Author Archives: Teodor Norén
Big Game: GGC and Beyond!
So much for being back on a weekly schedule!
The last weeks before the Gotland Game Conferance (GGC) were quite crunchy and so the blog had to suffer. To summarize what I did I’ll give you these words: feedback implementation and bug fixing. I added particles aplenty and also added the final animations for various different game objects.
All of our hard work was rewarded during GGC as we managed to secure no less than three awards!
The awards were as following:
Best presentation […]
Big Game: GGC and Beyond!
So much for being back on a weekly schedule!
The last weeks before the Gotland Game Conferance (GGC) were quite crunchy and so the blog had to suffer. To summarize what I did I’ll give you these words: feedback implementation and bug fixing. I added particles aplenty and also added the final animations for various different game objects.
All of our hard work was rewarded during GGC as we managed to secure no less than three awards!
The awards were as following:
Best presentation […]
Big Game: GGC and Beyond!
So much for being back on a weekly schedule!
The last weeks before the Gotland Game Conferance (GGC) were quite crunchy and so the blog had to suffer. To summarize what I did I’ll give you these words: feedback implementation and bug fixing. I added particles aplenty and also added the final animations for various different game objects.
All of our hard work was rewarded during GGC as we managed to secure no less than three awards!
The awards were as following:
Best presentation […]
Big Game: GGC and Beyond!
So much for being back on a weekly schedule!
The last weeks before the Gotland Game Conferance (GGC) were quite crunchy and so the blog had to suffer. To summarize what I did I’ll give you these words: feedback implementation and bug fixing. I added particles aplenty and also added the final animations for various different game objects.
All of our hard work was rewarded during GGC as we managed to secure no less than three awards!
The awards were as following:
Best presentation […]

Big game: Week 5
I’m back on the weekly schedule! This week I have worked on a few different things, like one would expect. I’ll list the things I felt were most important like last time and hope it gives you a good view on what I did!
It is from now on possible to have more than one board on the same level. This means that there can be, in theory, an infinite amount of individual boards on a level. I first thought this […]

Big game: Week 5
I’m back on the weekly schedule! This week I have worked on a few different things, like one would expect. I’ll list the things I felt were most important like last time and hope it gives you a good view on what I did!
It is from now on possible to have more than one board on the same level. This means that there can be, in theory, an infinite amount of individual boards on a level. I first thought this […]

Big game: Week 5
I’m back on the weekly schedule! This week I have worked on a few different things, like one would expect. I’ll list the things I felt were most important like last time and hope it gives you a good view on what I did!
It is from now on possible to have more than one board on the same level. This means that there can be, in theory, an infinite amount of individual boards on a level. I first thought this […]

Big game: Week 5
I’m back on the weekly schedule! This week I have worked on a few different things, like one would expect. I’ll list the things I felt were most important like last time and hope it gives you a good view on what I did!
It is from now on possible to have more than one board on the same level. This means that there can be, in theory, an infinite amount of individual boards on a level. I first thought this […]

Big Game: Week 3 and 4
It’s been a while longer since last time, due to the easter holidays. This post will cover the three days before easter and the four days this week. Instead of going through everything I did on a day to day basis, like I did in the previous posts, I’ll select the things that I felt were the most important.
I’ve implemented all the different matching powerups. There are three in total. You should be familiar with the match four powerup since […]

Big Game: Week 3 and 4
It’s been a while longer since last time, due to the easter holidays. This post will cover the three days before easter and the four days this week. Instead of going through everything I did on a day to day basis, like I did in the previous posts, I’ll select the things that I felt were the most important.
I’ve implemented all the different matching powerups. There are three in total. You should be familiar with the match four powerup since […]

Big Game: Week 2 and 3
It’s been a while longer since last time, due to the easter holidays. This post will cover the three days before easter and the four days this week. Instead of going through everything I did on a day to day basis, like I did in the previous posts, I’ll select the things that I felt were the most important.
I’ve implemented all the different matching powerups. There are three in total. You should be familiar with the match four powerup since […]

Big Game: Week 2 and 3
It’s been a while longer since last time, due to the easter holidays. This post will cover the three days before easter and the four days this week. Instead of going through everything I did on a day to day basis, like I did in the previous posts, I’ll select the things that I felt were the most important.
I’ve implemented all the different matching powerups. There are three in total. You should be familiar with the match four powerup since […]

Big Game: Week 2
Monday: I updated all the matching squares so that they used the latest art, no longer do they look like squares so they will hereby be referred to as materials. I took some more time to figure out why the performance was so low within the cube script (material script, if you will). It turned out each of the 81 matching materials had a float that got the delta time added to them every frame. The float was just a temporary measure I […]

Big Game: Week 2
Monday: I updated all the matching squares so that they used the latest art, no longer do they look like squares so they will hereby be referred to as materials. I took some more time to figure out why the performance was so low within the cube script (material script, if you will). It turned out each of the 81 matching materials had a float that got the delta time added to them every frame. The float was just a temporary measure I […]

Big Game: Week 2
Monday: I updated all the matching squares so that they used the latest art, no longer do they look like squares so they will hereby be referred to as materials. I took some more time to figure out why the performance was so low within the cube script (material script, if you will). It turned out each of the 81 matching materials had a float that got the delta time added to them every frame. The float was just a temporary measure I […]

Big Game: Week 2
Monday: I updated all the matching squares so that they used the latest art, no longer do they look like squares so they will hereby be referred to as materials. I took some more time to figure out why the performance was so low within the cube script (material script, if you will). It turned out each of the 81 matching materials had a float that got the delta time added to them every frame. The float was just a temporary measure I […]
Big Game: Week 1
This first week I created a basic bejeweled clone.
I started with a grid that I filled with differently coloured squares, representing the different resources in the game. I made code that lit up a square if it was clicked and also changed it into a fixed color, for testing purposes. This was done during the first day of the week, so some time was also used to understand Unity which I have very little experience with. The way I have […]
Big Game: Week 1
This first week I created a basic bejeweled clone.
I started with a grid that I filled with differently coloured squares, representing the different resources in the game. I made code that lit up a square if it was clicked and also changed it into a fixed color, for testing purposes. This was done during the first day of the week, so some time was also used to understand Unity which I have very little experience with. The way I have […]
Big Game: Week 1
This first week I created a basic bejeweled clone.
I started with a grid that I filled with differently coloured squares, representing the different resources in the game. I made code that lit up a square if it was clicked and also changed it into a fixed color, for testing purposes. This was done during the first day of the week, so some time was also used to understand Unity which I have very little experience with. The way I have […]
Big Game: Week 1
This first week I created a basic bejeweled clone.
I started with a grid that I filled with differently coloured squares, representing the different resources in the game. I made code that lit up a square if it was clicked and also changed it into a fixed color, for testing purposes. This was done during the first day of the week, so some time was also used to understand Unity which I have very little experience with. The way I have […]
This week has been playtesting week. A lot of internal testing was done, as well as external testing. We tested many different configurations, like number of players, cards in starting hand and cards on the table. We also added a new feature: the trap card and with that: items.
The majority of the internal testing was done on Wednesday 2013-10-22. We played from morning until the afternoon. We continuously made subtle changes between rounds, to see how much things changed. A […]
This week has been playtesting week. A lot of internal testing was done, as well as external testing. We tested many different configurations, like number of players, cards in starting hand and cards on the table. We also added a new feature: the trap card and with that: items.
The majority of the internal testing was done on Wednesday 2013-10-22. We played from morning until the afternoon. We continuously made subtle changes between rounds, to see how much things changed. A […]
This week has been playtesting week. A lot of internal testing was done, as well as external testing. We tested many different configurations, like number of players, cards in starting hand and cards on the table. We also added a new feature: the trap card and with that: items.
The majority of the internal testing was done on Wednesday 2013-10-22. We played from morning until the afternoon. We continuously made subtle changes between rounds, to see how much things changed. A […]
This week has been playtesting week. A lot of internal testing was done, as well as external testing. We tested many different configurations, like number of players, cards in starting hand and cards on the table. We also added a new feature: the trap card and with that: items.
The majority of the internal testing was done on Wednesday 2013-10-22. We played from morning until the afternoon. We continuously made subtle changes between rounds, to see how much things changed. A […]