Author Archives: Teddy Chavez Alcarraz
Comment #6 Group D
Hi Maya! Your post gives an overview on the bad and good things that you as a designer went through with your group. I, as a designer myself, can see the resemble in some problems that you had, like the problem with the user stories and the unsureness with our roles as designer. I’m happy to hear that everything settled down in the end and you had a working game, even thought it was not fully what you expected. A […]
Comment #6 Group D
Hi Maya! Your post gives an overview on the bad and good things that you as a designer went through with your group. I, as a designer myself, can see the resemble in some problems that you had, like the problem with the user stories and the unsureness with our roles as designer. I’m happy to hear that everything settled down in the end and you had a working game, even thought it was not fully what you expected. A […]
Hello Again! Today I will write about the end result of the game and a reflection on the project.
Making process
The making process of the game was a bit like a roller coaster for me as a game designer, starting with confusing instructions in the beginning of the course. The instruction for the designers that was given by our minor course, Test Driven Game Design 2, was to primarily work with user stories and make tasks out of them for each […]
Hello Again! Today I will write about the end result of the game and a reflection on the project.
Making process
The making process of the game was a bit like a roller coaster for me as a game designer, starting with confusing instructions in the beginning of the course. The instruction for the designers that was given by our minor course, Test Driven Game Design 2, was to primarily work with user stories and make tasks out of them for each […]
Comment #4 – Mikael Ferroukhi
Hi Mikael! I will comment on your post this week not only for having a interesting topic but also because I couldn’t find your designer last week’s blog post.
Your post is very clear and detailed on what ideas you had from the beginning, why you chose to design a level for the game, and how you designed it. You described in detail why you and your group’s initial idea on having random generated level could be a problem for […]
Comment #4 – Mikael Ferroukhi
Hi Mikael! I will comment on your post this week not only for having a interesting topic but also because I couldn’t find your designer last week’s blog post.
Your post is very clear and detailed on what ideas you had from the beginning, why you chose to design a level for the game, and how you designed it. You described in detail why you and your group’s initial idea on having random generated level could be a problem for […]

Game Design – Designing the enemy’s movement pattern and behavior
Hi everyone! This week I will explain the process of the enemy movement and the design for it. As the designer of group Vampire I got the task to design the enemy’s movement pattern and behavior. The game we are developing, Umibozu, originally had 3 types of enemies in the game; a crab, a squid and a shark.
Image 1, concept art of the enemies from the concept document
Due to lack of time, we decided to only have the squid and […]

Game Design – Designing the enemy’s movement pattern and behavior
Hi everyone! This week I will explain the process of the enemy movement and the design for it. As the designer of group Vampire I got the task to design the enemy’s movement pattern and behavior. The game we are developing, Umibozu, originally had 3 types of enemies in the game; a crab, a squid and a shark.
Image 1, concept art of the enemies from the concept document
Due to lack of time, we decided to only have the squid and […]
Comment #3 – David Åström, Team A
Hi David! Great post, you dive right into the positive things that scum has provided for you and your group. The post answers the what, how and why with straight to the point information. You explain very well that you guys had problem with scrum and that it has to do with the execution of the group and the lack of experience that you guys have with Scrum. I really like how your group manage to resolve this problem by […]
Comment #3 – David Åström, Team A
Hi David! Great post, you dive right into the positive things that scum has provided for you and your group. The post answers the what, how and why with straight to the point information. You explain very well that you guys had problem with scrum and that it has to do with the execution of the group and the lack of experience that you guys have with Scrum. I really like how your group manage to resolve this problem by […]
Agile Method – Scrum
The development method we were told to use is the agile framework scrum. This framework is used to break down the development into small tasks, listing them into a priority list called backlog. The difficulty of the tasks should be adequate to be completed within a certain amount of time, these are usually weeks in form of iterations and is called sprint. Within these iterations the group has daily meetings, called stand-up meetings, to keep track of what each member […]
Agile Method – Scrum
The development method we were told to use is the agile framework scrum. This framework is used to break down the development into small tasks, listing them into a priority list called backlog. The difficulty of the tasks should be adequate to be completed within a certain amount of time, these are usually weeks in form of iterations and is called sprint. Within these iterations the group has daily meetings, called stand-up meetings, to keep track of what each member […]
Comment #2 – Jesper Bergman, Team Z
Hi Jesper! Great Post. The post clearly explains what your guys have done drawing all the assets, except for the player, in a 45° angle. The problem with this angled view affects the movement of the boat is explained as well.
However, I do not find any reasoning behind the decision to have all the assets in a 45° angle. I will presume that the reason why, is that the assets in a top down view can be unclear and sometimes […]
Comment #2 – Jesper Bergman, Team Z
Hi Jesper! Great Post. The post clearly explains what your guys have done drawing all the assets, except for the player, in a 45° angle. The problem with this angled view affects the movement of the boat is explained as well.
However, I do not find any reasoning behind the decision to have all the assets in a 45° angle. I will presume that the reason why, is that the assets in a top down view can be unclear and sometimes […]
Designing a new Power up
Hi! Today I’m going to go through the design for a new added power up in the game Umibozu. One of the requirements for the Alpha presentation was to have a power up. A power up was considered to be an item that enhanced the player with an additional ability. The original items that were listed under the power up section in the concept document was oil to replenish the lamp, health kit, temporary speed boost, and temporary increase in […]
Designing a new Power up
Hi! Today I’m going to go through the design for a new added power up in the game Umibozu. One of the requirements for the Alpha presentation was to have a power up. A power up was considered to be an item that enhanced the player with an additional ability. The original items that were listed under the power up section in the concept document was oil to replenish the lamp, health kit, temporary speed boost, and temporary increase in […]

Level Design – Tutorial Through Gameplay
The game my group and I decided to develop was a game concept called Umibozu. This game has the aesthetic goal of approaching something mysterious and is set in an unknown place in the waters of Japan. The player is portrayed as a ship that sails around a thick mist with limited light to see its surrounding.
One of the vital tasks for the Alpha presentation is to make a basic level design for the game. My immediately though for this […]

Level Design – Tutorial Through Gameplay
The game my group and I decided to develop was a game concept called Umibozu. This game has the aesthetic goal of approaching something mysterious and is set in an unknown place in the waters of Japan. The player is portrayed as a ship that sails around a thick mist with limited light to see its surrounding.
One of the vital tasks for the Alpha presentation is to make a basic level design for the game. My immediately though for this […]