Author Archives: Simon Strandh

Super Dungeon explorer!
For this week we chose to play Super Dungeon Explorer.
The best and the worst sides of the game.
The words part of the game was the loot system they had. They had a counter that went up every time a character did damage. On the counter there where loot tiles placed around every 4th tile. So the character that did the damage that would make the counter come to a loot tile have to draw a loot card […]

Super Dungeon explorer!
For this week we chose to play Super Dungeon Explorer.
The best and the worst sides of the game.
The words part of the game was the loot system they had. They had a counter that went up every time a character did damage. On the counter there where loot tiles placed around every 4th tile. So the character that did the damage that would make the counter come to a loot tile have to draw a loot card […]

3D2 week two: crates
This week were supposed to create three crates with different themes. The themes we got to choose from were Sci-fi, Urban contemporary, Post-apocalyptic, Medieval and Cartoony.
I choose Medieval, Sci-fi and post-apocalyptic.
Theme A (Medieval)
When I look for references pictures for medieval I mostly look for religious pictures and objects. So for this assignment I mostly looked at Christian chests and other objects.
When looking at crates, trunks and boxes you will see alot of wood mixed with iron and other minerals. You […]

3D2 week two: crates
This week were supposed to create three crates with different themes. The themes we got to choose from were Sci-fi, Urban contemporary, Post-apocalyptic, Medieval and Cartoony.
I choose Medieval, Sci-fi and post-apocalyptic.
Theme A (Medieval)
When I look for references pictures for medieval I mostly look for religious pictures and objects. So for this assignment I mostly looked at Christian chests and other objects.
When looking at crates, trunks and boxes you will see alot of wood mixed with iron and other minerals. You […]

3D2 week two: crates
This week were supposed to create three crates with different themes. The themes we got to choose from were Sci-fi, Urban contemporary, Post-apocalyptic, Medieval and Cartoony.
I choose Medieval, Sci-fi and post-apocalyptic.
Theme A (Medieval)
When I look for references pictures for medieval I mostly look for religious pictures and objects. So for this assignment I mostly looked at Christian chests and other objects.
When looking at crates, trunks and boxes you will see alot of wood mixed with iron and other minerals. You […]

3D2 week two: crates
This week were supposed to create three crates with different themes. The themes we got to choose from were Sci-fi, Urban contemporary, Post-apocalyptic, Medieval and Cartoony.
I choose Medieval, Sci-fi and post-apocalyptic.
Theme A (Medieval)
When I look for references pictures for medieval I mostly look for religious pictures and objects. So for this assignment I mostly looked at Christian chests and other objects.
When looking at crates, trunks and boxes you will see alot of wood mixed with iron and other minerals. You […]

First week of 3D1!
Hello again! I am back from summer and will now start up this blog again. Last week was the first week of our 3D1 course here at campus gotland.
Our first assignment was to discus and analyzes different screenshots from different games in groups of 4.
I am going to give a link to all the screen shots at the end so you can view them in its original size.
Screenshot one: Batman
This screenshot is geometric. Though a bit too much. If […]

First week of 3D1!
Hello again! I am back from summer and will now start up this blog again. Last week was the first week of our 3D1 course here at campus gotland.
Our first assignment was to discus and analyzes different screenshots from different games in groups of 4.
I am going to give a link to all the screen shots at the end so you can view them in its original size.
Screenshot one: Batman
This screenshot is geometric. Though a bit too much. If […]

First week of 3D1!
Hello again! I am back from summer and will now start up this blog again. Last week was the first week of our 3D1 course here at campus gotland.
Our first assignment was to discus and analyzes different screenshots from different games in groups of 4.
I am going to give a link to all the screen shots at the end so you can view them in its original size.
Screenshot one: Batman
This screenshot is geometric. Though a bit too much. If […]

First week of 3D1!
Hello again! I am back from summer and will now start up this blog again. Last week was the first week of our 3D1 course here at campus gotland.
Our first assignment was to discus and analyzes different screenshots from different games in groups of 4.
I am going to give a link to all the screen shots at the end so you can view them in its original size.
Screenshot one: Batman
This screenshot is geometric. Though a bit too much. If […]
Game design: Board Game analyze Battle Star Galactica!
Game analyze: Battle Star Galactica.
The Best and the worst sides of the game
The best thing about this game is the build-up. The game has a tense and fun build-up towards the end. The game will always take away recourses but they never really gives them back to you. So the further in the game the closer to total devastation you get. You try everything to hold on to the thin chance of surviving. You also start thinking twice about who […]
Game design: Board Game analyze Battle Star Galactica!
Game analyze: Battle Star Galactica.
The Best and the worst sides of the game
The best thing about this game is the build-up. The game has a tense and fun build-up towards the end. The game will always take away recourses but they never really gives them back to you. So the further in the game the closer to total devastation you get. You try everything to hold on to the thin chance of surviving. You also start thinking twice about who […]
Game design: Board Game analyze Battle Star Galactica!
Game analyze: Battle Star Galactica.
The Best and the worst sides of the game
The best thing about this game is the build-up. The game has a tense and fun build-up towards the end. The game will always take away recourses but they never really gives them back to you. So the further in the game the closer to total devastation you get. You try everything to hold on to the thin chance of surviving. You also start thinking twice about who […]
Game design: Board Game analyze Battle Star Galactica!
Game analyze: Battle Star Galactica.
The Best and the worst sides of the game
The best thing about this game is the build-up. The game has a tense and fun build-up towards the end. The game will always take away recourses but they never really gives them back to you. So the further in the game the closer to total devastation you get. You try everything to hold on to the thin chance of surviving. You also start thinking twice about who […]

Hello again to the weekly blog post! I must yet again disappoint you in say that this week again will be iteration on animations.
This week I went back to finish the melee enemy because I noticed that there was a change in size between the movement animation and the attack animation. Another reason I had to work with this animation was that we got some feedback on the game testing that it was hard to see the police enemies because […]

Hello again to the weekly blog post! I must yet again disappoint you in say that this week again will be iteration on animations.
This week I went back to finish the melee enemy because I noticed that there was a change in size between the movement animation and the attack animation. Another reason I had to work with this animation was that we got some feedback on the game testing that it was hard to see the police enemies because […]

Hello again to the weekly blog post! I must yet again disappoint you in say that this week again will be iteration on animations.
This week I went back to finish the melee enemy because I noticed that there was a change in size between the movement animation and the attack animation. Another reason I had to work with this animation was that we got some feedback on the game testing that it was hard to see the police enemies because […]

Hello again to the weekly blog post! I must yet again disappoint you in say that this week again will be iteration on animations.
This week I went back to finish the melee enemy because I noticed that there was a change in size between the movement animation and the attack animation. Another reason I had to work with this animation was that we got some feedback on the game testing that it was hard to see the police enemies because […]

Polishing week 2
Hello again! It is time again for a new post for the blog! This is week has been rather slow for me, I have not worked that much and effective because my motivation has been rather low because we done with most of the art and it sounds on our lead programmer that we will probably not have enough time to add anything new as I brought up in the last post. But what I have done is keep […]

Polishing week 2
Hello again! It is time again for a new post for the blog! This is week has been rather slow for me, I have not worked that much and effective because my motivation has been rather low because we done with most of the art and it sounds on our lead programmer that we will probably not have enough time to add anything new as I brought up in the last post. But what I have done is keep […]

Polishing week 2
Hello again! It is time again for a new post for the blog! This is week has been rather slow for me, I have not worked that much and effective because my motivation has been rather low because we done with most of the art and it sounds on our lead programmer that we will probably not have enough time to add anything new as I brought up in the last post. But what I have done is keep […]

Polishing week 2
Hello again! It is time again for a new post for the blog! This is week has been rather slow for me, I have not worked that much and effective because my motivation has been rather low because we done with most of the art and it sounds on our lead programmer that we will probably not have enough time to add anything new as I brought up in the last post. But what I have done is keep […]

Time to Polish!
Hello again! It’s time for another blog post!
We got done with all the art that was needed in the game last week so this week has been focused on polishing art that we already have, and add things that we put off because we were unsure if we would be able to make it due to the time we had on the project.
We wanted to fine tune our animations that we had, so I started with going through the melee […]

Time to Polish!
Hello again! It’s time for another blog post!
We got done with all the art that was needed in the game last week so this week has been focused on polishing art that we already have, and add things that we put off because we were unsure if we would be able to make it due to the time we had on the project.
We wanted to fine tune our animations that we had, so I started with going through the melee […]