden – week one
So this week we begun working on the space shooter project again. Our team chose the concept for a game called Green Warden. This is their one page design:
The first thing we did was to read the concept document and take notes on everything we liked and the things we’d like to change. Some of the changes we’ve discussed is to change the ye olden English forest to more of a jungle, to represent the types of flowers/units the player […]

Final 2D assignment
During the past couple of weeks I’ve been working on the two final assignments of the 2D course. They were optional and available to do if you wanted a higher grade at the end of the course.
The first assignment was to take this rough sketch and make it solid.
Here’s the first step I made, constructing the body with simple shapes like cylinders and circles:
The hips are a box to help show which way they’re tilted. The next step […]

Final 2D assignment
During the past couple of weeks I’ve been working on the two final assignments of the 2D course. They were optional and available to do if you wanted a higher grade at the end of the course.
The first assignment was to take this rough sketch and make it solid.
Here’s the first step I made, constructing the body with simple shapes like cylinders and circles:
The hips are a box to help show which way they’re tilted. The next step […]

Holiday assignment pt. 2
Here’s the finished drawing!
I’m quite pleased with it overall, shading drawings is one of the things I usually have the most difficulty with. My biggest concern is that the stairs don’t look like they’re connected to the wall, instead it looks like they’re just sort of ”floating”. The clouds in the background looks kind of flat too, but maybe I’m just being overly self-critical!

Holiday assignment pt. 2
Here’s the finished drawing!
I’m quite pleased with it overall, shading drawings is one of the things I usually have the most difficulty with. My biggest concern is that the stairs don’t look like they’re connected to the wall, instead it looks like they’re just sort of ”floating”. The clouds in the background looks kind of flat too, but maybe I’m just being overly self-critical!

Holiday assignment
I’ve been really bad at updating this blog lately, apologies!
Now that Christmas is out of the way I’ve started working on our holiday assignment for real. Our assignment was to draw the character we designed earlier during the course, princess Bella in my case, in an environment with correct perspective and to shade it.
The first thing I did was to draw a few thumbnails with ideas for the layout of the drawing.
I had some different ideas with different difficulty […]

Holiday assignment
I’ve been really bad at updating this blog lately, apologies!
Now that Christmas is out of the way I’ve started working on our holiday assignment for real. Our assignment was to draw the character we designed earlier during the course, princess Bella in my case, in an environment with correct perspective and to shade it.
The first thing I did was to draw a few thumbnails with ideas for the layout of the drawing.
I had some different ideas with different difficulty […]

From thumbnail to turnaround
This week’s assignment in 2D graphics was to chose one of the thumbnails we made two weeks ago and make a full character out of it! The thumbnail I chose is the one to the upper left. First we had to create a background and a personality for out character, so this is my princess Bella:
Name: Princess Bella
Gender: Female
Physical health/handicaps: Good mental and physical health, fairly strong, quick and agile for her age. No handicaps.
Personality: Very bubbly and […]

From thumbnail to turnaround
This week’s assignment in 2D graphics was to chose one of the thumbnails we made two weeks ago and make a full character out of it! The thumbnail I chose is the one to the upper left. First we had to create a background and a personality for out character, so this is my princess Bella:
Name: Princess Bella
Gender: Female
Physical health/handicaps: Good mental and physical health, fairly strong, quick and agile for her age. No handicaps.
Personality: Very bubbly and […]

Character thumbnails
This week we begun our 2D graphics course, which was fun! The first couple of days we talked about anathomy and we got to do croquis with a nude model. The time we had to draw each pose ranged between 30 seconds and five minutes. I like that by flipping through the pages in my sketchbook I can see the difference between the morning of the first day and the afternoon of the last day.
Our assignment for this week was […]

Character thumbnails
This week we begun our 2D graphics course, which was fun! The first couple of days we talked about anathomy and we got to do croquis with a nude model. The time we had to draw each pose ranged between 30 seconds and five minutes. I like that by flipping through the pages in my sketchbook I can see the difference between the morning of the first day and the afternoon of the last day.
Our assignment for this week was […]

Day of the Piñata – one page design
Click through to view the one page design we made for our space shooter, Day of the Piñata:
The picture is absolutely massive.
This is the last day of the project, and it feels good. We have handed in our one page design and our concept document, and I have also handed in my personal project report. So everything’s done! What a trip it was.
Overall I’m pleased with my contribution to this project. I have drawn a lot during the past few […]

Day of the Piñata – one page design
Click through to view the one page design we made for our space shooter, Day of the Piñata:
The picture is absolutely massive.
This is the last day of the project, and it feels good. We have handed in our one page design and our concept document, and I have also handed in my personal project report. So everything’s done! What a trip it was.
Overall I’m pleased with my contribution to this project. I have drawn a lot during the past few […]

Day of the Piñata – one page design
Click through to view the one page design we made for our space shooter, Day of the Piñata:
The picture is absolutely massive.
This is the last day of the project, and it feels good. We have handed in our one page design and our concept document, and I have also handed in my personal project report. So everything’s done! What a trip it was.
Overall I’m pleased with my contribution to this project. I have drawn a lot during the past few […]

Day of the Piñata – one page design
Click through to view the one page design we made for our space shooter, Day of the Piñata:
The picture is absolutely massive.
This is the last day of the project, and it feels good. We have handed in our one page design and our concept document, and I have also handed in my personal project report. So everything’s done! What a trip it was.
Overall I’m pleased with my contribution to this project. I have drawn a lot during the past few […]

Día de los Piñata
Here’s a collection of art I made for our game!
Here’s the main character you play as. It’s a piñata that grows and shrinks in size depending on how much candy you’ve collected. This is the largest size.
Depending on which size you are, you can smash different objects around the level for score. There are small, medium and large object. This is a medium size object, a churro cart, that glows in bright red, since that is the color […]

Día de los Piñata
Here’s a collection of art I made for our game!
Here’s the main character you play as. It’s a piñata that grows and shrinks in size depending on how much candy you’ve collected. This is the largest size.
Depending on which size you are, you can smash different objects around the level for score. There are small, medium and large object. This is a medium size object, a churro cart, that glows in bright red, since that is the color […]

Día de los Piñata
Here’s a collection of art I made for our game!
Here’s the main character you play as. It’s a piñata that grows and shrinks in size depending on how much candy you’ve collected. This is the largest size.
Depending on which size you are, you can smash different objects around the level for score. There are small, medium and large object. This is a medium size object, a churro cart, that glows in bright red, since that is the color […]

Día de los Piñata
Here’s a collection of art I made for our game!
Here’s the main character you play as. It’s a piñata that grows and shrinks in size depending on how much candy you’ve collected. This is the largest size.
Depending on which size you are, you can smash different objects around the level for score. There are small, medium and large object. This is a medium size object, a churro cart, that glows in bright red, since that is the color […]

Change of plans
Alternative title: PIÑATA SMASH!
Almost a week ago now, on thursday, we showed Marcus our paper prototype for Candybones Carnival. He basically thought we had a fairly soild space shooter, even though we needed to clarify some things. However, one of his biggest criticisms were that we had done the minimum requirements for the assignment and not more than that. We had a space shooter, but that was all it was.
So, we decided to take a break for a few days.
At […]

Change of plans
Alternative title: PIÑATA SMASH!
Almost a week ago now, on thursday, we showed Marcus our paper prototype for Candybones Carnival. He basically thought we had a fairly soild space shooter, even though we needed to clarify some things. However, one of his biggest criticisms were that we had done the minimum requirements for the assignment and not more than that. We had a space shooter, but that was all it was.
So, we decided to take a break for a few days.
At […]

Change of plans
Alternative title: PIÑATA SMASH!
Almost a week ago now, on thursday, we showed Marcus our paper prototype for Candybones Carnival. He basically thought we had a fairly soild space shooter, even though we needed to clarify some things. However, one of his biggest criticisms were that we had done the minimum requirements for the assignment and not more than that. We had a space shooter, but that was all it was.
So, we decided to take a break for a few days.
At […]

Change of plans
Alternative title: PIÑATA SMASH!
Almost a week ago now, on thursday, we showed Marcus our paper prototype for Candybones Carnival. He basically thought we had a fairly soild space shooter, even though we needed to clarify some things. However, one of his biggest criticisms were that we had done the minimum requirements for the assignment and not more than that. We had a space shooter, but that was all it was.
So, we decided to take a break for a few days.
At […]