Author Archives: Stefan Somo

Final game programming project
As the title says it all I’m going from now on make a new post every day until the project has ended; to keep everything updated and gaining more points needed to succeed with this project ehe (you need to post a blog entry every day and reflect what you did, how it worked and why you did it sorta). Note that this applies to our first game programming course. So what’s the project all about? Well, in the beginning of […]

Final game programming project
As the title says it all I’m going from now on make a new post every day until the project has ended; to keep everything updated and gaining more points needed to succeed with this project ehe (you need to post a blog entry every day and reflect what you did, how it worked and why you did it sorta). Note that this applies to our first game programming course. So what’s the project all about? Well, in the beginning of […]

Enchant game challenge
A few weeks ago I got an e-mail sent to me and the rest of my class that we would get visitors from Japan telling us about a new script code, Enchant. In Enchant the main purpose is the ability to make games faster and easier without the need to code as much and to prove this the manager made a game in a mere 90 seconds! Surpirsingly enough there weren’t even 30 % of the class present but of course […]

Enchant game challenge
A few weeks ago I got an e-mail sent to me and the rest of my class that we would get visitors from Japan telling us about a new script code, Enchant. In Enchant the main purpose is the ability to make games faster and easier without the need to code as much and to prove this the manager made a game in a mere 90 seconds! Surpirsingly enough there weren’t even 30 % of the class present but of course […]

Started out with programming!
I mentioned earlier that I’ve started out with programming and currently I’m in the “Game Programming I” course, and I wished I could’ve gone more into programming in an earlier stage of my life. Sure it is fun and all but it really is hard to keep up for a beginner like me since it’s fast-paced and so much information to take in, but I have to fight even harder and really try to get into the mindset of a […]

Started out with programming!
I mentioned earlier that I’ve started out with programming and currently I’m in the “Game Programming I” course, and I wished I could’ve gone more into programming in an earlier stage of my life. Sure it is fun and all but it really is hard to keep up for a beginner like me since it’s fast-paced and so much information to take in, but I have to fight even harder and really try to get into the mindset of a […]

The most useless course I’ve ever attended
Hello this time I will talk about the most pointless course of them all: To communicate through Speech and Text. To me it was a waste of time, no, waste of A LOT of precious time since the stuff we did in this boring course not only was to repeat the communication I had in high scool but it had nothing to do with game design at all, heck even our game design teacher insisted this! I know what some of you […]

The most useless course I’ve ever attended
Hello this time I will talk about the most pointless course of them all: To communicate through Speech and Text. To me it was a waste of time, no, waste of A LOT of precious time since the stuff we did in this boring course not only was to repeat the communication I had in high scool but it had nothing to do with game design at all, heck even our game design teacher insisted this! I know what some of you […]

It was a while…
It has been little over two months before I posted anything… I’m really sorry for the inactivity! Much has happened until now, and I’m going to cover the basics. So first I’ve finished the course “introduction to game design and game analysis” which was indeed a fun course. In the end it got stressful and hectic with the final game project, but my group finished making the space shooter game based on the two words thoughtless and badger! I would say we […]

It was a while…
It has been little over two months before I posted anything… I’m really sorry for the inactivity! Much has happened until now, and I’m going to cover the basics. So first I’ve finished the course “introduction to game design and game analysis” which was indeed a fun course. In the end it got stressful and hectic with the final game project, but my group finished making the space shooter game based on the two words thoughtless and badger! I would say we […]

New game project
When they first announced that we would get our first real game project to work on I got pretty excited. What could the genre be? Yeah, none other than a wonderful shoot ‘em up! Boy did my ears get tickled! Before I applied for this education I felt that shoot ‘em ups and RPGs where my types of games to design. Even though shoot ‘em ups may be pretty easy to code and animate and this coming from a rookie […]

New game project
When they first announced that we would get our first real game project to work on I got pretty excited. What could the genre be? Yeah, none other than a wonderful shoot ‘em up! Boy did my ears get tickled! Before I applied for this education I felt that shoot ‘em ups and RPGs where my types of games to design. Even though shoot ‘em ups may be pretty easy to code and animate and this coming from a rookie […]

My thoughts so far
‘Sup! So this is my first time blogging and I’m gonna reflect on various things throughout my game education, and provide my thoughts here. When I first found out that this kind of education was available it caught my attention right away. Games have always been a part of my life and I’m too attached to them to give up my dreams. But would I move to an island (Gotland) to study, that’s right, game design and programming? I […]

My thoughts so far
‘Sup! So this is my first time blogging and I’m gonna reflect on various things throughout my game education, and provide my thoughts here. When I first found out that this kind of education was available it caught my attention right away. Games have always been a part of my life and I’m too attached to them to give up my dreams. But would I move to an island (Gotland) to study, that’s right, game design and programming? I […]