Author Archives: Simon Brundin

Guard mock-up among other things
This weeks blog post is the most difficult one to do so far and I couldn’t find any image to properly depict my work, so the picture below is the mock-up of how the guards will patrol the building and it also shows where the objective and exit. The reason behind this week being hard to post about is that alot of what I’ve done has been adding in new sprites and testing them out against our floor and the rest […]

Guard mock-up among other things
This weeks blog post is the most difficult one to do so far and I couldn’t find any image to properly depict my work, so the picture below is the mock-up of how the guards will patrol the building and it also shows where the objective and exit. The reason behind this week being hard to post about is that alot of what I’ve done has been adding in new sprites and testing them out against our floor and the rest […]

Explaining the ”Noise maker”
This week I’ve been working on completing our design documents since we got a few comments on our first hand in.
The picture above is the image I made to briefly explain how one of our usable items will work. The Item I’m referring to is the ”Noise maker”. This item is meant to be a none-violent alternative to the rest of the players arsenal. It’s supposed to be a single use item which emits sound circles that will draw […]

Explaining the ”Noise maker”
This week I’ve been working on completing our design documents since we got a few comments on our first hand in.
The picture above is the image I made to briefly explain how one of our usable items will work. The Item I’m referring to is the ”Noise maker”. This item is meant to be a none-violent alternative to the rest of the players arsenal. It’s supposed to be a single use item which emits sound circles that will draw […]

Explaining the ”Noise maker”
This week I’ve been working on completing our design documents since we got a few comments on our first hand in.
The picture above is the image I made to briefly explain how one of our usable items will work. The Item I’m referring to is the ”Noise maker”. This item is meant to be a none-violent alternative to the rest of the players arsenal. It’s supposed to be a single use item which emits sound circles that will draw […]

Explaining the ”Noise maker”
This week I’ve been working on completing our design documents since we got a few comments on our first hand in.
The picture above is the image I made to briefly explain how one of our usable items will work. The Item I’m referring to is the ”Noise maker”. This item is meant to be a none-violent alternative to the rest of the players arsenal. It’s supposed to be a single use item which emits sound circles that will draw […]

Rotating & vanishing Guards
Okay! This week has been a very interesting one! I have been further working on our level design and have been adding in rotations to our stationary guards. I also had to remake all of the patrolling patterns for our guards since there was some issues with how the guards spawned in comparison to where they wanted to patrol. I solved the patrolling guard issue quite easily, it was just a bit of tedious work on it to get […]

Rotating & vanishing Guards
Okay! This week has been a very interesting one! I have been further working on our level design and have been adding in rotations to our stationary guards. I also had to remake all of the patrolling patterns for our guards since there was some issues with how the guards spawned in comparison to where they wanted to patrol. I solved the patrolling guard issue quite easily, it was just a bit of tedious work on it to get […]

Rotating & vanishing Guards
Okay! This week has been a very interesting one! I have been further working on our level design and have been adding in rotations to our stationary guards. I also had to remake all of the patrolling patterns for our guards since there was some issues with how the guards spawned in comparison to where they wanted to patrol. I solved the patrolling guard issue quite easily, it was just a bit of tedious work on it to get […]

Rotating & vanishing Guards
Okay! This week has been a very interesting one! I have been further working on our level design and have been adding in rotations to our stationary guards. I also had to remake all of the patrolling patterns for our guards since there was some issues with how the guards spawned in comparison to where they wanted to patrol. I solved the patrolling guard issue quite easily, it was just a bit of tedious work on it to get […]

Level Design
So this week I have been working on our level drawing and I must say it’s a lot of fun! Now I know that unfortunately you can’t make out everything that’s on the map, but for those of you with keen eyes, I can quickly explain what the different colors in the drawing means.
The way we create our level is through color coding, this means that for us to create the level we draw out different colors and […]

Level Design
So this week I have been working on our level drawing and I must say it’s a lot of fun! Now I know that unfortunately you can’t make out everything that’s on the map, but for those of you with keen eyes, I can quickly explain what the different colors in the drawing means.
The way we create our level is through color coding, this means that for us to create the level we draw out different colors and […]

Level Design
So this week I have been working on our level drawing and I must say it’s a lot of fun! Now I know that unfortunately you can’t make out everything that’s on the map, but for those of you with keen eyes, I can quickly explain what the different colors in the drawing means.
The way we create our level is through color coding, this means that for us to create the level we draw out different colors and […]

Level Design
So this week I have been working on our level drawing and I must say it’s a lot of fun! Now I know that unfortunately you can’t make out everything that’s on the map, but for those of you with keen eyes, I can quickly explain what the different colors in the drawing means.
The way we create our level is through color coding, this means that for us to create the level we draw out different colors and […]

Bathroom Sprites
Right! So this week I started working on some environmental sprites. What we have to the left is a urinal, in the middle there’s a sink and to the right is a toilet. The reason why I needed to start working on bathroom sprites was because the area where the player is supposed to start in, happens to be a bathroom. This bathroom is going to act as the introduction to the game for the player […]

Bathroom Sprites
Right! So this week I started working on some environmental sprites. What we have to the left is a urinal, in the middle there’s a sink and to the right is a toilet. The reason why I needed to start working on bathroom sprites was because the area where the player is supposed to start in, happens to be a bathroom. This bathroom is going to act as the introduction to the game for the player […]
Bathroom Sprites
Right! So this week I started working on some environmental sprites. What we have to the left is a urinal, in the middle there’s a sink and to the right is a toilet. The reason why I needed to start working on bathroom sprites was because the area where the player is supposed to start in, happens to be a bathroom. This bathroom is going to act as the introduction to the game for the player […]
Bathroom Sprites
Right! So this week I started working on some environmental sprites. What we have to the left is a urinal, in the middle there’s a sink and to the right is a toilet. The reason why I needed to start working on bathroom sprites was because the area where the player is supposed to start in, happens to be a bathroom. This bathroom is going to act as the introduction to the game for the player […]

The baton of Futura
This is the baton icon which will be represented in the interface when the baton is wielded. The idea behind it, as with all the weaponry and objects, was to take something old and make it new while still keeping the old feel. We did the same thing with the gun we designed for the game, we took an old revolver and made it more futuristic. Doing so with a baton is difficult because there isn’t a lot of […]

The baton of Futura
This is the baton icon which will be represented in the interface when the baton is wielded. The idea behind it, as with all the weaponry and objects, was to take something old and make it new while still keeping the old feel. We did the same thing with the gun we designed for the game, we took an old revolver and made it more futuristic. Doing so with a baton is difficult because there isn’t a lot of […]

The baton of Futura
This is the baton icon which will be represented in the interface when the baton is wielded. The idea behind it, as with all the weaponry and objects, was to take something old and make it new while still keeping the old feel. We did the same thing with the gun we designed for the game, we took an old revolver and made it more futuristic. Doing so with a baton is difficult because there isn’t a lot of […]

The baton of Futura
This is the baton icon which will be represented in the interface when the baton is wielded. The idea behind it, as with all the weaponry and objects, was to take something old and make it new while still keeping the old feel. We did the same thing with the gun we designed for the game, we took an old revolver and made it more futuristic. Doing so with a baton is difficult because there isn’t a lot of […]
Beginning of a new Project
The game concept we chose to work with was the game ”Escape”, the way we started out was by having a meeting regarding the features we felt like removing as well as what we wanted to add/change. This meeting went down smoothly and we appeared to agree on most parts. We also decided to start working with the design document straight away, and this time around we figured we wanted this done as soon as possible, so we decided to […]
Beginning of a new Project
The game concept we chose to work with was the game ”Escape”, the way we started out was by having a meeting regarding the features we felt like removing as well as what we wanted to add/change. This meeting went down smoothly and we appeared to agree on most parts. We also decided to start working with the design document straight away, and this time around we figured we wanted this done as soon as possible, so we decided to […]