Author Archives: Tomas Lindell

Programming Project, day 21
I changed the AI states completely. The “Farming” state is now called the “Roaming” state. It checks tiles in certain directions for levelobjects that are destructable, places bombs and walks around the map. I need to make it a bit more random because the AI favors moving in certain directions over other ones right now.
I made another state called “Flee” state which runs away from nearby bombs until at a “safe” distance from any bomb, then returns to the “Roaming” […]

Programming Project, day 21
I changed the AI states completely. The “Farming” state is now called the “Roaming” state. It checks tiles in certain directions for levelobjects that are destructable, places bombs and walks around the map. I need to make it a bit more random because the AI favors moving in certain directions over other ones right now.
I made another state called “Flee” state which runs away from nearby bombs until at a “safe” distance from any bomb, then returns to the “Roaming” […]

Programming Project, day 20 – part 2
Made another small change to the GameEndState, added two textobjects, a title text (“Score screen”) and one that displays the current highscore.
Also, I think there are some pointers that aren’t deleted in the GamePlayState when exiting it.

Programming Project, day 20 – part 2
Made another small change to the GameEndState, added two textobjects, a title text (“Score screen”) and one that displays the current highscore.
Also, I think there are some pointers that aren’t deleted in the GamePlayState when exiting it.

Programming Project, day 20 – Artificial Intelligence working!
The artificial “intelligence” works now! It was really fun working with. Right now it only has one state, “Farming”.
Actually, the state works in two ways and I will transfer one of these ways to another state which I will call “Fleeing”, “Escaping” or something like that. The “Farming” AI checks the nearby tiles, moves and places a bomb if the conditions are right. Then it runs away (this will be transferred to the “Flee” state) and repeats. It only checks […]

Programming Project, day 20 – Artificial Intelligence working!
The artificial “intelligence” works now! It was really fun working with. Right now it only has one state, “Farming”.
Actually, the state works in two ways and I will transfer one of these ways to another state which I will call “Fleeing”, “Escaping” or something like that. The “Farming” AI checks the nearby tiles, moves and places a bomb if the conditions are right. Then it runs away (this will be transferred to the “Flee” state) and repeats. It only checks […]

Programming Project, day 19
Wall of text incoming.
Today I found a small memory leak and fixed it. I think that I have a couple more in each menu state. I’ll look into that in the future. Right now I’m doing some other interesting stuff.
Me and a classmate Anton Larsson Auna checked some code when sitting beside each other in the “game-room”. He has done some interesting stuff and is a baows at programming. His blog:
I’ve made the code so that it now finally supports […]

Programming Project, day 19
Wall of text incoming.
Today I found a small memory leak and fixed it. I think that I have a couple more in each menu state. I’ll look into that in the future. Right now I’m doing some other interesting stuff.
Me and a classmate Anton Larsson Auna checked some code when sitting beside each other in the “game-room”. He has done some interesting stuff and is a baows at programming. His blog:
I’ve made the code so that it now finally supports […]

Programming Project, day 18
Today was a good day. I’ve added a state, restrictions to how many games can be played for one “run” and added another bomberman look for the second player.
The state I added is one within the game state called “setup state” which is, you guessed it, for setting up the game. Right now there is only one setting, “best of”. Currently one can only choose best of 3, 5 or 7.
I’ve added buttons and objects to the new state and the […]

Programming Project, day 18
Today was a good day. I’ve added a state, restrictions to how many games can be played for one “run” and added another bomberman look for the second player.
The state I added is one within the game state called “setup state” which is, you guessed it, for setting up the game. Right now there is only one setting, “best of”. Currently one can only choose best of 3, 5 or 7.
I’ve added buttons and objects to the new state and the […]

Programming Project, day 17
Implemented SDL_TTF and added two text objects to the GameEnd-state.
Better positioning of objects and getting the actual numbers from the ScoreManager to the text strings is next.
(Picture: the “Wins: ” texts are text objects, the rest are menu objects using sprites)

Programming Project, day 17
Implemented SDL_TTF and added two text objects to the GameEnd-state.
Better positioning of objects and getting the actual numbers from the ScoreManager to the text strings is next.
(Picture: the “Wins: ” texts are text objects, the rest are menu objects using sprites)
Programming Project, day 16
The sound volumes (master, sound, music) are now saved in the config file and I finally moved the Inputs from PlayerObject to the InputManager.
I also started adding stuff to the GameEndState.
Programming Project, day 16
The sound volumes (master, sound, music) are now saved in the config file and I finally moved the Inputs from PlayerObject to the InputManager.
I also started adding stuff to the GameEndState.

Programming Project, day 15
The menu’s are a bit more flexible now and the buttons are always centered on the screen.

Programming Project, day 15
The menu’s are a bit more flexible now and the buttons are always centered on the screen.

Programming Project, day 14
Now there are three different options states within the main menu options state. One for sound, one for graphics and one serves as a menu to the other two. I plan on adding controls as a forth state later on.
In the graphics state there are three options for the window resolution. The code is flexible enough to handle almost any resolution now. The tile size gets bigger if there is space for it within the window resolution. Currently, the only […]

Programming Project, day 14
Now there are three different options states within the main menu options state. One for sound, one for graphics and one serves as a menu to the other two. I plan on adding controls as a forth state later on.
In the graphics state there are three options for the window resolution. The code is flexible enough to handle almost any resolution now. The tile size gets bigger if there is space for it within the window resolution. Currently, the only […]

Programming Project, day 13
So! I have now made the game more flexible in a lot of ways. The width and height of window and tiles are controlled by variables within core. The next step is getting them from a file with fstream. The variables are static member variables and I’m not sure how to change them. Maybe they can be changed in main, but I want to keep that clean. Or maybe they can be changed in a method of core (the constructor […]

Programming Project, day 13
So! I have now made the game more flexible in a lot of ways. The width and height of window and tiles are controlled by variables within core. The next step is getting them from a file with fstream. The variables are static member variables and I’m not sure how to change them. Maybe they can be changed in main, but I want to keep that clean. Or maybe they can be changed in a method of core (the constructor […]

Programming Project, day 12
I’ve created states within the gamestate, two so far. They called “GamePlayState” and “GameEndState”.
I made a ScoreManager because that is the next step to expanding the game. It uses to save and load the current highscore. It works and tracks the following things: current score, high score and player wins (support for 4 players, even though the rest of the game is hard coded to two at the moment).
To get all these things to work the way I want I […]

Programming Project, day 12
I’ve created states within the gamestate, two so far. They called “GamePlayState” and “GameEndState”.
I made a ScoreManager because that is the next step to expanding the game. It uses to save and load the current highscore. It works and tracks the following things: current score, high score and player wins (support for 4 players, even though the rest of the game is hard coded to two at the moment).
To get all these things to work the way I want I […]
Programming Project, day 11 (christmas break)
Today I noticed and fixed some bugs that had to do with the sound volumes. That’s about the only thing I did today. There was a lot of christmas stuff to do here today, so!
I’m wondering about what to do next. I checked the planning document and I think it’s time to add a graphical user interface and TTF. I need to make the existing code regarding positions and size of tiles more dynamic first. Well, that’s for after christmas. I will […]
Programming Project, day 11 (christmas break)
Today I noticed and fixed some bugs that had to do with the sound volumes. That’s about the only thing I did today. There was a lot of christmas stuff to do here today, so!
I’m wondering about what to do next. I checked the planning document and I think it’s time to add a graphical user interface and TTF. I need to make the existing code regarding positions and size of tiles more dynamic first. Well, that’s for after christmas. I will […]