Author Archives: Therese Carlsund
Blog comment 180321
Hi! You have achieved an enlightening read and a well-structured text! I like that you have headers which makes navigation throughout your text easier. I noticed one spelling mistake and several places where I personally would have placed commas, but I have no problem reading your text.
Sorry to hear you had problems with your computer. It is never easy to foresee potential problems or unplanned jinxes. You seem to have managed your tasks despite this and that is […]
Blog comment 180321
Hi! You have achieved an enlightening read and a well-structured text! I like that you have headers which makes navigation throughout your text easier. I noticed one spelling mistake and several places where I personally would have placed commas, but I have no problem reading your text.
Sorry to hear you had problems with your computer. It is never easy to foresee potential problems or unplanned jinxes. You seem to have managed your tasks despite this and that is […]

Project Aetherial Blog Six
Finally! The finish line has been reached and crossed over! Ten weeks of work and different opinions have at last been passed. I cannot say my team have created an extraordinary game, nor a revolutionizing one, but we have a game that (to my knowledge) work without crashing, have a beginning and an end, and the team has survived! You usually never choose who you work with in a workplace, but there are worse and better outcomes in different team […]

Project Aetherial Blog Six
Finally! The finish line has been reached and crossed over! Ten weeks of work and different opinions have at last been passed. I cannot say my team have created an extraordinary game, nor a revolutionizing one, but we have a game that (to my knowledge) work without crashing, have a beginning and an end, and the team has survived! You usually never choose who you work with in a workplace, but there are worse and better outcomes in different team […]
Blog comment 180313
Intriguing text you got here, though it sounds like you had several unplanned difficulties with your playtesting sessions, which is sad to hear. I found some minor language errors in your text, but I had no problem understanding it.
With the text you clearly describe the importance of playtesting and that your group did not receive the desired results do to problems with bugs and broken builds. I like that you, despite the struggle with the second playtest, tried […]
Blog comment 180313
Intriguing text you got here, though it sounds like you had several unplanned difficulties with your playtesting sessions, which is sad to hear. I found some minor language errors in your text, but I had no problem understanding it.
With the text you clearly describe the importance of playtesting and that your group did not receive the desired results do to problems with bugs and broken builds. I like that you, despite the struggle with the second playtest, tried […]

Project Aetherial Blog Five
The BETA is now behind us and we are starting to see the ocean at the end of the lane, as we rush toward the final gold version of the game. This week’s blog will dive into the subject of playtesting and how those sessions have come to influence our game development.
Personally, I will look at it from an artistic point of view and describe two items, one which I changed due to playtesting feedback, and one art asset which […]

Project Aetherial Blog Five
The BETA is now behind us and we are starting to see the ocean at the end of the lane, as we rush toward the final gold version of the game. This week’s blog will dive into the subject of playtesting and how those sessions have come to influence our game development.
Personally, I will look at it from an artistic point of view and describe two items, one which I changed due to playtesting feedback, and one art asset which […]
Blog comment 180306
Interesting post you got here. I also think placing obstacles in the players way is an effective way of telling them to either move or get stuck. A question I have though is if you tell the player which controls to use for movement, or if that is something they have to discover by trial and error? Also, do the game move upwards automatically or by player movement? You mention that a player who fails the first challenge […]
Blog comment 180306
Interesting post you got here. I also think placing obstacles in the players way is an effective way of telling them to either move or get stuck. A question I have though is if you tell the player which controls to use for movement, or if that is something they have to discover by trial and error? Also, do the game move upwards automatically or by player movement? You mention that a player who fails the first challenge […]

Project Aetherial Blog Four
We are rapidly approaching the BETA and a lot of things must be decided and implemented. Playtesting sessions has come and passed by, with a great many relevant comments having helped us shape our game. Aside from the game design course, we graphical artists have also had our hands full with the animations of our minor course.
For this week’s blog I will put my focus on the final “common” enemy of our game, which is the so-called sky tangler (a jellyfish). […]

Project Aetherial Blog Four
We are rapidly approaching the BETA and a lot of things must be decided and implemented. Playtesting sessions has come and passed by, with a great many relevant comments having helped us shape our game. Aside from the game design course, we graphical artists have also had our hands full with the animations of our minor course.
For this week’s blog I will put my focus on the final “common” enemy of our game, which is the so-called sky tangler (a jellyfish). […]
Blog comment 180227
Good work with the blog! I noticed some language inaccuracy, but I had no problem understanding the text.
It seems all teams have had some struggles, be it with the game or dynamics within the team. I feel like you have clearly discussed the parts of scrum you deem important and how scrum has been used by your group. I am surprised you thought the production simple in the beginning and felt the scrum more necessary towards the end, […]
Blog comment 180227
Good work with the blog! I noticed some language inaccuracy, but I had no problem understanding the text.
It seems all teams have had some struggles, be it with the game or dynamics within the team. I feel like you have clearly discussed the parts of scrum you deem important and how scrum has been used by your group. I am surprised you thought the production simple in the beginning and felt the scrum more necessary towards the end, […]
Blog comment 180220
Interesting read! Since I personally have very little knowledge of creating sound, it is always intriguing reading about the process behind it. I think it is good that you mention pitch and speed, as that will probably make the sound more varied and pleasing. It would have been nice if you had mentioned what, if any, program you used to create the sound, or if you only used your own recorded sound. Seems very funny to record the […]
Blog comment 180220
Interesting read! Since I personally have very little knowledge of creating sound, it is always intriguing reading about the process behind it. I think it is good that you mention pitch and speed, as that will probably make the sound more varied and pleasing. It would have been nice if you had mentioned what, if any, program you used to create the sound, or if you only used your own recorded sound. Seems very funny to record the […]
Blog comment 180213
Blog comment 180213
Interesting read! I would personally have chosen to write about an artefact created for the game project, but this also sounds like a relevant experience. I noticed some sentence structures that were slightly “off” and one spelling mistake, but I have no trouble understanding the text.
While you explain your interpretation of the theme of the jam and write that your group had similar thoughts, I would have liked a short presentation of some ideas that did […]
Blog comment 180213
Blog comment 180213
Interesting read! I would personally have chosen to write about an artefact created for the game project, but this also sounds like a relevant experience. I noticed some sentence structures that were slightly “off” and one spelling mistake, but I have no trouble understanding the text.
While you explain your interpretation of the theme of the jam and write that your group had similar thoughts, I would have liked a short presentation of some ideas that did […]
Project Aetherial Blog Three
Time for blog number three! The ALPHA is behind us and we look forward unto the second playtesting session and the BETA. After two blogs describing the design and creation process of enemies in the game, this week’s blog will venture into the topic of scrum. I will mention the pieces of the development procedure which I appreciate the most.
Before this course, I personally had no experience working with scrum and if I had to guess, none of my teammates […]
Project Aetherial Blog Three
Time for blog number three! The ALPHA is behind us and we look forward unto the second playtesting session and the BETA. After two blogs describing the design and creation process of enemies in the game, this week’s blog will venture into the topic of scrum. I will mention the pieces of the development procedure which I appreciate the most.
Before this course, I personally had no experience working with scrum and if I had to guess, none of my teammates […]

Project Aetherial Blog Two
First playtesting session and ALPHA presentation is now done! The team received a lot of relevant feedback and will, to the best of our ability, try to adhere to that, as we move unto the BETA.
As mentioned in the last blog, I am the graphical artist in our team responsible for the “common” enemies. At this time, I have designed and implemented two of four enemies into our game. This weeks’ blog will handle the design and work in progress […]

Project Aetherial Blog Two
First playtesting session and ALPHA presentation is now done! The team received a lot of relevant feedback and will, to the best of our ability, try to adhere to that, as we move unto the BETA.
As mentioned in the last blog, I am the graphical artist in our team responsible for the “common” enemies. At this time, I have designed and implemented two of four enemies into our game. This weeks’ blog will handle the design and work in progress […]

Project Aetherial Blog One
We are currently on sprint three of our game project, based on the concept document of the game Aetherial. For this first blog I will focus on the creation and development of one of the games’ enemies: the so-called sky pufferfish. As one of the graphical artists of the team, I am in charge of all the “common” enemies of the game, while the other artist is in charge of the player avatar and final boss. This was decided in […]

Project Aetherial Blog One
We are currently on sprint three of our game project, based on the concept document of the game Aetherial. For this first blog I will focus on the creation and development of one of the games’ enemies: the so-called sky pufferfish. As one of the graphical artists of the team, I am in charge of all the “common” enemies of the game, while the other artist is in charge of the player avatar and final boss. This was decided in […]