Author Archives: Simon Öqvist

BGP Week 7
During this week I worked on some more animations and a box that will be used in the intro cinematic.
In the intro cinematic the robot will fall out of a big cargo ship in a box, when the box falls to the ground it breaks and the robot is revealed.
When I created the box I just took a standard cube and extruded all the sides inwards, and that’s about it for the modeling, the icon on […]

BGP Week 7
During this week I worked on some more animations and a box that will be used in the intro cinematic.
In the intro cinematic the robot will fall out of a big cargo ship in a box, when the box falls to the ground it breaks and the robot is revealed.
When I created the box I just took a standard cube and extruded all the sides inwards, and that’s about it for the modeling, the icon on […]

BGP Week 6
Last week I keept polishing the main menu animations, I also did 2 animations for moving forward manually, the player will be able to do this when he/she has lost an certain amount of speed, but these animations might not be used and we might use some sort effect to show the player what’s happening, the reason for not using the animations right now is that it’s unclear what the animation is supposed to do.
During the week I also started […]

BGP Week 6
Last week I keept polishing the main menu animations, I also did 2 animations for moving forward manually, the player will be able to do this when he/she has lost an certain amount of speed, but these animations might not be used and we might use some sort effect to show the player what’s happening, the reason for not using the animations right now is that it’s unclear what the animation is supposed to do.
During the week I also started […]
Week 5 BGP
During last week I kept on working with the animations, mainly the main menu animations, they are not quite finished so I will have to work on them for a bit this week as well, I also tweaked some of the older animations such as when the character is in the air.
When in the main menu the character will be laying on the ground making sudle movements and from time to time larger movements such as trying to lift himself […]
Week 5 BGP
During last week I kept on working with the animations, mainly the main menu animations, they are not quite finished so I will have to work on them for a bit this week as well, I also tweaked some of the older animations such as when the character is in the air.
When in the main menu the character will be laying on the ground making sudle movements and from time to time larger movements such as trying to lift himself […]
Week 4
During this week I continued to work with the animations for the main character, I managed to finish all the essential animations, so this will be a post with alot of videos.
Next week I will start on animations that will be used in the main menu, in the main menu the character will be laying on the ground trying to get up, I think creating those animations will be alot of fun, if I manage to complete all of them […]
Week 4
During this week I continued to work with the animations for the main character, I managed to finish all the essential animations, so this will be a post with alot of videos.
Next week I will start on animations that will be used in the main menu, in the main menu the character will be laying on the ground trying to get up, I think creating those animations will be alot of fun, if I manage to complete all of them […]
Week 3
During week 3 I only worked with the animations, for now I have only worked on the animations which are essential for the character such as turning animations etc. At the moment all the animations are quite rough and I will start polishing them during week 4.
I will show all the animations from the players point of view, which is from behind the character.
Turn Animation
This is the turn left animation, when the player turn right we will mirror this animation, […]
Week 3
During week 3 I only worked with the animations, for now I have only worked on the animations which are essential for the character such as turning animations etc. At the moment all the animations are quite rough and I will start polishing them during week 4.
I will show all the animations from the players point of view, which is from behind the character.
Turn Animation
This is the turn left animation, when the player turn right we will mirror this animation, […]

Week 2 of BGP
Last week was the second week of Big game Project, I thought I would get more work done this week, but time sure flies.
During last week I mainly worked on the animations but also managed to create two props.
The props I created was two bushes, I created them by using the same method I used for the tree crowns, I didn’t come across any problems so creating them went smoothly.
What I spent most of my time […]

Week 2 of BGP
Last week was the second week of Big game Project, I thought I would get more work done this week, but time sure flies.
During last week I mainly worked on the animations but also managed to create two props.
The props I created was two bushes, I created them by using the same method I used for the tree crowns, I didn’t come across any problems so creating them went smoothly.
What I spent most of my time […]

Big Game Begins!
Last week Big game project began, Im working as a artist on a project created by Jonatan Keil.My part in the group which we named Freshly Squeezed is for the moment to create props and animate the main character.
We are using Unity to create the game.
Last Week
My work last week revolved around creating props, I was tasked with creating two different trees, this seemed like a quite simple task. I was wrong it took me the whole week to get […]

Big Game Begins!
Last week Big game project began, Im working as a artist on a project created by Jonatan Keil.My part in the group which we named Freshly Squeezed is for the moment to create props and animate the main character.
We are using Unity to create the game.
Last Week
My work last week revolved around creating props, I was tasked with creating two different trees, this seemed like a quite simple task. I was wrong it took me the whole week to get […]
Wizards and invisible Monsters
During this weeks playtesting me and my group tried out two boardgames we hadn’t testet yet, I can remeber the group numbers sorry about that.
The first game we tried out was sort of like a dungeon crawler, where one player got to be an evil wizard I got to be the wizard which was awesome! the other players where heroes who’s goal was to find 3 keys then go to my tower and kill me, and the wizards goal is […]
Wizards and invisible Monsters
During this weeks playtesting me and my group tried out two boardgames we hadn’t testet yet, I can remeber the group numbers sorry about that.
The first game we tried out was sort of like a dungeon crawler, where one player got to be an evil wizard I got to be the wizard which was awesome! the other players where heroes who’s goal was to find 3 keys then go to my tower and kill me, and the wizards goal is […]
Introduction/What happened this week
I totally forgot to introduce myself in my first post, but better late then never.My name is Simon i’m a second year student at Uppsala university Campus Gotland, I study game design and graphics.
During the week we kept on working on our board game, we made a new board for the game which I forgot to take a picture of but it looks better than the first on trust me.We keept the movement system but made it so that you […]
Introduction/What happened this week
I totally forgot to introduce myself in my first post, but better late then never.My name is Simon i’m a second year student at Uppsala university Campus Gotland, I study game design and graphics.
During the week we kept on working on our board game, we made a new board for the game which I forgot to take a picture of but it looks better than the first on trust me.We keept the movement system but made it so that you […]

First boardgame meeting
Yester day I met my group to start figuring out idéas for our boardgame,Luckily for us Simon Wulf already had an idé.
He wanted to create a game which would simulate pirates having naval battles.We all liked the sound of this.
The game is played on an hexagonal board and will look something like this but will hopefully be made prettier in the future.
We came upp with a movement system which will simulate sailing, we implimented a wind system […]

First boardgame meeting
Yester day I met my group to start figuring out idéas for our boardgame,Luckily for us Simon Wulf already had an idé.
He wanted to create a game which would simulate pirates having naval battles.We all liked the sound of this.
The game is played on an hexagonal board and will look something like this but will hopefully be made prettier in the future.
We came upp with a movement system which will simulate sailing, we implimented a wind system […]