Author Archives: Theodor Gerhamn
10 Week Project – Post 5 – Don't Touch the Chairs, You Filthy Casual
I was supposed to write about introducing our Knock Out feature today, but we recently decided to put that feature on hold while focusing on other things in the game. So let’s talk about something else like the visual and audible feedback from collision with furniture!
A lot of stealth games are focusing on staying in the shadows and not to be seen by the baddies. But you can, in some games, walk so close to the enemy that you can smell […]
10 Week Project – Post 5 – Don't Touch the Chairs, You Filthy Casual
I was supposed to write about introducing our Knock Out feature today, but we recently decided to put that feature on hold while focusing on other things in the game. So let’s talk about something else like the visual and audible feedback from collision with furniture!
A lot of stealth games are focusing on staying in the shadows and not to be seen by the baddies. But you can, in some games, walk so close to the enemy that you can smell […]

10 Week Project – Post 4 – Run Forrest!
Last time I wrote about how to introduce walking and the challenges with that and now it’s time for the mechanic introduction I have been dreading: Sprinting.
As I keep on mentioning in my posts is that we want a minimal HUD and as little pop-ups of information as possible and the reasoning behind that is to distract the player as little as possible and give the player a feeling as they have figured it all out be themselves. […]

10 Week Project – Post 4 – Run Forrest!
Last time I wrote about how to introduce walking and the challenges with that and now it’s time for the mechanic introduction I have been dreading: Sprinting.
As I keep on mentioning in my posts is that we want a minimal HUD and as little pop-ups of information as possible and the reasoning behind that is to distract the player as little as possible and give the player a feeling as they have figured it all out be themselves. […]

10 Week Project – Post 3 – Why U No Walk?
In previous posts I’ve written about how the player should be introduced to the game world and now it’s time to start to think about how to introduce the mechanics to the player.
All of our mechanics should be introduced in the tutorial level, but how? The mechanics that needs to be introduced are:
Knock Out
The first one and most essential is probably movement, so we’re going to start with that one.
I’ve discussed our minimal HUD and GUI before, so we need […]

10 Week Project – Post 3 – Why U No Walk?
In previous posts I’ve written about how the player should be introduced to the game world and now it’s time to start to think about how to introduce the mechanics to the player.
All of our mechanics should be introduced in the tutorial level, but how? The mechanics that needs to be introduced are:
Knock Out
The first one and most essential is probably movement, so we’re going to start with that one.
I’ve discussed our minimal HUD and GUI before, so we need […]

10 Week Project – Post 2 – Camera Pans and Objectives
Ok, so in the last post I wrote about my reflections on using the tutorial part of the level to introduce the player to the game world. I will now focus on how to introduce the player to the objectives in the levels.
Last week I hadn’t really started with the level designing officially, but I had written down a few ideas of what I wanted to do. This time, I’m armed with some feedback from our pre-alpha, I’ve gathered some […]

10 Week Project – Post 2 – Camera Pans and Objectives
Ok, so in the last post I wrote about my reflections on using the tutorial part of the level to introduce the player to the game world. I will now focus on how to introduce the player to the objectives in the levels.
Last week I hadn’t really started with the level designing officially, but I had written down a few ideas of what I wanted to do. This time, I’m armed with some feedback from our pre-alpha, I’ve gathered some […]

10 Week Project – Week 1 – Level Design
Ok, so I forgot to write a blog post about our new 10 week project where we get to choose another groups concept and develop a game around that.
A quick recap: We chose the concept of the game Escape.
Anyways, ever since we started the project I have, as the lead designer, written our game design document which probably won’t make for an exciting blog post. That blog post would basically be… our game design document. So I’m going to write […]

10 Week Project – Week 1 – Level Design
Ok, so I forgot to write a blog post about our new 10 week project where we get to choose another groups concept and develop a game around that.
A quick recap: We chose the concept of the game Escape.
Anyways, ever since we started the project I have, as the lead designer, written our game design document which probably won’t make for an exciting blog post. That blog post would basically be… our game design document. So I’m going to write […]

Final Assignment in 2D drawing!
These past weeks have consisted of making myself preemptive for osteoporosis and wearing out nubs. A.k.a finishing the final assignments for our 2D graphics course. One of the assignments consisted of lighting an oriental village. This was the original image we used:
I started of by coloring parts of the picture in a gray tone which will act as a standard hue. By doing this I just need to add a lighter or darker tone to each surface to act as shadows […]

Final Assignment in 2D drawing!
These past weeks have consisted of making myself preemptive for osteoporosis and wearing out nubs. A.k.a finishing the final assignments for our 2D graphics course. One of the assignments consisted of lighting an oriental village. This was the original image we used:
I started of by coloring parts of the picture in a gray tone which will act as a standard hue. By doing this I just need to add a lighter or darker tone to each surface to act as shadows […]
Game Jam Time!
Lock your away daughters and hide your husbands! Time for some more Game Jam. As I’m writing this, I finished my part of the Jam and I’m now taking a nice brake in the cold MoCap Studio.
This Friday was the start of a 3 day Game Jam (Friday 5 p.m – Sunday 11 a.m) with an unknown theme and unlimited amount of team members for your team. I joined Henrik, from my previous Major Assignment, into an already formed team. My […]
Game Jam Time!
Lock your away daughters and hide your husbands! Time for some more Game Jam. As I’m writing this, I finished my part of the Jam and I’m now taking a nice brake in the cold MoCap Studio.
This Friday was the start of a 3 day Game Jam (Friday 5 p.m – Sunday 11 a.m) with an unknown theme and unlimited amount of team members for your team. I joined Henrik, from my previous Major Assignment, into an already formed team. My […]

4th Week Of 2D drawing!
This blog as been lacking lately, and I apologize for that.
With our previous course, Game Design, we got the opportunity to reflect on the aspects of design that we learned during class and at home. These reflections have been the root of my previous posts. But during the 2D course, we have mostly been taught different techniques and then practiced them like crazy. But this have not left me reflecting upon what we learned (mostly because it’s very straight forward). […]

4th Week Of 2D drawing!
This blog as been lacking lately, and I apologize for that.
With our previous course, Game Design, we got the opportunity to reflect on the aspects of design that we learned during class and at home. These reflections have been the root of my previous posts. But during the 2D course, we have mostly been taught different techniques and then practiced them like crazy. But this have not left me reflecting upon what we learned (mostly because it’s very straight forward). […]

First week of 2D drawings!
The start of the 2D graphics course was really exciting and something I have been looking forward to. We jumped into the drawing and theories right away. This was a bit terrifying since I lack experience with 2D drawings, but we learned some really valuable concepts and theories which helped a lot.
The principles and components I used for the drawings were those taught to us by Pernilla. These included the loose sketching of the model to try and capture […]

First week of 2D drawings!
The start of the 2D graphics course was really exciting and something I have been looking forward to. We jumped into the drawing and theories right away. This was a bit terrifying since I lack experience with 2D drawings, but we learned some really valuable concepts and theories which helped a lot.
The principles and components I used for the drawings were those taught to us by Pernilla. These included the loose sketching of the model to try and capture […]

Realism will give us better narratives, right?
As mentioned in a previous post, I would post my speech for my Communication class (but translated into English). Warning! This text acted as a script for me during my speech, so it’s not optimized to be read, in a deep hipster kind of way. The translation process took place after spending 2 days writing my report for our Major Assignment = my brain is mushy…
Will Realistic Graphics Give Us Better Narratives?
The next generation of consoles are just around the […]

Realism will give us better narratives, right?
As mentioned in a previous post, I would post my speech for my Communication class (but translated into English). Warning! This text acted as a script for me during my speech, so it’s not optimized to be read, in a deep hipster kind of way. The translation process took place after spending 2 days writing my report for our Major Assignment = my brain is mushy…
Will Realistic Graphics Give Us Better Narratives?
The next generation of consoles are just around the […]
Boring Warrior turns into the Last Spark
It’s been a long time since I wrote a new post in this blog. The reason being that we have been quite busy with our major game assignment and Communication classes.
The communication course has now concluded (yey!) so now we can focus completely on our game design and analysis course!
Since my last post we have named the game to “Last Spark” and basically finished designing the game. We are in the progress of finishing our Concept Document, One-Page Design […]
Boring Warrior turns into the Last Spark
It’s been a long time since I wrote a new post in this blog. The reason being that we have been quite busy with our major game assignment and Communication classes.
The communication course has now concluded (yey!) so now we can focus completely on our game design and analysis course!
Since my last post we have named the game to “Last Spark” and basically finished designing the game. We are in the progress of finishing our Concept Document, One-Page Design […]
Boring Warrior – a Major Assignment
For me and my group’s major assignment, we were handed two words which we needed to base our 2D Space Shoot ‘Em Up on. Those word were “Boring” and “Warrior”… Yeah…
In previous meetings we settled on what our game should be about and what the game should contain. We decided on a game where you play as the final spark of “Inspiration and Liveliness” inside the mind of a bored person.
The mind (the playing field) is going to start […]
Boring Warrior – a Major Assignment
For me and my group’s major assignment, we were handed two words which we needed to base our 2D Space Shoot ‘Em Up on. Those word were “Boring” and “Warrior”… Yeah…
In previous meetings we settled on what our game should be about and what the game should contain. We decided on a game where you play as the final spark of “Inspiration and Liveliness” inside the mind of a bored person.
The mind (the playing field) is going to start […]