Author Archives: Thei Bengtsson

Blog Week 3: Fiendedesigner
För att spelet man skapar ska bli roligt att spela krävs det bra fiendedesigner. Man vill gärna att fienderna ska ha ett någorlunda genomgående tema när de är färdiga. Det tänkte jag mycket på när jag designade de två olika fiendedesignerna tillsammans med bossen I vårt spel. I spelet har fienderna trianglar som ett genomgående tema. Trianglar är mycket kantiga och skapar känns därför inte lika välkommande som till exempel runda och lena former.
Vi har två olika designer: Varanidaes […]

Blog Week 3: Fiendedesigner
För att spelet man skapar ska bli roligt att spela krävs det bra fiendedesigner. Man vill gärna att fienderna ska ha ett någorlunda genomgående tema när de är färdiga. Det tänkte jag mycket på när jag designade de två olika fiendedesignerna tillsammans med bossen I vårt spel. I spelet har fienderna trianglar som ett genomgående tema. Trianglar är mycket kantiga och skapar känns därför inte lika välkommande som till exempel runda och lena former.
Vi har två olika designer: Varanidaes […]

Blog Week 2: Avatar fire-animation
This week, one of the things that I have worked on is the fire-animation for our avatar from Flight of the Giraffa. I’m not very comfortable with animation so taking on this task was interesting. Animating is new unexplored ground for me, I’ve done some small sprite animations but haven’t really got the hang of it.
Animating in photoshop using high-resolution pictures isn’t very easy either. Much more complicated than using programs like adobe flash. You have to use separate layers […]

Blog Week 2: Avatar fire-animation
This week, one of the things that I have worked on is the fire-animation for our avatar from Flight of the Giraffa. I’m not very comfortable with animation so taking on this task was interesting. Animating is new unexplored ground for me, I’ve done some small sprite animations but haven’t really got the hang of it.
Animating in photoshop using high-resolution pictures isn’t very easy either. Much more complicated than using programs like adobe flash. You have to use separate layers […]

Blog week 1: Finalizing boss
Hello my name is Theo Bengtsson, this is a blog I will use to document my progress in game-design at Campus Gotland. My group is creating a game based on an giraffe fighting through space, my role as an Art director is to supervise the art direction in the game, I’m primarily in charge of designing the characters, animate them and design other different art-assets for the game. It’s demanding but fun, especially since there are only two people including […]

Blog week 1: Finalizing boss
Hello my name is Theo Bengtsson, this is a blog I will use to document my progress in game-design at Campus Gotland. My group is creating a game based on an giraffe fighting through space, my role as an Art director is to supervise the art direction in the game, I’m primarily in charge of designing the characters, animate them and design other different art-assets for the game. It’s demanding but fun, especially since there are only two people including […]