Author Archives: Tova Svensson

BGP Week 7: We’re getting there
Our game is starting to feel like a game! You can go around and talk to people, run into events while alone or when with Nicole, and you can ask your friends if they want to hang out! It’s amazing!
This week I’ve written two new events for our newest location, Kungsträdgården. Both of these events are with Nicole, as we felt the game lacked enough interaction with her as it was. I also wrote an event when Nicole comes with you […]

BGP Week 7: We’re getting there
Our game is starting to feel like a game! You can go around and talk to people, run into events while alone or when with Nicole, and you can ask your friends if they want to hang out! It’s amazing!
This week I’ve written two new events for our newest location, Kungsträdgården. Both of these events are with Nicole, as we felt the game lacked enough interaction with her as it was. I also wrote an event when Nicole comes with you […]

BGP Week 6: A little bit of everything
This week I’ve been doing a bit of everything, as the title says, since we’re nearing that point in the project where most of the major things are done and we just need to fix some small things here and there. I’m okay with this, as I enjoy working on a number of small things rather than one big thing.
We decided how to do the ending of the game, which I don’t want to spoil so I’m not going to […]

BGP Week 6: A little bit of everything
This week I’ve been doing a bit of everything, as the title says, since we’re nearing that point in the project where most of the major things are done and we just need to fix some small things here and there. I’m okay with this, as I enjoy working on a number of small things rather than one big thing.
We decided how to do the ending of the game, which I don’t want to spoil so I’m not going to […]

BGP Week 5: Coming out to a friend (or three)
This week I’ve been working on a larger event where Sam tells a friend about Nicole for the first time. This is one of the major stepping stones towards coming out to the parents, which is the endgame for the demo we’re making.
We decided that Sam’s friends would react to her relationship in a set way, which means their traits aren’t randomized like some of the other characters. This is mostly because it makes it easier to build a dramatic […]

BGP Week 5: Coming out to a friend (or three)
This week I’ve been working on a larger event where Sam tells a friend about Nicole for the first time. This is one of the major stepping stones towards coming out to the parents, which is the endgame for the demo we’re making.
We decided that Sam’s friends would react to her relationship in a set way, which means their traits aren’t randomized like some of the other characters. This is mostly because it makes it easier to build a dramatic […]

BGP week 4: phone menu
This week I’ve been working a bit with art instead of writing, which has been a nice change. We’re thinking of putting the game’s menu in Sam’s phone, which will always be available in the corner of the screen. From the menu, the player can travel, view their relationships with other characers and invite friends to go out with you. Another thing I personally would like to add is something like a diary or journal, where notes appear after events […]

BGP week 4: phone menu
This week I’ve been working a bit with art instead of writing, which has been a nice change. We’re thinking of putting the game’s menu in Sam’s phone, which will always be available in the corner of the screen. From the menu, the player can travel, view their relationships with other characers and invite friends to go out with you. Another thing I personally would like to add is something like a diary or journal, where notes appear after events […]

BGP week 3: The first kiss
This week I’ve been writing dialogue again, which I’m totally fine with because I really like writing! I have written part of the intro for the demo, which is when the player is on a date with Nicole at a café and they have their first kiss.
This is how I structured the scene:
Bascially, at the beginning I give the player a couple of different choices of how to continue the conversation, which then fans out into a number of different […]

BGP week 3: The first kiss
This week I’ve been writing dialogue again, which I’m totally fine with because I really like writing! I have written part of the intro for the demo, which is when the player is on a date with Nicole at a café and they have their first kiss.
This is how I structured the scene:
Bascially, at the beginning I give the player a couple of different choices of how to continue the conversation, which then fans out into a number of different […]

BGP week 2: Dialogue writing
Hello all! This week we have begun production of Sam and Nicole and so far I have to say things are going pretty good! Emma has been making backgrounds, Lisa has been making character art, Rasmus is doing code prototypes in Ren’Py for random encounters and a map screen, and me and Sigrid have been writing.
Here is some art Lisa and Emma have made. It looks great so far!
Personally, I have been focusing on writing dialogue. I have written both […]

BGP week 2: Dialogue writing
Hello all! This week we have begun production of Sam and Nicole and so far I have to say things are going pretty good! Emma has been making backgrounds, Lisa has been making character art, Rasmus is doing code prototypes in Ren’Py for random encounters and a map screen, and me and Sigrid have been writing.
Here is some art Lisa and Emma have made. It looks great so far!
Personally, I have been focusing on writing dialogue. I have written both […]

End of 3DIII and start of BGP!
I bet you didn’t know I like to rhyme. In fact, I do it all the time.
Anyway, during the past couple of weeks me, Emma and Kristofer have been working on finishing up Saraswati for the end of our 3D course. This is how she turned out in the end!
She looks super cool! Kristofer is responsible for the texturing and he really made her look amazing. Especially the normal maps looks great 🙂 She turned out a bit darker than […]

End of 3DIII and start of BGP!
I bet you didn’t know I like to rhyme. In fact, I do it all the time.
Anyway, during the past couple of weeks me, Emma and Kristofer have been working on finishing up Saraswati for the end of our 3D course. This is how she turned out in the end!
She looks super cool! Kristofer is responsible for the texturing and he really made her look amazing. Especially the normal maps looks great 🙂 She turned out a bit darker than […]

Saraswati update
Over the past couple of weeks me, Emma and Kristofer have been working on bringing our character Saraswati to life. Kristofer and me have mostly been modeling, and Emma has been doing the animations.
Here is what she’s looking like now:
I quite like the way she’s turning out. I think we’ve managed to capture the concept art quite nicely. We are currently working on her animations, which will be a walk animation, two idle animations, one swim idle animation, one swim […]

Saraswati update
Over the past couple of weeks me, Emma and Kristofer have been working on bringing our character Saraswati to life. Kristofer and me have mostly been modeling, and Emma has been doing the animations.
Here is what she’s looking like now:
I quite like the way she’s turning out. I think we’ve managed to capture the concept art quite nicely. We are currently working on her animations, which will be a walk animation, two idle animations, one swim idle animation, one swim […]

3DIII character concept
Hello again! We have started a new 3D course, in which we will model a slightly more complicated character and then animate them. We’re going this in groups, and I’m with Emma and Kristofer. This is the character we have created together:
Her name is Saraswati and she’s an female alien and the leader of her tribe. She’s very old and is currently acting as a mentor and tutor for the new leader, which will be the player character.
I […]

3DIII character concept
Hello again! We have started a new 3D course, in which we will model a slightly more complicated character and then animate them. We’re going this in groups, and I’m with Emma and Kristofer. This is the character we have created together:
Her name is Saraswati and she’s an female alien and the leader of her tribe. She’s very old and is currently acting as a mentor and tutor for the new leader, which will be the player character.
I […]

3D environment finished!
Hello again, sorry for being so terribly bad at updating lately! To be fair it hasn’t happened so much since I last updated, so you haven’t missed a lot.
But I finished my 3D environment! I quite like how it turned out.

3D environment finished!
Hello again, sorry for being so terribly bad at updating lately! To be fair it hasn’t happened so much since I last updated, so you haven’t missed a lot.
But I finished my 3D environment! I quite like how it turned out.

Hallway lightmaps & Medieval swordfighting
The past week I’ve been working on the hallway for my Georgian house. I’ve created lightmaps, which allows the lighting in a scene to be pre-calculated. This is a relatively ”cheap” way of lighting a scene, as it doesn’t require too much from the computer. I’ve also started making textures for everything. This is what the hallway is looking like now:
Dark and moody, just the way I wanted it to be! Pretty much all of the textures are still works in progress, […]

Hallway lightmaps & Medieval swordfighting
The past week I’ve been working on the hallway for my Georgian house. I’ve created lightmaps, which allows the lighting in a scene to be pre-calculated. This is a relatively ”cheap” way of lighting a scene, as it doesn’t require too much from the computer. I’ve also started making textures for everything. This is what the hallway is looking like now:
Dark and moody, just the way I wanted it to be! Pretty much all of the textures are still works in progress, […]

MoCap shoot & Georgian house
I feel like I’m suddenly much worse at updating this blog. Let’s fix that!
In the past two weeks I have been working with MoCap and 3DII, which has been interesting.
In our MoCap class our assignment has been to shoot some takes involving a staff, and later to clean those takes. I did the shoot with two other guys, and I got to be the actor!
It was a lot of fun 🙂 I’ve never done any acting before, but I like to […]

MoCap shoot & Georgian house
I feel like I’m suddenly much worse at updating this blog. Let’s fix that!
In the past two weeks I have been working with MoCap and 3DII, which has been interesting.
In our MoCap class our assignment has been to shoot some takes involving a staff, and later to clean those takes. I did the shoot with two other guys, and I got to be the actor!
It was a lot of fun 🙂 I’ve never done any acting before, but I like to […]