Author Archives: Sebastian Rosenblad

An Analysis of Arkham Horror
Me and my group have been playing the board game Arkham Horror this week, and this is my analysis of the game.
Arkham Horror is a co-op ameritrash board game for 1-8 players based on the Cthulhu mythos. Each player plays an investigator and will be walking around Arkham and other worlds searching for clues. The objective of the game is to defeat the Ancient One, or Great Old One, and this can be done […]

An Analysis of Arkham Horror
Me and my group have been playing the board game Arkham Horror this week, and this is my analysis of the game.
Arkham Horror is a co-op ameritrash board game for 1-8 players based on the Cthulhu mythos. Each player plays an investigator and will be walking around Arkham and other worlds searching for clues. The objective of the game is to defeat the Ancient One, or Great Old One, and this can be done […]
An Analysis of Citadels
Citadels is a bluffing card game where the players try to build the greatest city. There are four components in the game: character cards, district cards, gold tokens and the crown token.
The game is played in rounds; each round all players, starting with the player who have the crown token, secretly selects a character to play as. Then, the characters are called out one by one and if a player have the character that is called, he takes his turn. […]
An Analysis of Citadels
Citadels is a bluffing card game where the players try to build the greatest city. There are four components in the game: character cards, district cards, gold tokens and the crown token.
The game is played in rounds; each round all players, starting with the player who have the crown token, secretly selects a character to play as. Then, the characters are called out one by one and if a player have the character that is called, he takes his turn. […]

Level Editor
Now when all of the features of our game is finally implemented we’ve been working hard on our levels. Our game is played on four floors where the first, top floor is the tutorial. After the tutorial the player is going down until he is on the first floor where the game end and he wins. The levels are loaded in from text files and those have become extremely hard to create since we have so much that needs to […]

Level Editor
Now when all of the features of our game is finally implemented we’ve been working hard on our levels. Our game is played on four floors where the first, top floor is the tutorial. After the tutorial the player is going down until he is on the first floor where the game end and he wins. The levels are loaded in from text files and those have become extremely hard to create since we have so much that needs to […]

The Tutorial
The tutorial is a great tool to introduce the player to your game and this week I’ve been working on the tutorial for our game.
On the first attempt to create the tutorial I wanted to explain the basics of our game; How you move, shoot, pick up evidence and progress to the next level. The tutorial was also meant to serve another porpoise: Explaining why you are there. I did […]

The Tutorial
The tutorial is a great tool to introduce the player to your game and this week I’ve been working on the tutorial for our game.
On the first attempt to create the tutorial I wanted to explain the basics of our game; How you move, shoot, pick up evidence and progress to the next level. The tutorial was also meant to serve another porpoise: Explaining why you are there. I did […]
Theory on doors
This week I’ve been working a little bit on many different things but I’ve had the most trouble with doors. Doors in our game are intuitive; the player can interact with a door if he is close enough, when he does the door opens away from the player. The door cast a shadow just like the walls but it gets complicated when it comes to the door-frame.
From the alpha play test we got some feedback concerning the walls; they looked […]
Theory on doors
This week I’ve been working a little bit on many different things but I’ve had the most trouble with doors. Doors in our game are intuitive; the player can interact with a door if he is close enough, when he does the door opens away from the player. The door cast a shadow just like the walls but it gets complicated when it comes to the door-frame.
From the alpha play test we got some feedback concerning the walls; they looked […]

The almost finished player’s field of view, finally
One of the most, if not the most important mechanics in our game is that the player have no vision behind walls. I’ve had the task of writing this code the past few weeks now, and I’m happy to say I’ve finally solved it. As you can imagine there have been a few problems along the way and I will explain everything here in detail.
Early mockup of the shadow system
Before I talk about anything […]

The almost finished player’s field of view, finally
One of the most, if not the most important mechanics in our game is that the player have no vision behind walls. I’ve had the task of writing this code the past few weeks now, and I’m happy to say I’ve finally solved it. As you can imagine there have been a few problems along the way and I will explain everything here in detail.
Early mockup of the shadow system
Before I talk about anything […]

Collision and a few other things
It’s been a while since I last posted since I’ve been combining the work with my two fellow coders into one single project. So far we’ve been doing great and we have a finished pre-alpha ready for tomorrows deadline.
My job this week was mainly collision but I have worked with a few other parts of the project as well. For the collision though we are going to have box vs line collision for the walls and later box vs box […]

Collision and a few other things
It’s been a while since I last posted since I’ve been combining the work with my two fellow coders into one single project. So far we’ve been doing great and we have a finished pre-alpha ready for tomorrows deadline.
My job this week was mainly collision but I have worked with a few other parts of the project as well. For the collision though we are going to have box vs line collision for the walls and later box vs box […]

Another Photoshop day
My friend told me of an idea to a skin for a League of Legends champion. It is focused on water and ice so I immediately thought of Elsa from the Disney movie Frozen and I’m now going to draw her more realistically.
Today I mainly sketched her face and pose. It took a long time since I couldn’t make a good sketch without reference and finding an good reference was hard. When I was […]

Another Photoshop day
My friend told me of an idea to a skin for a League of Legends champion. It is focused on water and ice so I immediately thought of Elsa from the Disney movie Frozen and I’m now going to draw her more realistically.
Today I mainly sketched her face and pose. It took a long time since I couldn’t make a good sketch without reference and finding an good reference was hard. When I was […]

Loading levels
This week I have been working on several different things. I’ve implemented a state manager, texture manager and created the class game object and seen to it that all classes that should now inherit from it. I have moved code from engine to the game state and changed some of it to make better sense and one of these changes is what I’m going to explain into detail about today.
In our game state we load the level from a text […]

Loading levels
This week I have been working on several different things. I’ve implemented a state manager, texture manager and created the class game object and seen to it that all classes that should now inherit from it. I have moved code from engine to the game state and changed some of it to make better sense and one of these changes is what I’m going to explain into detail about today.
In our game state we load the level from a text […]

Player's Vision
Finally I’m done with all I need to do this week. There were some big changes from yesterday and I will try to explain it all here.
Yesterdays bugged FoV
I started today by fixing a bug. Yesterday I said the polygons had four points and if it covered a corner an additional point would be added. However, I did not implement the corner code yesterday but got an almost perfect result anyway. I would have […]

Player's Vision
Finally I’m done with all I need to do this week. There were some big changes from yesterday and I will try to explain it all here.
Yesterdays bugged FoV
I started today by fixing a bug. Yesterday I said the polygons had four points and if it covered a corner an additional point would be added. However, I did not implement the corner code yesterday but got an almost perfect result anyway. I would have […]

Walls and Player FoV
I’m soon done with my tasks for this week which are to draw out walls and make it so that the player can’t see behind the walls.
I started out with the walls and created a new object called Wall. A wall is simply a line which the player can’t cross nor see behind, nothing can interact with walls so the class was easy to make. Two Vector2f variables to keep track on start and end position of the lines, a […]

Walls and Player FoV
I’m soon done with my tasks for this week which are to draw out walls and make it so that the player can’t see behind the walls.
I started out with the walls and created a new object called Wall. A wall is simply a line which the player can’t cross nor see behind, nothing can interact with walls so the class was easy to make. Two Vector2f variables to keep track on start and end position of the lines, a […]